The Aberrants Box Set (Books 1-5)

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The Aberrants Box Set (Books 1-5) Page 57

by Sarah J. Stone

  “Yeah, I think I would,” she whispered.

  “Very well, then, if it’s what the patient wants, who am I to refuse?”

  He leaned forward, which pushed her a bit off his lap, but she didn’t complain. He made a show of flicking open each button one by one until finally a strip of his tanned flesh was revealed to her.

  It was just as alluring as she remembered, if not more so. What was the saying? Absence makes the heart grow fonder? That certainly seemed to be the case. Especially if fonder was a euphemism for completely enraptured by everything about the man.

  He was holding her gaze, so he really dragged out the removal of his shirt. Slowly, he shrugged it open wider, then inched it down his arms until finally, he was free of it.

  Yes! That was exactly what she had wanted. She didn’t waste a second and curled into him again, the tip of her finger tracing the dips and rises in his intense musculature.

  She started at his navel then worked her way up, exploring every bit of his skin that was available. It was like a revelation to her. Somehow, her memory just didn’t seem to do it the justice it deserved. Maybe that was because nothing compared to having it actually in front of her, or maybe too much time apart had ebbed the detail on her memories. Either way, she was happy to have him in front of her again.

  When she finally reached his throat, suddenly her finger wasn’t enough. She leaned forward and her lips gently caressed the bottom of his throat, just below his Adam’s apple.

  He stiffened at her kiss, but he didn’t stop her, so she continued, gently grazing her teeth against the flesh there. His arms wrapped around her, and then she was being turned to face him. Her legs parted as he twisted her, and she straddled his lap comfortably.

  She was now even with his face, and the look he was giving her was utterly sinful. If she was a bit taller, she would have been higher than him, but as it was, she liked her view just fine.

  His hands went to her rear, cupping either of her cheeks and kneading the flesh there. She was wearing a pair of oversized jeans that they had given her after her first shower, held up only by a single belt, but she wished that she wasn’t wearing anything at all. Every layer of fabric between them was a travesty, and one that she wanted to solve ASAP.

  Well, almost ASAP. First, she needed to kiss him, immediately.

  Their lips crashed together in a rush of emotions. Everything they had felt was poured into the kiss, and her mind spun from the deluge of feelings. Loss, desperation, lust, relief, they all whirled together in a miasma of sensation. But she welcomed it, all of it. The good, the bad, and the entirely overwhelming.

  She clung to his shoulders, pulling him closer as if she could merge them into the same person. Maybe then she would never have to betray him again, and maybe then he would never have to hurt and wonder where she was or if she was safe.

  His hands went to her flannel, popping open the buttons much more quickly than he had his own. Jaelle might have teased him about it if it was any other situation, but as it were, she was just grateful to be that much closer to him.

  He had it off of her within seconds, but before he could toss it to the size like his shirt, he paused, pulling away and looking over her shoulder.

  “What?” she asked, trying to twist her head but still being far too stiff to do so.

  “Just thinking…” he responded. “The men could be back at any minute. We should probably take this upstairs.”

  “Really?” Jaelle retorted. “You don’t think they’ll smell or hear that we’re, uh… occupied before they have a chance to come in?”

  “Maybe, but I’d rather not risk it. Besides, I think you’d look great spread across my bed.”

  “Oh, would I now?” She tightened her arms around his shoulders. “Well, why don’t you carry me there, then?”

  His grin grew even wider while his hands found a better hold on her rear end. Without any difficulty, he stood, and Jaelle suddenly found herself much higher off the ground than normal.

  Tilting her head back, she let out a giddy laugh as Bradley continued his trek up the stairs. For a moment, she contemplated pulling him down on the steps themselves, like she had seen in that one movie years ago, but she thought better of it. She was still somewhat recovering from everything that had happened, and she didn’t think that a Shifter-level romp on some hard steps would be good for her back. Or any other part of her, to be frank.

  Thankfully, she was patient, and managed to wait until he had her back to the room. Kicking the door closed behind them, he dumped her onto the mattress with no amount of ceremony.

  She let out a ‘ooph!’ and tried to sit up, but his hand gently caught her, pushing her down. She went with the motion, leaning back onto her elbows to watch whatever the hunter had in mind.

  He started with her socks, pulling them down her feet in a dramatic fashion. Normally, she would be worried about foot odor after a long day of wearing hiking shoes, but she hadn’t exactly been exerting herself recently.

  Then he knelt on the bed, giving her a look that could make her bones melt. With an assurance that could only come from a leader, his fingers went to her buckle and quickly undid it before pulling it through the loop. He popped her button and unzipped her jeans before slowly pulling them down her hips.

  He took his time—seemingly the theme of the day—as he kissed and caressed the soft skin he exposed. He neglected no part of her, lips worshipping everywhere from the inside of the thigh, to the underside of her knee, down her calf and then finally to her ankle.

  Finally, she was bare before him. She hadn’t bothered to wear a bra for the past week, considering that she was flat on her back, and she couldn’t be more grateful for her laziness.

  “Are you going to just stand there?” she asked, extending a hand to her lover, who was still standing at the foot of the bed, gazing at her like she was the sun itself.

