Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction

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Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction Page 14

by C. O. Amal

  “Please,” She continued to scream.

  One of the alien broke into a violent laugh.


  A bullet came through the glass window and it struck on the alien who was laughing. Suddenly a stream of bright light came out of the alien’s head, and the alien dropped dead.

  William turned his head towards the window. Then more bullets rained through the window. Light beams came out from here and there. A moment later, all the aliens dropped dead. The aliens didn’t even get time to run.

  As the last of the aliens went down, Olivia and William took a deep sigh. Finally, they are safe. So, they do have a future whether it will fade or brighten up.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 69 – Edward

  Somewhere in Idaho

  Edward stared at the remaining terrorists. A moment later, five pickup trucks came from the north and the terrorists got inside the trucks. Then, just like that, the terrorists left the scene.

  Edward and his team walked around the room with excitement. The gravity really returned with its former glory.

  “Now what?” Edward asked Jonathan.

  “Now, we don’t want to be anywhere near this place.” Jonathan said. “They will shoot us down if they see us. In my opinion, we should retreat into a forest or something like that. The terrorists will handle the aliens.”

  “Then let’s move out.” Josephine said with excitement.

  Before long, they all exited the mega story building and they started their walk. They didn’t reached much when all of a sudden Jonathan motioned at everyone to stop. He detected some movement in a nearby building. Jonathan then drew out his binocular and he looked through the scope.

  “It’s the aliens. We should take them out.” Jonathan said.

  Josephine nodded.

  “But ...” Edward is too scared to fight. Jonathan, Josephine, Bobby and Abigail ran towards a nearby building. Seeing no other choice but to follow Jonathan, Edward followed him. Jan and Jim closely followed Edward.

  Before long they got inside the building. Jonathan and Josephine already set up their guns. Josephine peered outside through the scope of the sniper rifle. Edward looked outside through the window and saw a few men and woman – all supposedly aliens – standing inside a room in the nearby building. They are standing around two tables. Edward quickly grabbed Bobby’s binocular and he peered outside through the scope. Then he saw it. One man and a woman are restrained to the tables and the aliens are standing near them. Then he saw two dead bodies in two nearby tables.

  “They are going to cut them open.” Edward muttered.


  Josephine pulled the trigger.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Then Jonathan too pulled the trigger. Edward closed his eyes and he covered his ears using his hands. A few moments later, everything ended. Edward looked at the room through the binocular and saw the man and woman pretty much alive.

  “Let’s save them, then.” Edward said with joy. Soon, more survivors might join them. This is just a start.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 70 – Bobby

  Somewhere in Idaho

  Sun started to set in the horizon and darkness slowly began to conquer the land. Bobby and his team slowly, cautiously approached the aliens’ building. There are a few dozens of dead bodies of terrorists in the yard of the building. Blood is still oozing down from several bodies. These are fresh kill.

  Before long Bobby and his team entered inside with zero resistance. Jonathan led the way and they quickly started climbing the stairs. Bobby is still surprised to know that Edward is too scared to hold a gun. He tried to give him his gun a few times. But Edward refused all the time.

  They quickly reached the third level of the building and they saw the survivors. Jonathan quickly cut down the plastic tapes which restrained the man and woman. The woman looks like have been crying. Her eyes are still welled up. The man is too scared to move his lips.

  “What are your names?” Jonathan asked.

  “I am William ... And this is Olivia.” The man said in a cracked voice.

  A cold wind rushed inside through the windows. Bobby wrapped his arms around his chest. The worst is over. Now they have to survive the terrorists. They will probably leave them alone if they stayed away from them.

  Bobby’s head quickly began to fill up with images of him and his team inside a tree house, deep inside a forest. He quickly lost in thoughts.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 71 – Crystal Lawson

  Somewhere near Area 51

  The flying saucer hovered over the soldiers. The outer rim of the flying saucer is rotating at high speed. Then it happened. Hundreds of aliens – in their raw form – rained from the flying saucer. Some of the soldiers quickly concentrated their shots on the aliens who are raining from the mother ship. Some of the aliens exploded into pieces as the bullets struck them.

  Some of the soldiers are still firing at the infected humans who are on top of the hill. A few of the human aliens quickly went down. A few soldiers also dropped dead. Then the raining aliens flew inside a few surviving soldiers’ body. Soldiers wriggled from where they stood as the aliens entered inside their body.

  Crystal began to shoot at the nearby infected soldiers. Her shots all went astray. She actually has no experience in firing a gun.

  Then, when all started to end, a series of swooshes came from the distant sky. Crystal peered at the sky and fear again shook her in the core. A few dozens of space crafts are rushing at the mother ship.

  Something is entirely wrong. The space crafts aren’t slowing down. Then it happened.

