Werebear's Nanny_A Paranormal Romance

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Werebear's Nanny_A Paranormal Romance Page 31

by T. S. Ryder

  “I know you just need to do your job.” Hayden looked across the room to where Kaelyn sat on the bed, getting medical attention. “Are you done with me?”

  “For now, yes.”

  Another officer took Will from the room, still in cuffs. He was being arrested and they were taking him to jail.

  Hayden went to Kaelyn’s side and put his arm around her. “How are you?”

  She nodded and took a sip of her water. “Okay.”

  “Are we almost done?” he asked the medic taking her blood pressure.

  “Just about.” The medic checked her reflexes and handed her some pain relievers.

  When everything with the cops and the medics was finally done, they walked together out to their cars. They exchanged hugs with Katherine, Stella and Bella. Then, he was finally alone with Kaelyn. He took her into his arms and held her for a long moment.

  “I was terrified thinking he’d kill you or do something awful to you,” Hayden said. “Well, more awful than what he did.”

  Her face was buried in his shoulder and she cried softly. “I’m so glad you came. Thank you.”

  He brushed her hair back, squeezing his arms tighter around her. “I don’t know what I would have done if he’d hurt you worse. You’ve only been living with me a short time, but I can’t imagine life without you.” He pulled back to look her in the eye. “Kaelyn, I’m in love with you.”

  “You are?” her voice was small and surprised. She started to cry harder and squeezed her arms around his neck. She whispered in his ear, “I love you, too. Can we go home now?”

  Chapter Nine

  After such a horrible day, and with the drive home being long, Kaelyn fell asleep in the car, leaning against the door. She felt the car stop and heard the garage door. She was just waking up as Hayden opened her door and scooped her into his arms. She rested her head against his chest as he carried her upstairs and into her room.

  He lay her gently on the bed and bent down to kiss her before standing back up.

  “Hayden?” she said softly.


  “Will you stay with me? I don’t want to be alone right now.”

  He slid into the bed behind her, wrapping his arms around her middle and making her feel safer than she’d felt in days.

  She turned over so that she was facing him. They stared at each other for a long while, then she leaned forward and kissed him. There was nothing more she wanted in that moment than to be as close to him as possible, to have him touch her in every way possible.

  He kissed her back passionately and she slid her legs between his. He put his hand on her hip and caressed her waist and thigh. She pressed her body against his, murmuring into his ear.

  “I want you,” she said.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, tracing his fingertips along her jaw and chin. “It’s been such a hard day.”

  “I have wanted you for a long time, Hayden. I had a crush on you in high school, you know.”

  “You did?” He pulled half his mouth into a smile. “I love that I knew you before. I never have to worry that you’re not into the real me.”

  “I love the real you.”

  “I know you do. And I love you for it.”

  He pressed his mouth to hers again and this time, their kissing intensified. Her body felt hot all over and every time he touched her, a wave of pleasure ran through her.

  She tugged on his shirt, pulling it awkwardly over his head. He pulled hers off and reached back to unhook her bra. When her breasts were free, he caressed them, squeezing and pinching her nipples. He leaned down to suck on her nipple. She let out a moan and ran her fingers through his hair.

  She wiggled out of her pants and waited for him to do the same, then he pulled her on top of him. She hadn’t thought much about it, and maybe he hadn’t either, but being on top felt freeing. Earlier, when she’d been tied up by Will, she had been lying there helpless while he climbed over her. He hadn’t done more than look at her and squeeze her breasts roughly, but still. He’d been on top of her. He would have done much more if Hayden hadn’t come in to save her. But, had Hayden climbed over her, it might have upset her without him meaning to.

  She smiled at how he seemed to instinctively know what she needed. She pressed her hips down, rubbing herself against his hard erection. Her panties dampened as he continued to kiss her and rub his hands all over her.

  He slipped his hand under her panties, then slid his finger inside her. She moaned and moved up and down against his hand. She could feel her wetness getting all over him.

  He slid his finger out, leaving her wanting more, and pushed her panties down. He took off his boxers and now she could rub against his bare cock. After just a few slides of her clit against him, she had to have him inside her.

  He growled into her ear, then took hold of his dick and positioned himself at her opening. He found his way in and she sat up, pushing him fully inside her. She paused a moment as they both let out a moan.

  He grabbed her hips and moved her up and down on his cock as she bounced on him, slamming in deep again and again. With each thrust, she grew closer to orgasm. She tried to put it off, to draw it out as long possible, but he felt too good.

  She let out a loud moan as she came. He growled and sped up his thrusts. His face twisted and he groaned as he orgasmed. She lay down beside him and he pulled her into his arms.

  She snuggled into him, hot and sweaty, and quickly fell into a peaceful sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Kaelyn woke to Hayden’s arms around her. Her mouth stretched into a wide smile and she made a soft moaning sound as she pressed back into him.

  He stirred and squeezed her harder. “This is the best feeling in the world,” he said.

  “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  She turned in his arms to face him and kiss him.

