Winter Fall (I)

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Winter Fall (I) Page 4

by Shūsuke Amagi

  "That's true."

  Haia's accurate analysis made Savaris laugh while making his reply.

  "However, youngster. What about it? Could it be that we should start learning how to fight together now? We don't have the time for that now, though."

  "I'm here. Regardless of what you say I was the leader of the Mercenary Gang, and I've fought strong enemies as many times as you all, and commanded an overwhelming number of group battles~"

  "I see."

  Savaris was also the person who agreed with him.

  Kanaris had also thought this in her heart.

  Because Heaven's Blade successors had such overwhelming strength, they all couldn't help but become loners in the end. Though there were times when they would fight together as two or three people, this would only happen during extremely infrequent situations, and in the end they still relied on their individual strength to complete missions.

  As long as a single Heaven's Blade successor was there, most enemies could all be dealt with.

  Because of this, Heaven's Blade successors weren't suited to group combat.

  The battle last time was the same. In the end the Heaven's Blades had all fought supervising their own districts. That kind of method couldn't be called group combat.

  At least the group combat that would be required for this battle wasn't the same.

  So, one would think that Haia's proposal wasn't bad.

  "Who would listen to the commands of a kid like you?"

  Ruimei said this in a bad mood. Though she hadn't made any comments, Barmel also showed a disagreeing expression. The slightly contemptuous attitude on Savaris and Troyatte's faces also hadn't changed.

  The situation was bad, they didn't have enough faith in Haia. Since the Heaven's Blade had been conferred to him, he hadn't even had an opportunity to display his own power. Also, even if he had the commanding ability and the corresponding performance, the people here wouldn't trust him unless they had seen it with their own eyes.

  In other words, they weren't satisfied to entrust their lives to this unfamiliar person.

  Claribel didn't even have the opportunity to speak because the presence of everyone else was too intense.

  (This is bad)

  The current situation was really bad, Kanaris thought.

  She understood this very well.

  However, they didn't have any time to improve the situation.

  Because they could already hear the footsteps of that person.


  Hearing the sound of footsteps, Haia quickly grabbed the unrestored Heaven's Blade.

  His palm was full of sweat.

  He felt tense.


  How long had this tense feeling been for? Thinking about this, he couldn't help but show a smile.

  But, the faces of the Military Artists gathered in the surroundings who were even stronger than himself were also filled with tension.

  It was impossible for Haia not to feel tense.

  "Ah, maybe I'm too cowardly?"

  Haia was a Heaven's Blade successor, so in other words, he was in the same position as the others standing around him.

  He had no reason to fear them, nor did he have a reason to worry about what they thought.

  Because of this, he had just spoken.

  "Ah, this situation isn't so easy to get used to~"

  The Heaven's Blade successors were Military Artists with various extraordinary fighting powers...... The atmosphere that could be felt from their bodies couldn't even be compared with others. When he had fought Layfon, the extremely abnormal competitive feeling he had managed to offset that atmosphere, but currently it was different.

  More importantly, there were so many Heaven's Blades here.

  Seeing the people surrounding him, each one made him feel safe, and it was only Claribel who stood there whom he felt a bit sorry for.

  Because she also wore the same expression as Haia, but with even more embarrassment.

  (It seems you've given an unwanted opinion.)

  A sound floated quietly by his ears.

  Just a sound.

  Looking carefully, there was a Psychokinesis flake floating next to him.

  It was Elsmau.

  "Because I felt this was the best method at the time~"

  Actually, this part wasn't a lie.

  If this were an enemy that the Heaven's Blade successors who possessed extraordinary fighting power couldn't defeat alone, then the group combat that they were unfamiliar with, particularly fighting together, would become the key to victory or defeat.

  Of course, this was also a result that things would have to go smoothly for.

  "And you, what do you think?"

  In order to coordinate with the other party, Haia lowered his voice.


  "My proposal."

  (That...... I personally think it's worth a try.)

  "Is that so~"

  (But, I think that you won't be able to gain the agreement of the others quickly.)


  (Because you still don't have the trust of everyone.)

  "It's really because of that~"

  Haia understood this himself, and being told this by the third person, he was even more convinced.

  After all, he still hadn't had any opportunity to display his power since he had become a Heaven's Blade.

  Originally, he had thought that the opportunity for everyone to see his power had finally arrived, but he had quickly run into such a thorny situation.

  Perhaps this battle was the one that Karian had spoken about before, the last battle betting on the fate of this world.

  "That guy...... what is he doing~?"


  "It's nothing."

  Karian was currently somewhere, and even thinking about it wouldn't make any results appear.

  Regardless of whether the things he had done had bloomed or not, the current situation would be the same.

  A battle had appeared in front of Haia and the others, and at this moment he couldn't expect others to come and do anything for him.

  "Well, first I'll go work hard to be able to obtain their trust~"

  The sound of footsteps didn't stop.

