The Money Talks (Adult BWWM Billionaire Romance Book 1)

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The Money Talks (Adult BWWM Billionaire Romance Book 1) Page 8

by Cherry Kay

  Mark chuckled, his expression was curious. “Why didn’t you want your sister to know about us?”

  Ari looked up at Mark as if the answer should be obvious. “Mark…” she said on a sigh and Mark gripped her upper arms.

  “I—Ari…” All Mark could do was trail off. Ari supposed she understood why he didn’t finish whatever he wanted to say. She was just as afraid that things would end right then and there in that kitchen as he was.

  “It’s okay, Mark. We don’t have to talk about it until Sunday,” Ari said and Mark released a deep breath before pulling her against his chest in a fierce hug.

  Neither of them brought it up again as they had a late breakfast downstairs in the hotel’s dining area. Mark drove Ari to her condo before he had to leave to go check on his hotel’s building site.

  “I’ll see you tonight?” Mark asked Ari, as she was just about to walk into her building. He leaned against his car as it idled on the curb.

  “Of course, come by when you get everything sorted out,” Ari told him and Mark nodded, his eyes down on the pavement as he clearly battled with his thoughts.

  “I’ll see you later then,” Mark said as he walked around to the driver’s side of the car and opened his door. Ari waved at Mark as he pulled away and she couldn’t help but feel the root of sadness work its way into her heart. As she made her way up to her condo, Ari wondered how much worse it would get when Mark was actually gone.


  “You’ve lost your lovey-dovey ‘I’m wrapped up in Mark la-la-land’ glow. What happened?” Brooklyn asked Ari as she walked up to him in front of the restaurant where they were meeting up with Lisa. Instead of answering, Ari rolled her eyes at him.

  “You told her didn’t you? You told Lisa.” Ari answered her own question and Brooklyn tried for a look of innocence that Ari didn’t buy for a second. “See! Now you’ve jinxed us.” Ari grumbled in a pout and Brooklyn’s eyebrows furrowed as he studied her troubled expression.

  “Come on, tell me what happened,” Brooklyn gently urged and Ari sighed, shaking her head as she thought about Mark and the fact that he’d be leaving soon.

  “What happened? More happened? Ari don’t worry, we’re gonna hash all of this out over some cocktails and really good food,” Lisa said as she walked up to them, her arm going around her little sister’s shoulders. The three walked into their favorite Puerto Rican restaurant and bar and found a seat in a relatively quiet corner of the dining room. Once their waiter brought them their drinks and took their lunch orders, Lisa and Brooklyn looked to Ari so she could vent.

  “Well… it’s just that he’s leaving soon and he never wants to talk about… us or if he feels anything. He keeps saying how he just wants to live in the now and stuff like that, but I can’t help it. I think I’ve fallen for him,” Ari said glumly and she took a long pull of her Long Island iced tea. “It’s stupid right? It’s pointless, like I could ever be in a relationship with Mark Robinson.”

  “Oh stop it, you are in a relationship with him and if he’s too scared to try and see your relationship past his going back to New York then he’s not worth your time, Ari.” Lisa used her relationship therapist voice and Ari stifled a sigh.

  “Yeah, that’s easy to say when you’re on the outside looking in, Lisa. It’s a lot harder when you’re in my actual position,” Ari snapped and Lisa sighed, her expression understanding as she recognized Ari’s impending heartbreak.

  “Well, maybe you should just stop things before he snaps his fingers and disappears,” Brooklyn suggested and Ari simply took the straw out of her glass and downed half of her drink in one gulp.

  “I should. I should do it tonight… I should just end it… I need willpower to do that though,” Ari said with a waver in her voice.

  “Don’t you dare, girl. If you start crying, I’ll start crying, and then Brooklyn will probably be arrested for assault on the most eligible bachelor on the planet.” Lisa pointed a stern finger in Ari’s direction and she put a firm clamp on her emotions before taking another drink of her iced tea.

  “I need another…” Ari grumbled and Brooklyn patted Ari’s hand while Lisa motioned for the waiter.

