Magic and Mayhem: Witch 'N Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 2)

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Magic and Mayhem: Witch 'N Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 2) Page 8

by Isabel Micheals

  “Oh, that’s wonderful, sugar. You know my momma always said that a man who indulges his wife is a keeper. Looks like you have one in Mr. McIlrath.”

  “Thank you, Big Bertha. I think you’re right.” Zoe replied.

  “Your timing couldn’t have been more perfect.”

  “Really, how so?” Cole asked

  “Well, your old room is still available and your business partner arrived yesterday. A Mr. Mo, I think. I must admit he’s a looker. Anyways, he wanted me to let him know when you arrived.”

  “Thank you for the information, Big Bertha. Can you keep a little secret?”

  “Of course,” she said, leaning a little closer.

  “My wife and I are planning a birthday bash for Mr. Mo. He has no idea that she’s coming because we want it to be a surprise. Would you mind keeping our little visit a secret until we’ve had time to arrange all of the festivities?”

  “Oh, I just love surprises. I knew you were good people the moment we met. Of course, I’ll keep your secret. Just so you know, Mr. Mo is in room 345 and your suite is on the fifth floor. Since you need a key card to access that floor, you should be able to avoid him.”

  “Big Bertha, I’d kiss you if I weren’t already married to this lovely lady,” Cole said with a wink.

  “Oh, Mr. McIlrath! Stop with your smooth talking before you make me blush. However, if Mr. Mo is unattached, I might be interested, if you know what I mean.”

  “That I do, Big Bertha. That I do,” Cole replied as he took their hotel key and headed toward the bank of elevators.

  * * * * * *

  Tired of waiting for Cole and Zoe, Zara decided that it was time to implement Plan B. The only problem was they didn’t have a Plan B; therefore, they’d just have to improvise.

  “This is taking way too long, I’m going,” Zara told Stefano and Nicolai.

  “What do you mean you’re going in?” Stefano asked, confused.

  “Exactly what I said. I’m going in. You two can either wait here or join me. Your choice,” she said before turning and walking toward the entrance.

  “Bro, Karma’s a bitch,” Nicolai chuckled, before following Zara into the hotel.

  Zara approached the front desk and was relieved when Big Bertha didn’t recognize her. “Excuse me, I’d like to book a room.”

  “How many nights are you staying, sugar?” Big Bertha asked without looking up from her computer.

  “We’re not sure yet,” Stefano replied in a deep, sensual voice that sent waves of pleasure through Zara’s body.

  “I’m sorry. What was tha-?” Big Bertha asked, suddenly at a loss for words.

  “He said we’re not sure,” Nicolai answered.

  Captivated by two of the sexiest men she’d ever seen, Big Bertha hadn’t even noticed Zara when she asked, “Damn, where did you two come from?”

  “Chicago,” Nicolai easily replied. “Do you have a suite available?”

  “That depends, sugar. What’s in it for me?”

  “What are you willing to accept?” Stefano countered.

  “Hmm. Let me see what’s available while I think about that,” Big Bertha stammered, as she checked her computer.

  “You do that,” Nicolai replied.

  “You’re in luck. We have one suite left on the fifth floor, Mr. -.”

  “We’ll take the suite and please, call me, Nicolai. Here’s my credit card.”

  “Then the suite is yours, Nicolai,” Big Bertha said as she handed him back his credit card and the key card to the room.

  “Thank you, Beatrice. It’s been a pleasure.”

  “No. Thank you, Nicolai. The pleasure was all mine,” Big Bertha said in sultry voice–well as sultry as one could be with a loud southern accent.

  Zara watched the brothers’ work the magic on Big Bertha in utter fascination. The woman had been so smitten with them that she completely ignored Zara. While under normal circumstances that would have pissed her off, given her current predicament she wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry that their antics worked.

  Damn, they’re good, she thought.

  “Thanks, little one. We try,” Stefano replied, though their connection.

  * * * * * *

  Zelda needed another potty break, which was the perfect opportunity for the rest of the crew to sneak into the hotel. It took some doing, but now they occupied the adjoining suites at the end of the hall. The plan for tomorrow was to pick up the money, pay off Skinny Mo, restore the balance of Magic, and get the hell out of dodge. Unfortunately, things don’t always work out the way you planned when a hungry, hormonal pregnant woman is involved.