  After entering the empty palace, it came straight for this place without a single pause.

  The sound of footsteps was very orderly, without a trace of impatience.

  As if waiting for this side to take stances.

  The eyes of Military Artists could already make out the figure of the invader. Though they felt surprised at the exterior of a girl, they were even more surprised when they saw her familiar clothing.

  That uniform made Haia think of something, making his mood become a bit poor.

  "Zuellni's uniform."

  That was the uniform that the female students of Zuellni wore.

  Even at this kind of time, something that made him think of 'that guy' had appeared. Haia had never even thought of this, so he felt vexed.

  However, since she had left from Zuellni, then that meant the current crisis had nothing to do with Zuellni. Even if it was related, there wasn't any time to resolve that puzzle.

  "It'll be enough to do what we can."

  What they should do now was fight with the girl in front of them.


  "I'm already used to playing that kind of nasty role."

  Haia had done many things as a mercenary.

  In order to win, sometimes it was necessary to obtain the trust of those around him in a short time, and he knew such methods.

  (Please be careful of your safety.)

  "I know!"

  Responding to the Psychokinesist who now called herself Elsmau, Haia charged at the girl, accompanied by the light of restoration.

  Internal-type Kei variant - Whirl Kei Current.

  This was Whirl Kei that Haia had improved himself, sending him in front of the girl in an instant.


  Ruimei made an angry roar.r />
  "It's clearly you that were slow~"

  Haia said this behind him as he grasped the Heaven's Blade that had just been restored and charged forth.

  Psyharden Technique - Flame Cut.

  The rapid sword wrapped with flame cut out, heading diagonally up towards Lævateinn.


  Haia who had originally planned to turn the blade downwards and overlap the flame for the next strike suddenly changed his battle plan, retreating in the blink of an eye.

  He hadn't felt contact at all.

  The sensation that Flame Cut brought seemed as if he were cutting through air.

  Fearing that it was an afterimage or a body copy technique, Haia quickly scanned the surroundings with his eyes open, but it didn't seem that way.

  "So it's like that, no wonder three people have already been defeated."

  Large drops of sweat appeared on Haia's forehead.

  With only one strike, he understood Lævateinn's huge strength.

  "Please retreat, I only want to visit a certain place."

  "I can't respond to your expectations~"

  Lævateinn who had received the strike just now seemed as if nothing had happened. Accepting that fact, Haia wiped the sweat off his forehead.

  "Don't say that, play with me for a bit longer~"

  "......Then I have no choice."

  Though Haia didn't understand, at that time, Lævateinn took action for the first time.

  A sword appeared instantly in the girl's hands that had originally hung down forcelessly, and it seemed as if it had grown out of the girl's hand.

  "If you will all stop me anyway......"


  Her intent had already been conveyed.

  Haia yelped, holding his blade out in front of him to block.

  A blow pushed back his entire body.

  When he realized that Lævateinn who wore a cold expression had appeared in a place very close to him, it was already after this.

  "Then I will rely on force to eliminate you."

  "......Just try it!"

  Haia yelled, shoving away the blow that had pushed him back.

  He released a Kei technique.

  Psyharden Technique - Gravel Ring

  The Kei technique originally randomly shot out external Kei bullets to suppress the surroundings, and after his modifications, now only shot out in front of him, bathing Lævateinn in a rain of Kei bullets.

  But by that time Lævateinn's figure had already disappeared.

  Appearing behind him.


  Going with his instincts and experience, Haia flattened his body, and something in the shape of a sword flew over his head with killing intent and wind.

  Combined Internal and External Kei variant - Ryuusenkei.

  His body became a tornado, blowing back Lævateinn behind him.

  Haia stopped spinning, pursued the girl flying in the air.

  Ryuusenkei variant - Wind Scythe.

  The Ryuusenkei that had appeared earlier was collected into Haia's blade, and then once again released. The spiraling blades of wind that had been compressed to their limits would definitely gouge Lævateinn's flesh severely.

  But, that destiny was easily eliminated.

  The spiraling wind touched Lævateinn.

  However, the blades of wind weren't able to tear the girl's body.

  The girl flew around.


  Seeing that scene, Haia couldn't help but make an incredulous sound.

  The girl was as if she were being pulled by something, whirling around the spiral, and then being cast away.

  It wasn't like a human, but rather like something light and floaty being blown around. Haia could only feel stunned speechless towards this kind of physical phenomenon.

  But, he couldn't just stay speechless like this.

  Lævateinn who had been sent flying out hit the ceiling, and instantly prepared to jump back down from an upside-down posture.

  In other words, she was trying to jump back towards Haia.

  Haia who had recovered from his amazement had sufficient time to adjust his striking posture.

  He was ready to face the next strike.

  However, the observers weren't ready to continue as they were.

  The figure of Lævateinn who had taken a jumping posture had already disappeared.

  Of course, this didn't mean that she had moved, but rather was because a giant figure had swept away the entire place where she had been.

