Secrets of a Kept Chick Saga

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Secrets of a Kept Chick Saga Page 14

by Ambria Davis

  “The kids, where are the kids?” I asked him.

  “Kids? When we arrived here, there was only one child here. A female. She says her name is Kayla,” he said to me.

  “No, no, no. Mimi and Kaylin have three children. An eight-year-old girl named Kailay Williams, who happens to be Kayla’s twin sister, and two four-year-old twin boys named Kaylon and Kayson Williams. Oh my God, he took them. Please don’t tell me that he took the kids with him,” I said.

  “Ma’am, when we arrived here, there was only one child. Now, if you say that there are three more kids, then I have to assume that Mr. Williams has indeed taken them with him.”

  “Please, you have to find them. Mimi would want them with me, not him. Please find them. Please,” I pleaded.

  “Excuse me,” he said.

  He walked over to some lady, whispered something, and they walked over to me.

  “Hi, I’m Mrs. Holmes from DFACS. I understand that you said that there are three children missing.”

  “Yes, Mimi and Kaylin’s eight-year-old daughter and their four-year-old twin boys.”

  “Okay, do you have any recent photos of the children?”

  “Not on me, but there are some inside.”

  “Umm . . . Detective, we’re going to need recent photos of the children so that we can send out an Amber Alert in the immediate and surrounding areas. Could you please escort Ms. Miller into the house, so that she can retrieve them?”

  “Yes, right this way.”

  Once I got the photos out of the house, I went back over to the woman from DFACS.

  “Excuse me, but what’s going to happen to Kayla?”

  “For now, we’ll be taking her down to the station until we can locate her family,” she replied.

  “She doesn’t have any family. We moved here from Louisiana years ago. I’m all she has left. Can I take her?”

  “Once we verify who you are, then you’ll be able to take her. But until then, Kayla has to stay in our care,” she replied.

  “So she’ll be spending the night at the station?”

  “Most likely,” she replied.

  “Mrs. Holmes, I’m her aunt. This child has been through enough tonight. Please let me take her,” I begged.

  “Ms. Miller, I can’t do that,” she replied.

  “Please, I’m begging you. I’m all she has left,” I said to her.

  She looked at me, and then at Kayla, who was crying silently in the backseat of the car.

  “Okay, I’m not supposed to be doing this, but I’ll let you take her.”

  “Thank you,” I said and sighed in relief.

  “I’m going to need your full name, address, and phone number. If everything checks out, then maybe you’ll be able to keep her.” She handed me a pen and paper.

  I quickly wrote down everything that she needed, and then handed it back to her. Once she had my info, she opened up the back door to let Kayla out.

  “Auntie Troy,” she said, running to me, crying.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s get out of here,” I said to her.

  I took one last look at the house and walked away. God, please give me the strength to do this, I said to myself.

  Arriving at my car, I secured her and went around to the driver’s side. When I got in the car, she was still crying. I reached over and kissed her forehead.

  “It’s going to be all right, baby,” I said to her.

  “Auntie Troy, are Mommy and Daddy going to be okay?” she asked me.

  “I don’t know, baby,” I replied. I couldn’t tell her the truth.

  “Well, where are my sister and brothers? That man and woman took them. They had a little boy with them, and they said he was my brother too,” she said to me.

  “What woman, Kayla? What little boy? Honey, what you are talking about?”

  “When we went over to Mommy’s house, she told us to get something that we wanted to take with us. I didn’t have anything to take, so my sister gave me something of hers to take. When we were leaving, a woman came inside. She said her name was Stacy or something. She told Mommy something, then she introduced some boy name Kaylin Jr., and said that he was our brother.”

  “Kayla, baby, what else happened?” I asked her.

  “Well, after that, her and Mommy started fussing, and she pointed a gun at Mommy. That’s when my daddy and a man who looked like Kayson and Kaylon walked in. He started fussing with the woman, but she turned him against Mommy. He started calling Mommy all kind of nasty words and was asking about me and my dad. He pointed a gun at my dad, and that’s when my dad told me to go by Mommy. When I got to Mommy, I was crying. She told me, my sister, and my brothers to go upstairs to the room. While we were in the room, we heard a lot of fussing and cussing. That’s when we heard gunshots, so we hid in the closet. We heard screaming and crying, then three or four more shots. Then everything went silent.”