  A few space crafts in the front line began to crash with the mother ship. Space crafts exploded into pieces as they collided with the mother ship.

  Then a few space crafts landed on the ground and terrorists rushed outside.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Terrorists opened fire at the aliens. Then more space crafts came from the distant Sky. Most space crafts collided with the mother ship. These terrorists are clearly suicide fighters. Then the outer rim of the flying saucer, which was rotating at high speed, exploded and it broke away from the main body.

  Suddenly a few dozens of terrorists came in pickup trucks. There are gigantic guns mounted on the pickup trucks, and at the instant they reached under the flying saucer, they opened fire at the flying saucer.

  High calibre bullets rushed at the flying saucer. Some of the gunmen inside the pickup trucks concentrated their fire power on the alien infected humans.

  Crystal hid behind the Humvee and watched everything. She actually can’t believe what is happening around her. She thought all the terrorists were infected by aliens. Now here are the terrorists who are shooting down the aliens.


  Suddenly with a bang, the centre portion of the mother ship exploded and the flying saucer began to descent at high velocity. Crystal ran away from under the flying saucer. A moment later, the flying saucer crash landed on top of the military trucks, throwing dust in all directions.

  The terrorists didn’t stopped there. The gun men on the pickup trucks continued to shoot at the flying saucer. First, bullets didn’t pierced the metal layer of the flying saucer. Then the metal layer quickly began to deteriorate. Bullets then rained at the flying saucer.


  Suddenly the flying saucer exploded into pieces. Also, all the nearby aliens who are in their raw form and those who are infected dropped dead in the explosion.

  As the last of the aliens went down, terrorists raised their guns above their heads and they chanted a victory song.

  Crystal and a few surviving soldiers looked at the terrorists with excitement. Then all the terrorists, all of a sudden, trained their guns at Crystal and at the soldiers. Crustal stared at the terrorists with a sudden panic.

  God, is this how I die?

  * * * * *

  Chapter 72 – Olivia

  Somewhere in Idaho

  Before long, su
n fully set in the horizon, plunging everywhere in darkness. Olivia, William and Jonathan’s team of survivors went to a higher level. They got inside a nice room and they set up their hideout there.

  As night became too deep, Jonathan began to tell his stories about what he went through to get here. Olivia and William also shared their stories. Jonathan was excited to know more about the soldiers Olivia and William encountered in Denver. According to Jonathan, there were many military troops deployed all across the country. But, he wasn’t able to contact any one of them after his team’s death.

  Jonathan also told about a terrorist who was a soldier.

  Edward is also a nice guy. His stories was shocking. But the most heart pounding story was Bobby’s and Abigail’s. Their mother was shot dead in front of them. Then terrorists opened fire at them. No child should went through such a horrific moment.

  A few minutes later, with the thought about a new tomorrow, Olivia closed her eyes.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 73 – Edward

  Somewhere in Idaho

  In the morning, Edward and his small band of survivors started their walk.

  “So, where should we go?” Edward asked Jonathan.

  “We should go into an isolated rural region. It’s better if we found somewhere near a forest.”

  Edward nodded.

  A few minutes later, they exited the city and entered into a lonely road whose both sides are filled with trees. Then they saw a good looking SUV on the side of the road. Edward checked the SUV. He was easily able to hot wire the car. Their rest of the journey was in that black SUV. They passed many abandoned cars. A few hours of Journey ended near a countryside road. The dirt road was a tempting one. Since, they expended the SUV's fuel completely, they ditched the SUV and they started their walk through the dirt road. There are corn plantation on both sides of the road, and fortunately, there are no signs of terrorists or aliens.

  Before long, they began to see houses. But, all the houses were empty. There are no dead bodies too. It’s like the people had left this place a long time ago. When sun moved to its highest position in the sky, they reached near a good looking house. There aren’t any other houses nearby. And there is a tree land nearby.

  “This would be enough.” Jonathan said.

  Jonathan quickly entered inside the house and he searched the house for any threat. When he saw no threat, he signalled at others to join him. Edward and team slowly entered inside the house. Edward first went to the kitchen. He opened the tap and he found running water. He took a glass from the shelf and he drank some fresh water.

  Then Edward went to the living room where everyone was sitting. Josephine, William and Jonathan went outside to make the place more secure. He found his kids playing with Bobby and Abigail. Olivia went deeper inside the house searching for something.

  Edward sat near the window and he peered at Jonathan and his team who are standing outside. Edward sat back in the chair and he took a deep breath. This must be their long waited safe haven.

  God, please watch over us.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 74 – Abigail

  Somewhere in Idaho

  “Let’s play in the woods.” Abigail suggested.

  They have been discussing about where to play next.

  “Yeah, let’s go to the woods. I bet there will be squirrels.” Jan said.

  All the kids nodded.

