Enchanted Submission - An erotic bdsm fantasy novella

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Enchanted Submission - An erotic bdsm fantasy novella Page 4

by Harlem, Lily

  She played for a few minutes holding the base of his cock firm, rolling and teasing the piercing then she opened her mouth wide and took in an inch of his hot, satin skin. A deeply expelled breath breezed over her hair and his big hand wrapped around her nape insistently pressing the collar against her neck. She sank further along his shaft, the corners of her mouth stretching to extreme as she went past the piercing and gorged on his chunky width. With her hand, she began to pump at the base in a long gliding movements working him up to her mouth and then pulling her curled fingers down as she treated his head to licks with the flat of her tongue.

  She repeated this process over and over again absorbing the tiny trembles shivering through his body as she took him in deep and then teased him shallow.

  People would guess what she was doing. Her head bobbing up and down in Beast’s lap was a total giveaway. But with her hair hiding the action within the high arms of the bucket seat, she reckoned not many Basement guests would be interested in their semi-public sex show.

  Except, of course, Cinderella.

  Rapunzel twisted her head a fraction so her hair shifted. She licked the entire left side of Beast’s cock, from the tip right into his coarse pubes and stretched her eyes to look up at her friend. Their eyes instantly connected. Cinderella was staring straight at her with a frozen expression on her face. But Rapunzel didn’t pause, instead she carried on exploring Beast with her tongue all the time using her hands to spread warm saliva, showing Cinderella exactly how it was done, how she needed to treat her new husband when he asked for it – which would be sooner rather than later.

  The pressure on the back of her neck increased as her tongue tickled around the rim of his head for the fourth or fifth time. ‘I told you to suck,’ Beast growled in a low, dangerous voice. Rapunzel shifted and took his hot, throbbing head back into her mouth. She swallowed another drip of pre-come perched on the end and hoped Cinderella was still watching; this was all part of her crash course.

  Beast’s hand curled around her nape harder and he pushed her down as his hips arched up and then, suddenly, with frightening impatience, he rammed into her face. Rapunzel opened wide and fast as the cool piercing slid over her tongue and the thick shaft corded with swollen veins filled her mouth. His urgent head hit the back of her throat and she heard him groan. She beat down her gag reflex and pulled in air through her nose. The pressure didn’t let up on her neck as he butted her delicate tissues and his knees tightened around her body, holding her in place, trapped, impaled upon him.

  She was vaguely aware of the crowd applauding the end of the stage show. Claps and shouts of appreciation; whistles ringing into her ears. She wrapped her hands around his hips, urging herself calm; she wouldn’t be defeated by this beast of a cock. She squeezed at his taut muscles as if pulling him in further, she could take more, she would take more. She folded all the soft flesh of her mouth and throat around his cock and sucked … hard, really hard.

  ‘Fuck, yes,’ he groaned quietly above her. ‘Good girl, that’s it.’

  She released his hips, grabbled for the base of his shaft with one hand and cupped his balls with the other. She began a rolling motion, palming his balls within their thin sac and stroking the fold of skin between his scrotum and his anus with her index finger. He bent forward, reached through her hair and grasped her right breast. ‘Don’t stop,’ he ordered.

  He nipped her nipple, pulled and stretched it to a painful point and she moaned around his cock. He took her whole breast in his hand and squeezed and released, squeezed and released, not gentle, hard and urgent. She needed him to touch her like that so badly, all over, everywhere, inside and out, every inch at the same time. Her heart was racing, her body buzzing; this man had her hovering on the edge of something spectacular. She could orgasm with him just touching her tits.

  She tasted more pre-come, his hips jerked. He was close, only seconds away. She increased and decreased the suction in time with the small bobbing motion his hold would allow and, as she jacked up the speed, his cock hardened to steel in her mouth, taut, rigid, a balloon about to pop. And then he exploded, with an enormous pumping action, like his penis had a life of its own, he burst in her mouth. She couldn’t breathe, semen flooded her throat, but she barely had to swallow he was so deep anyway. Hot and salty he filled her. Flowing like a tidal wave of satisfaction.