  “Well, where are your sister and brothers?” I asked her.

  “After everything went silent, the man came upstairs and took them. He left me there. I waited a little while before I went downstairs, and I saw my mommy and daddy lying on the ground in a lot of blood. I was going to go check on them, but when I was going, the police came inside. They took me outside and started questioning me, but I couldn’t say nothing. I was still worried about my mommy and daddy,” she replied.

  I sat there in silence wondering what the fuck was up with Kaylin and why Stacy was there.

  “After a while, some lady came and sat me in a car. That’s when you showed up.”

  “Okay, baby, you don’t have to say no more,” I told her.

  “Auntie Troy, I’m scared. I just met my sister and brothers, and I want my mommy and daddy,” she said, crying. I rocked her in my arms and let her cry.

  “It’s okay, baby. Everything is going to be all right,” I said, rocking her back and forth. It took a minute for her to calm down, but when she finally did, she had fallen asleep. I laid her back in the seat and prepared to leave.

  I turned the car on and pulled off. I didn’t know how I was going to get through this, but I had one thing on my mind as I rode down the lonely Atlanta highway, and that was to make both Kaylin and Stacy pay for what they did to Mimi. I didn’t have a lot of time, but I was going to come up with a foolproof plan. No matter where they went, I was going to find them and kill them both. Slowly.


  Yes, finally, I’ve gotten what I wanted for years. I won’t ever have to play second to Mimi’s ass ever again. My son can finally have an actual family, with both of his parents and his siblings. I just couldn’t believe that Kaylin actually killed Mimi. I mean, I was happy that she’s dead and all, but I didn’t think that he would actually do it. I was also shocked when he killed Tyreek. That wasn’t a part of my plans. I didn’t know that he would even be there. I guess Tyreek was in the right place, but at the wrong time.

  When I went to Mimi’s house, my intentions were to tell her about Kaylin Jr. and to tell Kaylin Sr. about Mimi, Kayla, and Tyreek. I didn’t think that he would leave her, let alone kill her, and I was kind of bittersweet about the whole thing. I mean, if he could do that to a woman he claimed that he was madly in love with, then what would he do to me?

  After leaving Mimi’s house, Kaylin ended up taking his three kids with him. I was mad because he left little Kayla there all by herself, but what was I supposed to do? He instructed me to go home and pack a few bags for Kaylin and me so that we could leave Atlanta ASAP. While we went to pack, Kaylin said that he had a few things that he needed to take care of, something important. So he and his kids ended up leaving right away.

  I packed as many bags as I could and placed them by my bedroom door. I then went to my closet and removed all of Kaylin Jr.’s and my important documents. After I made sure that I had everything, I went to check on my son. I walked into his room, where he was sitting on the bed looking all sad.

  “K.J., what’s wrong with you, and why haven’t you started packing yet?”
I asked, walking over to him.

  “Because, Mom, why do we have to leave? I like it here, and besides, I just met my sisters and brothers. I don’t want to leave,” he said, whining.

  “Kaylin, right now, I don’t have time for your shit. I’ma need for you to get your suitcases out of the closet and start packing before your father comes back here.”

  “Why do we have to leave? Is it because Dad shot them people? If so, then why do we have to go with him?” he asked, all in one breath. His little ass was trying to be too grown, and I really didn’t have time for him right now.

  “Kaylin, I don’t have time for your shit right now. So get your ass off of that fucking bed and pack them bags. Now!” I said, pointing my finger at him.

  I watched as he took his sweet little time getting off of the bed. He then went over to his dresser and started pulling clothes out. One piece at a time. He was actually moving like a damn turtle, so I went ahead and started to help him. By the time we were finished, Kaylin still hadn’t made it back. I wondered where that nigga was.