  “How about you just blow him off tonight, go out with me and Sandy, then deal with Mark tomorrow?” Lisa suggested. Ari did perk up at the mention of their younger sister Sandy; she knew how to have a good time and could cheer anyone up from the lowest of lows.

  “You know what, I think that is a really good idea,” Ari said and Lisa smiled triumphantly.

  “Wonderful! It’s a date then, we’ll go pick Sandy up from her job and then go shopping for outfits and then we’ll visit mom and head to my place to get ready for a Thursday night out on the town!” Lisa planned out the rest of the day excitedly and Brooklyn sighed.

  “I wish I could come, but Thursday nights are almost as busy as Friday nights and Eric needs the help,” Brooklyn said with a regretful sigh.

  “Don’t worry Brooklyn, we’ll have enough fun for you and a date,” Lisa promised while her eyes lit with excitement as she had already begun looking forward to their sisters’ night out.

  “That’s an interesting idea, maybe you should take a date Ari,” Brooklyn suggested and Ari scrunched her nose. She was pretty sure any guy would pale in comparison to Mark, and she was also sure it would be like that for a long time to come.

  “Oh! Yes, actually Marcus said he just hired two new guys at his architectural firm and wanted to take them out and get them acquainted with south Florida, I should call him and tell him to bring them for tonight, so you and Sandy can have dates!” Lisa said excitedly, already pulling out her phone to text her husband Marcus.

  “No, no, really you don’t have to put Marcus on the spot like that Lisa,” Ari said hurriedly, though it was too late as Lisa had already put away her cell phone, having had sent him the text.

  “It’s done, actually you’d be doing me a favor too because Thursdays and Fridays are our date nights,” Lisa explained and Ari sighed. She might as well get used to this; after Mark left for good, Lisa, Brooklyn, Sandy, and even her mother would be setting her up left and right to try and help Ari move on.

  Ari had another drink and barely touched her food as Brooklyn and Lisa chatted nearly non-stop to compensate for Ari’s sullen mood. After their lunch, Brooklyn went off to work his shift at me and Lisa and Ari drove to Sandy’s law firm where she all but ran from the building, eager to be free from work.

  “I am so glad you called me, where are we going tonight? I just closed a case for the county and I am ready to celebrate,” Sandy said eagerly while she shimmied into Ari’s car, excited for the night ahead of them. Sandy was just as beautiful as their mom with the lightest of the three sister’s brown skin and their same green eyes. Her hair was a little thicker and curlier than Ari’s and Lisa’s, but it worked with Sandy’s heart shaped face, framing it beautifully and making her appear all the more exotic.

  “I don’t know, somewhere or other in Miami or maybe near Hollywood Beach. Wherever Lisa decides to drag us,” Ari said sullenly while trailing Lisa’s car to the outlet mall.

  “Hey, you stop that right now. No pouting, my strong, outgoing, always smiling, and quick-witted sister is not going to be depressed over some guy who is afraid to man up and face his emotions. If Mark wants to let the best woman he ever met slip through his fingers, then screw him. You live your life,” Sandy said firmly and Ari glanced over at her thoughtfully.

  “You’re right, this isn’t me. I shouldn’t start acting like some lost puppy over a guy now when I never have before. Not even with Darrel,” Ari said resolutely, her spine straightening and her acceptance and resolve hardening that her affair with Mark would soon end.

  “Exactly, now we’re going to go shop for killer outfits and go out with those two hot guys Marcus has lined up for us tonight,” Sandy said resolutely and Ari agreed with her in kind. Lisa and Ari parked outside of Saks Off Fifth at the Sawgrass Mall, a popular outlet mall that had j
ust about everything a shopper could ever need on its grounds.

  “Ooh, we should have had lunch here at Grande Lux,” Lisa commented as they got out of their cars and headed towards Saks.

  “I’m a little offended you didn’t pull me out of work early so that I could have lunch with the rest of you.” Sandy pouted as they walked through the racks of clothing, heading to the women’s section.

  “Well, you are here now and coming tonight, Brooklyn had to work so you guys traded off.” Lisa appeased Sandy and Sandy shrugged as she pulled out a tight fitting black dress to look at.

  “So what do our dates look like, Lisa?” Sandy asked as Ari preoccupied herself with looking for something sexy yet tasteful for their night.