  “I’m tired of being cooped up in this less than adequate hotel room,” Zelda whined. “My puppies needed chocolaty, fried, salty snacks like an hour ago. Are you feeling me?”

  “We’ve only been in this room an hour,” Mac replied. “However, Nicolai and I will go and get you something to eat.”

  “No. Just no. I can pick out my own damn food. Besides, what does a man know about a pregnant woman’s cravings? It’ll be better if I go myself.”

  “Now that you mention it, I’d could use a bit of fresh air,” Zoe said.

  “Then we should have stayed in Tennessee,” Nicolai countered.

  “Don’t be such a smart-ass. It doesn’t look good on you,” Zelda shot back. “Maybe we could play the slots after I get some sustenance. What do you think, Zoe?”

  “Wait a minute. You two aren’t going without me,” Zara said, grabbing her purse.

  “Girl time,” they all squealed.

  “Um, ladies. Are you forgetting something?” Stefano asked.

  “Oh my Goddess, he’s right,” Zelda quickly replied.

  “Finally, a voice of reason,” Stefano said with a sigh of relief.

  “Zara, grab my slice of pepperoni pizza out of the microwave. I’ll eat it on the way down in the elevator,” Zelda ordered.

  “I’ve got you covered. I also grabbed an emergency stash of pretzels, as well as the cheese dip you like. Just in case we get stuck at the slot machines,” Zara said a few minutes later.

  “Aw shucks! You’re such a good little sister,” Zelda cooed as they walked out the door.

  “What the hell just happened?” Mac asked in a dazed voice.

  “Don’t look at us, she’s your mate,” Nicolai shot back.

  “True, but your mates walked out the door with her,” Mac shouted in frustration.

  “So, are you three going to sit there like bumps on a log, or are you going after them,” Fabio asked as he finished attaching the belt to his new Elvis costume.

  This one was a white, polyester jumpsuit with a high collar and front zipper that traveled down to his waist. The entire body suit and belt were embellished with gold and silver rhinestones. White shoes, oversized sunglasses, and a black pompadour wig with long sideburns topped off the look.

  “Where are you going?” Mac asked.

  “Didn’t I tell you? I have an Elvis concert in front of the Love Machine in fifteen minutes,” Fabio said, excitedly.

  Feeling a migraine coming on, Mac didn’t even bother to question. He simply shook his head in disbelief and walked out the door to find his mate.

  * * * * * *

  The sisters had just finished eating and were on their way to the slot machines when they ran into Skinny Mo, literally. Zelda and Zara had been wrapped up in a heated discussion about dumping the platter of chicken wings in her bag that the bumped right into Skinny Mo. Of course, it hadn’t helped that Zara’s magical disguise was no longer in effect, so he recognized her immediately.

  “Oh, thank God I found you,” Skinny Mo whined. For a moment, Zara thought he was going to actually cry.

  “What’s wrong Skinny Mo?” Zara asked.

  “Big Mo found out that I had loaned you more money and now he’s on the war path. He’s threatening to take away my name, Zara. I tried talking to him, but he said I’m a screw up who doesn’t deserve his name. Can you believe he said
that to me in front of our family?”

  “I’m sorry that happened to you, Skinny Mo. Come sit down and tell me the whole story from beginning to end.”

  Zelda and Zoe were a little confused, but shrugged and followed them to a table. If their sister considered this guy a mobster, then she needed to be educated by watching the God Father. Now those men were real mobsters. Skinny Mo? Not so much.

  “Me and Ma went to Big Mo’s house for dinner like we do every Sunday, but it was different this time. Cookie had made an amazing fettuccine Alfredo with a garden salad and unsweet tea. I’m trying to watch my figure these days, you know.”

  “No, but I thought you were looking slimmer,” Zara said.

  “You’re right. I’m down fifteen pounds, Lovey. It was originally more, but since this whole mess with Big Mo, I’ve started stress eating again,” he cried. “Anyways, Big Mo called me into his office after dinner and told me if I didn’t get back his money, he was going to strip me of my name and tell Ma the rest of my secrets.”

  “Oh no!”