  “I was thinking,” he said, rubbing his nose against hers. “Maybe you shouldn’t bother getting your own place. I love having you here, and it makes things much more convenient for, umm, our late night activities.”

  “Really? You want me to move in with you?”

  “Technically, you’re already moved in.”


  “But yes, I want you to live here with me. I want you to be mine.”

  She kissed his lips, then his nose, then his forehead. “And I want to be yours.”

  “I can keep you safe and away from stalkers and creepers.”

  “You’ve done a good job of that so far. When you knocked the door down, you don’t know what that did to me. I was overcome with relief. It was like the second I knew you were there, nothing could ever be wrong again.”

  He trailed his fingers along her arm. “There is something I should tell you about that. Didn’t you wonder how I knew where you were?”

  She pulled her eyebrows together. “Hmm. I guess I didn’t think about it. I was just so happy to see you. But now that you mention it, how did you know?”

  “I installed a tracking app on your phone. I did after Will showed up and I was worried he would do something. I only used it when you went missing, though. I wouldn’t invade your privacy or anything.”

  “Oh.” She thought about this for a moment. “Well, it would have been nice if you told me, but it did save my life, so I can’t be too mad.”

  “The only reason I didn’t tell you sooner was because I didn’t want you to feel watched. I knew I wouldn’t use it unless there was an emergency. We can take it off now.”

  “No. I feel better if you can see where I am, actually. It’s not like I have anything to hide, and if I know, then it’s not like you’re invading my privacy.”

  “You sure?” he asked.

  “Yes. And we’ll do the same for your phone so I don’t worry that something happened to you.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “What do you think will happen to Will?” she asked.

  “There’ll be a trial. I’m sure we’ll have to testify and al
l that. Kidnapping is pretty serious. They’ll probably nail him with sexual assault, too. I’d guess he’ll get a few years at least.”

  “Oh, good.” She let out a long breath. “I don’t want to have to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life.”

  “You won’t. I’ll do whatever I have to do to protect you and make sure you feel safe. If I need to hire you a bodyguard, I will.”

  “I hope that’s not necessary.”

  “Well.” He sighed. “You do know that once the media finds out about us, there will be lots of photos and that sort of thing, right?”

  “I figured. It’ll be okay. As long as we’re together, we’ll figure it out, right?”

  “Right.” He tightened his arms and kissed her. “I’m so glad you’re finally mine.”



  The Shifter's Prisoner


  This was one delicious hunk of a dragon and she wanted a taste.

  Ever since Asa lost his wings while protecting his king, he’s had his motorcycle as a poor replacement. Now he needs a maid to care for his home. And he knows exactly whom he wants. The girl with the fiery red hair.

  Easy enough. All he needs to do is ride in with his Dragon biker gang and take her.

  Willow has always heard the warnings: never stray too far from the village lest the savage Dragons take her. But would it be so bad to escape her miserable life and abusive parents?

  Being a Dragon’s property isn’t exactly what Willow had in mind but she has no choice. And Asa, with his powerful body, muscly arms and cocky grin ignites sparks in her core. Sparks that quickly roar to flames…

  But there is a dark magical presence in the Dragons’ city. An outcast fairy wants Willow to perform a blood sacrifice that will allow him to rule the world…

  Can Willow keep herself safe when she becomes a target?

  Will Asa release his inner beast to go to the end of the earth for Willow?

  Can Willow and Asa heal their wounds and find love and passion at last?

  Chapter One – The Shepherdess

  The forest was quiet and tranquil as Willow leaned into the groove of a rock. Though the riverbed was dry at this time of year, the remnants of the yearly floods could still be seen. She’d found this hollow several years ago on one of her trips out to the woods.

  Normally, she wouldn’t risk leaving the city gates, just doing what she needed and then returning as quickly as she could. However, the local dragon clan, the Cendas, had been raiding the other side of the mountain as of late, and she needed a moment to herself.

  She leaned her head back against the rock, her book sitting unread in her lap as tears rolled down her face. The ache in her chest was too tight for her to breathe properly. Just one week ago, she had buried her dog, Jax. Her mother had left the gate open and he’d ended up on the road just as a car was tearing down it . . . And nobody in her family understood why she had cried. Her mother, her father and her siblings – everyone just expected her to brush it off, get another dog and get back to herding sheep.

  Jax was more than a pet. He was a colleague and her best friend. Now that she had lost him, she had nobody left in the world. The village supported itself with the sheep that it herded as a communal flock. Willow and Jax had been their best team. How many times had they chased off wolves? How many times had they brought in the sheep at the first sign of dragons? How many times had Jax climbed into the bed next to her as she cried, feeling like nobody loved her and nobody ever would?

  A sob ripped from her as she hurled her book away. Maybe she would just take her dad’s old bike and ride down the mountain. Go into the city that was ruled by the Quilong dragons. Get far away from this place and never look back. They probably wouldn’t even notice she was gone . . . Her parents wouldn’t, at least.

  Yes, yes. That was what she was going to do. Living under the dragons would be better than waiting for them to come and steal everything, wouldn’t it be? Willow wiped her eyes and stood. She left the book where she had thrown it. It was an ill-thought-out gift from her older sister – one she could hardly get into.

