Eternal Destiny

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Eternal Destiny Page 9

by Chrissy Peebles

“Whoa!” Sarah said. “Remind me never to go bowling with you again.”

  Liz smiled and grabbed her shoulder. “Like that? I’ve been practicing.”

  “Yeah, I can see that,” Sarah said, laughing.

  “Now it’s your turn.”

  Sarah shook her head. “Nah, I think I’ll let you have all the fun…for now,” she said, mostly because she had no idea how Liz had done it. It had worked once or twice, but whatever had triggered her abilities, she doubted she could tap into them, at least not without a bit of practice.

  “Okay then. Let’s go!” Liz yelled.

  Sarah jumped as a horse reared up and galloped past her. “No! I’m not leaving the others!”

  An arrow whizzed through the air, striking Liz in the arm. She grimaced as she spoke, “We can’t stay here.” Grabbing Sarah’s hand, she pulled her along as they weaved between knights and the Immortals caught in the heat of battle.

  Sarah blinked through the cloud of dust surrounding them.

  Liz let out a loud groan and collapsed to the ground.

  Sarah reached out to catch her sister’s fall, dropping to her knees in the process. Her arm wandered around Liz’s waist as she tried to push her up. “I’ll get the arrow out. Don’t move.”

  Liz doubled over, holding her stomach. “It’s not…it’s not the arrow. I-I can…it’s Charles. He’s here somewhere, and he’s…he’s getting his butt kicked.” She let out a long scream, then a moan before passing out.

  “Liz? NO!” Sarah picked her up and stumbled toward the perimeter of the camp. She wasn’t keen on leaving her sister behind, and she’d do anything in her power to take Liz with her, even if it meant dragging her across the entire battleground.

  Looking up, Sarah’s eyes connected with a grimly familiar gaze. Ethano! He stalked toward her, creeping forward like some sort of panther on the prowl. She really needed a sword or, better yet, a machinegun. Glancing around, she spotted a dagger in the grass and decided it would have to do. She set Liz down and lunged for it.

  Within a millisecond, Ethano had grabbed her around the waist and began dragging her, flailing with every ounce of energy she had, to three other Immortals to the left.

  If only I knew how to use these darn powers!

  “Can you handle Victor’s wife?” yelled an Immortal, scooping up an unconsciousness Liz.

  “She’s wild…but I can control her.”

  “We’ve got William’s daughter, Princess Gloria, and we’re heading back,” a knight chimed.

  “We need Charles too!” Ethano said. “He’s part of this conspiracy too.”

  “We’ll get him.”

  “Good.” Ethano hoisted Sarah up on his horse, struggling to get hold of her hands as she scratched his face like a wildcat.

  Nails are a girl’s best friend, and I don’t need any fancy powers to shred him to bits!

  Nevertheless, Ethano ignored her attempts. “You’ve got an appointment with the court, milady. Let us make haste.” Ethano grabbed her hair and yanked her head back.

  A jolt of pain made Sarah gasp. “You know what?”

  “What is it, feisty one?”

  “Your world really sucks!” she hissed. “Since the minute I’ve stepped into it, all you people have tried to do has been to kill me!” She elbowed him; she realized it wasn’t such a great idea when the coarse metal of his chainmail grazed her skin, making her flinch.

  With his other hand, he touched her face and whispered in her ear, “You’ll calm down this instant, one way or another.”

  A wave of tranquility washed over her, shutting down every will she had to fight. With the last conscious thought she had, she realized he was using his freaky mind power on her.

  “Much better,” he said in a snide voice.

  She tried to fight it, to break out of the dreamlike state she was in, but it was no use. She wished she could scream for Victor, for Frank, for Liz, or even for Steven, but it was as if her vocal cords had been paralyzed. She had to help her friends, her sister, and Victor, but there was little she could even do to help herself in such a captive trance. No wonder the humans can never break the rule of the Immortals. Who could fight against powers like these?

  Ethano turned his horse and galloped into the woods for miles.

