Blake: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 5)

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Blake: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 5) Page 2

by Jessie Cooke

  The smug bitch said, “I’m so sorry if I offended or upset you Bailey. Please, sit back down. You have to know that it’s my job to at least try to get the story, right?”

  I could feel Blake looking at me. I was unnerved by it, and I had no idea why. He was hot, that was a given to anyone with eyes…but he wasn’t my type. There was just some kind of innocence about him that both fascinated and annoyed me at the same time.

  “No more questions about my family,” I told her, sitting back down. Blake was still staring at me with those clear green eyes of his. I looked up at him and said, “Do I have a booger on my face?” The big, stupid cowboy laughed. I wondered what it would take to piss him off. I looked back at Margo and said, “Can we get on with this, I have a hair appointment.” I really didn’t, but I was done with the wicked witch and the bumpkin. I needed to get out of there.

  “I just have one more question for you, Bailey.” I had to hold back my snort. One more question? Hasn’t she only asked me one so far? Shortest interview in history. She wanted to be done with me so she can get into Blake’s pants. Dirty old woman, she has to be old enough to be his mother.

  “Are you excited to be going on tour with music’s hottest new star?”

  I so badly wanted to grab her by all that black hair and slam her face into the floor. They were probably extensions and wouldn’t hold. That question was pure fluff and didn’t have anything to do with me or my talent. It was another rub aimed at Blake’s ego. “Of course I am,” I told her with a fake smile in Blake’s direction. He smiled back at me. Imagine that. “Is that it?”

  “That’s it. Thank you for coming, Bailey.”

  Fuck you! “Thanks for having me,” I said out loud. Blake looked confused. I stood up and started for the door and he stood too.

  “Blake, can you stay back? I just had a few more questions.” I didn’t hear what she asked him, I was already out of there. I figured it was going to be muffled anyways with his cock in her mouth. I walked quickly down the hall and out the double doors onto Prince Street. Axel’s offices were in a glass building in the heart of the financial district in Manhattan, but his studio sat amidst the artsy ambiance of SoHo. I took a deep breath when I got outside. The air was crisp and cool, but not cold. I loved the way it felt when it hit my lungs.

  I decided to leave my car in the garage and go for a walk. I adore the cobblestone streets and cast-iron architecture of the neighborhood. SoHo doesn’t feel like any other neighborhood. It was like everyone here had some kind of talent they were hawking on the streets. I watched the street performers and wondered if I had made a mistake shooting for fame. Maybe I’d be happier if I was singing out in front of a coffee shop for donations. It wasn’t like Daddy was ever going to let me do without anything anyways.

  I walked until I came to Broadway and then I strolled along looking at the window displays of Levi’s, Hilfiger, Guess and all the other high-end stores in this part of town. When I reached Bloomingdale’s, I stopped and went inside. I wandered around for a while, stopping to look at clothes here and there, trying to rid my mind of Margo Lily. She was no better than the fucking mean girls I went to school with. I was called “thunder thighs” so often in middle and high school that I thought about having my name legally changed. It was like I didn’t exist beyond my thighs and my father.

  The one thing I wasn’t able to get my mind off, was Blake James. Tall, lanky cowboys did nothing for me. He was clean shaven, baby-faced and he probably called his mama every night and said his prayers before he went to sleep. I liked my men rough, and not just around the edges. I grew up around my father’s “soldiers” and “made men.” Those were the guys I cut my teeth on and my tastes for the bad boys only grew from there. So what was it about the country bumpkin that enticed me so much? Maybe it’s just been too long since I’ve had sex. I’ve always had a tendency to balloon up when I’m stressed out, and then I am hesitant to take my clothes off in front of anyone. I’d been stressing a lot over the past six months. Axel signed me and then just put me on the back burner with nothing much to do other than turn up for a personal appearance every now and then. What the fuck kind of shape did he expect me to be in, sitting around waiting for him to call me all the damned time? Then, when he finally does, he tells me that I’m fat. Bastard.

