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Red Page 2

by Pelaam

  Neither he nor his people were the savage beasts that some humans tried to portray. Nor were they thieves and vagabonds. They worked and they paid their way. He had no intention of revealing to Ceron what his senses told him of the young human. It was enough, for now, to know Ceron was interested. He would do nothing to betray this human’s trust.

  As Ceron fastened the shirt he looked over at Storm and they smiled at one another. His shirt was so big on Ceron’s slight frame that it was almost as long as the torn tunic it replaced. Storm watched Ceron put on his hood, pulling the almost threadbare garment down so that it covered his head and shoulders to offer some protection against the chill. He wondered if Ceron would accept a gift of a warmer hood. Especially since he knew the young human was too poor to buy one.

  A way of giving a hood as a gift was something he would give thought to as Ceron indicated he was ready to go. Side-by-side, Ceron and Storm walked together in newfound companionship.

  Chapter Two

  Looking back, the last few weeks had flown by for Storm. He’d taken to waiting daily for Ceron and accompanying the young human at least part of the way to his grandmother’s cottage. He wondered if Ceron realised just how close to the village Storm now waited for him. Not that he cared. He liked Ceron and wanted to be in the other male’s company.

  As they’d spent time together over the weeks, Storm had been delighted to find out how much Ceron enjoyed their walks. Moreover, the Wolven’s sense of smell had told him just how pleased, and excited, Ceron was to have him for company. It gave Storm a warm feeling inside to know that he was trusted and liked in turn. He was also proud to know that Ceron was not afraid of running into Torrin while in Storm’s company.

  Despite which, Storm had been immensely relieved to hear that the big woodsman had gone to the large town several miles away. It seemed to him everything was the better for Torrin’s unmissed, unwanted presence.

  During their walks, he and Ceron had talked about many things. He knew all about Ceron’s hard life and the long hours he worked to provide for his grandmother, his only remaining family. In his turn, Storm had told Ceron many tales about his family and his pack. Ceron had listened enrapt.

  It was impossible for Storm to know when his affection for Ceron had deepened into more than just the platonic love between friends. Now he wanted to court Ceron.

  Glancing at Ceron, Storm licked his lips and then nibbled on the lower one. He had pondered greatly how to approach the subject with Ceron without spoiling their friendship. It had become precious to him, but each time they met, he was greeted by the undeniable scent of sweet musk and arousal.

  However, it was one thing for him to recognise the aromas, another entirely for the beautiful male at his side to acknowledge his desire, or even realise it. Hoping he had found the right words, Storm took a fortifying breath.

  “You have never spoken of friends or of a special person in your life, Ceron.” He tried to adopt a nonchalant tone, as if it were something to casually enquire about.

  “Truly, I have neither, save you.” Ceron dropped his gaze as he blushed deeply. Storm found it quite attractive. He was also extremely pleased at the response.

  “Thank you, Ceron.” He gave a wide grin.

  “Those of my age, who can gather in the tavern, do so when I am crawling into my bed. I have no… No special person.” Ceron’s voice was slightly breathless as he stopped and they regarded one another.

  “I have no mate-to-be.” Storm’s voice took on a huskier tone. Slowly, but surely, he closed the distance between himself and the beautiful human. “However, there is one I do consider special, who I would like to know better, more intimately.”

  “There…there is?”

  Storm saw that Ceron was transfixed by his look of determination and the desire he let show in his eyes. He wanted Ceron to see, to understand and, above all, he wanted Ceron to reciprocate those feelings.

  “Would you consider taking me as a suitor? If not, it will not affect our friendship; I consider that of great value.”

  “A-a suitor? You would want…me? I-I do find you very attractive.” Ceron spoke barely above a whisper, his eyes wide with shock. “But you, you are… Are you sure you would want to court me? I would have thought there would be many far more suitable than I. I have no experience—”

  Storm stopped the fractured and jumbled words with a single finger laid over Ceron’s warm, soft lips. His face was now a mere hair’s breadth away from the man he wished to court.