  “Dad, we are going outside.” Jan said to Edward who quickly nodded at them.

  “Stay safe.” Edward reminded.

  Abigail and Jan ran outside in the front line. Boys followed them closely. Abigail kept her gun in her waist band, at the ready, in case things gone out of hand. Before long they reached the woods.

  There are gigantic trees here, and all trees have large canopy. A cool wind constantly blew through the forest.

  “We can play hide and seek.” Jim suggested.

  “That’s good. Let’s play hide and seek. I will first count.” Bobby said.

  “Wait a minute,” Abigail said. She spotted it first. A large pit is in front of them and there is a pile of loose soil just outside the pit. Someone dug this pit recently. Abigail and Bobby drew out their revolvers and they slowly approached.

  Jan and Jim closely followed them.

  Then Abigail saw it. There is a pile of dead bodies in the pit, all are drenched in blood. The pit isn’t that deep, so, they could clearly see the dead bodies. There are even kids among the dead. This explains where all the people in this village had gone to. All the dead bodies looks fresh and there is no smell, yet.

  “Jonathan,” Abigail screamed.

  “Dad,” Jan and Jim screamed together.

  “What is it?” Jonathan, Josephine, Edward, William and Olivia rushed to the scene. Then they too saw the dead bodies.

  “Jonathan, we can’t stay here.” Abigail said.

  “Right.” Jonathan said. “Guys, we have to find another place. Whoever done this might return. We have to move out now.”

  Then, just like that, they left the house, in search of a safe haven. Now, they can’t afford to take any chances. For all they know, they might be the last of the humans. They can’t just give up, after all they have been went through. God must have a plan for them. Otherwise they would have been dead long ago.

  They exited the rural region and entered into a dark road.

  God, show us a safe path.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 75 – Crystal Lawson

  Somewhere near Area 51

  Tears oozed down from Crystal’s eyes.

  “Please, you know, we are not the enemies.” Crystal pleaded.

  “You’re right, lady.” A terrorists said. “We are not the enemies. But, all of you are a pathetic little things. You have no right to live in our heaven. We fought hard to achieve this. And this is our heaven. Our own.” Then he turned towards the other terrorists. “Shoot them down ...”

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Gunfire echoed and all the soldiers quickly dropped dead.

  A terrorists drew out his revolver and he came near Crystal. He then trained the gun at Crystal’s head.

  “Please ...”


  Crystal heard a gunshot. Then, that was it. Her world went blank.

  * * * * *


  Somewhere in Idaho

  They haven’t covered much distance from that village house when Jonathan spotted a battalion of terrorists. They all are talking and enjoying their time in front of a big coffee house. There are many pickup trucks and a few space crafts nearby. And a few space crafts are burning down in a nearby field.

  These terrorists might be the ones who slaughtered the villagers. There is all the possibility that the villagers might have been infected by aliens. Otherwise, the bodies wouldn’t be that fresh. At least Jonathan hoped that, that would be the truth.

  The terrorists cleaned the place too. So, they must be planning to settle down here. Jonathan carefully navigated all of them out of harm’s way and before long, they exited the boundary of the village. Far away, they could see the form of buildings. There has to be some place somewhere free of terrorists and aliens. Since the gravity have returned, all the aliens might be on the verge of death. So there will be a future for them somewhere around here.

  * * *

  Somewhere in British Columbia, Canada

  One month later

  Jonathan and his team finally reached Canada. They stuck to the coastal areas for now. Here terrorists are very low. They encountered quite a few terrorists on the way. All the encountered terrorists are dead. And there are no aliens too. That flying saucer is nowhere to be seen. And now, snow started falling.

  Kids are in complete excitement. Finally, this might be their safe haven. They hopes that they will not run into any aliens or terrorists any more.

  Jonathan is hoping to rebuild a civilization. But, there are no raw materials for that. Electricity is down for good. And most people are eit
her dead or infected. It’s certain that they will die out soon. It’s just, live the life you have, and enjoy the life, go where your heart takes you to. It’s only one life and you have to live it. Life might throw many things at you. You have to overcome them. It’s die or live. And here, you have to fight to live, whether you like it or not, whether you die tomorrow or not.


  Thank you for finishing this book. The second book in this series is called Zero Gravity Zero Hour: Origins. That book is all about the origin of the alien race who thrive only in zero gravity and the story of the mysterious guardians of the world.

  If you like this book, take a minute to review it on wherever you purchased it. Reviews will save me a lot.

  The second book will be out soon.

  About the Author

  C.O. Amal lives in a small house in Wayanad district of Kerala state of the country India with his father, mother and sister. He loves to read science fiction apocalyptic books. He writes a lot. His imaginations are all about extra-terrestrial life and colonizing across the galaxy. He believes human kind will soon reach its glory in space travel and soon everyone can travel to the deep space.


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