BlackBuried Pie (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 3)

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BlackBuried Pie (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 3) Page 11

by Lyndsey Cole

  “I can’t answer that. If she murdered Robbie, she certainly has the imagination to leave a difficult trail to untangle. Maybe she was hoping to point the clues toward me. I wouldn’t put it past her. She never forgave me for not marrying her when she got pregnant with Jillian.”

  Chapter 21

  As Annie walked across the field to Hazel’s house where she’d left her car, she wasn’t sure if she believed everything Peter told her. He also had something to gain with Robbie dead: no condos in his backyard.

  And what about Luke? He was with Robbie before Peter went in for the second time. Maybe he gave Robbie a second shot of insulin. How did Jillian fit into the whole picture? Bits and pieces continued to be revealed but the whole mystery was still just that, a mystery. And was everyone telling the truth? Annie doubted it.

  The farmhouse was quiet, not even Zoe outside to greet her. Annie looked at her car but sighed and decided she should at least make sure Hazel was all right before leaving.

  She poked her head inside the front door. Silence. Annie closed the door, happy to leave to meet Jason. Maybe Jillian picked her up and brought her into town for the fireworks.

  She couldn’t head straight home. Pulling into the police station, Annie dropped the insulin vials into a small shopping bag and brought them inside. JC smiled and put a finger up so Annie waited until she was off the phone.

  “Can you give this to Tyler for me? I don’t have time to talk now, but tell him I found these buried in Peter Hayworth’s blackberry field.”

  JC’s eyebrows shot up in surprise but took the bag and walked down the hall toward Tyler’s office, giving Annie an opportunity to leave before Tyler had a chance to corner her.

  Driving through Catfish Cove was stop and go with traffic, pedestrians and everyone from around the lake looking for a parking spot. Annie wasn’t planning to drive back to town, she would walk or watch the fireworks from Jason’s porch. She smiled to herself with that thought.

  She hurried into her apartment, happy to see Smokey curled up on the window seat. He stretched and yawned before jumping down to stand next to his bowl. “You are so predictable.” Annie told her black kitty as she gave him some food.

  “How about you Roxy? You must be ready for some food too after your busy day.” Annie poured food into Roxy’s bowl and filled the water bowl with fresh clean water.

  She stripped off her sweaty clothes and jumped into the shower. The water washed away more than dust and sweat. She let her tension go down the drain too. She told herself she wasn’t going to think about Robbie anymore for the night. Someone else could put the pieces of that puzzle together.

  Annie pulled on her favorite ivory capris and a soft blue cotton t-shirt. She automatically checked for her silver strawberry necklace around her neck. She loved the necklace that Jason had given her for Valentine’s Day and seldom took it off.

  Walking out the door with Roxy at her side, she crossed the driveway to Jason’s house.

  “I’m trying something new tonight.” Annie heard Jason’s voice coming from the front of the house.

  She walked through the living room, across the porch and saw him trying to light a grill.

  “You’re cooking from scratch tonight?” she asked with a half grin.

  “I’m grilling salmon. How hard can that be?” Jason said as he held the start button on the grill. Nothing happened.

  “I thought you were a vegetarian?”

  “Yeah, well, I eat fish occasionally.”

  Annie laughed out loud. “Jason. You don’t have the gas tank hooked up to the grill. Here, let me help.”

  Jason stood back and watched as Annie hooked the hose from the grill to the gas tank and got the grill preheating.

  “See,” he said, “how hard can it be? Especially if someone else does it.” He pulled her into his arms and gave her a tight hug before she could squirm away and swat him for his deception.

  “I promise I’ll make a super salad if you cook the salmon,” he said as he gave her a pathetic look. “And dessert too.”

  Annie attempted an annoyed sigh but a laugh escape instead. She was happy to help with the cooking. Maybe someday Jason would expand his ability in the food department, but making amazing salads was an admirable start indeed.

  “Helloooo? Where is everyone?” a familiar voice called from inside the house.

  Annie shot Jason a puzzled look. “Why is Leona here?”