  “If there had been another, I would have asked them, not you. You are my choice, if you will have me. I will take care of you, I promise. I will do naught to take advantage or to hurt you. Will you trust me?” Storm gazed into Ceron’s eyes and tried to convey the sincerity of his declaration.

  “Yes.” Ceron’s voice trembled slightly.

  “Can I kiss you?”

  His lips were so close to Ceron’s lush mouth, so tantalisingly near, that Storm was already certain he could taste their sweetness. Ceron whimpered; a low, needy sound that made Storm’s breath hitch and his shaft thicken.

  “P-please,” Ceron murmured so quietly, Storm was sure that only a Wolven would’ve hear him.

  But it was all it took to torch the tinder of Storm’s need and he pulled Ceron close. He reached with one hand to caress his soft hair and wrapped the other arm around Ceron’s slim waist. Their lips touched and Storm was instantly consumed by heat and flame. Desire’s fire flickered along every nerve as Ceron’s sweet mouth moulded to his will. My human, the words branded into Storm’s heart, mind and soul. This was his mate. My mate, mine, echoed through his psyche.

  He licked at Ceron’s full lips, coaxing them to part. He groaned, deep in his chest, as he delved his tongue into the sweetness of Ceron’s mouth. Storm explored eagerly, another rumble in his chest heralding Ceron hesitantly sliding his tongue delicately along Storm’s.

  Trembling in Storm’s arms, Ceron moaned softly, and slowly returned Storm’s caresses. Realisation hit Storm hard as the slightly bitter tang of nervousness tickled his nostrils. Ceron has never done this before, has never been kissed before. The immensity of the thought sent shock waves throughout Storm’s frame. He gradually pulled away, smiling as Ceron tried to follow. He stroked the silken skin of Ceron’s throat soothingly.

  “Ceron,” Storm whispered the word against Ceron’s lips. “Was this your first real kiss?” He kept hold of Ceron’s waist as he leant back to gaze into the darkened eyes. A beguiling pinkness coloured Ceron’s cheeks.

  “Yes.” Ceron nodded, a pink blush heating his cheeks.

  A different kind of heat rushed through Storm’s veins at the honest declaration. Trust shone from Ceron’s tawny eyes and Storm silently vowed to do everything he could to deserve that trust. His erection throbbed, hard and aching from just a kiss, but he banked down his desire. For now he had to think of Ceron, of his human’s innocence and the enormous gift he was offered.

  “I will take care of you. I promise, Ceron.” At that moment Storm knew that he would strive every day of his life to see the same radiant smile that lit Ceron’s beautiful face. Happiness shone from his human and Storm reflected that shared joy with a wide smile of his own.

  “I can hardly wait to tell Grandma.” Ceron leaned against Strom as they continued to walk. “She’ll be so happy for us.”

  § § §

  The next several days passed swiftly, and Storm made sure that, as newly declared lovers, they remained chaste and did naught more than kiss and hold hands. Storm knew all too well he had to take things slowly and make sure that he did not scare or upset his human by moving too quickly. Ceron may have offered himself willingly but he was an innocent virgin in every sense. Storm knew that Ceron needed to be treated with care and gentleness.

  The previous day, Ceron had accepted an invitation to picnic with him in the forest. Storm had been delighted, as getting time alone for their blossoming relationship was difficult for both men. Ceron worked long
and hard and had to be back early from his grandmother’s.

  To spend time with Storm, Ceron had gone to her late once or twice. Storm hated they couldn’t be open about their love. However, at present the people of Ceron’s village would not react well to knowing he was being courted by a Wolven.

  Worse yet, his father would be furious to find Storm was intending to take a human as his mate.

  Storm rubbed his face with his hands in mounting frustration. As the only son of the pack’s Alpha, his parents expected him to choose a nice, suitable mate. Either from their pack or from the one on the far side of the forest where his sister lived with her mate. But Storm had already chosen. Ceron, a human male, was his mate.

  A low, disgruntled growl emitted from deep in Storm’s chest. He would wait until Ceron was ready for their relationship to deepen further, become more physical. If Ceron was willing to be Storm’s mate, then Storm was ready to face his father’s potential wrath. Ceron was worth it.