  “Bailey?” I turned to my right and saw Sam. Sam is the guy who handles my finances. He’s not bad looking in a nerdy 4.0 GPA kind of way. He was dressed in khaki shorts, a brown Polo shirt and tennis shoes. I’d never seen him in anything but a suit. He wasn’t built too badly either. I thought about Blake and his long, lean muscles. Shit! I have to get that cowboy out of my system before we started touring together. Right now I just needed to take care of the tingle between my thighs. It didn’t matter with whom.

  “Hi Sam, how are you?”

  He smiled. His skin was almost obnoxiously white. It was one way you could tell he was a nerd before he opened his mouth. It was obvious that he spent most of his time indoors in front of a computer. “I’m good, thank you for asking. What are you up to?”

  He had a necklace in his hand. I assumed it was for a girlfriend since I knew he wasn’t married. He said, “Just a little shopping for my mom. Tomorrow is her birthday.”

  “What a good son you are,” I told him with a seductive smile. “There’s really nothing hotter than a guy who loves his mom.” He blushed a deep scarlet. I felt a twinge of guilt at the thought of using him…but what the hell? It wasn’t like he wasn’t going to get something out of it.

  “Bailey, will you have lunch with me?” He didn’t so much say it as he blurted it out as fast as he could. I had to wonder why these really nice, sweet guys were attracted to me at all. I pictured Blake again…this time, naked.

  “I’d love to have lunch with you, but why don’t we go back to my hotel and order room service instead of going out? It will be more intimate, that way.” I lowered my voice on the word intimate hoping to sound sexy. I think it had its desired effect. Sam looked like he might be having a heart-attack. I saw him swallow hard and then he reached out to the shelf of jewelry next to us and sat the box with the necklace for his mother down.

  “That sounds great,” he said, “I’ll just come back for that later.”

  “Good, I’m at the Hilton on 5th Avenue, room 789. I’ll meet you there?” He nodded, looking like he was having a hard time forming his words. Yeah, using this guy wasn’t such a bad thing. He was going to love it.

  “Okay,” he finally squeaked out. I winked at him before I left the store and walked back to get my car. Blake James was already out of my system. That was until I saw him coming out of the studio with that cougar. Like a pathetic stalker, I hid behind a cement column in the parking garage and watched as he got into a gold Mercedes with her. She was driving which made sense, I figured the Bumpkin for a pick-up kind of guy. I felt an intense stab of jealousy in my chest as they drove away. I didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me.

  I drove back to my hotel and I wasn’t there five minutes before Sam knocked on the door. I didn’t waste any time. As soon as I opened it, I grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him inside. Then I kicked the door shut and pushed him up against it, pressing my body into his and kissing him long and deep. When I let him go so that we could both get some air, he was looking at me with a mixture of awe and fear.

  “Are you okay, Sam?”

  He nodded, breathing heavily. “I just…I mean, I didn’t think…”

  “Take off your clothes.”


  “Your clothes, take them off. I want to fuck you, now.”

  He might be shy, but he knows enough not to pass up an opportunity laid at his feet. As he began stripping out of his clothes, I unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the floor. Then I pulled off my blouse and stood before him in my red lace bra and red thong. His hands were shaking so badly that he couldn’t unbutton his shorts.

  “Let me do it,” I told him, pushing his han
ds away. I unbuttoned them and then slid down the zipper and let them fall to the floor. He was wearing tighty-whiteys. I stifled a laugh. I didn’t bring him here to make fun of him. Besides, he had a really nice bulge there in front. Yeah, no guilt. We were scratching each other’s itches. No harm done. I leaned in and kissed him on the mouth again while I started pulling his underwear down. I let my lips slide across his neck and down over one shoulder I paused to flick one of his nipples with my tongue as I passed it. He shuddered hard and moaned. I lowered myself to my knees and as soon as I slid my lips over the tip of his cock in a strangled voice he said,

  “You probably shouldn’t do that.”