  I brought all of our things downstairs, then I went ahead and fixed us something to eat. We both sat there and ate in silence as I thought about the events that took place earlier tonight. When we were done eating, we sat down in the living room to watch a little TV and wait on Kaylin. When I looked at the clock, it was late as hell. I had no idea where that nigga was at, but I know he better hurry the fuck up.


  I didn’t want to shoot Mimi, but I had no choice. I had to. She was trying to leave me, and I already told her that if she left me, that I would kill her, so I did. What really pissed me off was finding out that her and Tyreek were fucking. Well, they used to or were, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that they did it, and for her to try to clown about it was fucked up. Then they had the nerves to have a child together and shit. The kicker is, she’s my daughter’s twin sister. Now where they do that at? Bitch must’ve thought I was stupid or something. Fuck, my nerves just all over the place, but I know I had to get my ass out of Atlanta. Fast!

  After getting my kids and leaving the house, I told Stacy to go ahead and pack her some clothes for her and Kaylin Jr. I had some shit to do before leaving, so I had to leave, but I took my kids with me. I mean, yeah, she was my other son’s mother, but I didn’t trust that bitch around my kids. I was only taking her ass because of Kaylin. Otherwise, she would’ve stayed her ass in Atlanta.

  After I left Stacy’s house, I went to my apartment that I kept. It was right by my strip clubs. I needed to get all my things outta the safe, because more than likely, I won’t be returning to Atlanta anytime soon. I parked my car, and I got the kids from out of the backseat and headed inside of the building. I was almost to the door when I was stopped by a voice coming from behind me.

  “Kaylin,” she said in a sad voice.

  “Jade, what the hell are you doing here?” I asked her.

  “I need to speak with you. I tried calling, but you won’t answer, so I decided to see if you was up here,” she replied, walking over to me.

  I took a step back. Obviously, this lonely bitch didn’t get the fucking memo.

  “You must be out of your mind. I didn’t answer the phone, because I didn’t want to talk to you. You played the fuck out of me, and what you did earlier at Mimi’s shop was foul as fuck. If you’re indeed pregnant, then I know that baby ain’t mine. I always wore a condom, bitch, remember? You’re better off getting another abortion, and you know it. Ain’t no way a ho could raise a boy or girl,” I said turning to open the apartment door. This bitch was tripping. Lemme just get the fuck in here and get my shit so I could be out. There’s nothing in Atlanta for me anymore, I thought to myself.

  “Kaylin, you can’t do this to me. I know that this baby is yours. Remember, the last time we had sex? You didn’t wear a condom,” she replied, crying.

  I shook my head. I looked at her and closed the door. That shit only made her crazy ass spazz out more.

  “Kaylin, open the door. You can’t do me like this. I’m pregnant with your baby. We’re supposed to be a family,” she screamed, kicking and beating on the door.

  “Kaylin, please. We’re supposed to be together, as a family, as one. I promise I’ll do whatever you want. All I want to do is be with you,” she hollered, continuing to make an ass out of herself.

  The crazy bitch continued beating on the door like she was about to break it down. My kids started crying, and that shit angered me.

  I walked to the door as I made sure that I had my gun on me. I mean, who knew what this crazy bitch was capable of. Removing the locks from the door, I opened it fast. This bitch was still standing there, looking a mess with snot and makeup running all over her face. I removed my gun and pointed it at her.

  “Bitch, I asked you nicely to leave, but you want to act an ass. I told you that I don’t want you, and yet, you’re out here making a complete fool of yourself. Bitch, get this through your head. I don’t want you, and that baby ain’t mine,” I spat through gritted teeth.

  “Kay, please,” she sobbed.

  “I’m giving you five minutes to move the fuck up out of here before I dead that ass once and for all.” I backed up a little, so she could move, but she just stood there staring.

  “Bitch, do we have a muthafucking problem?” I asked while I cocked my gun.

  The sound of that made her eyes pop out.

  “No, we don’t have a problem,” she said, shaking her head as she began to back up.

