Magic and Mayhem: Witch 'N Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 2)

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Magic and Mayhem: Witch 'N Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 2) Page 3

by Isabel Micheals

  “I’ve got this Cole. Quit being such a worry wart.”

  “Zara, this is serious. In poker, these last three matches will be unlike anything else you’ve ever experienced. There will be thousands of screaming fans, which mean you’ll need to keep your temper in check. Since it’s the biggest stage in poker, there will also be cameras. The flip of a card can either propel you to the next level or send you home. You’re going up against the best poker players in the world, which means you’ll need to be on your toes, Sweetheart.”

  “I’m aware of how serious this is, Cole. You don’t have to keep reminding me. I’ve been working on my temper and keeping myself in check. I know we can’t afford another incident. Besides, we’ve been focusing on this moment for three months. I’m ready.”

  “Good. Although there’s no preparation to prepare you for an environment like this, I know deep down you’re ready,” Cole replied, as he visibly relaxed for the first time in weeks.

  He loved Zara like a sister, but worried about her wild streak and impulsiveness. It could either make or break them and in the past, the pendulum has always swayed more toward the latter. Therefore, he was determined to stay on top of the situation. No getting distracted with side games, no drinking, no partying, and no running up and down the Strip. There would be plenty of time for that after she won the grand prize.

  “May I eat my breakfast now, Oh Great One?” she asked, mockingly.

  “Quit being a smart ass, or I’ll pour your pot of coffee down the drain.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me,” Cole said with a wink and a smile.

  “Fine. But if I accidently turn you into a toad, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Zara countered with a wink and a smile of her own.

  “You wouldn’t dare,”

  “My powers are still kind of wonky. You never know what spell might come out of my mouth.”

  “Speaking of powers, we’re in agreement that there will be no hocus pocus going on during the tournament, correct?”

  “Why Mr. McIlrath, whatever are you implying?”

  “You know exactly what I’m implying. No cheating, Z. I mean it.”

  “Ah! I resent that remark.”

  “You can resent my remark all you want, but you and I know at the end of the day, it’s all bullshit. Now promise me that there won’t be any hocus pocus, swirling in the room if you have a bad hand.”

  “Fine. I promise.”

  “Oh, no you don’t. Stand up, put your hands on the table and then promise.”

  “Seriously?” she let out with a sigh.

  “Yes. I don’t want you crossing anything that I can’t see, which will invalidate our deal.”

  “You’re so suspicious,” Zara alleged, as she acquiesced to his demands.

  “With damn good reason when it comes to you, sweetheart.”

  “Spoil sport.”

  “That’s my name and there’s no shame in my game. Now quit arguing and eat up. We need to get to late registration.”

  “Aye. Aye. Captain,” Zara countered with a quick salute before she dug into your breakfast with a vengeance.

  Chapter 4

  Zara and Cole had survived the day, taken care of business, and now they were on their way to dinner. After spending all day cooped up in the hotel, even if it involved watching poker games, Zara needed some fresh air. Well, as fresh as you could get in Vegas.

  “I’m starving. Where are we going to eat?” Zara asked as she handed Cole her car keys.

  “I heard some people mentioning Joe’s Seafood.”

  “I don’t know. I’m more in the mood for steak than seafood. What are you craving?”

  “I figured you’d say as much, which is the reason I checked out Joe’s menu. They also have prime steak.”

  “Oh goodie. Then maybe afterwards, we could stop in at Fat Tuesday.”

  “Z, you promised.”

  “Oh, don’t get your panties in a wad. I’m talking one drink, Cole. One, little, teeny, tiny drink won’t kill anyone. Besides, I’m sure after I fill up on steak and we take a walk down the Strip, I’ll need emergency hydration. Since that will probably occur when we’re in front of Fat Tuesday, we’ll have no choice but to go in.”

  “Zara,” Cole said in warning.

  “They have fantastic margaritas,” she countered in a singsong voice.

