A Wilde Night (Old Town Country Romance Book 3)

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A Wilde Night (Old Town Country Romance Book 3) Page 15

by Savannah Young

  “Are you going to go west in search of your true love?” I know she’s being sarcastic. Izzy is always sarcastic. But I also sense a note of sincerity in her voice.

  “And what would a Jersey boy like me do on the west coast?”

  She puts her book down on the counter and eyes me. “Ever hear of the Beverly Hills Police Department?”

  I laugh. “You mean like Axel Foley?”

  “I’m not talking about the Eddie Murphy movie. I’m talking about the real police department.”

  “You know I came here to wallow in self-pity. If I wanted someone to cheer me up I would have gone across the street to Haymakers.”

  “Sorry to suggest some real alternatives for your problems. You’re right. Wallowing in self-pity is much easier. And the Wilde boys are known for taking the easy way out.” She rolls her eyes at me for emphasis.

  “Unfortunately, we’re really good at always doing things the hard way.”

  “And if I actually liked people, that’s something I would like about you guys.”

  “I came here to thank you.”

  She frowns. “For what?”

  “Helping us to escape. You know. Giving the media a little bit of a show.”

  This actually makes Izzy laugh. “And with my A cups it definitely was a little bit of a show.”

  “I know you want to maintain your badass reputation, but I know you’ve got a heart in there somewhere.”

  She puts a finger up to her red painted lips. “Shhh. Let’s just keep that our little secret.”

  “I’m not sure Kat wants to see me again.”

  “And what do you want?”

  “I’m not sure it matters what I want. She’s a celebrity. I’m…well…I’m not even a cop anymore. I’m currently unemployed.”

  “That’s what you do, Hunter. That isn’t who you are. I don’t think Kat cares about what you do. I think she cares about who you are and how she feels when she’s with you.”

  “I don’t understand why she left. I keep thinking about the note she left, but it just doesn’t make sense.”

  “She left so you could chase her. So you could show her how much she means to you, and how much you want to be with her. She gave you an out, but I don’t think she really wants you to use it.”

  “I guess I never thought about it that way.”

  “You need to get the girl, Hunter. I need a dramatic ending for your love story.”

  “Somehow I can’t imagine you being into dramatic love stories.”

  She reaches below the counter, pulls up a small stack of books and places them on the counter. Based on the cover photos I’d say they are all romance novels.

  “Izzy Grant is a closet romantic. I never would have guessed.”

  “Don’t tell anyone, or I may have to kill you. Especially now that I know you’re no longer packing.” She winks at me.

  Maybe Izzy is right. Maybe I should chase the girl and show her how much I want her. It’s not like I have anything left to lose.


  As I’m throwing everything that will possibility fit into an old suitcase of my mom’s there’s a knock on my bedroom door.

  When I open it I’m surprised to see that it’s Jake.

  “What’s up?”

  He runs his hand through his hair. It’s a nervous habit he’s had since he was a kid. “Is there any way I can talk you out of this?”

  I shake my head. “Nope.”

  “I know you have feelings for—I’m not even sure what to call her…”


  “You’ve never even been out of the tri-state area. Now you’re just going to fly to LA?”

  “I have been out of the tri-state area. When I was a senior in high school the band took a trip to Washington, DC.”

  He rolls his eyes at me. “That’s still within driving distance. You’re flying across the country to—do what exactly?”

  “I’m going to get the girl. And maybe you need to worry about your own shit instead of sticking your nose in mine.”

  His face turns to stone and his eyes narrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ve got a girl who’s madly in love with you. Even though you’re a complete and total asshole, she still loves you. She always has and she always will. Yet you somehow manage to screw things up with her on a daily basis. One of these days, Jake, she’s not going to be there for you. Then what? You’re almost thirty and you’re going to end up alone. Sorry but I’m not letting that happen to me. I’m going after my girl and I’m going to fight for her with everything I’ve got. I shouldn’t be the one giving advice to my big brother, but I suggest you take it.”

  “I just don’t want to see you make a big mistake.”

  I look at my oldest brother, really look at him, and I realize what this is really about. “Why don’t you just admit you’re going to miss me?”

  He tries to wave it off, but then his eyes turn serious. “You’re not coming back for a while, are you?”

  I laugh. “I honestly hope not.”



  Elsie is using all her weight to pull me out of bed, but she still can’t budge me. I’ve been in my bed for the past three days, trying to hide from the world and everyone in it.

  So far, it’s working.

  Elsie finally let’s go of my arm and places her hands on her hips. “If you don’t get out of this bed, and talk to your publicist, her head is going to explode. Do you want to be responsible for her head exploding?”

  “Chevelle is in no danger of having her head explode. She has entirely too much hair for that.”

  “You need to do some major public relations right now, Kat. The studio is going nuts. Your agent and manager are going nuts. And your publicist is going to explode. You know that’s not her real hair. It’s a weave.”


  Elsie frowns. “Which part?”

  “You think Chevelle wears a weave?”