  “Oh, I made Marcus send me pictures of them, they’re really hot, look.” Lisa pulled out her phone and showed Sandy and Ari a picture of two guys holding coffee mugs and trying not to laugh. They were both wearing tucked in button down shirts and solid colored ties; obviously Marcus had just snapped the photo of them while in the break room or something.

  “The one with the sexy beard is Kevin, and the one with the hipster bun is Ron.” Kevin did have a sexy low cut beard that looked like something between weekend scruff and a five o’clock shadow. His hair was brown and tousled and his eyes were a milk chocolate color. His light colored skin seemed tanned and he appeared to have a nice build under his shirt and tie. Ron looked to be a bit intense with pretty light green eyes, pouty lips and a square jawline. His hair was cool, dark and pulled back into a slick man-bun. He was taller and appeared to be more muscular than Kevin.

  “I think I’ll take Kevin, gotta love a guy with facial hair, it just feels so nice on the skin,” Sandy said suggestively, Lisa rolled her eyes and Ari giggled. After they discussed the looks of Sandy and Ari’s dates, the girls focused on their outfit hunt. Ari was determined to push Mark out of her mind so that she could begin to push him out of her heart.


  After spending all day reconfiguring the plans for the ground and first floors of the hotel, not to mention the entire placement of the parking garage, and having to go fifteen million over budget for extra erosion prevention measures, Mark was beyond ready to go home to Ari and lose himself in her comforting warmth.

  He just needed to see her and hear her voice, smell her scent, touch her skin. He needed to make sure she was still his, still wrapped up in their bubble. After that awkward moment over coffee that morning, he couldn’t shake the anxiety he felt, as if Ari might decide to end things before he was even remotely ready to give her up.

  Mark pulled into the garage of the hotel he was staying at. He stayed in his car to scroll through his phone for Ari’s cell number to give her a call and let him know he’d soon be on the way after grabbing a change of clothes.

  Mark dialed her number and it rang several times before he heard Ari’s voice apologizing for missing his call and promising to get back to him as soon as possible if he left a message after the beep.

  “Hey baby, call me back quick, I can’t wait to see you.” Mark left a quick message and then decided to shoot her a text in case she couldn’t listen to her voice mail right away. Afterward, he got out of his car and went up to his suite. Mark made an overnight bag and called his office back in New York to address some investor queries about rumors that were leaked about Mark’s 100possible merging with Mr. Ivory and his famed Ivory Towers that were a symbol for hotels and resorts worldwide.

  Mark could have only imagined who that rumor was leaked from. Ever since the photo came out showing Mark and Ari at the groundbreaking ceremony, Roselyn had gone full-blown bitchy. Calling him every second and threatening not to agree to marry Mark should he ever choose to finally ask her.

  Then the calls started coming in about the “rumored Ivory merger.” The pressure was building on the bubble he tried so hard to keep around himself and Ari. He just needed her; he needed to reassure himself that she was still there with him, on the same page. From how she made love to him the night before he knew she felt what he did. But did that make him a complete ass? A selfish ass and a stupid one at that? For falling so hard for her and having her feel even remotely the same when he fully intended to leave her at the end of the week? Mark hadn’t known that he had grown to be so selfish.

  Mark sighed, frustrated with himself. Perhaps it was because he never allowed himself to feel any sort of emotion with a woman before, that now he didn’t know how to handle it, didn’t know how to fit it into his life. How he could possibly have a life with Ari?

  Mark stopped his pacing and realized that the sun had been set for a while now, the time read half past ten and Ari hadn’t gotten back to him at all. She’d at least get back to him if it turned out that she would be busy tonight. Perhaps she got caught up at the lounge?

  Mark was just about to call her again when she texted him back finally. All it read was that she was fine, but wouldn’t be able to see him tonight. Cold fingers made their way around Mark’s chest, constricting his lungs. This was it, she was going to end things between them and he wasn’t ready for it.

  Mark stared at his phone for a beat and then made the call. He wasn’t letting her go before he was ready.