  “Fine. You get one drink and then we’re out of there.”

  Dinner was delicious and as Zara had predicted, after their stroll down the Strip, she was in desperate need of some hydration. Lucky for them, Fat Tuesday was right around the corner.

  * * * * * *

  Two drinks and an hour and a half later, Zara and Cole finally made it back to the Motel from Hell. The lobby was still overcrowded with long lines of people, as Big Bertha continued chatting up every guest during check-in.

  Cole and Zara kept their heads down and made a mad dash for the elevator, but came up short with Big Bertha called out their names.

  “Yoo-hoo! Mr. and Mrs. McIlrath, I have a message for you,” she said between blowing bubbles.

  Frozen like a deer caught in the headlights, they had no choice but to turn around and engage Big Bertha.

  “Oh my stars, I’m so glad that caught yawl. I’ve been waiting all night for you to show up, so that I could deliver your message personally,” she implied, while adjusting her cleavage and winking at Cole.

  Zara couldn’t help but smirk under her breath when Big Bertha turned to get their message. Cole, on the other hand, simply glared at her with a look that said, I’ll make you pay for this later.

  When Big Bertha turned around, Cole quickly plastered a smile on his face and said, “Thank you for your hospitality, Big Bertha.”

  “Any time, Sugar. They don’t call me, the hostess with the Mostess for nothing. I’ve been the reigning champ for three years running,” she said with a little extra swing in her hip and as she pushed up her beehive and breasts simultaneously.

  It took everything in Zara’s being not to burst out laughing. When she could no longer contain it, she quickly flicked her wrists and froze everyone in the room.

  “What the hell, Zara?” Cole seethed.

  “Wait! Why aren’t you frozen like everyone else?”

  “Damned if I know, just unfreeze them all, NOW!”

  “Alright. You don’t have to yell.”

  “You’re trying my patience, Z.”

  Fed up with the stick permanently shoved up Cole’s ass, Zara unfroze everyone and stomped off to the elevator, not waiting for him to catch up with her.

  “Come on Z, don’t be mad.”

  “Ooh! Looks like you’ve done it now, Sugar. Better kiss and make up before you end up doing time in the dog house. Woof. Woof,” Big Bertha barked, as Cole turned and ran to the elevator.

  * * * * * *

  Zara was piping mad and pacing the length of the room when he unlocked the door. From the look of her disheveled red hair, Cole knew he was in for a beat down. While he may have gone a little too far in the lobby, so had Zara when she chose to freeze everyone.

  “You are not my father,” she blurted out.

  “I never said that I was,” he countered in as calm a voice as possible.

  “Then quit acting like it. I told you that I had my powers under control, but it’s obvious you don’t believe me.”

  “I don’t doubt you or your new found powers. I’m more worried about who sees you using them for Goddess’s sake. It was reckless to freeze everyone in the room because you couldn’t contain your laughter, which was at my expense, might I add.”

  “Oh put a sock in it, Cole. I’m not sure what your problem is, but you’ve had a stick up your ass ever since we arrived in Vegas.”

  “That is not true. Take it back.”

  “There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that I’m taking back what I said because you know it’s true. I’m not sure where my best friend disappeared to, but I want him back. I also want to know w
hy you didn’t freeze along with everyone else.”

  “Your best friend is still in the room. He’s just worried. Something is not right here, Z and it’s driving me crazy that I can’t put my finger on it. As for what happened down stairs, I’m just as clueless as you on that front.”

  “Look, I know we have a lot at stake here, but we’re either in this together or we’re not. We’re not only best friends, but also family who support one another no matter what. I get that you’re trying to protect me, but I don’t need your protection, Cole.”

  “I hear what you’re saying, Z, but everything in my body is screaming otherwise. I can’t wait until the tournament is over and we get the hell out of Sin City.”