  The sound of Ceron’s voice made Storm push all his future worries aside and concentrate only on the present. He was at Ceron’s side in three quick bounds, swinging the slender young man into the air and then sliding him through his arms to kiss thoroughly.

  “I’m so happy you agreed to this, my precious one.” He nuzzled Ceron affectionately.

  “I’ve looked forward to this all morning.” Ceron kissed Storm’s cheek and Storm could see the truth in his mate-to-be’s excited, bright eyes. “I managed to bring some fresh bread and some apple cake the baker’s wife left for me.”

  “You needn’t have worried.” Storm smiled at the excited young man affectionately. “I have enough for us. This was to be my treat.” He kissed Ceron again before clasping his mate-to-be’s hand and leading him deeper into the forest. “But I love apple cake,” he added with a grin.

  § § §

  The picnic proved very successful. Storm had selected a nice, secluded spot that ensured they were not too exposed to the cool autumnal breeze. They spread out their food on a small cloth Storm had in his basket. He’d brought a hearty deor stew, wrapped in straw to keep it warm, and some roasted root vegetables. Ceron’s bread and cake were delicious additions.

  Storm’s last treat was a small amount of the liqueur the Wolven brewed. It was a distillation of the commonest root vegetable they always grew alongside their camps. In summer they added berries, in winter they would add herbs. The small flask Storm produced was a berry flavoured variety. It was fiery, but rounded off the meal nicely.

  Sitting huddled together, kissing and touching only above the waist, the couple soon became lost in one another. The sound of something crashing through the shrubs had them break apart and rise to their feet quickly.

  A female deor came into the clearing. She was so exhausted that she struggled to stand, and panted desperately. She looked close to total collapse. Before Storm could stop him, Ceron had already gone to her side, checking her for injuries. Storm stood still, a frown creasing his face as he twitched his ears. He heard more sounds. Something was approaching fast. Something big and deadly.

  “Ceron, move!” Storm yelled.

  He shouted desperately even as he ran to his mate, but the arktos was already bursting through the surrounding shrubbery. Its appearance was enough to force the exhausted deor into moving and her sudden movement caused Ceron to stumble, falling to sit defenceless as the arktos rose onto its hind legs and roared.

  To protect his mate, Storm bellowed his own challenge to the beast. Arktos hibernated through winter and this one had clearly thought to gorge itself on deor before commencing its winter sleep. The beast would feast just as well on human flesh and it was already stalking towards Ceron. Storm’s claws extended, ready to fight anything that threatened his mate.

  Despite his ability to defend himself, Storm’s people normally hunted arktos in armed packs. All Storm had was his own claws. That didn’t matter to him. He just needed to give Ceron enough time to escape. His own safety was secondary to that of his mate’s.

  “Ceron, run!” He shouted his command as he ran at the arktos.

  Snarling loudly, Storm slashed at the arktos then successfully defended a swipe from the bigger beast. He dodged another attack; the arktos’s fur helped protect it from Storm’s. The beast rose on its hind legs, towering head and shoulders over him. It was probably almost twice his bulk, but Storm cared only about protecting Ceron. Once Ceron was safe, he’d try and outrun the creature.

  Too preoccupied with his concern for his mate, he failed to entirely avoid the next blow. A swipe of the beast’s massive paw clipped the side of his head and he staggered backward, tripped over some dead wood, and landed heavily. His breath was knocked from his body, but he still rolled to his hands and knees and readied himself for another duel with the arktos.

  Dropping onto all fours, the arktos lumbered toward him. As it rose up on its hind legs again, Storm heard a shout and the sound of wood connecting with flesh and blood.

  The arktos dropped back to all fours as Ceron, armed only with a large tree branch, hit the beast repeatedly on its back legs. Storm bellowed again, ready to rush the animal, but it seemed the beast wanted easier, more docile prey. It barged its way through the shrubs, leaving Storm to grin at Ceron.

  It took a few seconds for him to realise that Ceron’s eyes were glazed and he was shaking. He went to his mate and, removing the branch from Ceron’s hand, enveloped him in a tight hug.

  “Thank you, my precious love.” He kept his voice soft and gentle.

  “Are…are you all right? The beast… Is it gone?” Ceron blinked a few times and looked around.