  He didn’t answer, however, but busied himself with removing his own pants. His eyes never broke contact with hers, however, telling her everything that he wanted to do to her. What he would do to her. How he could communicate so much without saying a single word, she didn’t know, but she didn’t care, either. She just wanted to be devoured already, to be thoroughly enveloped in his passion and lust.

  At last, he was free of his final layer of clothes and bare before her. His need for her was readily apparent, standing at full attention with droplets of liquid already gathering at the tip. He lowered himself onto the mattress, but rather than climb over her, he knelt at her feet, tipping his head toward her hips.

  His teeth found the edge of her pelvis, leaving love bites that she could treasure for a few hours before her Shifter healing erased them. The pain was mild, but exquisite, and she arched up into him, demanding more.

  But he held her flat on the mattress, making sure that she only moved how he wanted her to. For once, she enjoyed that he was drawing everything out. It had been far too long since she had him upon her, and she had thought their previous time would be their last. She wanted to cherish this moment for all eternity, and inscribe it in every part of her brain.

  Then he reached her center, one of his hands lifting from her hip to part her folds. She whined, unsure if her body wanted to coil away from him or push into him, but either way, his tongue dipped down to work its magic.

  Long and wet, it parted her like silk. She gasped, her middle tensing, and her body already beginning to tremble.

  He stopped, and she let out a shaky breath. “You okay up there?” he asked, looking up at her over the curves of her body.

  “Yeah,” she rasped. “Everything just feels so intense.”

  “Good. I’ll take that as a compliment, then.”

  “Take it however you want,” she shot back. “Just as long as you keep doing what you’re doing.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” True to his word, he dipped back down to her.

  All soreness from her previous troubles faded, and one of her hands wrapped in Bradley’s thick h
air. It was longer than when she had last seen him, making her wonder for a brief moment how the strands could have possibly grown so fast in just two weeks. That thought quickly fled, however, as his tongue flicked over her throbbing bud while one finger entered her.

  The moan that escaped her could only be described as pure sin, and she didn’t care. Somehow, he was taking her to new, higher pleasures she hadn’t known were possible. Maybe it came from walking back from the edge of certain death, maybe it came from detoxing from two weeks’ worth of wolfsbane, maybe it came from sleeping together without having to worry about anyone hunting her, or destroying her kind. Whatever the reason, she was soaring high and loving every minute of it.

  She couldn’t stay aloft forever, though, and she felt herself rapidly hurtling toward that precipice within her. Bradley seemed to feel her tension, and his finger curled within her, allowing another to slide in.

  It hit her with the force of a tsunami, starting in her middle and rolling out from there. Her entire body tensed, forcing her off of the bed into an arch. Bradley continued to work on her through the entire tumult, making the blinding sensation drag out for that much longer.

  An age seemed to pass while her body was locked in the throes of her climax, not that she was complaining about the pleasure drenching every single molecule of her being. When it finally faded, she collapsed back onto the mattress with a gasp.

  “Holy shit,” she breathed, chest rising and falling rapidly like she had run a marathon.

  “Glad you like it,” Bradley retorted, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. For some reason, the action turned her on that much more, and she felt her body gearing up again.

  Bradley started to climb up over her, positioning his own aching need, but she quickly grabbed the underside of his leg and flipped him over.

  “Why don’t I return the favor?” she murmured, before her tongue darted off to collect the liquid gathered at his tip.

  He shuddered, and when his voice came out it was a breathy moan. “Whatever you say.”

  That’s right, whatever she said. Their relationship had the perfect shift of power balances, each of them seeming to know when to take over and when to submit.

  She laved down his length, seeing how he liked to have her drag out the pleasure for just long enough to be cruel. His breath started to come in short gasps.

  Once she was sure that he was properly wetted down, she engulfed him fully, sliding his length along the ridges and bumps of her tongue. He groaned in appreciation, spurring her onward.

  Her jaw began to ache much sooner than it normally would have, but she didn’t let that deter her. After all, what was a little pain compared to the euphoria he had given her already, and would no doubt give her again? She had found her happy ending, so the least she could do was give him one of his own.

  His hips rose off the bed to meet her, while one of his hands rested gently in her hair. She could tell that he wanted to push down, to force her to take his length until he met his end, but he knew that she was still recovering and did no such thing. It filled her with a renewed appreciation for him, and she redoubled her efforts.

  It didn’t take long before he shouted and his hips gave several short, frantic thrusts. Jaelle released him, and inspected the his climax made across her abdomen and chest.

  Just like her, he collapsed back onto the mattress a hot mess, breathing hard and sweating like no tomorrow. It was flattering to see him so blitzed out from her own work, and she lay down beside him, curling to his side.

  “You’re welcome,” she murmured.

  “Thank you,” he breathed. “That was… something else.”

  “Well, I’m glad you liked it.” She nuzzled into his side. “You’re always welcome to more.”

  “Oh, am I, now?”

  “Within reason,” she answered, kissing the tip of his nose.

  They lay like that for a while, their breathing regulating. Bradley’s arm curled around her middle, gently stroking her from her collar bone down to her hip.