  The sound appeared after that.

  The destruction also came after that.

  A giant piece of metal obliterated the girl's body, destroying the ceiling and flying outwards.

  It was Ruimei's Heaven's Blade, an iron ball.

  "You're rambling me to death."

  Ruimei ignored the rubble that fell down along with the sound of the explosion, pulling back the chain of the iron ball. The other side of the chain was connected to the giant iron ball. It had a speed completely inconsistent with its mass, and also possessed a frightening destructive power. The iron ball had quietly returned to his feet.

  "It should be enough to destroy her completely, right?"

  Just as Ruimei had finished speaking......

  A big red pillar appeared next to him, piercing through hole that the iron ball had created and continuing to extend.

  It was a crimson blaze.

  "Though you're right, it's probably better not to care too much about order right now."

  The one who had released the flame was Troyatte.

  "You mean you won't get a turn."

  "I'm taking precautions because I'm afraid that you'll be too ashamed when you're defeated. It's only insurance."


  Hearing Troyatte's silver tongue, Ruimei made an irritated face.

  "Ah~ ......Really~"

  Haia's sigh made the two of them shut their mouths.

  "......Speaking of which, the two of you, isn't Her Majesty's private quarters above here?"

  Savaris said this.

  "Ha, you're still thinking about what kind of places will be destroyed in this kind of battle!"

  "Her Majesty said that it doesn't matter regardless of what gets destroyed."

  To restrain Ruimei, Kanaris began explaining solemnly.

  "Though she did say so, even in this kind of occasion, Her Majesty's room should also be excluded, this kind of situation is very common."

  "......If some of Her Majesty's personal items fall down, that won't be funny."

  Hearing Savaris' explanation, Kanaris' face became ashen.

  "If some diaries she wrote fell down, I fear that our doomsday would definitely come."

  "That kind of thing is really scary in various ways."

  Savaris couldn't help but laugh at Troyatte's thoughts.

  "Then...... it's probably better if we don't concern ourselves too much."

  Seeing the attitude of her elders, Claribel warily raised her hand and spoke.

  "Of course, we're not going to care, former apprentice."

  "Eh? Former apprentice?"

  Claribel opened her eyes wide at Troyatte's reply.

  "There's no longer a master-apprentice relationship between us who are both Heaven's Blades now~"

  "Ah, yes."

  "That's how it is. Of course, we can't relax our guard."


  "Do you doubt me?"

  "You're right."

  "Ah, nothing can be done about that."

  Seeing Troyatte who was laughing this leisurely, Claribel expressed her incomprehension.

  Haia who hadn't participated in the conversation could not understand either.

  "We haven't relaxed our guard. The reason it seems like we've relaxed is because......"

  There were new movements behind the back of Troyatte who said this.

  Neither Claribel nor Haia had missed those movements.

  Savaris stood there, putting his thumb and middle fingers toget
her, appearing as if he were going to snap his fingers.

  Right after he suddenly put strength into them, a moment later a sound came from his fingers.

  "Because everyone has decided what comes next."

  The snap overlapped with the voice of Troyatte.


  The remainder of the ceiling exploded.

  A heavy and intense shock shook the entire palace.

  In the midst of their shaking vision, Lævateinn's figure had suddenly appeared from some unknown area.

  "I already pretty much understand."

  Savaris said this.

  "Your tricks."

  This time it was Savaris standing in front of Lævateinn who had dropped down.

  Perhaps because she had been covered with the dust of the rubble, but Lævateinn's entire body had been smeared with some white sand-like thing.

  "Very interesting. A filth monster with the outer appearance of a human."


  "Ah, up through now I've seen quite a few parasites or other things, so by now seeing a humanoid filth monster shouldn't really be much of a surprise."

  "......Your beliefs are incorrect."


  "But, there is no meaning in explaining."


  Savaris who was a bit puzzled at Lævateinn's attitude quickly restored his past smile.

  "Anyway there's not much difference. Though there was a bit of back and forth, last time I wasn't really able to have much fun."

  Savaris said this while stroking the wound on his neck. If Lintence hadn't been there in time, he would have died from the wound that Layfon had cut open.

  From that day onwards, due to recuperation, he almost hadn't been able to experience any fighting worthy of being called a battle.

  "Let me have some fun."

  Savaris who said this showed a smile on his face that would make one uncomfortable.

  Afterwards, that smile disappeared.

  No, his entire body had disappeared.


  Lævateinn who remained silent waved an arm, and several projections instantly erupted from the ground around her. [5]

  In the next moment, Savaris' figure appeared.

  Because of his speed, Savaris' body was as if he were planning to slam into one of those projections and hurt himself.

  It seemed that way...... but before that tragedy happened, Savaris' figure disappeared again.

  It was an afterimage.

  Whether or not she had noticed this, Lævateinn's actions didn't have the slightest hesitation.


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