  He was right. I could already feel him thickening and tightening up. I wondered how long it had been for him as well. I gave his cock one long lick on the underside and swirled my tongue around the tip. Then I stood up and took him by the hand and led him over to the bed. He sat down on the edge of it with his cock at full mast. I slid down my panties leaving them around my ankles and then I reached back and unhooked my bra. When my breasts fell out, Sam gasped and reached up to touch one like it was made out of glass. While he was doing that, I reached into my purse that was sitting on the nightstand and pulled out a condom. I wasn’t sure, but I doubted that he would have any. Then, without wasting any more valuable time, I bent and rolled the condom on him. As I did, he caught one of my breasts in his mouth…he was no expert…but fuck it had been a long time since I’d had that kind of attention…I almost came as he licked and sucked on it, enticing it to become harder and stand up straight. It was one thing my midnight masturbation sessions with the rabbit were missing.

  When he let my tit drop out of his mouth, I climbed up on the bed and raised my ass in the air. I heard him suck in a breath and then his hands went to it, massaging each cheek, and then leaning forward and planting a kiss on it before finally grabbing my hips and plunging in balls deep. I found out something new…from this position, a hard cock was just that. I could even imagine that it belonged to a country bumpkin.

  I pushed back against him as he plunged forward and at first it was hurried and awkward, but eventually we found a rhythm. It had been a while for Sam too and he wasn’t looking to savor this. He gave it to me hard and fast, just the way I needed it. After five, maybe six minutes I could hear him groaning as his thrusts became more erratic. He was going to come soon and I needed to get off. I reached down and found my clit, feeling his cock where our bodies joined. I put two fingers around him and pressed my palm into my clit. Each time he thrust, my clit was stimulated.

  “Oh Jesus! Bailey! Oh fuck you’re beautiful…”

  I felt my body tense and my pussy clamp down on him. I pressed my face into the sheets and moaned as I came. He was still ramming into me. His balls slapped my ass and his breathing was so labored it sounded like he needed oxygen. His fingers dug into my hips and he let out one long growl and pulled me against him as if he was trying to climb inside of me. His body jerked a few times as he filled the condom and then he collapsed down onto my back.

  We lay there until our breathing returned to normal and I felt him shift and reach to roll the condom off. He dropped down next to me and I rolled onto my back, away from him. He looked over at my face and said, “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world, Bailey Clark.”

  I knew that wasn’t true…but I could see in his eyes that he believed it. I felt like shit now for using him and even more so ten minutes later when I rushed him out the door. I was going to need a new financial advisor.



  I showed up at the studio the Monday after we had our interview with Margo. Axel had set up a time for Bailey and me to practice together because he had us booked for a performance on Good Morning America on Friday morning. I hate to admit it, but I was pretty excited about seeing Bailey again. It’s kind of crazy since she didn’t even pretend to like me a little bit, but since that day I hadn’t been able to get her off my mind.

  When I got to the studio I could see her through the glass. She was sitting on a barstool with a guitar in her hands and I could see her mouth moving. The soundproof room kept me from being able to hear her unless I went over and put the headphones on. If I did that, she would see me and I just wanted to observe her for a few seconds before I annoyed her.

  While she sang, her eyes and her face softened, and she looked like a real twenty-year old. She had her hair pulled into a ponytail today and there wasn’t a stitch of make-up on her face. She was still drop-dead-gorgeous. Her facial expressions changed as she sang…going through a myriad of emotions. I had done a little research about her online after the day of the interview. I listened to the tapes of the show that she’d won and some of her own stuff on You Tube. She had a beautiful voice, and when I sang along with it, I was surprised at just how well our voices mingled together. I don’t know why anything Axel does ever surprises me anymore. He’s always right.

