Bad Beta

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Bad Beta Page 7

by Susan Bliler

  He shrugged, “I’m helping.”

  But he was laughing now too, like he knew he was being a pain in the ass.

  Emma jammed her finger toward the door. “Go check on the perimeter or something wolves are supposed to do when they’re making sure vampires aren’t in the area.”

  He grinned and turned toward the door. “Perimeter check. That I can do.”

  When he left, Emma laughed as she put the rest of the groceries away. He’d purchased really good provisions and she bit her bottom lip, her smile slipping as she wondered if he’d noticed how empty her cupboards had been. Of course he’d noticed. He’d made breakfast that morning, and had rummaged through her kitchen. It would be obvious to anyone who looked just how desperate for groceries she’d been. She put three large cans of stew into the lazy Susan and her stomach growled. She’d missed breakfast that morning because Hayes had been a dick and now eyeing all the glorious food he’d bought, she was excited at the prospect of lunch.

  The door clicked open and drew her attention. Hayes sauntered in. “No vamps.” He made his way to the kitchen. “Why don’t you go relax and I’ll make us some lunch.”

  “I can do it.”

  “I know you can do it, Em. But you missed breakfast because I was being a dick.”

  She blinked at the words that had exactly mirrored her thoughts.

  “So, I’m gonna feed you.” He grabbed her shoulders and turned her, pointing her toward the sitting room. “And you’re going to let me.”

  O-kay. She paced slowly to the sitting room, squatting at the hearth to build a fire. The house had heating connected to a thermostat, but when she was home she preferred to keep a fire going to keep her bill low.

  “And, Emma?”

  She turned to look at Hayes over her shoulder.

  “You actually smell really good.”

  Heat flared in her cheeks and she turned her back on the penetrating stare of Hayes’ that seemed to never miss a thing.

  Chapter 14

  Hayes pulled out all the stops with Emma’s lunch. For some reason, it was really important to him to not only feed her well, but to ensure she enjoyed his cooking. He settled two plates on the table and flicked his glance to where Emma lay on her side on the couch, staring into the fire. He’d made her a cup of hot tea sweetened with honey to drink while she’d waited. His sensitive shifter hearing picked up the sound of her growling stomach several times as he’d cooked until he’d finally pulled the block of sharp cheddar cheese he’d bought from the fridge and cut it up into thin slices, making a plate of it and crackers for her to nibble on with a, “Lunch’ll be ready in ten.”

  She’d tried to wave off the snack, but his wolf was beyond tolerating the sounds of her hunger.

  “Lunch is ready,” he finally declared and fidgeted nervously eyeing the table and wondering if he’d forgotten anything. He’d cooked a pack of steaks from the beef they’d wrapped the day before. He’d also made loaded baked potatoes and fried up the fresh asparagus he’d purchased in a bath of butter and spices. Two tall glasses of sweet tea and they were ready to eat.

  “Hayes!” Emma breathed as she made her way to the table. “This is lunch?”

  Okay, he had to admit it was a little overboard, but once he told himself that his sudden compulsion to care for her was due to his crappy treatment of her, he’d gone with it.

  “Sit,” he commanded as he pulled out one of the chairs on the end of the table. She smiled as she dropped into it and took up her utensils and waited for him to claim his seat.

  Sitting across from her, he took up his own knife and fork and stared at her expectantly because she wasn’t digging in. When she bowed her head, he followed suit.

  “Grandfathers, we thank for the honor of the gift that is this day. We thank you for the blessing of food on our table and the blessing of company at our side. Give us the strength and wisdom to continue to walk in the white light that is your grace. A’hau.”

  “A’hau,” Hayes offered with a grin and then it broadened as Emma attacked her plate like a woman starved. His wolf snarled at him though and his grin slipped a little. She was famished because of him. He wasn’t doing a very good job taking care of her and it was pissing his wolf off something fierce. I’ll do better.

  He was lifting a bite of steak to his mouth when he froze.