  His hips were overtaken by spasms which shuddered into his cock and his balls retracted from her palm right up into his body. She tugged her head backwards and he finally let her move. His penis was still in her mouth, still hard, but now she could breathe around it she pulled in long ribbons of air.

  As her lungs and heart rate returned to normal, she moved her tongue lazily around the shaft, fondled his piercing with the tip and tickled her fingers up to the granite muscles of his abdomen.

  She looked at his face. His eyes were glazed and his mouth slack. Beads of glistening sweat nestled in the stubble on his top lip. With a final lick, she let his cock slip from her mouth into her waiting hand.

  ‘Zip me up,’ he said in a gravelly voice as he brushed a strand of hair from her flushed, damp cheek.

  She did as he asked, though his cock was harder than it should be after ejaculation and she struggled to get it back in its containment.

  ‘I think it’s going to be a good night, Rapunzel,’ he said, knocking back the rest of his whisky. ‘Come here,’ he tugged at the collar. ‘Sit with me and we’ll watch the next show together. Then we’ll go to my private room.’

  Part Three

  AS THE NEXT SHOW progressed, which involved a tightly bound, naked emperor being treated to a flogging by several gleeful fairies, Rapunzel grabbed a sneaky look at Cinderella. Her cheeks had flushed and her nipples were sticking through her gown like sharp pencil points. She had a dreamy smile on her face and was nestled into Tate like he was her favourite armchair.

  Tate hadn’t glanced at the show; instead, he appeared fascinated by Cinderella’s breasts and was looking down her top quite blatantly. Rapunzel watched in amusement as his thumb brushed her nipples, first one then the other, exciting them further with each cheeky touch. Cinderella batted him off in a half hearted kind of way, then giggled and squirmed on his lap which elicited a groan that sounded more like agony than pleasure from his lips.

  Cinderella certainly looked as though she was having a good time, and although she’d had a couple of drinks and the draught of Vervain, Rapunzel knew she was in perfect control of what she was doing. She’d simply lightened up a little – OK, a lot – and was ready to have her eyes opened to what would be expected of a married woman, in particular a woman married to Prince Charming. It was a stroke of good fortune that Cinderella and Tate had been hit with such an instant, physical attraction to one another. Some might call it fate.

  Beast saw Rapunzel studying Cinderella. He caught her chin in his hand and forced her head back towards the show. ‘Watch,’ he murmured into her ear. ‘That could be you later, watch and learn like your friend just did.’ He dropped his hand and cupped the heavy underside of her bare breast in his palm. ‘You have a great body,’ he husked pulling her tighter against him. ‘And it’s all mine to do with exactly as I wish, whether you like it or not – which you will – even if you don’t realise it at the time.’

  Rapunzel shivered at his words and at the sudden sensual touch she’d been craving. His dick was hardening beneath her buttocks, growing to its enormous girth once again. She tried to imagine the practicality of him embedding in her. Could it work? Would he split her in two? How would she ever walk again?

  He began teasing her nipple with his thumb and index finger, rolling and pulling, always stopping when it began to hurt a little too much. She stared at the stage, her heart thumping harder with every tiny movement he made and with every lash of the fairies’ long thin, but incredibly strong whips against their orgasmic victim. When the show ended, she was a soggy pile of bones sitting on his lap and her brain felt giddy with lust.

/>   The fairies searched out another volunteer from the audience. Prince Nikos stepped forward, an eager expression on his chiselled face. Rapunzel felt Beast tense. ‘He’s your ex, isn’t he?’


  ‘Then we’re not hanging around to watch him get off. I’m sure you’ve seen more than enough of that pathetic display over the years.’

  He stood suddenly and Rapunzel was forced to land on her high heels.

  ‘You coming?’ Beast turned to Tate.

  Tate looked at Cinderella and twitched his brow. ‘You want to see my private room?’

  Cinderella flicked her hair over her shoulders. ‘If you want to show me.’

