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A Wilde Night (Old Town Country Romance Book 3)

Page 7

by Savannah Young

  I quickly release my hold on Kat and turn to see Gracie standing next to us. “What’s wrong, Gracie?”

  People like to say I’m quiet, but Gracie has me beat by a mile. She’s the quietest person I’ve ever met in my entire life. And she’s so soft spoken it’s sometimes difficult to tell if she’s even talking.

  “Tucker’s starting to get really busy at the bar so I was wondering if you’d help me fill up the ice cabinet. It’s getting really low.”

  “Of course. First let me introduce you to my friend, Kat.”

  Gracie doesn’t always meet people’s gaze, especially when she first meets them, but she seems drawn to Kat, almost like a magnet. For a second it makes me wonder if she recognizes her.

  “Nice to meet you, Gracie.” Kat gives her a warm smile.

  Gracie is so shy it’s unusual for her to look at people for very long, but she’s staring at Kat with such intensity it’s almost scary.

  “Did we go to high school together?” Gracie asks.

  “I don’t think so,” Kat replies. “Unless you lived in Phillipsburg. That’s where I grew up.”

  Gracie shakes her head, but she’s still staring at Kat. “You look so familiar.”

  Kat and I glance at each other. I never expected Kat’s cover to be blown by Gracie of all people.

  “I get that a lot,” Kat says. “People tell me I look like that actress from Chasing Summer. What’s her name?”

  She’s smooth. I’ll give her credit for that.

  Gracie furrows her brow as if she’s giving it some thought. “Katie something. Isn’t it? I never saw the movie.”

  Kat rolls her eyes. “You’re not missing much.”

  “Didn’t she win all kinds of awards?” Gracie asks.

  “She’s overrated if you ask me.”

  I can’t help but grin. She deserves another Oscar for this performance.

  “You’re much prettier than she is anyway,” Gracie says.

  Kat frowns. “You think so?”

  Gracie nods. “She seems…I don’t know…really fake. Not like you. You’re a natural beauty.”

  “Natural beauty?” Harley sticks her nose into the conversation. “Let’s not get crazy. And who knows what’s going on under that hideous sweatshirt. Isn’t that something you wore in high school, Hunter?”

  I shrug. “I can’t remember.”

  Harley elbows me. “But the fact that she’s wearing it says something, doesn’t it?”

  Gracie looks puzzled. “What does it say?”

  Harley purses her lips at Gracie. “That they’ve already screwed around with each other. That’s the only reason a girl wears a guy’s clothes. It’s like her way of telling the world they’re fucking each other.”

  Now Gracie is wide-eyed. “I didn’t know that.”

  Gracie’s been wearing Tucker’s prized leather jacket from the moment they first met each other. Long before they ever started fooling around with each other. Not that the two of them need any kind of symbolism that they’re together. Tucker would kill someone for looking the wrong way at Gracie.

  “Why don’t you wear any of Jake’s clothes?” Gracie asks.

  Harley turns to look at Jake, who’s now helping Tucker at the bar. When she turns back to face us she’s trying to blink away the moisture in her eyes. “This conversation is stupid. Are you going to fill up that ice cabinet or not?”

  “I was just going to help her,” I say quickly. The last thing we want is for Harley to get pissed. That would make for a very long night.

  “Are you waiting tables tonight or working behind the bar?” Harley eyes Kat.

  “Waiting tables, I guess.”

  “I know you’re attached to that horrible excuse for a sweatshirt, but if you want to make any tips at all, I suggest wearing something a little more flattering.”

  Kat shakes her head. “I’m not worried about tips.”

  Harley places her hands firmly on her hips. “If you take my advice maybe you’ll earn enough tonight for a makeover. You can definitely use it.”

  Kat looks down at her sweatshirt then back up at Harley. “I don’t have anything to change into.”

  Harley smiles. “Not a problem. I’ve got a stash out in my car. Be right back.”