  “That’s what you’re worried about? Not the fact that your career is going down the toilet. You’re worried about Chevelle’s hair?”

  Now I’m the one who is frowning. “You’re the one who said her head was going to explode.”

  “Please, Kat. For me. Get out of the bed and at least talk to your publicist. If you work things out with her, it will make the studio happy, and that in turn will make your manager and agent happy.”

  “So everyone gets to be happy but me?”

  Elsie heaves a huge sigh then sits on the edge of my bed. “I’m sorry you’re not happy. But you made this great big celebrity bed, now you’ve got to lie in it.”

  “I’m afraid I made a huge mistake. I left Hunter while he was taking a shower. I didn’t even have the courage to say goodbye. I left a note. I don’t blame him for never wanting to see me again.”

  “And how do you know he never wants to see you again?”

  “I haven’t heard a word from him. Nothing. No phone call. No text. I completely and totally ruined everything.”

  “Did you try telling him you’re sorry? If he cares about you as much as you say he does I’m sure he’ll understand.”

  “He’s better off without me. I don’t think being with me is enough of a reward for such a fucked-up life. Maybe Chevelle is right. Maybe I just need to be with someone who’s in the business and has just as fucked-up a life as I do. I’d feel a lot less guilty.”

  Elsie stares at me. “But…?”

  “Why do you think there’s a but?”

  She scowls at me.

  “Fine. But I can’t image myself with anyone else but Hunter. Ever. Every time I try to picture my future, Hunter is always there. When I try to see myself on a date with someone, anyone else, I just can’t see it. All I see is being with Hunter.”

  “So you’re hopelessly in love with him. Why don’t you tell him that?”

  “He’d have to actually be here for me to tell him. I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon
. He’s a cop. He has to work.”

  “You could always take another trip back to New Jersey.”

  “The paparazzi would have a field day with that. And I think Hunter’s brothers would hurt me. And his brothers’ girlfriends might too. Especially Harley. She’d probably punch me. She warned me that she’d hurt me if I ever did anything to hurt Hunter. I’m pretty sure I broke his heart. But I broke mine in the process too.”

  “I’ve decided to stop bringing you food. That should get you out of bed sometime soon.”

  I flop back against my pillow. “Just give me a few more minutes. Please.”

  She looks at her watch. “You’ve got three minutes. If you’re still in bed I’m going to dump a bucket of ice cold water on you.”

  I shake my head. “That’s heartless.”

  “No, that’s tough love, and it’s exactly what you need right now.”

  “Fine. Come back in three minutes.”

  I consider her suggestion of trying to contact Hunter. But what would I say? And what if he just hangs up on me? My stomach clenches at the thought.

  My first reaction when my phone rings is to throw it against the wall, but for some reason I don’t. I have the overwhelming urge to answer it instead.


  I take in a sharp breath when I realize it’s Hunter. Then my heart begins to race.

  “Don’t hang up,” he says quickly.

  “I’m not. I won’t…”

  “I’m standing outside of an old townhouse. It’s where this star map says that you live, but you obviously don’t.”

  I laugh. “You actually bought one of those goofy star maps.”

  “I wanted to surprise you. But it’s not that easy finding your address. Which isn’t a bad thing. At least I know that stalkers won’t be able to find you.”

  “You’re in LA?”

  “I’ve been wandering around Hollywood for a while. So much for the surprise. But I really need to see you.”

  I give him my address then wait for a moment while he plugs it into the GPS on his phone.

  “According to the GPS I’ll be there is six minutes and fifty-two seconds.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”


  It only takes Hunter five minutes and thirty-five seconds to arrive. Luckily I was able to make myself presentable in less than five.

  I was fortunate that Elsie must have gotten busy with something else because she never came back with the bucket of cold water.

  When I open the door Hunter actually gleams when he sets his eyes on me. I have little doubt that I’m doing the same.

  “Can I come in?” he asks.

  I step aside so he can enter. “Of course.”

  He glances around my place. “You’re right. This place doesn’t capture you at all. It’s too sterile.”

  “I haven’t really had a chance to decorate since I bought it. Too busy making movies.”

  Hunter grabs my hand and pulls me close. Then he kisses me. The most crazy amazing kiss I’ve ever received. It sends shivers all the way down to my toes.

  “Why are you here?” I ask.

  “I’m chasing you. Hoping you’ll let me catch you. A beaver without his mate can get pretty lonely you know.”

  I can feel teardrops stream down my face. I’d forgotten that he called himself a beaver because they mated for life.

  “Your beaver mate was getting pretty lonely too.”

  As he wipes the teardrops from my cheek he says, “You’re my beaver mate, huh?”

  I nod.

  “Does that mean you’re going to let me catch you this time?”

  “I tried to imagine a life without you, Hunter. I really did. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy. I just thought you’d be happier without me.”

  “How could I possibly be happy when you’ve got my heart?”

  When I place my hand on his chest I can feel his heart thumping. “A little nervous?”

  “There’s something I need to tell you.”