  In the course of my research, I found out that her father really did have ties to the mob in Chicago, or at least that was the consensus amongst the public and the police. His name was Dominico Persico, “Quiet Dom” for short. In his pictures online, he looked like anybody’s dad in a suit and with thick glasses and obviously Italian. Bailey doesn’t look Italian at all. I assume she must look like her mother, but there were no pictures of Mrs. Persico online. I read at least a dozen articles that all said the same thing, he was “The Boss.” That led me to wonder if they knew he was in charge of a large criminal organization, why was he still free? I found one article that said the “Quiet Dom” hadn’t ever been convicted of anything, his record was squeaky clean. It was supposedly why he was called “Quiet.”

  Also in my search, I found out that she liked to date bikers and fighters…she was really into the “bad boy” thing. In an effort to make myself more her type, I didn’t shave this morning…it didn’t really help since the hair on my face didn’t grow all that fast and what did grow was really light. But, I tried.

  She finally looked out and saw me watching her. She put the guitar down and came out to the area where I was at. Without really thinking about it I said,

  “Hey Bailey. That was beautiful.”

  She looked over at the control panel. There were no lights lit up. “You couldn’t hear me.”

  “Nope, but I could see you…beautiful.”

  She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Save the flattery, bumpkin. It’s not going to get you anywhere with me. I don’t fuck my tour partners, and besides, I wouldn’t want Margo Lily’s sloppy seconds.”

  I raised an eyebrow at that. How did she know about me and Margo? “Alrighty then, now that we’ve got those ground rules out of the way…what song are we singing for GMA?”

  She looked at me suspiciously. I’m not sure if she wanted me to push harder to fuck her, or deny that I’d been with Margo. I wasn’t going to do either. If she wanted me, I was right here…and I had been with Margo…just that once. “Did you bring sheet music?”

  I handed what I’d brought to her and looked around the studio. “Axel didn’t send someone for keyboards?”

  “He did,” she said, “Me.”

  “Oh wow! How many instruments do you play?”

  “Most of them,” she said.

  “I’m impressed,” I told her.

  “I don’t care,” she said. She held up one of my songs and said, “Have you recorded this one yet?”

  “No, we were saving it for the next album. It’s called Kismet. I wrote it, Kyle named it.”

  I saw her eyes skim over it again and she said, “I like this one. Let’s give it a shot.”

  I followed her back into the sound proof part of the studio. The instruments were in there, including the keyboards. Bailey stood in front of them and waited while I plucked my calloused thumb on the strings. I checked the tune and then played a combination of scales. It was something my first guitar teacher told me to do each time before I played, so I did it always. I pushed up t
he sleeves of my t-shirt and I hummed as I switched into the melody of the song I’d given her. I couldn’t help losing myself in the music, especially when the song was about something important to me. This one was about the depths of young love and a lover who mourns a missed chance at having the girl of his dreams. I started singing, not even noticing then that Bailey picked up her part on the keyboards. When I came back to the room was when it got to Bailey’s part and she opened her mouth and the sounds of heaven came out. I almost faltered my own part because I was so mesmerized by her. This girl was going to be so famous. I’d been listening to music my whole life and I don’t think I’d ever heard anything like her.

  We finished the set and it was so perfect that I thought we could perform it right now. “Wow, your voice is incredible,” I told her.

  She looked at me suspiciously again and then she said, “Thanks. Yours is too. I like the song, you did good.”

  It was the nicest thing she’d ever said to me. “Thanks. I have a bunch of them, but Axel wants me to use the songs that will be on the next album while we’re on tour. Kyle lets me throw in a new one every so often for the encore.”

  “Okay, you want to do it again?”

  “Sure.” I wanted to do “It” with this girl alright, but for now I’d settle for making music. It was the next best thing. We did the song again and this time I really listened to the music she was making on the keyboards. She wasn’t just a singer. This girl was a musician and when I watched her, I could tell that she felt the music the way that I did, finally, something in common.

  We spent the morning alternating between playing that one and trying out several others. She wasn’t kidding about playing every instrument. She played bass and drums for two of the other songs. I’d been impressed with the keyboards and her voice…I was rock hard after the other two.


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