  “I need you to track this phone number for me,” was all Mark said before reciting Ari’s phone number, within minutes after ending his call, Mark received an address and he hurried downstairs to his car. He was going to South Beach to find Ari.

  Mark stood just inside the club Ari was still at dancing with some prick with his hair in a stupid bun and roaming hands. He had just whispered something in her ear and she laughed, her eyes bright; she actually found him funny. The prick swung her around on the dance floor and with his back facing Mark; Ari’s eyes met Mark’s over the prick’s shoulder.

  Ari froze in the guy’s arms and Mark pushed off from the wall, striding over to her, his attention solely on Ari. He cut across the dance floor and tapped the guy’s shoulder.

  “Excuse me, but do you mind if I have a word with your… date?” Mark had trouble getting the word out past his gritted teeth; he had an intense feeling of ownership towards Ari.

  “You’re Mark Robinson!” The guy had obviously had a couple of drinks and it added to his surprise, thankfully this allowed for the guy to let Ari go obligingly and he stepped away from her so Mark could cut in.

  Mark took Ari’s hand and slipped his other around her waist while he pulled her further into the cover of dancing people. He danced with her slowly, even though the song was upbeat.

  “What are you doing?” Mark asked Ari and she glared at him in disbelief.

  “Mark what are you doing? What are we doing?” Ari was angry and in full force, too. Mark wondered if she’d had much to drink. “How did you even find me?” she asked and Mark took two breaths to calm his response to her. He wanted to haul her over his shoulder and tie her up in his hotel.

  “Look, I need you Ari. Right now, and I know you feel the same way about me, so why fight it?” Mark answered her and Ari rolled her eyes.

  “Oh please, Mark. You fully intend to go back to New York and go on with your life like I never existed. Why would I torture myself by being with you when you’re leaving?” Ari said angrily and Mark growled, frustrated with himself and with circumstance.

  “Just be with me here! Now! Don’t think about New York or my leaving,” Mark begged and Ari shook her head angrily.

  “How could I not think about that Mark?” Ari asked and she stopped dancing, she and Mark were now standing still in a sea of pulsing bodies. Mark cupped Ari’s face in his hands and he kissed her, his lips crashing down onto hers and moving with all the pent up passion he felt. Ari broke the kiss abruptly, pulling away from him, her eyes wild and conflicted.

  “Just come with me Ari, please,” Mark begged and she visibly faltered. Mark pressed his advantage and kissed her once more, this time his tongue slipping into her mouth, tasting the sweet alcohol on her tongue, he felt her moan just before she melt
ed against him. “Come home with me please Ari,” Mark whispered against her lips and she nodded. Mark took her hand and all but hauled her out of the club and all the way to his car where he sped to his hotel.

  Ari didn’t say anything the entire ride over and she still didn’t say anything when they made it to his suite. Mark pulled her over to the couch with him and sat her down. Now that she was here he wasn’t sure what to do, mostly because he wasn’t sure what she was thinking.

  “Just make love to me, Mark, please,” she whispered. Mark could do that, he could definitely do that. Mark leaned over and pressed his lips to her neck, inhaling her delicious scent. She leaned into him and lightly tugged at his tie as she undid it and slipped it from around his neck. Mark’s hands were a thousand miles ahead of Ari as he gripped the smooth fullness of her ass beneath the fabric of her tight little black dress.

  Mark pulled her onto his lap and she straddled him as her fingers undid the buttons of his shirt and her lips kissed just under his ear. Her tongue flicked out, running up along the cup of his ear and her teeth captured his earlobe into her mouth. Mark’s grip on her tightened as his cock punched up against his pants. Her mouth was driving him insane.

  Ari’s hands come into contact with Mark’s naked skin and she ran her hands up to his shoulders, pushing off his shirt and then lightly raking her nails across his back. Mark’s mouth slid from her neck to her collar and her chest as she lift herself off of him a fraction to pull her dress off over her head. Her hair tumbled down around her face and onto her breasts, held by the sexiest black lace bra. Mark’s eyes roamed down her body and he cursed when he saw she didn’t have panties on.

  “You fucking went out with that guy and you had no panties on?” Mark was furious at what that prick could have seen, could have touched. Ari was his dammit.


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