Want It Bad: A Kinky Romance

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Want It Bad: A Kinky Romance Page 11

by Melinda DuChamp

  “One sexy, two scary.”

  “Only one sexy?”

  “I’ve tried it. Didn’t do anything for me.”

  “Interesting.” He said it like a doctor analyzing a patient’s chart. “And this?” It was a piece of rubber that looked like a miniature football on a stand.

  Carla almost groaned, not at all enthused. “Is that a butt plug?”


  “What if I just wanted to go back into the bedroom and have you do to me what you did yesterday?”

  “We could do that. But that wasn’t your goal.”

  “Maybe I’ve changed goals.”

  “That would be fine. But I don’t believe that’s true. I think you’re just scared.”

  “Maybe. And maybe I just don’t find this stuff all that arousing.”

  “Listen, you trusted me to show you a good time, right?”

  Carla nodded.

  “Would you trust me if I said you’ll have even more fun today?”

  She searched his face. He seemed to be sincerely concerned about her. He was the expert at this. This was his world. And at least last night, she’d decided she wanted to know more about his world, and in turn, learn about herself. “Yeah, okay. I trust you.”

  “So rate the butt plug.”

  “Two sexy, seven scary.”

  He laughed, apparently liking her answer.

  “What’s funny?”

  “I’m glad you’re finding so many things scary, and so many things unsexy.”


  He winked. “Because it’s going to be so much fun changing your mind.”

  She was about to protest when Jake ran his hand down her leg, bringing it up under her skirt. Lightly, so lightly, he stroked Carla between her legs, driving everything else from her mind. She pressed against his hand, but he pulled away. Then he dangled something in front of her. A rubber ball on a leather strap.

  “How about this?”

  “A gag?” Carla instinctively pulled away. “No.”

  “Rate it.”

  “Zero sexy, ten scary.”


  “I learned to talk before I learned to sit up. It’s who I am. As a lawyer, I make a living with my voice. Taking it away would be awful. Like… like…”

  “Like falling overboard and being all alone in the water?”

  Carla didn’t want to think about that. “Yes. Worse. Maybe not worse. But bad.”


  Jake brought it up to Carla’s face, as if intending to put it on.

  She backed away. “Injunction. No. That is not going to happen.”

  Jake immediately raised his hands. “Understood. It’s going back on the rack. But do I have your permission to ask you about it again?”

  “It won’t matter. I’m always going to say no.”

  “So I don’t have your permission?”

  “You can ask. I’m just telling you in advance that it’s never going to happen. I’ll get paddled on the sex machine and covered with hot candle wax with that monster dildo up my ass before I put that thing in my mouth. How would I even be able to say the safe word while I’m gagged?”

  “There are other ways to handle that. Hand signals. A bell you could ring. We could—”

  Carla held up her hands. “Never mind. I don’t want to know. I’m never putting that thing in my mouth anyway.”

  “It’s not that complicated to—”

  “No. Let’s move on.”

  “Understood.” Jake’s tone changed, becoming cooler.

  Carla frowned. She was the one paying, and while she wanted to try new things, that didn’t mean she had to do everything he suggested. Pushing boundaries was not the same as giving them up altogether. “So do you have anything else you want me to rate?”

  “This should suffice for now.”

  “So what happens next?”

  “You get on the table.”

  Carla turned to stare at the padded table. The one with all the straps that would keep her completely immobile. Was he not listening? “I said that was an eight scary.”

  “I know. That’s why we’re starting there.”

  She eyed him. While it wasn’t as bad as the ball gag, being immobilized didn’t sit well with her. “I’m not going to like it.”

  “I bet you were the kind of kid who refused to eat certain foods, saying you hated them, without ever tasting.”

  Carla didn’t want to admit it, but he’d guessed correctly. “Eggplant looked gross. My parents made me try it. And I was right. It was gross.”

  “So there was never anything they forced you to try, and they were right?”

