The Truth Keeps Silent: A Second Chance Romantic Suspense (Truth & Lies Duet Book 1)

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The Truth Keeps Silent: A Second Chance Romantic Suspense (Truth & Lies Duet Book 1) Page 21

by A. V. Asher

  Jason thought it an especially nice touch to approach her on the romantic getaway she and McKinley had planned during her work conference in Lake Tahoe. Mercedes still had to go to Tahoe for work. All they had to do was put themselves in her way and charm the shit out of her when she felt low.

  It worked perfectly for Jason.

  For Adam, not so much.

  Adam resembled McKinley enough with his deep blue eyes, dark hair, and chiseled body. He thought he had her in the bag. So, when he approached her at the lakeside bar, he’d been confident she’d fall all over him. Mercedes barely glanced at Adam’s shirtless chest before she politely declined his offer to buy her a drink.

  Jason took enormous pleasure in seeing Adam’s gigantic ego knocked down a notch. When Jason was able to move in on her, Adam was forced to change course. The team had to rearrange some backstory, but they had Mercedes where they needed her.

  The drizzle picked up intensity. Jason remained where he was. Although it was early afternoon, the lights from the cars were reflecting on the streets, tires splashing through the puddles. His fucked-up shoulder throbbed from shivering.

  This fucking country and its god damn rain.

  Checking the time on his phone, Jason got more and more annoyed. The little twit was late for work. Although no one cared he was loitering during a downpour, he couldn’t wait here forever.

  Finally, a car drove up to the curb, and the college girl slipped from the back seat. She ran to the door of the cafe while the car sped away.

  About time. Jesus.

  Jason waited ten more minutes for the other worker to leave before he crossed the street to the Cap and Vin. The smell that enveloped him when he opened the door was a shot to the gut. Collapsing his umbrella, he remembered Mercedes’s smile when she’d see him come through the door.

  “Welcome to Cap and Vin. What can I get you,” the college girl rattled off without looking up at him.

  “Corie, isn’t it?” Jason said.

  That caught her attention. Her pierced brow lifted at her name. Jason threw out his best smile, hoping to disarm her and distract her from what she might have been told.

  Relief washed over him when she smiled. “Oh, hi. Jason, right?” She looked over his shoulder. “Is Sadie with you?”

  Good, she knows nothing. “Oh no, actually. Sadie’s staying with her sister in America for a few weeks. There was a chance at a job offer, so she jumped at it. It’s a great opportunity, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed.”

  “Well, I’d like to see her when she gets back.”

  He flashed a smile. “I’ll tell her you said so.”

  Corie nodded, then tilted her head at him. “You okay, mate? You’re looking a bit . . .” She gestured to his face. “. . .rough.”

  Jason touched the tender bridge of his nose, smiling sheepishly. “I joined a new gym, and my new kickboxing partner got a little enthusiastic.”

  The bell chimed, and Jason looked back at the customers straggling in from the wet streets. Perfect.

  “So, what can I get you?” Corie said.

  “Umm. Oh, jeez,” he said, stepping back to read the black chalkboard above her head. “Sorry, I rarely ordered coffee here.” Corie shifted her feet but kept a tight smile on her face. The bell chimed again. Jason turned to see a group of four coming in, shaking the water off their jackets.

  That’ll work. “I’ll try a macchiato.”

  Corie smiled and punched his order into the computer. While she did that, he took his shot.

  “So, Sadie said she might have left one of her scarfs here before she had to jet away. Is there any way you can see if it’s here?” He grimaced apologetically. “It’s one of her favorites.”

  “Uh.” Corie’s eyes flitted to the line of guests queuing up. “I can’t at the moment.”

  “Oh, I know you’re so busy. If you don’t mind, I’d be happy to find it.” When she looked uncertain, he added, “I’ve been up to Jackie’s office before.”

  “Okay, sure,” she said. “I know Sadie left a few things Jackie was hoping she’d come back for. I think they’re on the bookcase.”


  Walking past her to the staircase, Jason bounded up the steps two at a time. He did a quick sweep of the area but didn’t see any other employees, nor were there any cameras in the office.

  Sitting at the desk, he pulled a flash drive from his pocket and inserted it into the USB port of the computer. A few clicks later, and a full backup to the flash drive was in progress.