  Kat’s eyes are wide when she looks at me. I shrug then go with Gracie to get some ice.



  The top that Harley loaned me is more like a scarf than an actual shirt. I’m showing more of my midriff than I’ve ever shown in any of my movies. I’m definitely not comfortable in the getup, but in a weird way the promiscuous outfit makes me look even less like Katie Lawrence, America’s Sweetheart.

  “You can do this,” I say to myself in the mirror.

  I’m surprised when I see Hunter waiting for me outside the ladies room. His eyes go wide when he looks at the top. “You can’t wear that.”

  “Why not?”

  “I thought you didn’t want to draw too much attention to yourself. That’s going to draw a lot of attention.”

  I’m not sure why it’s so important, but I want Harley to like me. I want all of Hunter’s family and friends to like me. And I feel like if I don’t wear the barely-there top she won’t like me at all. Wearing it feels like some sort of initiation into Harley’s club.

  “It’s okay. I’ll wear it. Maybe Harley’s right and I’ll pull in enough tips for a makeover.”

  Hunter moves in close and whispers in my ear. “One thing you don’t need is a makeover. You’re hot even in those funky reading glasses and ponytail.”

  I get tingly all over at the thought of Hunter finding me hot.

  As he places his hands deep into his pockets he says, “We’d better get to work. The place is starting to really pick up and one of the bachelorette groups is already here. Are you sure you want to do this? You can always sit at the bar and watch.”

  I frown. “What fun would that be?”


  Waiting tables is much harder than I ever imagined. But Harley was right, customers are leaving some healthy-sized tips.

  As I’m walking back to the bar an attractive looking woman who looks a few years older than me approaches. She’s dressed in khakis and a polo shirt. She doesn’t quite fit in with the jeans-and-cowboy-boots crowd that populates most of the bar.

  “Looks like Harley gave you a top to wear,” the woman says.

  I smile. “Is it that obvious?”

  “She gave me a similar top to wear when I first met her. She was helping me to fit in, or so she said. But she gave me some extremely tight jeans too. At least she spared you that torture.”

  “Are you Riley?” I ask. She looks like someone who would be working on Wall Street and she’s the only girl that Hunter mentioned who I haven’t met yet.

  “Is it that obvious?” She smiles.

  “Hunter mentioned that you and Cooper live in New York. You don’t look like you’re from Old Town.”

  “I’m not. But I’ve kind of fallen in love with the place. Everyone’s welcoming. Even Harley, in her own weird way. But the fact that she’s already loaned you clothes says a lot.”

  “Cooper is around here somewhere.” She glances around the bar then points to a stage area near the back of the place. “Looks like he’s getting his guitar ready. The guys will be playing pretty soon.”

  Before I realize what’s happening Riley has my elbow and she’s pulling me with her towards the stage area. “I’ll introduce you to Cooper. He definitely wants to meet you.”

  I find that a little odd. Why would he be so keen to meet me?

  “Cooper,” Riley calls out.

  We stop in front of the stage and Cooper looks up from his guitar at us.

  “This is Hunter’s girlfriend, Kat.”

  I wonder how she already knows who I am. I also wonder why she called me Hunter’s girlfriend, but I let it slide.

  Cooper is a lot different than his brothers and not just because he looks like he just ste
pped off of a golf course. Hunter and Jake both have brown hair. Tucker is blond. But Cooper’s hair is jet black and wavy. And he’s intense. Like he’s all business all the time.

  He looks me up and down like he’s inspecting me. I’m not sure why I feel the need to defend what I’m wearing. “Harley gave me this top to wear.”

  Cooper nods, but he doesn’t smile. Not even a crack. “How’d you meet Hunter?”

  “At the resort. He was working security.”

  He gives me another once over. “Expensive place.”

  Does he think I can’t afford to stay there? I guess it’s a fair conclusion to draw because I’m waiting tables at a bar.