  Emma had closed her eyes and had her head tilted back as she moaned loudly. The slender column of her throat was exposed as she chewed then swallowed and Hayes wondered if she knew it was a sign of submission to a shifter. The corners of his eyes tightened and his lips thinned with the knowledge that he would fantasize later about that sexy little sound of pleasure she’d just made. Right now though, his wolf was pacing and snarling, and he knew what the beast wanted. Those damn puncture wounds on her neck were still visible and looked damn close to a mate mark. Bite her! His wolf encouraged, but Hayes dropped his fork and crossed his arms over his chest to keep from acting on his wolf’s command. He told himself that it was just his wolf’s natural protective instincts kicking in. He told himself that he’d feel this way about any female who’d been bitten. It didn’t ring true. He wouldn’t feel this way about just anyone. He was forming an attachment to Emma and it was disconcerting and not just because she was a human but because she’d also suffered great loss, and he didn’t need to get involved with someone who didn’t deserve the heartache that would accompany any attempted relationship with him. Still, it didn’t keep him from studying her petal pink lips and wondering.

  Emma lowered her head and opened her eyes, suddenly looking guilty.

  His voice came out more gruff than he’d intended. “What?”

  Her cheeks flushed and she looked displeased. “Probably shouldn’t be enjoying this,” she poked at the steak. “Should I?”

  “Why the hell not?” He uncrossed his arms and took up his silverware, beaming inwardly that she liked the food he and his wolf had prepared. “Beast gave its life, least you can do is appreciate the hell out of it. He forked a second steak and plopped it onto her plate. He was relieved when her grin returned.

  “You’re right.” She chewed and eyed the second steak excitedly.

  They ate in silence a while when Hayes finally wiped his lips. “I got you something in town today.”

  Her heart fluttered and her hands stilled in their cutting. A gift?

  He pulled a bowie knife and sheath from where they’d been tucked in the back of his jeans. “Picked it up in town today. The weight is good and it’s long enough.”

  “Long enough for what,” she breathed leaning closer.

  “You were worried about being caught alone. I don’t want you fighting him, Em, but if you do, if you feel like it’s something you have to do.”

  He held the knife and sheath out and she took them, pulling the shiny knife free and staring at it in awe.

  “Go for the heart,” he directed. “Right here,” he pointed at his chest. “Push as hard as you can. It’ll put him down long enough for you to get away and then you move your ass, you hear me?”

  She nodded, still staring at the knife.

  “And don’t cut yourself with the damn thing.” He took up his knife and fork again, pointing the tines of his fork at her. “Put it away for now and finish your food.”

  She sheathed the knife and set it on the table beside her plate.

  “Thank you. For the knife and for the groceries.” She eyed her plate. “Everything was delicious, but I don’t think I can finish that though,” she pointed at the second steak.

  “Try,” he encouraged.

  “I haven’t moved so little or eaten so much in my entire life. I’ll end up getting fat. What good will that do?”

  Tons! Hayes had noticed the lack of provisions in her cupboards and fridge that morning. He’d also noticed that she was thinner than she should be, and his wolf was eager to care for her, to feed her and get her plump. Thick thighs and a healthy layer of fat on a female were ideal for bearing cubs

  He dropped his silverware on his plate with a clatter and shoved back from the table.

  “Hayes?” Emma’s voice was full of alarm. “What’s wrong?”

  He was shaking his head. There was no way in hell he was telling her that his wolf was trying to fatten her up so they could put cubs in her, so he lied. “Just remembered I forgot to take care of something at the compound. “I’ll send Aden over!” Then he was hurrying out the door.

  Outside, he stumbled down the stairs and chanted in his head, “I hate humans, I hate humans, I hate…”

  An hour later and he was still pacing in the woods just beyond her cabin. He hadn’t gone back to his compound and he hadn’t asked Aden to come watch over Emma. He couldn’t, and he kept telling himself it had nothing to do with the way Aden openly flirted with her.

  Hearing the door to the cabin click open, his head jerked around and took a few steps up a slight incline until the cabin came into view. He saw Emma exit her cabin bundled in her coat. She hiked toward the chicken coop with a hammer tucked under her arm and a box of nails held in one hand.

