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Every effort has been made to trace the rights-holders of material which appears in this book. The editor and publisher will be happy to rectify any omissions and print appropriate acknowledgements in future editions.
‘Glasgow Got Its Name’, from Collins Encyclopeadia of Scotland by John and Julia Keay (HarperCollins, London, 1994)
1597–1700 An Archbishop’s Seat
‘Witchcraft’, from History of the Church and State of Scotland by John Spottiswoode (London, 1655)
‘A Closet Lined with Iron’, from Travels in Holland, The United provinces, England, Scotland, and Ireland by Sir William Brereton (The Chteham Society, 1844)
‘O Glasgow!’ from Skene’s Succinct Survey of the Famous City of Aberdeen by (John Forbes, Aberdeen, 1685)
1701–1750 Pretending To Be Gentlemen
‘A Fishy Tale’, from A Short Account of Scotland by Thomas Morer (Newborough London, 1702)
‘Cleanest and Beautifullest City in Britain . . .’, from A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain by Daniel Defoe (London 1724–27)
‘Nothing But Good Looks and Fine Clothes’, from The Autobiography of Alexander Carlyle of Inveresk 1722–1805 (TN Foulis, London and Edinburgh, 1910)
1751–1800 What To Do with Dung
‘The Saracen’s Head’, by Robert Tennant, from The Glasgow Courant, 1755
‘Best of the Second Rate’, from A Tour in Scotland 1769 by Thomas Pennant (John Monk, Chester, 1771)
‘A Mediocrity of Knowledge’, from Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland, by Samuel Johnson (W. Statham and T. Cadell, London, 1775)
‘Have You Ever Seen Brentford?’, from The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LLD by James Boswell (Charles Dilly, London, 1785)
‘Dung Moving’, from The Glasgow Mercury
1801–1850 Haunts of Vagrancy
‘Glasgow Green’, from Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland A.D.1803 by Dorothy Worsdworth (David Douglas, Edinburgh, 1894)
‘Indescribably Underbred’, from Memoirs of a Highland Lady by Elizabeth Grant of Rothiemurchus (Canongate, Edinburgh, 1992)
‘The National Jealousy of the English’, from Rob Roy by Sir Walter Scott (Constable and Co., Edinburgh, 1817)
‘Glasgow Invades Edinburgh’, from Memorials of His Time by Henry Cockburn (T.N. Foulis, Edinburgh & London, 1856)
‘The Ritual of Punch-making’, from The Life of Sir Walter Scott by J.G. Lockhart (Robert Cadell, Edinburgh, 1837–39)
‘An Invincible Nose’, from Journal of a Tour in Scotland in 1891 by Robert Southey (J. Murray, London, 1929)
‘The Rogueries of the Broomielaw’, from Peter’s Letters to His Kinsfolk by J.G. Lockhart (William Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1819)
‘Molly’s History’, quoted in The Hidden History of Glasgow’s Women by Elspeth King
(Mainstream, Edinburgh, 1993)
‘Bread, Beef and Beer’, from Rural Rides by William Cobbett (A&C Black, Edinburgh, 1856)
‘Willie Winkie’, from Scottish Nursery Songs and Poems by William Miller (Kerr & Richardson, Glasgow, 1863)
‘Cock-fighting’, from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, Volume VI, Lanark (Wm. Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh & London, 1835)
‘A Reckoning’, from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, Volume VI, Lanark (Wm. Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh & London, 1835)
‘Less wet than Edinburgh’, from Description of the City of Glasgow: Comprising an Account of Its Ancient and Modern History, Its Trade, Manufactures, Commerce, Health and Other Concerns by James Cleland (John Smith and Son, Glasgow, 1840)
‘Glasgow Observatory,’ (Thomas de Quincey) quoted in The Opium-eater: A Life of Thomas de Quincey by Grevel Lindop (OUP, Oxford, 1985)
‘Wretched, Dissolute, Loathsome and Pestilential’, by Captain Miller, from Reports on the sanitary condition of the labouring population of Scotland, … Presented to both houses of Parliament, by command of Her Majesty, July, 1842
1851–1900 City of Merchants
‘The Trial of Madeleine Smith’, from The Illustrated London News, 30 June 1857
‘A Suburb of the Dead’, from Biographic and Descriptive Sketches of Glasgow Necropolis by George Blair (M. Ogle, Glasgow, 1857)
‘Not Waving But Drowning’, from Glasgow Sentinel, 3 March 1860
‘The First Football Match’ (Robert Gardner) quoted in Scottish Football: A Pictorial History by Kevin McCarra (Polygon, Edinburgh, 1984)
‘A Noble Park’ (John Tweed) from Tweed’s Guide to Glasgow and the Clyde (Molendinar Press, Glasgow, 1973)
‘Maryhill Barracks’, from Groome’s Gazetteer, 1876
‘School for Cookery’, from The Baillie, 22 March 1876
‘Doon the Watter,’ from I Remember by J.J. Bell (The Porpoise Press, Edinburgh, 1832)
‘Kennedy Jones’, from The Brave Days: A Chronicle of the North by Neil Munro (Porpoise Books, Edinburgh, 1931)
‘Brief Lives’, from (J.B. Russell) from Public Health Administration in Glasgow: A Memorial Volume of the Writings of James Burn Russell (J. MacLehose & Sons, Glasgow, 1905)
‘A Vexed Question in Sanitation’, from The Builder, 4 August 1888
‘Unlucky with Ships’, from Lying Awake by Catherine Carswell (Secker & Warburg, London, 1950)