  “I know. Right? I couldn’t believe he was being so cruel to his own flesh and blood,”

  “Maybe he’s bluffing again,” Zara countered.

  “Not this time. He was serious. I could tell by the way he was yelling. Then… Then… He hit me,” Skinny Mo said before breaking down in tears.

  Intrigued by the drama that was unfolding before, Zelda quickly grabbed the pretzels and cheese out of Zara’s purse and started snacking. Skinny Mo’s life was better than an episode of Say Yes to the Dress. It was obvious Big Mo wasn’t playing around this time. Either Skinny Mo returned home with the money, or his ass was grass. How harsh to take away a man’s name, she thought.

  “I don’t have the money yet, but I’m working on it, Skinny Mo.”

  When the poor man started to cry like a baby, so did Zelda. These damn pregnancy hormones were doing a number on her. She didn’t cry, at least not in public, but she couldn’t help herself. Skinny Mo’s situation simply broke her heart.

  “Please, Zara. You have to do something. Without my name, I’m nobody,” Skinny Mo pleaded.

  “I promise. You won’t lose your name, Skinny Mo. I just need one more day to get the money. In the meantime, there is a nice lady here that I think would cheer you up.”


  “Really. Her name is Beatrice, but everybody calls her Big Bertha. She thinks you’re kind of cute and would probably be open to a dinner invitation if one were offered.”

  “I could use some nice, dinner companionship this evening. Since Lucinda left me, the women I’ve approached have been cool toward me. Know what I mean?”

  “Yes, but I think you and Big Bertha might be the perfect match for one another. I sense she has a kinky side and would have a problem with your fetish for stilettos and women’s clothing.”

  “Get out the front door. If I could find such a woman, I’d marry her on the spot, Zara. I need to freshen up before I go and meet the future Mrs. Mo. Don’t forget to bring the money tomorrow. Thanks, Lovey.”

  “You’re welcome, Skinny Mo. Good luck with Big Bertha, but if I’m right and you know I am, you won’t need it.”

  “From your lips to God’s ears,” Skinny Mo said, giving Zara a hug before he left the restaurant.

  Zelda was finishing the last of her pretzels and blowing her nose when the guys caught up with them.

  “Why’s Zelda crying?” Stefano asked.

  “She met Skinny Mo,” Zara replied.

  “That explains it,” Cole said sarcastically.

  “You should be nice to Skinny Mo, Cole. He’s given me until tomorrow to bring him the money. Now all we need to do is restore the balance of Magic. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I feel like celebrating. Let’s see if Fabio’s concert is still going on.”

  Still confused as to what exactly played out with Skinny Mo, the men simply followed their women out to the parking lot, where Fabio had drawn a large crowd of screaming fans. Damn, the man could really put on a show. Boba Fett, Jango Fett, and Fat Bastard were running the light show for him. When he began singing his rendition of Blue Suede Shoes, the crowd erupted in applause and immediately started dancing. The final song of the night was Viva Las Vegas, which is when all hell broke loose.

  Initially, Zara thought her dad had gotten carried away with the fireworks, until a magenta fireball whizzed past her head and blew up one of the sound speakers. The next thing she knew, people were scattering to safety and Stefano was tackling her to the pavement like a linebacker.

  “What the hell is going on?” she yelled.

  “Your friends have come back to finish the job,” Stefano yelled back.

  “How in the hell did they find us?”

  “If I had to guess, they followed the Magic,” he quickly replied before moving them behind Fabio’s Love Machine.

  Cole had taken flight and created a line of fire that separated the humans from the battle. In addition, Fabio had put up a shield in each side of the fire that prevented it from spreading. Zara had never seen so much powerful magic being used in her life.

  “Listen to me, carefully. I’m about to shift, so the only way we’ll be able to communicate is through our link. Just like you do with Cole. Watch your back and take out anyone who threatens your life. Got it.”

  “Got it!” Zara said as she watched Stefano shift into a gorgeous blank panther that looked strong and deadly. There was no doubt in her mind, he meant business.

  Taking a deep breath, Zara stepped from behind the Love Machine and faced the threat trying to take her life, head on. On instinct, she blew up the two hyena’s closing in on Zoe and Nicolai. Stunned by the destruction that had taken place in such a short time, she missed the hyena charging from her right. Fortunately, Stefano caught him in mid-air before he could attack.