  It was slow and innocent, meaning only to give her comfort, but as the minutes massed, it began to grow more… frisky.

  He wrapped his fingers around her breast and tweaked at her nipple. Her body responded almost immediately, and her center throbbed for him once more.

  Despite her immediate, aching need, she didn’t instantly jump his bones. Instead, she let him continue to tease her, rubbing her sensitive pink buds before leaning down to kiss her once more.

  A sigh escaped her lips before growing into an outright moan. Bradley seemed to take that as encouragement, and increased his ministrations until she was panting and driven to the absolute peak of what she could endure.

  “Please,” she rasped. “I need you.”

  He complied, rising to his knees. Jaelle went to scoot over so that he could lower himself on top of her, but his hand gripped her and rolled her over. She didn’t mind, however, and raised her hips, spreading her legs enough to offer him access.

  “That’s my girl,” he said, giving one of her cheeks a gentle smack.

  “Stop teasing!” she ordered, grinding back on him.

  “Of course. How rude of me.” She could hear the patronizing tone in his voice, but she let it go when she felt him pressing up against her. For a moment, she was afraid he would continue to tease her and draw it out, but then he was sliding his full length into her.

  She hissed at the sensation, as she stretched to fit him. It was perfect, and just as good as she remembered.

  “God, yes!” she cried, not caring if she sounded like a porno. Every nerve in her body was on fire, and judging by the sounds that Bradley was making, he was just as lost to the ecstasy.

  He set an intense, but not impossible pace, his hips connecting with her backside in hard, direct thrusts. She did her best to match him, and soon they had a rhythm that kept them both sweating.

  Ugh, it was perfect. More perfect than she ever could have asked for. The way he treated her made her feel like she was the most beautiful, desirable woman on Earth, and after so many years of self-loathing, it was still an epiphany for her.

  Her moans turned to shouts of pleasure as he hit a sensitive spot deep within her. It couldn’t have been more than five minutes, but she could tell that her ending was going to come much sooner than usual.

  “I love you,” she gasped, the first time she had said it since their reunion. Perhaps it was strange to reiterate that while he had her bent over on his bed, but she didn’t care. She needed him to know how happy and fulfilled he made her, both sexually and otherwise.

  “I know,” he answered, somehow his thrusts picking up the pace and gaining even more power behind them. Jaelle was about to call him on his cocky answer, but then he added, “And trust me, the feeling is mutual.”

  She let out a giddy laugh and allowed her top half to tip forward, so that her shoulders and chest were pressed into the mattress while her hips were raised high enough for Bradley to continue driving mercilessly into them. But she didn’t want mercy. She wanted him to pour all of himself into her and then some.

  A handful of minutes passed, maybe three or five. There were no more words, only moans and cries of euphoria as they both gave their everything.

  “Oh, God, Jaelle, I think I’m going t—”

  “Me, too!” she interrupted. “Don’t stop!”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  His hand wrapped around her hip, his long fingers reaching that perfect spot at the apex of her folds. They circled it, rubbing in tight circles, before gently pressing into it.

  “Bradley!” she cried, her voice practically going hoarse as she clamped down on him.

  It didn’t seem possible, but her orgasm hit her even harder than the first one. Her breath caught in her throat, and her body tightened harder than a screw. The noises that came out of her mouth were incomprehensible, but they made sense when coupled with Bradley’s roar.

  She had no idea how long their climaxes las
ted, naturally hers continuing much longer than Bradley’s, but eventually they both collapsed on the mattress for a third time, breathing hard and drenched in sweat and other bodily fluids.

  They didn’t share any words, but they didn’t need them. There was a sort of… peace that she had never had before generating from in between them and spreading out in waves.

  Her eyelids grew heavy, and she curled into Bradley’s side once more, laying her face against his chest. The sound of his heart made the perfect beat to accentuate the birds chirping outside, and the breeze coming in through the window.

  He curled his arm around her, supporting her head and allowing her to leach more of his warmth from him as she grew cool from the breeze.

  It was in that moment that she realized that her life was going to change forever. There would be no more hiding, no more going incognito as the world went by. She had thrust herself, and all other Aberrants, into the spotlight, and she was sure there were going to be plenty of surprising and stressful things that resulted from that.

  Thankfully, she knew she had Bradley to be there through all of it. Somehow, the Hunter had become her right-hand man, helping her to change the future of her kind. Only tomorrow would determine the future of her species, but at least she wouldn’t have to go it alone.


  “Are you ready?” Bradley asked, standing by the door of his off the grid house.

  “I think so, I just… give me a second, okay?”

  “Sure, whatever you need. Even if we procrastinate for another fifteen minutes, we’ll still get there an hour early.”

  “Good. We can’t be late.” Jaelle ran a hand through her hair, trying to remember if she had everything. She looked at her checklist again, and she saw that everything was appropriately marked off, but she still couldn’t shake the feeling she was forgetting something.

  “Relax. It’s going to be fine, Jaelle.”

  “You don’t know that!” she objected, running back up the stairs to make sure she hadn’t accidentally left something behind. “Something could go wrong.”


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