  “Remember how I said I’d supply dessert too? Actually, Leona is bringing dessert.”

  Annie tried to feel happy but Leona could be so overpowering and she had been looking forward to relaxing with Jason. Alone.

  “And, maybe I forgot to mention—”

  Annie cut him off. “More people?”

  Jason nodded. “It’s so crowded in town, I invited a few people to join us to watch the fireworks here. It is one of the best viewing spots away from the crowds.”

  Before he could explain more, Leona and Danny appeared on the porch. “Where do you want me to put the dessert?” She held out a cheesecake covered with strawberries, blueberries, dollops of cream spaced around the edge and shaved chocolate sprinkled in the center.

  Annie’s mood thawed a bit seeing the mouthwatering dessert. “It’s beautiful, Leona, and red, white and blue for the Fourth of July. That would have sold well in the café this weekend.”

  “I made several and they did fly off the shelf. I had to hide this one or I would have come empty handed.”

  Danny handed Jason a bottle of blackberry wine. “This is my contribution. I can’t cook to save my life.”

  Leona gave him a shocked look. “Is that all I am to you? Your meal ticket?”

  Danny sputtered and his face turned a deep shade of red. “Of course not.”

  Leona laughed her deep-from-the-belly laugh and hugged Danny. “Loosen up. I’m just teasing.”

  Watching their interaction, Annie saw the genuine affection Leona had for Danny. Maybe this romance would turn out differently for her. They both had been hurt in the past and put up artificial defenses for protection. Danny’s kind nature would soften Leona’s coarse edges and Leona’s zest for life might pull Danny far away from his war demons and drinking.

  Annie felt a nudge. “Lost in a deep thought?” Jason asked.

  She smiled at him. “Leona and Danny make a good couple. And I can’t wait to taste that cheesecake.”

  “There’s something I can’t wait to taste,” he said in a throaty whisper as he leaned in and kissed her tenderly. “Yum. Even better than I imagined. I wouldn’t mind seconds of that.”

  The sound of someone clearing his throat made both Annie and Jason turn suddenly.

  Tyler stood awkwardly, fidgeting with a bag in his hand. “Annie. Can I talk to you for a minute? It’s important.”

  Jason scowled, obviously annoyed that Annie’s ex-fiancé intruded on their private moment.

  “Yes, of course,” Annie answered. She knew exactly what was in the bag but had hoped this conversation could have waited until the next day.

  “JC gave me these as soon as you dropped this off at the police station. Where did you find these insulin vials?”

  Annie recounted the details of her visit with Hazel and Peter. “Honestly, I don’t know what to believe. Everyone keeps pointing fingers at someone else. And what about Luke?”

  Tyler held Annie’s arm. “Why did you go there by yourself? Someone murdered Robbie, and if you poke around in the wrong place you could be next.”

  “There’s something else I guess I should show you. It’s in my apartment.” Annie led Tyler up the stairs and picked up her camera. “I was finally going through all the photos I took since last Wednesday, and found this.”

  Tyler squinted and studied the blurry image. “Who is this?”

  “I’m not sure. That’s why I went to talk to Hazel. I took this photo on Wednesday before I found Peter unconscious. I thought the person in this photo might know something.”


  “Hazel said it might be Jillian but Peter thought it looked like Hazel. He said Hazel walks in the woods a lot with her cat.”

  Tyler still looked confused.

  “I saw an orange cat in the blackberry bush where I found Peter. Hazel must have been there with her cat. I think she followed Peter after he was in the house with Robbie and she buried the vials to make it look like he murdered Robbie.”

  “Or Peter killed Robbie and he buried the vials before he passed out. Or these could be old vials that aren’t even connected to the day Robbie died. Wouldn’t that make more sense?” Tyler asked.

  Annie paced around the room. “That’s the problem. I don’t know what makes sense anymore. No one liked Robbie. Peter, Hazel and Luke all had a reason to want him dead and they were all at the house at the right time. I’m not sure how Jillian fits in the picture. Hazel told me she gave Robbie his insulin shot like she always did. Why would she kill him that day and not some other day? For that matter, why would someone ever kill someone else?” Annie asked in frustration. “How can we understand the mind of a killer if it’s something we would never do?”

