Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction

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Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction Page 5

by C. O. Amal

  A few minutes later, Jonathan and the woman came to the roof. She is now wearing a jeans and a white shirt. She looks beautiful, just like Abigail’s mother.

  “Bobby, Abigail, meet Josephine.”

  Bobby and Abigail smiled at Josephine. Josephine smiled back.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 17 – William

  Somewhere in Denver

  “We are not bad guys.” William said.

  The soldiers said something, and they all lowered their rifles. Then a soldier came towards William and Olivia. William and Olivia lowered their arms. William’s mother and brother came near the doorway and they peered at the soldiers. Rest of the soldiers continued their journey.

  “What is happening here?” Olivia asked the approaching soldier.

  “There are terrorists everywhere.” The solider said.

  “Is this only here?” William asked.

  “No. This is now happening all over the world.” The soldier said.

  “What?” William asked in shock.

  “You all must stay inside your house and don’t come out until things are normal.”

  “But, we need food to survive.” William said.

  “Then, stay inside a building with food supply. We don’t have time to talk. I need to get back with them. Do you have any weapons?”

  “No.” Olivia said.

  The soldier quickly took a revolver from its holster and he gave it to William. “I hope you know how to use this.” Then the soldier ran towards the other soldiers.

  “Now what?” Olivia asked.

  “We should stay inside a good building.” William said.

  Olivia and William looked around them. Then William concentrated his eyes on a mega story building. That building should be enough.

  “Come on, let’s head to that building over there.” William said.

  Olivia nodded.

  William motioned at his brother and mother to follow him. William quickly led them all to the mega story building. This building withstood more attacks. There are bullet holes everywhere in the ground floor. But, the building is devoid of dead bodies.

  Before long, William and his team started climbing a staircase. They quickly reached the top level of the building. They got inside a nice room and they settled down there.

  William went near the corridor and he examined the revolver. Olivia came besides him and she looked at the revolver.

  “You know how to use it?” Olivia asked.

  “Yeah. My dad had one of these. But cops one day took it from him.”


  William switched off the safety and he placed it in his waist band.

  “Did you check for any food?” William asked.

  “I saw a refrigerator full of canned goods. And there are two cartoons of mineral water too.”

  “It might be enough for a week, right?”

  “I don’t know.”


  Suddenly, a swoosh came from the sky. William and Olivia went near the window and they peered at the sky. Then they saw it. It looks like that a kind of two space crafts are flying towards them from the north. A few minutes later, the space crafts reached near their building. Then one spacecraft landed on the ground and dozens of terrorists rushed outside. All the terrorists are rushing towards the building in which William and team are in.

  “God, save us.” Olivia muttered.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 18 – Josephine

  Somewhere in Oregon

  Josephine hurriedly prepared the scrambled egg. Before long, she finished preparing the food. She quickly served the scrambled egg in four plates. A moment later, Jonathan, Bobby and Abigail came inside the kitchen. They all quickly sat around the kitchen table and they began to eat their food.

  Josephine put some food in her mouth and she watched Bobby and Abigail. Bobby and Abigail are so young and they think that Josephine is like their mother.

  Bobby found Josephine staring at him. He smiled at her. Josephine smiled back.

  They all quickly finished the food.

  Josephine was a final year college student. When she woke up yesterday morning, she found her mother dead in the kitchen. It was then she came to learn that there are terrorists roaming outside. She heard violent gunshots. She quickly dialled 911 and they put her on hold, but they never attempted to take the call again. When she dialled again, the call didn’t went through since there was no signal. It’s like she lost the signal all of a sudden.

  Then the power went out. She was in complete panic and she was grieving for her dead mother. Then she saw some terrorists blowing up buildings. When the terrorists started planting explosives in her house, she took the back door, and she ran away from her house. She then holed up in this building.

  In the noon time, she saw a young man in this building and she quickly became friend with him. He introduced himself as Robert. Then, when she was lying down on the bed, in the evening, Robert came inside the room and he did the fucking thing. She was actually weak. He used her weak nature against her.

  Then, when she thought everything was lost, she met Jonathan, Bobby and Abigail. Jonathan gave her a revolver. He also gave her some lessons in using the gun. She quickly mastered the gun. Before long, sun went near its highest position in the sky.

  The terrorists are still in the surroundings. She could frequently hear random gunshots and random explosions. Still, there are no signs of military. It’s certain that United States is dead. According to Jonathan, who is a soldier, this is happening all over the world. He was with a ten member team. Yesterday morning, his friends got killed by a suicide bomber. When they met a survivor, they didn’t realized that he was a suicide bomber. It all happened very fast. Someone above is definitely watching over Jonathan, or he would have been dead long ago.