  “It is,” I reply, but don’t elaborate.

  “Are you there for a wedding or something?” He’s still eyeing me suspiciously, but I don’t think it’s because he doesn’t believe my story. It feels more like he’s being protective of his little brother.

  I nod.

  I’m so glad when Riley chimes in. “Cooper and I are getting married there this summer.”

  That’s when Cooper finally smiles. Not a big one. It’s actually barely perceptible. But it is a smile.

  He puts his arm around Riley and pulls her close. One thing about the Wilde boys—Cooper and Hunter at least—they really seem to love their women.

  When I glance over at Hunter behind the bar I can see that he’s watching me. He gives me a quick wave when he catches my gaze.

  I smile and his face lights up when he returns the gesture.

  At that moment I realize I’m starting to really fall for Hunter Wilde.

  And it sucks.

  Not the fact that I like him, that’s all kinds of awesome. But the fact that he’s a cop in New Jersey and I’m an actress in Hollywood. No one, not my manager or my agent or the studio execs, will allow me to have a relationship with a cop. Not with so much money on the line and so much invested in my image.

  I make the decision to make this night, my one wild night with a Wilde brother, something I’ll remember for the rest of my life.

  “You can sit with me and Gracie when the band starts to play,” Riley urges. “We always have seats right up front next to the stage.”


  The place is starting to get packed and I’m feeling a little nervous—like someone is definitely going to recognize me. But everyone seems to be lost in their own conversations. Even when I’ve served drinks and waited on tables the customers didn’t give me a second look. And why would they? I can’t remember the last time I actually really looked at someone who was serving me a meal or drink.

  When I feel two arms snake over my shoulders and pull me close I get tingly all over again. I like the way my body responds to Hunter. I’ve never felt that with anyone before.

  “Don’t let Cooper give you a hard time,” Hunter announces loud enough for his brother to hear.

  “It isn’t very often my youngest brother brings a girl to the bar,” Cooper replies.

  “I don’t remember him ever bringing a girl to Haymakers,” Jake quips as he joins our small gathering.

  “You have a point,” Cooper adds.

  I have a hard time believing that someone like Hunter hasn’t been serious enough with anyone to bring them to the family’s bar. Not that I think things are that serious with us.


  I think they could be if I wasn’t Katie Lawrence. If I really was just Kat from Phillipsburg, I have no doubt we’d be together.

  When Tucker joins the circle I’m taken aback for a moment. I guess I didn’t realize that there was something wrong with him, but he’s got a pretty significant limp.

  “Are you all just going to stand around and look pretty or is someone actually going to help me get out the last round before we perform?”

  Cooper, Hunter and Jake all grumble about being called pretty, but they all go with Tucker to man the bar.

  “We’d better give them a hand,” Riley suggests. “Everyone will want at least one beer before the band goes on.”

  I nod and do my best to help Gracie and Harley get the drinks to the people seated at all the tables while the guys and Riley serve the crowd that has now gathered at the bar.

  By the time the guys take the stage I’m exhausted. I’ve been on movie sets for fourteen hour work days, but that wasn’t as tiring as waiting tables.

  “Sit next to me.” Gracie pats the seat right next to her. Riley is seated on the other side of her and Harley is in a chair next to Riley.

  I take the seat and watch as the Wilde boys get ready to play. Hunter looks so happy seated behind the drums. Almost like a little kid getting ready to play with his favorite toy. He’s practically gleaming. Tucker and Cooper both have guitars and Jake takes the microphone, obviously getting ready to sing.

  “Thrilled to see such a great crowd tonight. The Wilde Riders don’t get to play as much as we’d like so we’re glad you’re here for our show. We’re going to start out the night with a special song for a special lady who’s joining us tonight for the first time. Hunter wanted me to dedicate this new Dan Fulton song to you, Kat. It’s called Prove.”

  I swipe at the tears that escape down my cheeks as I listen to the lyrics of the beautiful song.