  ‘Hell yes.’ He grinned, standing the same way Beast had forcing Cinderella to land on her feet, her swathes of powder blue gown pooling in a wide bell shape around her.

  Beast grunted and strode towards the door.

  Rapunzel followed, fevered anticipation snaking up her spine as his paces ate the ground. The lead was no longer slung coolly over his shoulder; now it was taut in his hand, as though steering a naughty pet through a busy street, a pet he didn’t trust, didn’t want to slow him down, a pet he was eager to get alone. He was steering her to a place where no one else would see what they got up to, a place where whatever he wanted, he would take.

  Before Rapunzel had even glanced around at the curious faces watching the foursome leave, they reached The Basement doors. With a spread palm, Beast banged the wood against the corridor wall with a loud slam. ‘Come on,’ he said, cupping a huge hand into the small of Rapunzel’s back. ‘Sometimes I wonder what I see in this place.’

  Rapunzel nodded, though she wasn’t sure if that was the correct response, and tottered along at his side, glad of the forward force of his hand as her heels struggled. He was behaving so dominantly, so decisive and, if she was honest, the look on his face was downright carnal. It had her mouth drying and her pussy dampening in equal quantities. He was clearly impatient for privacy despite what they’d just done in view of anyone interested enough to look. She hardly dared think about what he might have in store in his ‘private room’. And the thought that he was going to treat her as his property was the most arousing thing that had ever happened to her. Why had she never thought of submitting before? Perhaps she’d just never met the right man … Was Beast that man?

  They stopped outside a polished oak door. Number 11 hung in brass by a large lock. Beast pulled out a key, big even in his colossal fingers, and slid it into the hole. Rapunzel glanced to her left. Tate and Cinderella had stopped at the previous door and Tate had a similar key poised in his hand. Without words, just a narrowing of her eyes, Rapunzel conveyed a message to Cinderella: are you all right?

  Cinderella nodded and flicked a discreet thumbs-up. ‘Fine,’ she mouthed. ‘Thank you.’

  Before Rapunzel could respond, the door to Room 11 flew open and she was urged in. She halted and stared at the abundance of black and gold; deep black floor, matt black walls and black glossed furniture. There were several floor lamps with golden bulbs creating soft halos and gentle shadows. Graceful gold figures sat atop shelves in all manner of erotic positions and the arms of an enormous four poster at the far corner of the room supported sheer gold netting while the bed itself was piled high with black silk pillows depicting golden birds with elaborate plumage. To the left of the room, like a platform, was a raised semi-circle, fully carpeted up to a long mirror with a thick, ornate frame. High above it, screwed into the ceiling was a limp metal chain and, dangling from the end, swinging free, a pair of black leather cuffs; the perfect size for wrists – female wrists.

  Rapunzel shivered, not with cold, for the room was warm and inviting, but out of suppressed eagerness.

  ‘Go in,’ Beast said, shutting the door behind them with a definite click. ‘I want to show you something.’

  He shrugged out of his jacket and led her to a window drawn with coal black curtains. Rapunzel wondered what a window would look out on; they were way underground. But, of course, she couldn’t ask – not without permission.

  Beast positioned her in front of the curtains and lodged himself in tight behind her. He reached for the pull. ‘I hope this is the first of your desires fulfilled,’ he said, his breath igniting her neck. With a snap, he yanked the curtains open.

  The window looked into the room next door. Cinderella and Tate were embracing beside a roaring log fire. Cinderella had her head tipped and her long, chestnut locks flowed down her back as Tate explored her neck with his tongue. Their arms were entwined and Cinderella had an expression of absolute bliss on her pretty, little face.

  ‘They’re rather taken with one another,’ Beast murmured. ‘Don’t you think?’

