Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction

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Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction Page 3

by C. O. Amal

  “Who would do this?” Olivia asked in a lower voice.

  “It could be terrorists.” William whispered.

  “How did terrorists were able to do things like this in our country? We were cautious all the time.”

  “I don’t know, Olivia. I hope my parents are still alive.”

  “My parents are at New York.”

  “Don’t worry, they might be alright. We can go there if you want. But, first, we need to make sure our safety.”

  Olivia nodded her head. A few minutes later, their college came into view. There are trees all over the yard of the college, and the college buildings are pretty far away from the main city.

  “Let’s check the college. There may be someone alive in there.” Olivia said.

  William nodded.

  They quickly approached the already opened college gate. They slowly, cautiously walked through the narrow road towards the college buildings. Then they saw it. There were actually four buildings in this college and two buildings in a corner completely collapsed to the ground. Birds chirped from the trees and butterflies flew across the nearby flower garden.

  Olivia for a moment stared at the chirping birds. Then she followed William to the main college building which is intact. They got inside the building through the already opened doorway. They entered into a faintly lit corridor. Electricity must be down. Back when things were normal, these corridors were always lit up with bright tube lights.

  They haven’t reached much deeper inside the corridor when they started seeing dead bodies. They slowly passed the dead bodies, and Olivia tried her best to not to step on the bodies. Then they saw it. At the end of the corridor lies a pile of dead bodies.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  “Ahh ...”

  Suddenly gun shots and a high pitch scream of a woman came from the back of the college building.

  Olivia and William stared at each other with panic.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 9 – Edward

  Somewhere in Wyoming

  Edward sat on a chair near the window and he peered outside. Hours passed since he sat there. Tears uncontrollably oozed down from his eyes. Fortunately Jim and Jan didn’t try to cry even though they know that their mother is dead.

  Occasionally, Edward saw two or three armed men walking through the streets. Edward glanced at the big clock in the living room. Its 12:18 PM. Jim and Jan are patiently sitting on the floor and they are staring at Edward.


  Suddenly sound of an explosion came from nearby. The ground shook and dust sprinkled from the ceiling.

  “Dad, what was that?” Jim asked.

  Edward didn’t answered. Edward looked in all directions, but he couldn’t see any evidence of the explosion. He is pretty certain that the explosion occurred from nearby.


  Suddenly another explosion occurred. This time, a double story building, nearby Edward’s house, collapsed and dust blew in every direction. Edward quickly stood up and backed away from the window. Then he quickly spread the curtain across the window. The window glass permit view in only one direction, though Edward felt safer by covering the window with the curtain.

  Jim and Jan came near Edward.

  “Dad, will they kill us too?” Jan asked.

  “Don’t worry, Jan. I won’t let them hurt you guys. If they want to hurt you, it will be over my dead body.”

  Jan and Jim forced a nod. Edward then went near the window and he peeked outside. Then he saw it. Some armed men are outside, and they are planting time bombs everywhere.

  “Shit ...” Edward muttered. He need to escape fast or his house will collapse on top of him and his kids.

  Then, one armed men started placing time bombs on Edward’s porch.

  “Kids, come with me.” Edward quickly walked towards the basement garage.

  Jan and Jim quickly followed him. Before long they reached inside the garage. Inside the garage rests Edward’s yellow cab. Edward and his kids quickly got inside the car. Edward put the key in ignition and the engine began to rumble.

  “Kids, get down.” Edward instructed.

  Quickly, Jan and Jim crouched down on the back seat. Edward slowly moved the vehicle forward. As it reached near the garage door, Edward Stuck out his hand through the side window and he pressed a switch on the wall. Suddenly, with loud noise, the shutter door began to slide up.

  Suddenly two armed men came in front of the cab. Edward quickly floored the accelerator. The small cab rushed forward.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The armed men opened fire. Several shots made holes on the wind shield, but the wind shield didn’t broke. As soon as the cab is outside, Edward accelerated the car at maximum speed and it started rushing through the road.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The men who shot earlier shot again at the back window. The back window quickly shattered into pieces.

  “Ahh ... Dad ...” Jim and Jan screamed.

  Suddenly an armed man came out of nowhere, and he shot at Edward from in front of the cab. Edward ducked. A few bullets struck on the driver’s seat.

  Suddenly, the cab ran over the man and the cab jerked for a moment. Edward then looked at the road. In the rear view mirror, he saw the dead armed man lying on the road. Edward then concentrated on the road.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Sound of gun shots came from various directions, closely followed by, sound of explosions. Edward hopes that the military will arrive here soon, or these terrorists will destroy everything. Then Edward saw it. There are many dead bodies scattered on the road here and there.