  Sarah was conscious enough to realize that the deeper they got, the harder it’d be for the others to find her. Having no other option, she screamed in her head for Victor, hoping he could somehow hear her telepathic cries for help. Holding her breath, she tried to listen, but there came no answer.

  Suddenly, thundering hooves echoed from behind them, and several arrows whizzed past Sarah, within inches of her ear. She knew that at such a speed, they had to come from a crossbow, but she couldn’t imagine who would be firing one. She glanced over her shoulder and gasped at the sight of Charles, her brother-in-law, whom she recognized from the vision. His blond hair, too long in places, brushed the collar of his dirty shirt as he swung about him, his sword cutting through the air as though he couldn’t quite aim. Sarah knew immediately why. A wide gap on his upper arm, now caked with blood, impaired him, making raising his arm a painful experience. Finally, their came another wobbly arrow, and this one hit its mark, disabling Ethano’s trusty steed.

  The horse went down with a long and painful neigh, and Sarah tumbled off. She was glad that Ethano had been careless enough to leave her untied, as she was growing weary of being treated like the Middle Ages version of Samsonite.

  “You will let the girl go, Ethano!” demanded Charles in a voice that didn’t indicate he’d be willing to bargain.

  Ethano lifted his hand, and just like that, Charles was thrown from his horse. Ethano then grabbed Sarah by her shoulders and sat her next to a giant tree trunk.

  She stared into his hypnotizing eyes, imploring him to let her go, but it did no good. You can’t touch the heart of the heartless, Sarah realized.

  “Do not fear, woman, for you shall not be lonely for long. I’ll capture Charles and bring him back too.” Ethano knelt down and whispered in her ear, “Oh, how I’d love to just kill you right here, right now. It’d be so easy. But King Taggert would never forgive me for killing Victor, and I cannot afford to lose his trust. Your execution will be a proper one—after you are found guilty in our Kardashian Court. King Taggert cannot risk breaking our ancient laws, no matter how much the old fool wants to save your husband. When you take your final breath, it will be Victor’s as well, and then? Then the throne—the control of this entire world—will be rightfully mine for the taking!” He closed his eyes and touched the bleeding wound on his horse. Miraculously, the gaping wound disappeared right before her eyes.

  “Highness, you stay right here while I tie up your dear brother-n-law,” he commanded with a most maniacal laugh.

  “Yes, milord.” The words just tumbled out of Sarah’s mouth like vomit. She didn’t want to stay there. She wanted to fight him with everything she had, but she couldn’t move a muscle. Ethano wanted her to be found guilty at trial so she would be duly executed, and nausea rose in the pit of her stomach at the thought. What a cold-hearted monster! She wanted to spit in his face, but she couldn’t even gather the energy for that.

  A horse whinnied, and Charles took off down the path, Sarah hoped to get more help against this powerful Immortal.

  Jumping on his horse, Ethano smiled down at her as if he had just read her thoughts, then he took off at a thunderous pace down the wooded path.

  Minutes later, three more horsemen approached. Sarah squinted against the glaring brightness of the sun until her vision sharpened and she realized the three were Liz, Victor, and William. A wave of relief flooded through her at the sight of their familiar faces.

  Victor dismounted and cupped her face, his thumb rubbing her cheek. “Sarah! Are you hurt?” His eyes betrayed concern, and for a moment she wasn’t sure whether it was for her safety or for himself since he knew his life depended on her wellbeing.

  She stared at him blankly. Her m
outh opened, but no sound came out.

  He closed his eyes, touching her cheek. “I release you of Ethano’s commands.”

  Liz raced over, her voice frantic. “Where’s Charles?”

  “Ethano ordered me to stay here while he chased him on foot,” Sarah said. “I’m sorry, Liz. It was like I had to obey, like I couldn’t move, and—”

  “I know, Sarah. It’s okay.” Liz looked off into the distance. “I just pray my love is safe.”

  “Are you…are you all right, Liz?” Sarah asked.

  “I’m fine. Victor carried me out of harm’s way, and I healed quickly.”