  Carla was a finicky eater as a child, but when forced to try something, she liked it more often than not. Her mother used to say Carla’s taste buds weren’t the problem; Carla’s attitude was the problem. It was an attitude perfect for an attorney. Stubborn. Willing to fight. Knowing you were right. But perhaps it wasn’t conducive to being sexually adventurous.

  “I can just say the safeword, right? If I don’t like it? And then we move on to something more my style?”


  She took a fortifying breath then climbed up on the padded table.

  Jake approached her, running his hands up her knees, her thighs. Carla wanted to kiss him again, to taste him, not only because she liked it but to reassure her about what was to come. But he was already lifting her dress up over her head, the fabric blocking her view of his face, and then she was naked and being laid back on the cool leather.

  He strapped her ankles down first, feet together, which seemed strange.

  Doesn’t he want my legs open?

  Apparently not, because another strap went over her calves, then her thighs. He stopped at her pelvis, running his hand over her recently shaved smoothness. Even with her legs closed, Carla felt uncomfortably exposed. As if this was a trip to the doctor, rather than to an escort.

  As he stroked her, so lightly she could barely feel it, Carla watched the erection in his jeans twitch. Though this was work to Jake, it obviously turned him on. And after seeing the evidence of his arousal, Carla was getting turned on as well. Her nipples tightened, and she arched her pelvis to have firmer contact with his fingers. Then Jake was securing a strap around her waist, and she couldn’t move her lower body at all.

  Her wrists went into padded leather cuffs that were attached to the table’s sides. As soon as the cuffs closed, a hot panic centered in her chest.

  Jake tightened another strap just under her breasts.

  “It’s okay to struggle and be afraid,” he said, brushing the back of his hand against her cheek. “That’s part of the fun.”

  Carla thought he was completely wrong. How could feeling scared and trapped be fun?

  A final strap was secured above her breasts, across her shoulders, and Carla blew out a stiff breath.

  “Try to move,” he said.

  Carla wiggled, but she might as well have been a fly in a spider’s web. She felt like a tightly laced gym shoe. “I don’t really like this.”

  “You haven’t tried it yet. Just wait.”

  She watched, anxious, as Jake walked over to his rack of implements. When he picked up the Hitachi wand, Carla groaned. She’d rated that a one on the sexy scale. Why would he pick that and not something she found more exciting?

  “You’re fighting an uphill battle here, Jake.”

  “That’s exactly the kind of battle I like.”

  He plugged the vibrator into the wall on a long extension cord and approached her, an easy smile on his face.

  “There are two parts to vibrator torture,” Jake said. “The first is edging. That’s where I’ll bring you close to orgasm, but won’t let you come. You’ll be begging for it. Then, I’ll force you to come, again and again, and you’ll beg me to stop.”

  Carla thought he was full of it. All that Hitachi would do was numb her down there. But he sounded so cocky, so sure of himself. And Jake ha
d already proven he knew how a woman’s body worked.

  Can he actually make me beg?

  Carla hadn’t begged for anything in her life. Especially anything sexual. The whole scenario sounded unlikely.

  Jake switched the vibrator on, and its humming filled the room. Carla felt herself tense up. Then he pressed the Hitachi’s round, pulsating head against her.

  No foreplay at all? No stroking? No rubbing? No kissing?

  Maybe Jake didn’t understand women after all. Carla needed more than direct stimulation to get off. Seduction was like a dance. The mood had to be set.

  Still, a light electric shock struck between her legs and jetted through her body, making her flinch. Not painful, but a surprise. Carla gasped.

  Jake took the Hitachi away.

  Carla almost giggled at the ridiculousness of it. While the sensation was interesting, it wasn’t exactly arousing. She had far better ideas of how to achieve that.

  Yes, I’ll be begging all right. Begging to do something else.

  Once again, he pressed the vibrator to her, up against her clitoris. Not firmly, but lightly.