  Josephine stood on the roof and she peered at the surroundings through Jonathan’s binocular. Then she saw it. Robert and a tall man are approaching the building from a corner. They are actually sneaking through the road. For a moment she wished he was dead in a cross fire by the terrorists. Josephine quickly showed them to Jonathan.

  “They are coming to this building.” Jonathan said. “Stay inside that room. We will have to find out what he is planning.”

  Josephine quickly ran inside the room in which she was in yesterday. She quickly got inside the closet and she hid there. Jonathan is in a nearby room. Josephine drew out her revolver and she switched off the safety.

  A few minutes later, she heard footsteps coming from the corridor outside. She waited. Then someone opened the door and got inside the room.

  Then she heard sound of someone searching through the pile of clothes.

  “She is not here.” Robert’s voice said.

  “You promised me. I can’t wait to fuck her, man. My body is desperate for her touch.” The unknown voice said.

  “Calm down, man. We will find her, she can’t be gone far.”

  Anger rose inside Josephine. She quickly opened the door of the closet and she stood in the light. Robert and the tall man quickly saw her. She then raised her gun at them.

  “What ...” Robert started saying something.


  Josephine pulled the trigger and he went down for good.

  “You, bitch ...” The tall man rushed at her.

  Josephine quickly trained her gun and she pulled the trigger.


  The tall man also went down for good. Jonathan got inside the room and he smiled at Josephine. Josephine is very happy. She just killed two people she hates. They didn’t deserved a bullet. They deserved to die slowly. But, she is happy, anyway.


  Suddenly a swoosh came from outside. Josephine and Jonathan went near the window and the peered outside. A moment later, Bobby and Abigail rushed inside.

  “It’s the spacecraft you had said.” Bobby said to Jonathan.

  Then Josephine saw it. A spacecraft, just like the one described by Jonathan, had lan
ded on the ground and a group of terrorists rushed outside.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 19 – Edward

  Somewhere in Wyoming

  Edward and Carter stood on the roof of the building and they peered around them. There are many mega story buildings all around them.


  Suddenly an explosion occurred from the end of the nearby block and a mega story building collapsed to the ground. Dust blew in every direction, and the street near that block completely got covered in the debris of the building.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  More explosions occurred and all the remaining buildings in the nearby block completely collapsed. And the streets all around that block got covered in the remains of the crumbled buildings. When the dust settled down, Edward cautiously looked and saw a dozens of armed terrorists in the streets. They all are chanting something by raising their guns above their head.

  Suddenly a series of swooshes came from the distant sky. Edward and Carter looked around them with panic. Then they saw it. Four space crafts are approaching the crumbled block of buildings from the north.

  The space crafts are carrying a huge metal cube. At the moment they reached above the crumbled block, they released the thick wires which are used to carry the metal cube. Suddenly, the metal cube fell on top of the crumbled block of buildings. Suddenly, the cube automatically levitated in the air just above the ground. The size of the cube is almost similar to that of the block.

  Carter and Edward looked at the metal cube with curious eyes. What have they come up with this time? The cube is surely made of metal. The metal walls of the cube clearly reflected the noon sunlight.

  “Do you have any idea what it is?” Carter asked.

  “I have no idea what it is.” Edward said. “It can’t be anything good.”

  Carter nodded. A moment later, Jan and Jim came to the roof. They stared at the levitating cube with wonder.

  “We need to escape from here. It’s not safe here.” Edward said. “Soon, this place will be teeming with them. That cube must be their base or something like that.”

  “Where are we supposed to go?” Carter asked. “They are everywhere.”

  “No doubt about that. But, we need to stay away from that cube thing.”

  “Okay. We will go in the evening. We can travel in the night.” Carter said.

  Edward nodded.

  Edward and Carter glanced at the levitating cube and they lost in thoughts.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 20 – Olivia

  Somewhere in Denver

  Suddenly, the soldiers, who earlier passed this town, came back.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Soldiers opened fire at the terrorists.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The terrorists also opened fire. Bullets rushed in all directions, and several soldiers and terrorists screamed frequently.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Military tanks roared and the building near the terrorists collapsed on top of the spacecraft. Dust blew in every direction.

  Soldiers quickly rushed forward firing in all directions. When the dust settled down, everything the soldiers saw was dead bodies of the terrorists. Soldiers chanted some victory song by raising their guns above their head.