  “Fair enough. But until then, we need to make the best of it. Now, what’s in the envelope Big Bertha handed you.”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t had a chance to open it yet.”

  “Give it here and I’ll open it,” Zara said, as she extended her hand and waited for Cole to drop the envelope in it.

  Dear Mrs. McIlrath,

  Congratulations on making it to Final Nine. In order to celebrate such an amazing accomplishment, you’re invited to join us in private game at The Bellagio.

  The game will start promptly at midnight. To gain access to the back room, simply provide the desk clerk with following phrase: Magic and Mayhem.

  We look forward to seeing you.



  “What does it say?” Cole asked, anxiously.

  “I’ve been invited to a private game at The Bellagio at midnight,” Zara replied, excitedly.

  “What? By who?” Cole countered, skeptically.

  “Someone by the name of Gabriel. He’s congratulating me on making it to the Final Nine and gave me a secret phrase to join them in a game at midnight.”

  “I don’t like it, Z. Someone’s trying to set you up. If you get caught, you’ll automatically be disqualified from the competition.”

  “Oh calm your britches. I haven’t said yes.”

  “Yet,” Cole quickly countered. “You haven’t said yes, yet. I know you, Z. You’ll never turn down an opportunity to win more money. How much is enough? You agreed to keep your eye on the big prize this morning, which is to the tune of eight million dollars. Remember?”

  “I haven’t forgotten.”

  “Then, why are your eyes glowing like a kid in a candy store?”

  “Oh, stop it! My eyes are not glowing. However, I am intrigued by this offer.”

  “This is not an offer. This is an ambush. You need to keep your word. I watched you promise me that you wouldn’t do anything crazy during this competition and trust me when I tell you that playing in this game is crazy.”

  “Cole, where’s your sense of adventure?”

  “It went to hell in a handbasket the day I met you.”

  “Tsk. Tsk. No one likes a sourpuss.” Zara admonished.

  “Calling me names will not change my mind. We had a deal and I expect for you to live up to it. Plain and simple.”

  “Awe! Don’t be like that, Cole. How much trouble could little ole’ me get into during one poker match?”

  “Do I need to remind you what happened a few weeks ago?”

  “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”

  “Hmm. Let me think about that for a moment. Um. No,” Cole replied in a flat voice.

  “Hey, I didn’t ask for these crazy powers. Besides, things were fine until Shorty got up all in my face and accused me of cheating He should have known better than to treat a lady like that,” Zara professed.

  “Maybe if there had been a lady in the room, he would have treated her better. We’ll just going disregard the fact that you were actually cheating.”

  “Not nice, Colrath.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I just think we’re asking for trouble that we neither need nor have the time for.”

  “I’m just asking to play a couple of hands. Once I win, we’ll make up an excuse and leave. If you give me this one thing, I promise to be on my best behavior for the rest of the tournament.”

  “You promised the same thing this morning and look where that’s gotten me,” Cole said, dryly.

  “I promise not to cross my toes this time.”


  “I had on slippers. It’s not my fault you couldn’t see my toes crossed. It’s like they say in the show Wise Guy, only the toes know,” Zara said, smugly.

  “You do realize Mel was referring to shooting drugs into his toes, right?”

  “Hey, if the shoe fits, wear it,” Zara snapped back. In all honesty, she had no clue what she was talking about. She’d remembered a couple of older guys talking about the show during a poker match and thought the sentiment fit the situation.

  “Since you’re going whether I agree with it or not, we might as well come up with a plan so that you don’t get caught.”

  “I knew you’d see it my way,” Zara squealed, as she jumped in his arms and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  We’re royally and utterly screwed was the only thought running through Cole’s head, as Zara hugged him tighter.

  Chapter 5

  It was 11:30 PM by the time Zara and Cole had made their way back up the Strip to The Bellagio. Like New York, Vegas is a city that never sleeps, therefore, they weren’t surprised to see so many people still out milling around. Cole could feel the excitement vibrating off of Zara, the same way he felt the pulse of the city. It was obvious, they were both restless and ready for some action.