  Another zap. A tiny yelp escaped Carla’s lips.

  That time, it actually felt good.

  Really good.

  Then, once again, he took it away.

  Okay. Maybe there’s something to this…

  He touched her.

  Then removed it.

  Touched her.

  Removed it.

  Touched her, making the pressure even lighter, so she had to strain to feel it.

  Removed it.


  And again.

  And again.

  Against all expectations, Carla was getting very aroused. In tiny doses, the vibration wasn’t too strong, and it didn’t numb her. Instead, she became even more sensitive. Every time he took the vibrator away, Carla’s frustration mounted. Every time he touched her, she tried to press against it, but the straps held her fast.

  Vibrator torture.

  Within just a few minutes of the stop-and-go, Carla was nearing orgasm.

  Jake could apparently sense this. With his free hand he gently kneaded and stroked her nipples, making her even wetter. Janet had been right. Every woman needed to own a Hitachi. Carla had been using it incorrectly.

  This is getting seriously intense.

  She concentrated on the sensations, feeling her passion build, her pelvis starting to contract—

  And Jake took it away again.

  “Fuck,” Carla said, flushed and frustrated.

  “I once did this to a woman for two hours without letting her come,” Jake said.

  That sounded horrible. Delicious. Deliciously horrible. Carla didn’t think she could last two hours. She’d go insane.

  “You want to come, don’t you?”


  “Beg me.”

  Carla almost said please, but she kept her mouth shut. She was incredibly turned on, but the whole pleading thing was seriously not her.

  Jake touched her with the Hitachi again, so lightly it was maddening. But Carla was determined to come in spite of his teasing. She closed her eyes, focusing on the sensations, on what he was doing to her, clenching her legs and butt. Then Jake’s mouth was on hers, gently kissing her, and that was all Carla needed.

  She was going to come, and come hard.

  A cry built up in her throat, the pleasure overwhelming her—

  And he took the vibrator away again.

  “No!” Carla said, shaking off his kiss.

  “You’re sweating,” Jake said, running his hand down her belly. He stroked her between the folds of her legs and wiggled a finger inside. “And so wet. I thought you didn’t think the Hitachi was sexy.”

  “Just let me come.”

  “Is this you begging?”

  “I’m not going to beg.”

  “Yes,” he said, “you are.”

  Jake continued to tease her. Building her up. Taking it away. Building her up. Taking it away. The helplessness of being tied down made it even more unbearable. She tried, so hard, to come while the vibrator was pressed against her. But somehow the gorgeous bastard knew just when to pull back.

  “You’re entirely at my mercy,” Jake said. “And I’m enjoying myself immensely.”

  He was, too. His eyes were sparkling, and the erection in his jeans seemed even larger than before, straining against his fly.

  Carla called up the memory of him standing upstairs in the living room naked, stroking his hard length. The sight of him had been so hot, she felt that this time, as soon as he touched her with the device, she’d go over the edge for sure. “Let me come.”

  “You’re not ready yet.”

  He brought the vibrator near her, hovering just a centimeter above, refusing to touch her. Just like his erect cock, right there, and yet… so close, yet so far.

  “So, one to ten, how sexy is the Hitachi?”

  “It’s a ten,” Carla said, exasperated. “Now please let me come.”

  “It’s only been ten minutes. We have all day.”

  “Please, Jake.” She couldn’t believe she was asking this way, and yet she was.

  He rubbed his chin, seemingly considering it.

  “No,” he said.


  “But I said please…”

  “I don’t think you’re ready yet.”

  “But I told you to do it. In fact, I’m ordering you to. I’m the client, remember?”

  “The client isn’t always right.”

  “The client is in control. You said so. Let me come.”

  Jake touched the Hitachi to her, and Carla moaned, the sensations building again, zooming—

  He took it away.

  “No!” she cried. “Please!”