  Okay, this he could do. He walked to the coop and when she looked up at him, he didn’t offer her a smile.

  “What happened to Aden?” She didn’t look at him, just dropped to a knee and began using the claw of the hammer to pull nails out of the wrecked gate where they no longer connected the frame together.

  The vamps had been brutal on the run portion of the coop and she’d have to re-do the entire fence surrounding the run before she could even consider trading for more chickens.

  Wordlessly, Hayes snagged the hammer from her hands, earning himself a purse lipped scowl as he went to work. “He was busy,” he lied. “I got my shit taken care of though, so…”

  And she was still scowling at him with those damn puckered lips that were going to get her into trouble. To distract himself, he used one hand to hold two boards together. He grabbed a nail from the box Emma still held and tapped it a few times until just the point was buried. Then with a quick grin at Emma, he kept his eyes pinned on her as he smacked the head of the nail with the hammer, sinking it expertly into place with one blow. He waggled his brows at her. “Sexy right?”

  His wolf sniggered when she snorted and offered, “Sorry, but sexy doesn’t impress me.”

  Shut up! he told his wolf. “Oh yeah.” He snagged a second nail biting his tongue to keep from admitting that he could scent her attraction to him. “And what does?” He worked while she talked.

  “A man who is willing and can get out of bed before dawn and dig our doors out of three feet of snow. A man who has no problem felling a tree and splitting wood for hours on end. A man who knows his way around a tractor and can repair just about anything, but also knows his way around me, who knows how to gently stroke my body.”

  That had his hands slowing in their task.

  “I like a man who is strong enough to harvest a deer humanely and gentle enough to warm a newborn chick in his hands. I don’t need sexy. Soft hands don’t do much for me. I need a man with calluses.” Standing, she dusted her hands together. “Be right back, we need more nails.”

  Hayes watched her walk away, his eyes on the sway of her hips as he brushed a thumb back and forth over the row of calluses on the palm of his hand.


  Emma disappeared into the house, careful not to jiggle the still nearly full box of nails in her hand. She’d needed an excuse to get away from Hayes and the way he’d been looking at her. Something about the almost smirk and penetrating eyes had her feeling like he was seeing into her soul. He did that often and it was confusing. It made her feel vulnerable and brave all at once, and made it difficult for her to remember that he hated humans and was helping her because his Alpha told him to, not because it was something Hayes wanted.

  Crossing to the sink, she filled a glass with water and took a healthy drink with a shaking hand. Get it under control, she self-admonished then swiped a drop from her lip with her sleeve before turning for the door, the sharp crack of the hammer reminding her that Hayes was going to need the nails she held clamped to her chest like a shield. And just as she thought it, the hammer went silent.

  Stepping out onto the porch, Emma was distracted and staring at the box of nails in her hand wondering how she was going to explain going for more nails when they had plenty when she finally lifted her head and slammed to a halt as her eyes locked on Hayes.

  He was standing with his body locked into a hunch like he was about to spring forward at any second. He was scowling with the meanest look she’d ever seen on him, and a warning growl rattled from his chest in a constant rumble. His glowing eyes were locked onto something and Emma followed his gaze before she gasped and dropped the box of nails.

  A vamp stood near the main road, smirking at Hayes before he dragged his cold gaze to her, locking her in place as fear seized her.

  Chapter 15

  “HEY!” Hayes barked, face pinching in anger. “Eyes right here, fucker!”

  Emma watched as the vampire looked back to Hayes with a bored expression. “Is that any way to treat a guest?”

  “Guest,” Hayes snorted in clear disgust. “You are no guest here and you’re certainly not welcome, not after what you’ve done.”

  The vampire just laughed, but Emma pulled herself from her trance and wheezed. “Not…not him.”

  Hayes’ eyes jerked to hers. “What?”

  She swallowed down her fear and spoke more firmly. “That’s not him. He’s not the vampire who bit me.”

  Eyes going back to the vampire, Hayes snarled. “Great! Fucking infestation!”

  “I am Naheem.” The vamp bowed elegantly before standing tall and grinning. “I’ve come for the woman.”