  It only took a few minutes for them to park Zara’s Ford Focus and enter the luxurious lobby of the Bellagio. Zara couldn’t help but marvel at the magical sights, sounds and scents of the festive season in the Bellagio’s Conservatory and Botanical Garden. From the magnificence of their fountains to the timeless beauty of the Bellagio itself, it all felt a little surreal to Zara.

  As they approached the desk, Zara panicked a little when there were three desk clerks helping guests.

  “There’s more than one desk clerk, Cole. Which one do we ask?” Zara asked in a low whisper.

  “I’m not sure,” Cole whispered back.

  “Crap, the note didn’t give us a name.”

  “Maybe this is a sign that we should cut our losses and go back to the Motel from Hell.”

  “Not on your life, buddy.”

  “Fine. What’s the plan?”

  “I’ll pretend like I’m looking for a show and ask for their assistance. See, problem solved.”

  “For now,” Cole grumbled under his breath.

  When the next desk clerk became available, Zara flipped her silky, red hair over her shoulders and walked up to the counter with enough sway in her hips to attract the attention of every man in the room. He had to admit that the woman was beautiful, feisty, and a royal pain in the ass, if truth be told.

  “Excuse me, but I seem to be a bit lost. My husband and I are looking for the “Magic and Mayhem” show. Could you point us in the right direction?”

  “I’m sorry, Miss, but I’m unfamiliar with that show. “O” by Cirque Du Soleil is showing here. Would you like for me to get you a couple of tickets?”

  “While I appreciate your offer, I really had my heart set on the “Magic and Mayhem” show. Would it be possible for you to check around?”

  Zara had just finished asking Joey for his help when a fourth desk clerk appeared and came to her rescue.

  “Excuse me, Miss. Did you say the “Magic and Mayhem” show?”

  “Why yes. Are you familiar with it?”

  “I am. If you’ll follow me outside, I’ll give you directions regarding how to get there.”

  “That would be wonderful. I was just telling Joey how I had my heart set on seeing this show before we leave Vegas.”

  “I’m glad that I could help make your dream come true. After all, that’s what Vegas is all about,” the desk clerk replied.

  Cole watched the man as he esc
orted them out the Bellagio to a side door that was obvious. Had you not been looking for it, you wouldn’t have known it was there. Although he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, something wasn’t right with this guy. It made him wonder if he really worked for the hotel.

  The desk clerk led Zara and Cole into a dark yet swanky room that boasted a stylish, custom-designed poker table with blue felt and cup holders in the center. The oversized red pendant light, spotlighted the table that was surrounded by what looked like modern office chairs. To the left was your typical bar with a television entertainment center that was showing the college football highlights of the day. What really caught Cole’s eye was the cheetah print on the bar stools.

  To the right of them stood four men he didn’t recognize. Although they were dressed in expensive, Italian suits, they had foregone the ties for a more casual look. The longer they were in the room, the more the hairs on the back of Cole’s neck stood on edge. Something definitely wasn’t right here.

  “Good morning Mr. & Mrs. McIlrath. I’m glad that you were able to join us.”

  “Thank you, and you are?”

  “My name is Gabriel and I will be your host for this evening. Please come and join us. Would you like a drink?”

  “No,” Zara and Cole said in unison.

  “Very well. Before we get started, let me introduce you to the rest of the players.”

  Interrupting, Cole said, “Gabriel, before you do, may I ask you a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “How did our invitation come to be?”

  “I don’t think I understand.”

  Cole wasn’t stupid. He saw the brief panic on the man’s face and knew without a doubt he understood exactly where his line of questioning was going.

  “Then let me rephrase it. Why were my wife and I invited to this particular game?”

  “Because it’s an honor for us old coots to say we’ve played poker with Final Nine contestant.”


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