  “This is the edging I told you about,” Jake said. “I get you right to the brink, and keep you there. I’m very good at this. I could do this until dinnertime.”

  Carla shook her head. “I’ll go insane.”

  “Do you like sucking cock?”


  “Do you like it? Having a man’s cock in your mouth?”

  Carla had done it many times with previous boyfriends, because they’d more or less insisted on it. She liked turning them on, but found it to be more of a chore than a sensual experience.

  Of course, Carla had a feeling that with Jake, it wouldn’t be a chore. The thought of Jake in her mouth, while he was tormenting her with the vibrator, was incredibly exciting. “If you let me come, I’ll suck your cock.”

  Jake brought a finger up to her lips. “Show me how you suck cock. If you’re good, maybe I’ll let you come.”

  Carla eagerly opened her mouth, and took Jake’s finger between her lips. She rolled her tongue around it.

  “That’s the best you can do?”

  Carla began bobbing her head, sucking his whole finger into her mouth.

  Jake touched her with the vibrator.

  Carla groaned and her whole body began to shake. This orgasm was going to be fantastic. She continued to fellate Jake’s finger, imagining it was his cock, that wonderful cock she’d glimpsed through the window, imagining it was going to spurt into her mouth as he groaned and spasmed.

  She loved the look on a man’s face when he came. So pinched with ecstasy. That was the best part of sex for Carla. Sometimes she came. Sometimes she didn’t. But making a man come, seeing that look, was a real power rush.

  “I’m… I’m going to come,” Carla said.

  “No, you’re not.”

  Jake took the vibrator away again.

  Carla screamed in frustration. This was unbearable.

  “Do you like the bondage table?” Jake asked.

  “I hate it.”

  “Say you like it.”


  But the merciless Hitachi began to stroke her again. Carla closed her eyes, tried to resist, but her body betrayed her.

  “Say it, or I’ll take it away again.

  “I… I like the bondage table.”

  “Beg me not to stop.”

  “Please… don’t stop.”

  “Ask me to press it against you harder.”

  “Please press it against me harder.”

  He did, and the intensity made her whimper. Carla was so close. Almost… almost…

  He took it away.

  Carla’s whole body shook. “No! Please! Please let me come! I’m begging you! Please!”

  The Hitachi pressed against her, hard, making Carla scream. This time Jake kept it there, and her orgasm shook her entire being, the sensations so powerful she couldn’t see or hear or think. So overwhelming she completely lost herself. Wave after wave crashed over her. Never slowing. Never stopping. Shaking her whole world.

  And then it kept going.


  But Jake didn’t seem to hear her. Or didn’t want to listen. He kept the vibrator pressed to her, pulsing against her, fueling one convulsion after another.

  She screamed out. She tried to squirm away. She forced her eyes open, pleading with him wordlessly to stop the assault, but Jake kept tormenting her, his blue eyes glinting with obvious amusement.

  Carla forced her lips to form words. “Jake… stop it…”

  He didn’t stop.

  “Jake! Please!”

  “You’re a strong lady. You can handle it. Or you can use your safe word.”

  Carla almost spouted out injunction but she clenched her teeth instead. She wasn’t going to give up this easily. She wasn’t going to let him win.

  The discomfort got worse, almost to the point of pain. It was like being tickled endlessly, until she couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think, she couldn’t feel anything but the need to make it stop. She screamed again for him to end the torture, and he didn’t, and then some sort of internal switch flipped and she immediately began to come again. It was even bigger than the last one—she actually saw stars—and then Jake turned the vibrator off, leaving it pressed against her.

  “That’s called a forced orgasm,” he said, tucking a lock of her damp hair behind her ear. “I literally forced it out of your body. That’s one of the reasons the Hitachi is perfect for vibrator torture. Now I’m going to keep making you come until you beg me to spank you.”

  Carla blew out a breath. A few seconds passed before she found her voice. “I won’t beg you to spank me. I just proved I can handle it.”


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