  “I’m worried about you, Annie. If you uncovered clues to Robbie’s murder and the killer knows you’re on to them, you could be a target. And one more thing,” he added. “Luke stopped at the police station earlier and told me he was leaving town, giving up on getting the land. I thought it was a bit strange, as if he wanted an alibi or something. Don’t do anything foolish. Okay?”

  Annie waved her hand dismissively. “I’m not a fool.”

  She opened the door and waited for Tyler to walk out before closing the door and following him down the stairs. “I thought you didn’t have to work tonight?”

  “I’ll be at the fireworks. Keeping my eyes open.”

  Music drifted from Jason’s living room, drowning out her frustration from the day. Was she looking at the information completely wrong? It was too easy to get one idea and not see other pathways. Did Luke somehow figure out an angle to get Hazel to sell her land? She shook the thoughts away, determined to have a romantic evening with Jason.

  Her phone rang. She paused at the bottom of her stairs, willing herself to ignore the ringing phone. The music, the smell of food grilling, the sound of laughter all pulled her toward Jason’s house.

  Until she couldn’t ignore the ring and she heard Hazel’s frantic voice.

  Chapter 22

  “Slow down. You aren’t making any sense,” Annie said slowly, trying to calm Hazel.

  Silence. Annie was afraid Hazel hung up but then she heard a big intake of air.

  “Jillian is in trouble. Can you help me?”

  Annie looked at Jason’s house. Everything she wanted was right in front of her but Hazel’s voice sounded so desperate. “Where are you?”

  “I’m at the café. Jillian gave me a ride to town and told me she had something important to do so I did some people watching. We were supposed to meet up again at the cafe but she never showed up.”

  “Okay,” Annie said as she started to walk to her car. “How do you know she’s in trouble?”

  “Just come. Please.” The phone went dead.

  Annie slid into her car and threw her phone on the seat. This wasn’t foolish, was it? With so many people in town, what could go wrong? Hazel was probably just overreacting to something and Annie would be back at Jason’s house before anyone missed her.

  Ten minutes later, Annie saw Hazel pacing in the parking lot behind the Cove’s Corner building. Annie stopped next to Hazel and told her to get in since the parking lot was so full there wasn’t even room for a bicycle.

  “Thank you for coming. I didn’t know who else to call.”

  “What’s going on? You said Jillian is in trouble.”

  “She called me and said she was with Luke. He’s trying to convince Jillian to get me to sell the land.”

  Annie drove slowly, looking for a parking spot even though she knew all spots had been taken ages ago. “Where are they?”

  “That’s what got me worried. As soon as I asked her, the phone went dead.”

  “Maybe she was in a dead spot. I think you’re overreacting.”

  Zoe sat on Hazel’s lap with her head hanging out the window and her ears flapping in the wind as they drove.

  “I’m taking you home. Maybe Jillian will go there when she can’t find you in town.”

  They drove in silence but Annie was fuming inside. Why did she answer that phone call? This wasn’t her problem and she didn’t want to be part of it.

  A black Lexus sped down the road almost forcing Annie’s car into the ditch. Something was familiar about the car but she was so angry with Hazel her brain couldn’t sort out what it was. She slowed down as she approached Hazel’s driveway.

  “Stop,” Hazel blurted out.

  What now, Annie thought as she clenched her jaw, but she pulled into the driveway and stopped.

  Without any explanation, Hazel jumped out and ran to her mailbox. That’s when Annie noticed the flap was open and a book was sticking partly out.

  The car, she realized, was Luke Carbone’s. What was he doing here? Looking for Hazel? Tyler said he had left town.

  Hazel stood, staring at the inside of the book. Annie looked over her shoulder.

  Stay in your house and wait for instructions. Don’t call the police.

  The words were printed in black ink, slanted left. Not the same writing in the messages Annie received.