  “God, forgive me.” Edward prayed as he drove the vehicle over the dead bodies. It’s not possible to drive through the road without running over a dead body. Jan and Jim stared outside in disbelief. The car jerked frequently.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 10 – Jonathan

  Somewhere in Oregon

  Jonathan drove the vehicle through a desolated road. There aren’t any houses nearby, and both sides of the road are filled with corn plantation. Jonathan decreased the speed a little.

  “So, what are your names?” Jonathan asked.

  “I am Bobby, and this is my little sister, Abigail.”

  “Well, nice to meet you, Bobby, Abigail. You can call me Jonathan.”

  Bobby and Abigail nodded.

  “So, who are they? Are they terrorists?” Bobby asked.

  “Yes. They are the damn terrorists.”

  “Well, how did they managed to slip through our defences?” Bobby asked.

  “I don’t know, Bobby. One thing I know is, they are everywhere. Our entire country is under their command. There are news about them from all over the world.”

  “What? This is global?” Bobby asked in shock.

  Jonathan nodded. “The fact is, they came when we were least expecting. They killed many. What still puzzles me is, there were terrorists everywhere inside our country.”

  “Domestic threat?” Bobby asked.

  “Yeah. And the horrifying thing is, they have a kind of spacecraft with them.”

  “How did they managed to build those?” Abigail asked.

  “I don’t know, Abigail. These people are some high tech guys.”

  A moment later the corn field ended, and now, both sides of the road are filled with trees. In the sky, noon sun shined. The sunlight, which is seeping inside through the windshield, almost burned Jonathan’s skin. Then Jonathan slowed down the Humvee. In front of the Humvee, a soldier appeared. The soldier is standing nearby a small bridge. Under the bridge, there is an overflowing river. The soldier is doing something on the hand rails of the bridge.

  Jonathan parked the Humvee in front of the bridge and he took the assault rifle in his hand. Then he slowly opened the door and exited the Humvee. Bobby and Abigail tried to get out, but Jonathan quickly motioned at them to stay inside.

  “Hey, where is your team?” Jonathan asked the soldier nearby.

  Suddenly the soldi
er, raised his gun at Jonathan.

  “Hey, man, calm down and lower your gun.”

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The soldier pulled the trigger and bullets rushed at Jonathan. Jonathan quickly crouched down.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The soldier again pulled the trigger.

  “Ahh ...” One of the bullets struck Jonathan on his shoulder.

  Jonathan quickly hauled himself behind the Humvee. Jonathan slowly peeked at Bobby and Abigail through the back window. Bobby and Abigail were already crouched down on the back seat.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The soldier pulled the trigger again and again. Bullets rushed at the Humvee. Many struck on the windshield, but the bulletproof windshield stood intact.

  “Hey, man. I am one of you.” Jonathan yelled.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The soldier don’t want to listen to anything Jonathan have to say. It certain that, the soldier want to kill Jonathan. Then Jonathan saw no other choice but to fire back. Jonathan peeked at the soldier. The soldier is hurriedly doing something on the bridge, and his one eye is on the Humvee.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The soldier worked the gun with one hand.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Jonathan pulled the trigger.

  “Ahh ...” Several bullets struck on the soldier’s leg and the soldier went down. His gun fell from his hands, and now, the soldier is frantically searching for the dropped gun.

  Jonathan quickly rushed forward. Jonathan for a moment winced as a pain shot up through his shoulder. Before long, Jonathan reached near the soldier. Jonathan picked up the soldier’s gun and he kicked at the soldier’s midsection.

  “Ahh ...” The soldier screamed.

  “I told you, I am one of you.” Jonathan stormed.

  “Go to hell sucker. You are not going to win.” The soldier said.

  Suddenly, the soldier drew out a small knife from his boot and he lunged at Jonathan’s foot. Jonathan dodged the attack and he clubbed at the soldier’s head using the butt of his gun. The solider quickly blacked out. Jonathan quickly crouched down and he searched the soldier. Then he saw a wallet. He took the wallet and he rifled through everything inside. Then he saw an identity card. This soldier, Douglas, is indeed belongs to United States army. But, why did he shot at Jonathan. He certainly knows that Jonathan is one of theirs.

  Then Jonathan saw it. There is a peculiar plastic card in Douglas’ wallet. And in it, there is a picture of a man in black dress, carrying a gun raised above his head. The man’s face is covered with a black cloth and he wore a black bandana on his head. Then Jonathan looked behind the card. Then the horror struck him. Behind the card, there is Douglas’ photo, and in it, it is written that, he is part of a group of terrorists called Liberators of the World – LOW.

  Jonathan is certain that he haven't heard about such a group of terrorists before. This Douglas is a domestic threat. Jonathan trained his gun at Douglas’ face. And he pulled the trigger.


  Douglas instantly stopped breathing.