  Sarah blinked as she stood. “Victor, thank you for helping my sister and getting me out of that zombie-like state.” His arms slid around her waist in a tight hug, and she melted deeper into his embrace. She buried her head in his chest as he softly stroked her back. “Ethano wants me to be found guilty at court so I’ll be executed…so that you’ll die. He wants to be next in line to rule the Kardashian Court.”

  “Do not worry, my love. That will not happen. Everything will be all right.”

  Looking up, she asked, “What happened to…to my friends?” She could barely speak the question.

  “The Immortals took them,” whispered Liz. “I’m so, so sorry, sis.”

  Sarah’s heart pounded hard against her ribcage. She took a deep breath to steady her pulse. “Wait…NO! That means the prediction from the future is happening.”

  “Not exactly. In the vision, the Kardashian Court had captured all of us,” William said. “We can still change the future, and trust me when I say that I will dedicate all my might to that purpose.”

  “How will we ever get them back?” Sarah asked.

  Victor hesitated. She could tell from his straight back and the tight lines around his mouth that he had no clear answer, even though he was probably searching for a solution that very instant. “According to the vision, they won’t kill us until we’re all together at trial. If that is true, your friends are safe for now. We must stay one step ahead of Ethano.”

  Sarah nodded. “You’re right. So long as he doesn’t catch us, the prediction can’t come true. Still, they had no right to take my friends like that. They haven’t done anything wrong. And Beth’s pregnant. She can’t take any manhandling.”

  “Your friends will be treated fairly until the trial,” Liz said. “The Immortals will use them as bargaining chips to convince you to surrender.”

  “Surrender? To them? Pssh! I’m going to fight them with everything I have,” Sarah said, raising her chin defiantly. “If it’s the last thing I ever do, I’m going to free my friends.”

  A horse thundered toward them, and Liz’s eyes lit up. “It’s Charles!” Her voice squealed with delight as she jumped up and down like a child in a candy shop.

  Sarah smiled and took a step back to give the loving couple some privacy.

  Charles dismounted and hugged Liz. “Mother’s gone into hiding. I’ve made sure she is safe. The humans have been taken prisoner. It’s not good that part of the prophecy has been fulfilled.”

  William clapped him on the shoulder. “They don’t have us or your mother. We’ll stop this madness. Trust me.”

  Charles cupped Liz’s face, his forehead lowering until his and Liz’s lips almost met. He whispered so low that she doubted any mortal would hear them, but her ears picked up his words crystal clear. “I can’t believe our secret’s out. The Immortals know everything.”

  Liz’s arms wrapped around his waist as she snuggled her chest against his.

  For that one brief moment, Sarah felt a pierce through her heart, wondering whether she’d ever find the kind of love Liz had found in life.

  “As a very last option, we could leave with my sister through the portal and hide in my world,” Liz said.

  Sarah nodded, knowing the Immortals would be so lost in her modern world of technology. “We’d have the upper hand there. They’d never find us.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I cannot leave my kingdom and title behind to live in a world I do not understand,” roared William. “I’d rather die!”

  “I agree. I will not spend the rest of my life running,” Victor said. “We will conquer this problem head on and come out victorious.”

  Sarah peered at him from the corner of her eye, surprised at his strong reaction and his attitude toward the world she’d come from. Until that moment, she’d harbored the wish to return, and somewhere in the back of her mind, she had hoped her gorgeous king wouldn’t be opposed to joining her, even if it was simply to see if he might like it there. With that remark, he shattered her hopes and dreams completely. In fact, he’d made it clear that he was nowhere near even considering that option. Sighing, she turned her attention to her sister’s husband.

  As though sensing her gaze, Charles let go of Liz and spun to look at Sarah, his eyebrows shooting up.

  “Oh gosh! Where’s my brain at?” Liz slapped her forehead. “Charles, this is my sister Sarah.”

  Sarah held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you. Thank you for taking care of my sister all this time.”

  Charles smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet my sister-in-law. I’ve heard nothing but great things about you.” He looked up at Victor and his father. “You should’ve seen these two in battle. I thought I’d never see the day when King Victor and King William fought side by side like true warriors. What a sight for sore eyes.”

  “Son, we have to work together to save the people we love,” William said.