  I wish I could tell you that things will be good from now on

  When it feels like the good times will soon enough be all but gone

  If I could say one thing to you it would be just hold on

  I wish there was some way to prove to you we could be strong

  A wise man once told me it all would work out in the end

  When I felt for certain the damage was too great to mend

  So I'll be a stronger man, I'll be unwilling to bend

  A man who will fight 'til there's nothing but dust to defend

  Follow me, follow me down to the end of the line

  Picking up speed as we barrel into

  Clouds of uncertainty, more than a few

  I say caution be damned, I'm not giving away what is mine

  And I'm not letting you go just yet, baby, there's time

  I wish I could whisper a secret and you would believe

  And I know you're scared that one day I'll just get up and leave

  I know as I say this to you that it sounds so naive

  Well, it's easy enough, love, to give, but it's hard to receive

  “The guys always do that,” Gracie whispers to me as the first song comes to an end.

  “Do what?” I whisper back.

  “Dedicate songs to the girls they’re falling in love with.”

  I try to laugh off her statement. Hunter can’t be falling in love with me. We just met each other.

  “Don’t laugh. The Wilde boys don’t play around. When they fall for someone they fall fast and they fall hard.”

  I gulp. I can feel my head spinning with all kinds of thoughts. Am I playing with fire being here with Hunter? Are we playing a game neither one of us can win? Are we both just going to get hurt?

  Riley turns to me. “Beautiful song. Hunter must really like you.”

  I can feel my face getting hot and I’m sure I’m turning red. As I glance around at the crowd all eyes are on me.

  So much for trying to be invisible.

  The band plays a number of contemporary country hits and the audience really seems to love them. As much of a jerk as Jake may be, he definitely has a good voice and he knows how to work the crowd.

  When the guys take a break they hop down from the small stage and join the four of us. Tucker has Gracie in his arms before I have time to even process what’s happening and Cooper is holding hands with Riley. Hunter looks a bit unsure as he approaches.

  “What did you think?” he asks as he puts his hands in his pockets.

  “I liked the song,” I admit.

  “But?” He tilts his head like a little kid.

  “Gracie and Riley seem to think that there’s more meaning to the song than you’re letting on.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

  I nod.

  He closes the small distance between us and takes me into his strong arms. I can feel his erection as it pushes against me and my body heats in response. I suddenly wish we didn’t have to stay in this crowded bar with so many people around us.

  “What do you think the song means?” he whispers in my ear.

  I swallow. I’m not sure I want to admit to him what I really think it means. That he’s falling for me. Things between us are heating up and it’s happening fast.

  “What does the song mean to you?” I shoot back.

  “Come with me,” he suggests as he pulls me toward the back room away from the crowd.

  “Let me show you what the song means to me.” His breath is hot on my neck and I get all tingly.

  Hunter cups my face in his hands and kisses me. It’s not a normal kiss; it’s a crazy amazing kiss that I feel all the way to my toes.

  As he moves his tongue into my mouth all kinds of thoughts start swirling through my head—most of them involving the two of us naked.

  “Ahem.” I hear the vague sound of someone clearing her throat next to us. “Ahem.” It’s getting louder.


  Hunter pulls away from me and it’s like the spell between us is broken—at least for the moment.

  Harley is glaring at us. “You need to quit making out back here and get your ass on stage right now.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He gives Harley a fake salute then winks at me before he heads back toward the stage area.

  Harley has me blocked in and she’s not moving. She points a finger in my face instead. “Don’t you dare break his heart.”

  “I won’t,” I say even though I’m not sure it’s a promise I can keep.

  “He’s a good guy. He deserves someone special.” The way she is looking at me implies that she doesn’t think I’m that special.

  “I know.” My voice sounds surprisingly small.

  “Just so we understand each other.”

  I nod. “I get it.”

  “Good. Let’s go watch the second set.”



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