  Suddenly, a series of swooshes came from the distant sky. Olivia and William went near another window and they peered outside. Then they saw it. Five or more space crafts are approaching from the south. Soldiers trained their guns at the approaching space crafts. Tanks also trained their barrels at the approaching space crafts.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Tanks roared and two space crafts suddenly exploded in mid-air. Suddenly, all other space crafts opened fire at the soldiers. Then it happened. When soldiers concentrated their attention on the space crafts, a group of terrorists came behind them in ford pickup trucks. There are gigantic guns mounted on the trucks. A moment later, all the gigantic guns opened fire at the soldiers. Soldiers didn’t even get time to scream. It all happened very fast.

  Olivia couldn’t believe what just happened. The last hope inside her quickly faded. Even the metal tanks didn’t stand in their way. The guns mounted on the pickup trucks are supposedly firing armour piercing rounds.

  “William, let’s get out of here.” Olivia said.

  William nodded. William and Olivia quickly rushed inside the small room.

  “Mom, we are leaving.” William said.

  Quickly William’s mother and his brother nodded at William and they came near William. William quickly led all of them to the back window. He opened the window and everybody saw the fire escape ladder. William first climbed down. Then Olivia, William’s mother and Jeb climbed down. Before long, they all reached at the back of the building. Then they broke into a sprint through the desolated streets, away from the city.

  It is certain that there is no hope left for mankind in this city.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 21 – Jonathan

  Somewhere in Oregon

  Jonathan couldn’t believe his eyes. All the terrorist rushed inside the building in which Jonathan and his team are in.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  “Ahh ... Ahh ... Ahh ...”

  Gun shots and scream of people came from lower levels. It’s then Jonathan realized that there were other survivors in this building. If he had found them earlier, they all could have fought back in some way. Why think about it now? Shit happened. Now it’s time to escape.

  Jonathan quickly looked at his team.

  “Everyone, we are going outside through the fire escape ladder. Bobby, Abigail, don’t scream, no matter what happens, okay?”

  Bobby and Abigail nodded.

  The gun shots still came from the lower levels. Now the gun shots are from somewhere nearby. Jonathan quickly slide up the nearby window. He looked down and saw the fire escape ladder. He quickly hauled himself outside and he stood on the ladder.

  “Slowly climb outside.” Jonathan instructed.

  Bobby and Abigail followed Jonathan. They safely touched the ladder rungs. Josephine got outside as last. Then, they all quickly climbed down. They reached near the second level when a series of gun shots erupted from inside. Someone is firing back at the terrorists. But, whoever that is, he or she won’t escape this place alive.

  Finally Jonathan and his small band of survivors touched the ground. Jonathan quickly went near a corner and he peeked at the front side of the building. The spacecraft is still on the road and he could see two terrorists just outside the building.

  Jonathan quickly motioned at his team to follow him. He led them to a nearby block. Now, the gun fire from the building stopped. But, he could still hear sound of something falling down and glasses shattering. After they reached the nearby block, Jonathan quickly bolted into a run through the sidewalk which is filled with glass shards. The glass shards clattered as they ran over them. Bobby, Abigail and Josephine closely followed Jonathan.

  Before long, they exited the city road and entered into a desolated empty street. Now both sides of the road are filled with small wooden houses, and trees are all over the place.

  Jonathan and team increased their speed a little. Right now, the only thing in his mind is to stay away from the city. Suddenly, a ford pickup truck rushed at them from in front of them.

  “Run this way.” Jonathan shouted pointing at a nearby house. Jonathan then ran in that direction. Others followed him.

  They quickly reached at the back of the house. Then they saw it. The ford pickup truck stopped near the house and the armed man on the back of the truck trained the gigantic gun at the house.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  High calibre bullets rushed at the house. Jonathan and his team crouched down and they hid behind the house. The bullets rushed through the house damaging the wooden walls. Some of the bullets reached near Jonathan and his team by making holes on the wall.

  It’s time to fight back, or these innocent children will die on his watch. Jonathan just can’t
allow that to happen. Jonathan quickly unstrapped his back pack and he took two flash grenades from it. He quickly armed them and he went near the corner. He instantly threw the grenades at the pickup truck. One grenade fell under the truck. The second grenade fell on the truck’s tail.

  Boom! Boom!

  The grenades successfully exploded, creating a white light everywhere around the point of explosion, and fire consumed the truck. The armed men instantly died without even making a scream. Jonathan discarded his cover and he went near the burning pickup truck. For a moment he smiled at the truck.

  “Let’s go.” Jonathan called out.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 22 – Edward

  Somewhere in Wyoming

  Finally, the sun began to set in the horizon and darkness crept forward. Edward unwrapped a protein bar and he slowly ate it. Then he slowly walked towards the roof. A moment later Carter joined him.

  “Are you sure we have to leave this place?” Carter asked.

  “Yes. I am pretty sure. I don’t want anywhere near that cube thing.”


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