  “Fuck off!” Hayes hissed, his body going even more rigid as if he were holding himself by a mere thread.

  Naheem’s brows bunched in what appeared to be annoyance. His next words come out bored and confirmed it. “Really? She’s just a human. What business is it of yours?”

  “Fuck. Off!”

  “Fine,” Naheem clipped out. “We’ll buy her from you. How much?”

  Emma’s gaze jerked to Hayes and her heart stopped. She’d literally only known Hayes and his pack a matter of days, and while part of her screamed he wouldn’t sell her, another traitorous part reminded her just how much he hated humans. Besides what did he care if she was taken away by this vamp? What would it cost his pack? Nothing. She’d be just one less human to him…right?

  “Leave! Now!” Hayes growled.

  Sucking in an agonized breath, Emma hadn’t even realized she’d been holding her breath waiting on Hayes’ words. She blinked grateful eyes at Hayes and was surprised when her vision suddenly blurred with her emotion. She took a step towards him, but when the vampire clicked his tongue and jerked his cold eyes back to her she stilled.

  Without taking his eyes off Naheem, Hayes snapped his fingers and pointed at Emma. “Go back inside!”

  “Don’t move,” Naheem countered anger lacing his voice now.

  “You’ve got ten fucking seconds to turn around and go back from where you came before I fucking end you!” Hayes looked at Emma. “Inside. NOW!”

  Afraid to give Naheem her back, she took several tentative steps backward before Naheem’s fury halted her.

  “I said don’t move!” He smiled when he said it, but the smile was too tight, too forced. He was close to losing it and Emma didn’t have to be a shifter to be able to sense that.

  Hayes words drew both her and Naheem’s attention. “You hear that?” He was smiling now too, but this one was genuine. “Packs nearly here, blood fucker.” He stood and relaxed his shoulders, rolling his head from side to side before offering a cocky. “If I were you, I’d be running right now.”

  Naheem’s brows speared down and he jerked his gaze back to Emma in one moment of indecision before turning and walking slowly down the road.

  “Don’t come back,” Hayes hurled
at the vampires back.

  Emma, who’d been watching Naheem, blinked and then gasped when he was suddenly gone. One second he’d been walking casually down the road as if a pack of wolves weren’t coming for him and the next he was gone.

  Relief made her weak, but Emma pushed through it to race to Hayes. Appreciation had her crashing into his body and throwing her arms around his shoulders as she hugged him up tight. Her heart was pounding against her chest and she breathed hard to calm herself. It took a minute for her to realize that Hayes wasn’t hugging her back. In fact, she felt his body vibrating. Pulling back, she looked up and inhaled sharply before jerking her body away from his.

  Hayes’ expression was dark, his lip peeled back to reveal elongated incisors. His hands were curled into white-knuckled fists and his body was taut as a bow string.

  “H-Hayes?” she breathed.

  His eyes glowed as they locked on hers. “I can’t get attached to you. I don’t want this…don’t want you.”

  Hurt dumped into her middle, but someone yelled for Hayes and she turned her attention to Jaxon and the rest of the pack as they rushed the clearing.

  “I’m going after him.” Hayes bumped her shoulder as he passed. “Take her inside and keep her there.”

  Emma watched with sad eyes as Hayes shifted and raced down the road.

  “Follow him,” Jaxon commanded and the rest of the pack shifted to wolf form and raced to follow Hayes. “Hey,” he spoke softly. “You okay?”

  She nodded, too afraid to speak for fear of her voice cracking and giving away her emotion.

  “It’s gonna be alright. You don’t have to worry about Hayes and the others, they can handle themselves.” He gestured to the house. “Let’s get you inside.”

  Numbly, she let the Alpha lead her into the cabin, but her thoughts were still on Hayes and his words. He’d said he couldn’t get attached, that he didn’t want her, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he wasn’t still hung up on the fact that she was human. What if I were one of them? Settling herself at the table, she watched as Jaxon settled across from her before she came right out with it. “You said just biting wasn’t how it works. So tell me, how does it work?”


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