  ‘Yes, very much so, I … I just hope you spoke succinctly to Tate about Prince Charming’s expectations and the need to keep Cinderella’s virginity intact because …’

  ‘Of course,’ Beast interrupted. ‘But don’t you remember my instructions?’ He slid a hand up to Rapunzel’s breasts, began to tweak her right nipple the way he had in The Basement, rolling it between his thumb and index finger, pulling and nipping, soothing and smarting. ‘That’s for me to worry about and you … well I just want you to enjoy the show.’ He switched to her right one and gave it the same luscious treatment. ‘This is a one-way window. They have no idea they’re being watched, no idea you’re a Peeping Tom, Rapunzel.’

  Rapunzel felt her knees weaken at his touch and their naughty voyeuristic game. She was glad of the secure grip he had around her waist and lodged her head in the dip between his chest and the ball of his shoulder.

  Tate dropped Cinderella’s gown to the floor and began to remove her white lace underwear.

  Beast shifted position and his solid erection nestled into the small of Rapunzel’s back. ‘I much prefer black,’ he murmured. ‘Or red or maybe even purple for a change, but I can’t bear virginal white underwear. Women who have no experience are too much trouble, but Tate, well, he likes naivety, innocence – it brings out his gentle side after chucking axes at wood all day.’

  Rapunzel was hardly listening to his words washing over her head; she was too fascinated watching her previously uptight friend, lay back naked on a deep fur rug and pull a man she’d only just met on top of her for a long, passionate kiss.

  Prince Tate’s hands smoothed over Cinderella as though she was a piece of glass, adoring every tiny inch of her with his fingertips; her waist, her breasts, her arms. He kissed her lips lightly and gently and removed his own clothing with a skill to be admired, never pausing in his kissing and petting.

  ‘What are you thinking?’ Beast said.

  ‘I’m thinking that Cinderella looks very happy.’

  ‘I couldn’t agree more.’

  Suddenly Rapunzel felt a cool hardness clench around the puckered point of her right nipple. She looked down and saw a gold clamp ensnaring her delicate flesh. Beast’s fingers worked quickly and expertly as he secured it in place. The clamp was tight, to the point where pleasure switched to pain, but her nipple seemed to delight in this, rucking further in its tiny prison and increasing the sensation.

  Rapunzel let out a part moan part gasp and had to force her hands to stay at her sides. Instinct was to free herself from the pinching.

  ‘It feels good,’ Beast said, a fact rather than a question. ‘Soon it will feel even better, trust me.’

  She managed a nod and watched as he attached a matching clamp to her other nipple. It did feel good, she was sure of it, and she did trust him.

  He tilted her chin and forced her eye-line back to the window. ‘Do you like what they’re doing now?’

  Cinderella had her knees bent up and Tate, lying between them, was kissing his way down from her navel.

  ‘I’d like you to do that to me,’ she said, her voice sounding deep even to her own ears.

  Beast gave a small judder of amusement. ‘Perhaps I have something a little more unconventional planned.’ He pushed his hips forward so
his hard cock rubbed against the base of the corset and into the gutter of her spine.

  Rapunzel swallowed around the collar and felt her pussy clench. She watched Cinderella dig her hands into Tate’s messy hair, close her eyes and arch her neck into the fur. Tate’s head disappeared from view and Rapunzel’s own clit quivered. She could almost feel the delicious lapping of a tongue between her own legs, laving and exploring intimate folds, circling her needy nub and penetrating her hole.

  Cinderella’s knees fell wide open. She stretched her arms to the sides as though offering herself as a willing sacrifice.

  With relief, Rapunzel spotted Tate’s hand on Cinderella’s inner thighs, he was only using his mouth, no fingers searching and delving, no penetration, no possibility of tearing that delicate hymen. She relaxed. Perhaps he did know what he was doing.

  Beast’s hand began to sweep over Rapunzel’s body, stroking her arms, the curve of her hips, the top of her thighs. Everywhere he touched cried out for more. A little moan trickled from her lips and her pelvis tipped forward as his finger brushed over the front of her panties.

  ‘Watching is making you hot,’ he said into her ear.

  ‘Yes.’ She shifted her legs apart.

  He slid his thick finger between her legs, smoothed it over the damp gusset of her thong. ‘Mmm,’ he murmured. ‘And wet too.’


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