  Now I’m the one who is nervous. “What?” I manage to squeak out, even though I feel like my throat is closing.

  “I’m no longer an Old Town Police Officer. I quit.”

  My eyes grow wide with concern. “But you loved your job. You said it’s what you wanted to do your entire life.”

  “Did you know that Beverly Hills has one of the most prestigious police forces in the country?”

  I smile. “You mean like Axel Foley?”

  “I really don’t think I have his comedic timing.”

  “You do alright.”

  “Seriously.” He takes both of my hands in his. “I’ve already put in an application. And if they don’t want me, there’s always LAPD or maybe even Santa Monica.”

  “Sounds like you’ve got this all figured out.”

  He pulls me close and hugs me. When I relax into his strong arms I feel like I’m finally where I belong again.

  “I really don’t have anything figured out,” he whispers. “But I have you. And you have me. And I think we can figure things out together.”

  “What about your brothers and Haymakers?”

  He kisses my check. “They want me to be happy. Besides they have their own lives now. Coop and Riley will be married in a few months. Tuck and Gracie are having a baby. I just hope Jake grows up before he loses Harley.”

  “You’re sure you want this crazy celebrity life?” I look deep into his eyes just to make sure.

  “It’s worth it to have a crazy amazing life with you.”

  And he kisses me…our first, best crazy amazing kiss as a real couple.


  Two Months Later

  Sweat is pouring down my forehead. I’d try to wipe it away, but my police hat is in the way. This is probably the last place I want to be right now, but it’s also the only place I want to be.

  Sounds weird, right?

  I didn’t get hired by the Beverly Hills Police Department. I was tired of all of the Axel Foley jokes anyway, so that was probably a good thing.

  I did manage to get on with the Santa Monica PD. Things are a lot different out here in LaLa Land. The powers that be in Santa Monica didn’t seem to mind all of the publicity I had as Katie Lawrence’s Wilde Ride. I got the impression they actually kind of liked it a little bit. My supervisor asked me to work closely with the police department’s public relations team and the head of PR is actually with me here today.

  Kat takes my hand and gives me one of her crooked half smiles. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  I shake my head. “No. But I know it’s important.”

  Kat’s publicist, Chevelle, glances in my direction. “It’s not important. It’s vital. If the two of you are going to get engaged, it’s best to do it in a very open, public way. Get ahead of the story, and give them what they want, and you’ll be the press’s best friend.”

  “Just let me do the talking for you,” Bev McMurray, the head of PR for my department says. She used to be a cop, but retired after putting in her twenty years. She’s now working for PD as a civilian employee the second time around. “You just stand tall and look like a cop. All you have to do is give them a great photo opp.”

  “That I can handle,” I assure her.

  Kat gives me a kiss on the cheek and whispers, “It’ll be fine.”

  Technically Kat and I are already engaged, but no one has to know that. She accepted my proposal, which I had conveniently placed in a fortune cookie that was part of our picnic lunch when we hiked to Fish Canyon Falls a few weeks ago.

  This is the first day she’s wearing the ring I bought her. The beauty cost me about a month’s salary, but it’s worth every penny to see the diamond sparkle on her finger.

  She accepted my proposal on one condition: that we’d have a small ceremony and reception, immediate family and close friends only, at Haymakers and that Wilde Riders would play for the event.

  My brothers were happy to give their blessing, and Cooper a
nd Riley even invited us to have the wedding the same weekend as theirs. Since Kat has such as small family she loved the idea.

  “Your heart feels like it’s going to pound right out of your chest,” Kat says as she places her hand over my heart. “Try to relax. It’ll be fine.”

  “Easy for you to say. I’m the guy who likes to stay so far in the background I blend in with the wall. I guess I used to be that guy, until Katie Lawrence found her way into my life.”

  When she gives me another one of her crooked little grins it completely melts my heart. “Are you ready to be in the spotlight?”

  “As long as I’m there with you.”

  I give her a kiss, and for a moment, the rest of the world disappears, and we’re just a guy and a girl who love each other.

  I know being with America’s Sweetheart isn’t going to be easy, but nothing worth having ever really is, is it? Besides, the Wilde boys are known for always doing things the hard way.





  Savannah Young grew up in rural northwest New Jersey in a place very similar to the fictional Old Town, which is featured in her books. When she's not at her computer creating spicy stories, Savannah is traveling to exotic locales or spending time with her husband and their bloodhounds.

  Follow Savannah on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KarenMuellerBrysonAuthor

  Savannah’s Blog: http://karenmuellerbryson.tumblr.com/


  Wilde Times (Jake’s Story)

  IZZY GRANT has a novel too…

  Rye Must Die

  An Izzy & Max Paranormal Romantic Comedy

  By Dakota Madison


  Savannah Young

  There’s a fine line between sexy alpha and creepy stalker…and Rye has crossed it.

  I’m supposed to be dead. Suicide by hanging. But when I regained consciousness I was still alive…still the crazy girl voted “Most Likely to Kill Herself” in high school…still the girl who everyone in Old Town loved to hate.


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