  Willow headed for the village, already imagining everything she would do in the city. She’d have to join a guild. She could weave, spin, and dye – pretty much anything that was done with wool. And she could train dogs. Maybe she could be the new Dog Whisperer, get her own TV show and a couple of collies that she took on the road, train them to do tricks . . .

  A dark shadow washed over her. Willow’s blood froze as her head turned upwards. The long, lean form of a dragon passed silently over her. Its wings were open wide as it glided over the trees, long tail whipping through the air behind it like a rudder. Her heart seized as sunlight hit her face again. It was headed towards the village. And where there was one dragon . . .

  She broke into a run, jumping over fallen branches and through patches of brambles. Her clothes tore and thorns ripped open her skin but she ignored the pain. She already knew that she’d be too late, that the dragon would make it to the village before her. But she still ran as hard as she could. Soon, she heard the warning bells, which were quickly drowned out by a thunderous roar. She pushed herself harder.

  More dragons passed overhead. By the time she got to the village, they were already flying away. All held some plunder in their wicked claws. One had a pig, another a cart of watermelons. One even had a small car in its clutches.

  Willow’s breath caught in her throat as she watched them. Even with the fear beating against her chest, she couldn’t help but feel awed. They were magnificent: every color under the sun with their glittering scales and powerful bodies. If only they weren’t complete savages . . .

  The revving of motorbike engines and the baaing of sheep made her twist. A gang of men on bikes was driving through the fields, herding the flock while their dogs frantically rushed around, trying to keep them in one group. Half the sheep broke away from the shepherds. A biker drove right at them and they took off, abandoning the flock. They hollered and their dogs raced after them, stopped to look back, and continued to follow their masters.

  Willow’s hands clenched. There were rumors that some of the dragons had taken to raiding on their motorbikes, but she hadn’t believed it until now. They hooted and hollered as they chased the sheep towards the main road, clearly intending to drive them back to their city up in the mountains.

  The village relied on those sheep. This was their full herd, and if they were taken, nobody would be able to feed their families come winter. She darted from her hiding place before she could stop to think. She grabbed a stick from off the ground and ran straight for the sheep. With one hand in her mouth, she whistled sharp and clear for the dogs to come to her. She had trained half of them, so they wheeled away from their masters and raced for her, tongues hanging from their mouths.

  Willow planted her feet, whistling commands. The dogs crowded around in front of the sheep and turned their path so that they raced towards the village. The dragon-bikers shouted and tried to move in and cut out their path, but with another few whistles, the dogs had the sheep turned right around. The herd fractioned as they broke through the biker’s ranks and raced back towards the open pasture. The other shepherds stood where they were while two of them started to run back towards the flock.

  There was a roar somewhere behind her and the bikers broke off their attack. They moved like a flock of birds and raced towards her. The front biker made some hand gestures. Willow braced herself, knowing there was no point in running. She gripped her stick tighter.

  The bikes skidded to a stop not far from her. One of the dragons jumped off his bike and reached for her. She swung her stick. The shock reverberated up her arms as it struck his helmeted face, cracking in half. The dragon dropped to a knee, then pulled off his helmet. Long blonde hair fell about his shoulders and a cocky grin crossed his face.

  Willow couldn’t move. She’d never seen a dragon before and was shocked by how . . . normal he looked.
If a movie-star complexion and piercing blue eyes were normal. Her breath locked in her chest as she held her stick out before her. Her thoughts were muddled – whether with fear or wonder, she wasn’t entirely certain. The dragon stepped forward, hands in the air.

  “If we can’t have the sheep, perhaps we can have the shepherdess,” he murmured. “I’ve seen you before. Always alert, always in control. Your command over the dogs is impressive. I never thought that they’d listen to you instead of their own masters.”

  “Don’t you come any closer,” Willow gasped out. “Just leave us alone!”

  The dragon continued to inch towards her. “Your eyes are all red. Crying? Why is such a beautiful maid in tears?”

  Willow gaped at him long enough for him to make his move. He lunged forward, batting her broken stick aside. His hands locked over her wrists as she squealed, instantly fighting back. But it was too late. His arms were as thick as barrels, and he turned her swiftly, wrapping those huge, muscly arms around her waist. Faster than she could process it, she was on the bike, wedged between his meaty thighs as they barreled down the road.

  “No,” she whispered. Her throat was so dry that she couldn’t raise her voice. “Let me go. Let me go.”

  The helmet pressed into her stomach. “Put this on,” the dragon shouted into her ear.

  Willow somehow managed to get the helmet over her head. She wondered if she could headbutt her captor. Break his nose. Make him crash. But that would more likely kill her than him. Dragons could heal from practically anything. Humans, not so much. She was numb with shock – or what she thought must be shock. Even now, nestled in his arms with his heat seeping into her back, her fear continued to drip away like tears that had run dry.

  She had wanted to leave the village. This wasn’t what she had been expecting. But it was still her getting away from the village. It was far behind her already and getting further away with every mile they passed. Well. Things could be worse.


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