  “It’s gone and we are both well thanks to your bravery.”

  “I was so scared for you.” Ceron leaned heavily into Storm and shook his head. The words were whispered against Storm’s neck and he eased Ceron back enough to kiss him. It took a few seconds before he finally felt Ceron reciprocate. As they broke apart Storm smiled reassuringly at his still-shaken mate.

  “Let me take you to your grandmother, my love.”

  “Will you come in this time? Please?” Ceron begged.

  Up to now, Storm had resisted. He’d wanted to have his own family’s blessing on his choice of mate before formally announcing their relationship to Ceron’s. However, he could not refuse the request this time.

  “As you wish.” He kissed Ceron’s cheek.

  When they got closer to the cottage, Storm stood back and tried to remain calm. He knew Ceron’s grandmother was a friend to the Wolven, but would that extend to being pleased her grandson was being courted by one?

  With a reassuring smile, Ceron tapped on the door of his grandmother’s cottage.

  Looking closely at it, Storm was certain that the single story dwelling was little bigger than one of the caravans any of the Wolven called home. As the door opened, Ceron’s grandmother pulled Ceron into a hug, and then turned her sharp gaze onto him.

  “Welcome, Storm, son of Rain and Shade. Come in, my young friend.” The elderly lady stepped back and indicated for Ceron and Storm to enter.

  Very soon Storm was sitting on a small sofa with Ceron at his side as his mate’s grandmother, Vevina, fussed over making tea. They had saved some of their picnic to share with her; she set it aside to eat later.

  Once she’d set out the tea, Vevina chatted with Storm for several minutes about his lineage and several of the other Wolven families that she knew. The longer they talked, the more Storm relaxed and he hadn’t noticed Ceron’s lack of participation until Vevina grinned and held a finger to her lips.

  Glancing at Ceron, Storm saw his beloved was sleeping soundly, securely huddled against his side. He smiled lovingly. His mate was so beautiful when sleeping, and looked so much younger without his daily cares to weigh him down.

  “You really love him don’t you?” Vevina asked.

  Vevina’s words gave him a jolt. It was one thing to be sure in his own mind about his feelings for Ceron,
but another entirely to speak of them to another; especially before he had said anything to Ceron of love and commitment. However, he held his head high. He would not deny what he felt.

  “Yes. I love him. I want him for my mate. But I am not sure he is ready for such a commitment as yet.”

  “He loves you, too, Storm.” Vevina picked up a cup and sipped at her tea.

  Temporarily lost for words, Storm stared at her as Vevina laughed softly.

  “Oh, he hasn’t said as much in words, but I see the way his eyes light up when he talks of you and hear the affection in his voice.” Vevina smiled down at Ceron briefly before meeting Storm’s eyes. She put down her cup and picked up her knitting, her hands a blur as she spoke. “I know Wolven mate for life, so it is important for you that he feels the same. You have my blessing, Storm. My daughter and son-in-law were childhood sweethearts and I just knew they were made for each other. I get that same feeling now, watching you and listening to and watching Ceron. They loved their son dearly. I know all they would want for him is to find a love like they shared.”

  “Your blessing means a great deal to me, Vevina.” Storm’s voice hitched slightly. “Thank you.”

  “There is no need for thanks. Just love him and take care of one another. There will be villagers unhappy with his choice. Just, as I imagine, it will not go down well with all in the pack that you want a human mate.” Vevina paused in her knitting and gazed steadily at Storm.

  “The pack will accept their Alpha’s ruling.” Storm shook his head. “But I don’t know how he will take it. I wanted to be certain of Ceron’s feelings before I face my sire.”

  “A wise move and I am pleased you waited. He’s ready, Storm.” Vevina packed her knitting into a small basket. “Don’t dally too long. I have a bad feeling about Torrin and would like to see my grandson safe with a man he loves.”

  A soft sound escaped Ceron’s lips and Storm recognised it as contentment and smiled, smoothing the hair from Ceron’s face. The younger man’s eyes flickered open and Storm saw the truth of Vevina’s words in the drowsy, amber eyes that gazed up at him.


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