  I watched as she backed up all the way to the door and left the building. Once I was sure that she was gone, I went back inside to tend to my children.

  “Daddy, I want my mommy,” my son Kaylon said, crying.

  “Yeah, Daddy, I want Mommy too,” Kayson said. He was also crying.

  “Mommy’s not coming, because Daddy and that lady killed her,” Kailay said sadly.

  I looked at her shocked. I mean, I knew that I killed her mother, but I didn’t think that she would know.

  “Kailay, I didn’t shoot Mommy. She had an accident,” I lied to her.

  She looked at me and rolled her eyes. “If she had an accident, then why we aren’t at the hospital, and why isn’t Kayla with us?” she asked with an attitude.

  I stared at her. My baby girl who loved me so much was showing me a side that I’ve never seen from her before.

  “It’s complicated,” I replied, walking to the back room.

  “It’s not complicated, Daddy. You killed Mommy and left my sister. You also shot that man, and now I hate you!” she screamed at me.

  I decided not to say anything to her about it. We all needed some time to cool down.

  Once I entered the room, I went straight to the closet. I opened the safe, grabbed a duffel bag, and started throwing all of my things in it. When I was finished, I grabbed the duffel and another empty bag from out of the closet, and went into the second and third room and removed everything out of each of the safes that I had in the closets. I probably had almost three million in cash and jewelry altogether. Along with the product that I had, I was going to be straight for a minute. I know once word got out that I was nowhere to be found, I’d be the prime suspect. Not to mention, they had an eight-year-old witness that I’d left behind. Which is why I had to leave right away. If I wanted a chance to get out of Atlanta, then I had to leave now.

  After dragging all the bags into the living room, I double-checked to make sure that I didn’t leave anything behind that could link me to the apartment. Once I was sure that everything was straight, I grabbed the bags and the kids and headed out the door. I decided to take the minivan since they would probably be looking for all of my cars. The van was in Stacy’s name, so I know that we’d be straight. I threw the bags in the back, then buckled the kids up and headed to pick up Stacy and Kaylin Jr.

  I made it to Stacy’s house in no time. I parked in the driveway and blew the horn. She opened the door and walked over to the van.

hit, Stacy, come on. Where’s Kaylin?” I asked her.

  “Shit, you took so long that he fell asleep,” she snapped.

  “Well, come on then. We gotta go.”

  “I mean, you could come help me with the bags.”

  “Not right now, Stacy. I don’t have time for your shit,” I said, getting out of the van.

  “Come on.”

  I made it inside and grabbed the bags as Stacy went to grab Kaylin. She then went into the kitchen and came back out with a big brown bag.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “While you were gone, I made some snacks and sandwiches for the kids. I don’t know where we’re going, but I know that they’re going to be hungry,” she replied.

  “All right, come on so we can get out of here,” I responded.

  Once we were outside, she closed and locked the door. I opened the back of the van so that I could put their bags inside while Stacy strapped Kaylin into the van with his sister and brothers. I looked to see if anybody was watching. I didn’t see anybody, but that didn’t mean that they weren’t there. The streets were always watching.

  I jumped in the car and sat there, trying to catch a breath. A lot happened within the past few hours. I looked in the rearview mirror at my kids. All of them had tired looks on their faces.

  “Where exactly are we going, Kaylin?” Stacy asked me as I backed out of the driveway.

  “I don’t know,” I replied, shaking my head.

  I really didn’t know. If somebody would’ve told me twenty-four hours ago that my life would be like this, I probably would’ve laughed right in their faces. But right now, I couldn’t, because my life was fucked up because of me, and I knew that from this point on, it won’t be getting any better.


  I’ve been trying to get in touch with Mimi for hours now, but she hadn’t answered any of my calls. The last time that I’d talked to her, she said that she was taking her kids and they were leaving Kaylin and Atlanta for good. I mean, I knew that she had plans to leave him, but I didn’t think that she would leave him this soon. If I would’ve known that, then I wouldn’t have left. I would’ve stayed there until she got her things and the kids, and they were all out of harm’s way.


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