  While Jason waited, he looked around the room, and the office phone caught his eye. Anger welled in his chest. It had taken him way too long to figure out how Mercedes had come in contact with McKinley when she was so heavily monitored. Jason’s mistake had been to treat this place like the joke it was. Little did he know she’d been lying to him the whole time.

  When they had figured it out, he accessed the shop’s phone records. As disgusted as he was that she had been calling her sister for months without his knowledge, McKinley’s number only came up twice the day before the incident. At least she hadn’t been fucking around the entire time.

  With any luck, she made a few other contacts out of this office.

  A text box popped up showing the backup was complete. He ejected the USB and stood, walking to the bookshelf where the employees stashed a few personal items. Jason picked up a knitted scarf he’d bought for Mercedes. There was a faint scent of her on it.

  Tucking it under his arm, he trudged back down the stairs. Corie was working on the last of the backlogged customers. He grabbed the to-go cup with his name on it and took a sip as he held up the scarf to Corie.

  She smiled at him. “Oh good, you found it.”

  “I did, thanks.”

  “Tell Sadie I said hello and to ring me sometime.”

  Opening his umbrella, he stepped out onto the sidewalk. The rain had picked up. It forced Jason under the awning of a nearby hotel. Dumping his steaming drink into the nearest trash, he pulled out his phone and dialed.

  Patrick answered right away. “Took you long enough.”

  “Yeah, the bitch was late. But I downloaded the computer, so if it’s there, we’ll find it.”

  “You better hope it’s there,” Patrick grumbled. “You don’t have much time left.”

  Anger flushed up Jason’s face. “Just come and get me.”

  Patrick sighed. “Be there in five.”

  Lazy asshole.

  Jason ended the call and leaned against the wall to wait. Pulling the scarf from under his arm, he buried his face in it, savoring the lingering essence of the woman he’d lost. He could only hope they would find what they needed from the shop’s computer. He was running out of options.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Alec was in hell. Maybe not literal hell, but something quite close to it. It was his own damn fault. He could have spoken up, asked her not to go. But instead, he’d convinced himself to back off.

  It was one drink. She’s fighting for control of her life again. This is good for her. David doesn’t seem like her type anyway.

  All these things were true.

  But sitting at a table in the rear of the lounge, watching as Mercedes was charmed by another man, made his blood simmer. Alec could have gone to the room and saved himself the torment, but he didn’t think that would be any better. His imagination would make it a thousand times worse. Besides, he’d told her he’d be nearby if she needed him.

  Alec turned his attention to his book, rereading the same page for the fourteenth time.

  Mercedes’s laugh rang out. The simmering was turned to a boil. How long was this going to go on?

  Thankfully, it wasn’t much longer before Mercedes stood and grabbed her sweater. Relieved, Alec closed his book and got to his feet. Slipping out of the side entrance to the bar, he strode across the lobby, stopping at the base of the stairs. She said goodnight to David, laughing at his farewell.

  Alec gave her a tight smile
as she approached. “Have a nice evening?” He fell into pace with her, and they climbed the staircase together.

  “Yeah, it was fun.”

  Alec let them into their room, bolted the door, and tossed the key and his book onto the dresser. The air was chilled, so he strode to the fireplace and picked up the lighter.

  Mercedes tilted her head. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine. Why?” Crouching in front of the fireplace, he clicked the lighter a few times before it caught. The fire flared to life, a wave of warmth heating his face.

  “You seem pissed. Did I do something wrong?”

  Alec grimaced. His heart was too much on his sleeve, and she was feeling it. Determined to get his emotions in check, Alec turned to meet her anxious eyes. “No, Sadie, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

  She sighed, clearly not believing him. “I’m going to shower then.”

  Gathering her clothes, she disappeared into the bathroom, the door closing with a click.

  Alec stood behind the couch, staring into the fire. He burned to tell her the truth. But where would that leave him? What kind of future could they have together? When this was all over, Mercedes would likely return to the States. If she couldn’t wait for him the first time, what made him think she would now?

  The sound of the shower cut off, and a few minutes later, Mercedes emerged from the bathroom. Alec shot a glance at her, and his mouth went dry. The gray T-shirt and shorts she’d changed into were snug against her, amplifying the curves of her body. She’d put her thick hair into a bun on top of her head. Giving the tie a quick tug, her hair fell, cascading onto her shoulders in soft waves.