  “Z, you need to snap the hell out of it, or you’re going to get killed. Take a deep breath and focus. Stefano and I have your back,” Cole said.

  Zara closed her eyes, took a deep breath and let it out slowly as she listened to everything around her. Once grounded, she opened her eyes and began blowing up any hyena that looked her way.

  Boba Fett, Jango Fett and Fat Bastard had created a deadly triangle that deflected any magic being thrown there way. She used their shield to get closer to Rolo, the asswipe who had called her a cheat.

  “Remember me, asshole. If not, you’re about to,” Zara said right before she blew him to smithereens. The idiot never knew what hit him.

  “Cole, do you see Gabriel?”

  “No, but that doesn’t mean anything. He’s here. I can feel it, so watch your back.”

  “You too!” Zara said as she blew up the hyena who was coming at her from the right. Flummoxed by all of the chaos and unsure whether or not, everyone was okay, Zara closed her eyes, concentrated, then flicked her wrists to freeze everyone, but it backfired.

  “Come on,” she cried.

  “Having trouble with those pesky powers of yours?” Gabriel asked from behind her.

  “I don’t know. I might have still have enough to kill you, Gabriel.”

  “I doubt it. First, I’m going to kill you, then your meddling sister who killed my brother, Jackal. I’m only telling you his name because I want it to be one of the last things you hear right before your death.”

  “Or, you could walkway and live another day to tell about it.” Zara countered, hoping either Cole or Stefano would realize that she was in trouble.

  “Hmm. Let me think about that for a moment. I think not. Instead, I’m going to enjoy those powers of yours coursing through my veins.”

  “Think again, asshole,” The Sire said before he blasted Gabriel from behind.

  Zara turned just in time to watch the life go out of Gabriel’s eyes. “Who the hell are you? she asked.

  “I’m the one who will send you to meet your destiny, witch. Of course, after I take your powers.”

  “From the blood running down yo
ur shirt, I think my odds are good, asshole so bring it on,” Zara said as she flicked her wrists to blow him up. Unfortunately, nothing happened, again, which allowed The Sire to grab her by the neck.

  “Never bet against the house, witch. You’ll lose every time,” The Sire teased as he slowly tightened his fingers around her neck.

  “Stefano, Cole, I need your help,” was the only thought running through Zara’s mind. She just hoped they made it in time.

  Stefano knew the instant Zara was in trouble and had started making his way toward her. It took him a while because of all the smoke. Becoming more desperate by the minute, he focused on their connection and increased his speed. When he finally located her, some asshole was holding her up by the neck and she didn’t look good.

  The rage took over his body causing him to spring into action. The first attack at the asshole’s knee caused him to lose his balance and drop Zara. When Stefano realized she was still breathing, he quickly went for the warlock’s jugular. Still in a bloodlust induced haze, it took him a while to realize Zara was trying to soothe him.

  “I’m okay, Stefano. You can stop now,” she whispered in his ear while stroking his fur until he finally acknowledge her.

  When the Stefano’s bloodlust dissipated, he quickly shifted and wrapped Zara in his arms. “You scared the life out of me, little one. Don’t ever do that again,” he demanded.

  “I promise,” she whispered into his neck while he rocked her back and forth as she cried.


  Once the smoke had cleared, Zara picked up her winnings from the World Series of Poker, and paid off Skinny Mo, which allowed him to mend fences with Big Mo and keep his name. Then, she attended his and Big Bertha’s wedding at the hotel. They had chosen the deluxe package which included several nights in the honeymoon suite. Skinny Mo had never looked happier. Watching him and Big Bertha sway on the dance floor as they groped one another to the point of indecency only made her laugh more. She had to admit, they were a perfect match.

  “Ready to restore the balance of Magic,” Stefano whispered in her ear. Nodding, she took his hand and followed him to meet her sisters.

  During all of the chaos, everyone had forgotten that it was almost All Hallows Eve, which was the best time to restore the riff between both worlds according to the Baba Yaga. So, at the stroke of midnight, Zara, Zelda and Zoe, stood at the base of the Eiffel Tower and chanted the following spell three times.


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