  “I agree. I have declared this war over.” Victor held his hand out to William.

  William eagerly shook his hand. “Yes, we have come to a truce.”

  “I thought I’d never see this day,” Charles said. “This will go down in the history scrolls.”

  Maybe something good will come out of this ordeal after all, Sarah hoped. If they could work this all out and put an end to a war that’s been going on for centuries, that’s a pretty major accomplishment.

  “We can’t return to my castle,” Victor said. “I have no doubt it’s swarming with Immortals by now.”

  “I’m going to give my horse a drink down by the creek,” William said. “I shall be back soon.”

  “Then we’ll go find the Gold Minerals of Life.” Charles hopped on his horse and followed his father. He glanced over his shoulder. “We’ll bargain with them to pardon all of us and release Sarah’s companions so they can get them home through the portal.”

  Sarah was not too keen on him failing to mention her. She crossed her arms. “And we’ll ask them to release this ring off of my finger, dissolve the marriage, and let me go home with my friends, right?” She shook her head. “I never asked to be Immortal.”

  “Only married,” Victor said.

  Sarah shook her head. “You forced me, if I remember correctly. I’m sure a court will take that into consideration.”

  “Maybe, but you weren’t forced.” He grimaced. “Something else bothers me though. What was that about returning home?”

  His frown didn’t go unnoticed. Smiling, Sarah brushed a hand over his shoulder. “Let’s talk about it another time.”

  He reached for her hands and pulled her close with a smug smile that showed off the dimple in his cheek. “As you wish, but I still say you weren’t forced.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “Excuse me? You threatened my life. You asked me which rites I wanted the priest to perform, execution or marriage.”

  “According to Mia, Jules was stunned when Frank came out of the dungeon without you. Frank said there was a change in plans, that when he tried to rescue you, you went back in and locked the door so you could move forward with the marriage.” He touched her face and smiled.

  “Yes, but that was only to obtain the ruby ring, the key to getting back home.” Mia had spilled everything, but Sarah really couldn’t blame her. She was probably scared to death when he questioned her, unless he compelled her to tell him everything, and she wouldn’t have put tha
t past Victor.

  “You’ve obtained the ring as you wished, but with it some binding marriage vows. What were you thinking?” Liz asked. “There is no Divorce Court here for Immortals, sis.”

  “I should’ve read the fine print,” Sarah said with a sigh.

  Liz nudged her. “Ha-ha.”

  “So you married me to obtain a piece of jewelry?” asked Victor. “If that was the case, then why such a passionate kiss at the end of the ceremony?”

  “I had to convince you somehow,” Sarah said.

  He shot her a gleaming smile. “Is that what you tell yourself? My Queen, we’ve shared more than just one kiss.”

  Sarah stared up at him, at his beautiful blue eyes, trying to ignore her pounding heart. His hair hung loosely around his face, masculine beauty at its finest. Why does he have to be so damn sexy? She could feel waves of heat emanating from him. How is that possible? Heat rose in her cheeks, and she looked away as he smirked. “The court will let me out of this marriage,” she whispered. “After all, it’s never been consummated.” She met his gaze straight on.

  “Yet.” Mischief glinted in his eyes, and he shot her a charming, playful smile.

  She grinned as she imagined the intimate touch of his lips on hers.

  William grimaced as he and Charles broke through the vegetation. “When we make it through this, I’ll personally help poor Sarah get this divorce. Divorce is rare, but it can be granted under the right circumstances. Of course, she’s stuck with the ring.”

  “You’ll stay out of my affairs!” Victor hissed.

  “Listen, everyone, Sarah and Victor’s love life isn’t our priority right now,” Liz said. “Let’s worry about saving our butts here. Our game plan should be to start heading toward Global Mountain.”

  “Sure, but I need to get one thing straight with his Royal Highness.” It was time to set down some guidelines. They were now working as a team to save all of their lives against the Immortals, and she wouldn’t be dominated or treated like Victor’s possession. “I’m here on my own free will and won’t run away, but I am not going to be treated like your prisoner, like I was in your camp or back in your dungeon.”


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