  Hazel stared at Annie with tears ready to spill over the corner of her eyes. “I knew it. Jillian is in trouble. When Robbie wouldn’t let me see or call Jillian, this was our secret way to communicate. She must have told Luke how to get in touch with me.”

  “Get in the car. I’ll take you to your house, then I’m going to the police.”

  Hazel grabbed her arm, her eyes wild. “You can’t do that. Didn’t you read the message? It says not to call the police. I’ll wait at the house and you can leave if you want to.”

  That was the best advice Annie heard in the last half hour, but how could she leave Hazel alone? She would wait until the next message came, then reassess her options.

  Once inside, they didn’t have to wait long. The back door opened and Jillian burst into the house, out of breath. She had bits of leaves and twigs sticking in her hair.

  Hazel hugged her. “Are you all right?”

  Jillian slumped into a kitchen chair. “Luke told me he wanted to talk about the land, but when I got in his car, he locked the doors and wouldn’t let me out. He stopped to make a phone call and I jumped out his door and ran into the woods. He started to follow me but I knew he would never have a chance. I know the woods too well.”

  Annie stood up. “Maybe we should call the police now. They’ll be able to catch him before he gets too far away.”

  “I already did that. Tyler said to wait here.”

  Annie sighed. What a mess. She was missing grilled salmon, salad and blackberry wine for someone else’s drama.

  Hazel put the tea kettle on.

  Jillian opened the refrigerator. “There’s still some blackberry pie in here. Who wants a piece?”

  Annie said, “No thanks.” She was saving any appetite for Leona’s red, white and blue cheesecake. They better save her some or she was going to be in a supremely bad mood.

  Jillian got out plates and cut three pieces anyway. From Annie’s seat, she could see Jillian pour some fresh berries on two of the pieces.

  Hazel carried the tea kettle, herbal teas and three cups to the table, sitting next to her daughter.

  “I’m glad you’re safe. I was frantic when you didn’t meet me in town.”

  Jillian nodded. “Good thing you called Annie, she always knows what to do.”

  Jillian placed the two pieces of pie with fresh berries in front of Annie and Hazel, keeping the plain pie for herself.

  “Where did you get the fresh blueberries, Jillian?” Annie asked, her hairs sticking up on her neck.r />
  “Just a lucky find as I was walking through the fields. I don’t think Peter will notice a few missing blueberries.”

  Hazel dug in with her fork, but before the pie made it to her mouth, Annie knocked the bite of pie away. “Don’t eat it. Blueberries aren’t in season for another month, are they?” Annie kept her eyes focused on Jillian’s face.

  Jillian smirked. “You’ve been reading too many mysteries, Annie. Go ahead, enjoy the delicious pie.”

  Hazel looked from Jillian to Annie. “What’s going on?”

  “Your daughter is trying to poison us. All the clues she sent me, pointing suspicion to everyone but herself.” Every jumbled bit of the mystery clicked into place in Annie’s brain. “It was you all along, wasn’t it, Jillian? You have a back way to the house. The way through the woods so Robbie wouldn’t know you were here.”

  Jillian smiled, so proud of herself. “Robbie was scared when I walked into the room after Mom gave him his insulin injection. He tried to protect himself by banning me from the house because he knew I wanted him dead, but I was patient. Everything fell into place on Wednesday. Mom gave Robbie his shot and was supposed to take a walk to meet me behind Peter’s fields.” She looked at her mother.

  Annie was riveted to her seat, wanting to flee but needing to find out what happened. Hazel sat with her mouth open, in shock at what she was hearing.

  “I had to hide in the closet because you were still in the house and you heard Peter arguing with Robbie. That was a bonus. When Peter left, slamming the door, I had just enough time to give him another injection before Luke showed up. His speech was confused enough that no one would understand what he was saying. Then Luke arrived. I made sure to catch Peter outside and convince him to go back in to ask Robbie if he signed the papers. I thought Peter would see that Robbie was dead and would call the police. Luke would be blamed, but Peter didn’t make that call and he found the extra insulin vial.”

  Hazel kept blinking her eyes, staring at her daughter in disbelief. “You buried the vials near Peter? I thought he did it.”


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