  “Bitch, you’re never going to win this war.” Jonathan muttered. It’s then Jonathan remembered that, Douglas was doing something on the bridge. Jonathan went near the handrails of the bridge. Then he saw it. Douglass was about to blow up the bridge using explosives. Jonathan slowly detached the explosive from the bridge and he threw it in the river.

  Jonathan then walked towards the Humvee. He quickly got inside. His shoulder hurts a lot. He winced and looked at his shoulder. He could clearly see the bullet sticking out of the wound.

  Bobby and Abigail stared at Jonathan with compassion. Jonathan quickly fished a small surgical blade from a medical kit. He then slowly tried to pluck the bullet from the wound. A moment later, the bullet came out of the wound. Suddenly, blood poured out from the wound. Jonathan quickly took a bandage.

  “Let me help you.” Bobby came forward. He grabbed the bandage from Jonathan. He then took a small bottle of medicine from the medical kit. Bobby applied some medicine on the wound.

  “Ahh …” Jonathan winced. The wound began to sting.

  Then Bobby quickly pasted the bandage on the wound. He took several more bandages from the medical kit. He pasted all of those on Jonathan’s shoulder.

  “Better.” Jonathan tested his shoulder by moving his left shoulder. “Now, let’s get out of here.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 11 – William

  Somewhere in Denver

  Suddenly, footsteps came from the end of the corridor.

  “Run ...” William whispered.

  They quickly broke into a silent run. Before long, they exited the college building and they ran towards the gate. Surrounding is extremely quiet, and fortunately, no one is pursuing them. William and Olivia stopped running when they reached the city road. Then they quickly peered at the buildings all around them.

  So far no danger nearby.

  “Where would we go?” Olivia asked.

  “I need to check my house.” William said.

  “Then let’s do it fast.”

  William nodded. They quickly paced through the road with William leading the way. There are dozens of dead bodies scattered on the streets and there are numerous vehicles on the road which are crashed one another. They passed the grave of vehicles and they pushed forward. Suddenly, as soon as they reached an intersection connecting four roads, a ford pickup truck came out of nowhere. On the back of the truck stands five armed men. William suddenly felt something bad.

  “Run ...” William shouted.

  William and Olivia quickly ran in the road on their left direction.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Sound of gunshots came from their back. Fortunately, all the bullets went astray. When William thought he made a considerable distance from the truck, he looked back. Then he saw two of the armed men running towards them.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The armed men frequently fired at William and Olivia. Then William saw a way out. He led the way and they ran towards an alley. William quickly started climbing a fire escape ladder of a gigantic building. Olivia, without further thought followed him.

  As soon as they reached near the second level, William hauled himself inside a nearby room through the already broken window. Olivia followed him.

  As soon as they both reached inside, they took a deep breath. None of them attempted to talk, they just breathed heavily.

  “Did they saw us?” Finally Olivia opened her mouth.

  “I don’t think so.”

  Then they heard sound of retreating footsteps. William peered outside through the window. No one is nearby and everything is in silence.

  “Are they the terrorists?” Olivia asked.

  “I guess so.”

  “What’s our military doing now? They must have encountered these bitches. Why are they still not here?”

  “I don’t know, Olivia.”


  Suddenly sound of an explosion came from nearby. The building shook and walls vibrated. Then William saw it. A nearby building collapsed to the ground. Dust blew in every direction. He peered outside. Then he saw a dozens of armed men planting something, possibly explosives, on nearby buildings. Olivia came near William and she too saw the armed men.

  The armed men are wearing a bandana in their head and they all have covered their face using a cloth piece.


  Suddenly another explosion occurred and a building in front of the building in which William and Olivia are in collapsed to the ground.

  Olivia and William stared outside with panic. They have to escape right now, or the terrorists outside would bury them alive in this building. But, there is no way they could escape right now. Outside is teeming with terrorists. Then William saw two ford pickup trucks full of terrorists on the street in front of the building in which they are in.

  “God, save us.” William muttered.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 12 – Edward

Somewhere in Wyoming

  Before long, the small cab exited the small town and it entered into a road whose both sides are filled with trees. Edward occasionally saw small houses on the side of the road. A quietness is looming everywhere.

  Edward first thought about holing up inside one of the small houses, but the chances are, the terrorists will be teeming in this place. Now, the key to survival is finding fellow survivors. As far as he know, there aren’t any military units deployed here. And, at worse, this might be happening all over the country. Edward hopes that some other countries will come here to save them if it indeed is out of United States military’s hands.

  That’s when Edward thought about the radio in his cab. He quickly switched on the radio. But static greeted him. He changed the channel. Then, on one channel, he could faintly hear something. He tuned that channel.

  “Fellow, Americans. We are under war with terrorists. You all should remain calm and you all should stay inside you homes. Lock all doors and windows and never attempt to reach your loved ones. We are currently sending help throughout our country. As far as we know, this is happening all over the world ... Fellow, Americans, we are under war with ...”


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