  Alec turned to the fire, fully aware of each move she made behind him.


  His heart thundered in his ears. This was a losing fight.

  Mercedes hung up her towel and came to stand next to him. The firelight softened her furrowed brow. She pulled her hands up, rubbing them together for warmth.

  “Do you regret taking all this on?” Mercedes’s voice broke through his brooding.

  Alec frowned at her. “What do you mean?”

  “You could have taken me to the embassy weeks ago. You didn’t have to do any of this. You keep saying you’re fine, but it feels like you’re angry.” Mercedes turned her back to the fire. “I realized you might have taken on more than you’d planned. I’m sure you don’t usually go all out like this for your . . . clients.”

  There was an edge to the way she said the word “clients.”

  She had it so wrong, but his denials would all appear false. The only way to fix it was to confess everything. Alec fought to find the right words, but nothing came.

  Her face fell. “I get it. It’s not fair for me to ask you to give up so much. Honestly, it’s okay if you want to make a new plan.” Her voice trembled as she spoke and another spike of guilt rammed through him. “You can call Cress and see if I can get my ID here in Scotland. I think there’s a consulate . . .”

  That was enough.

  “Sadie, stop,” he cut her off. Her voice trailed, but she wouldn’t pull her eyes from the floor. Alec took a step toward her. “I’m not angry, and I don’t have regrets about being here.”

  “You haven’t seemed like yourself today.”

  He had to say it, even if it made everything worse.

  “Aye.” His voice came out strangled. “It’s because I’m jealous as fuck, and I don’t know what to do about it.”

  Mercedes’s wide eyes shot to his. Alec held her gaze, unflinching in his decision to say what was long overdue.

  He swallowed hard. “When we came here, I knew what we’d have to do to keep our cover. I knew I’d get to kiss you and hold you, even though I’d have to pretend I didn’t love every damn second.” Alec took another step toward her. “It would at least be something.”

  Mercedes didn’t back away as he came close enough to touch her. The look of confusion had fallen away. Now she studied him as if looking for the truth in his eyes.

  “What I didn’t know,” he said, his voice tight, “was that I’d have to stand guard over you while some other bloke moved right the fuck in. And how much it would kill me every time you laughed at something he said. Or to watch your fingers drum on the bar because he made you nervous.” Alec rubbed his hands through his hair. “Christ, Sadie, it’s more than I could bear.”

  Mercedes looked away. A thrum of apprehension shot through Alec. The rise and fall of her chest had quickened. He braced himself for the fallout.

  “So,” she said, lifting her chin at him. Her eyes were laden with a dark hunger. “What do you want to do about it, Alec?”

  Alec’s pulse surged in his chest as he pulled her against him, his mouth crashing upon hers in a desperate kiss. Weeks of teasing left him greedy for her. Mercedes matched his tempo without reserve. Her hand roved under his shirt, lacing his abs and chest with fire in their wake. Tugging the hem of his shirt, she broke the kiss to pull it up and over his head. Her mouth returned to his, each swipe of her tongue making him harder.

  Alec ran his hands down the length of her body and palmed her ass, picking her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on as he carried her to the bed, sitting on the edge of the mattress. Mercedes straddled him, moaning as he ground his hard ridge against her. Alec moved his mouth to her throat, kissing under her jaw until she was panting.

  “Alec,” Mercedes whispered breathlessly, pulling away. “What does this mean?”

  Searching her eyes, he could read the conflict in their depths. Alec felt it too. Torn between guarding his heart against destruction and a pure burning need to consume her. The path forward was so uncertain. But he owed her honesty.

  “I don’t know.” Alec swept her hair from her face. “Do you want to stop?”

  “No,” she said, without hesitating. “Do you?”

  “God, no.” His voice was a rasp. “For one night, I want to stop pretending I don’t need you.”

  Mercedes’s breath hitched. “One night then?”

  Alec didn’t have to ask what she meant. The promise of it was written on her face.

  One night.

  One night where the past didn’t matter and the future didn’t exist, just a complete surrender to each other.

  It would never be enough, but it might be all he’d get.

  Swallowing hard, he nodded. “Aye, one night.”

  Mercedes brought her mouth down to his, scorching him with the depth of her need in each stroke of her tongue. Sliding his hands up her body, he gathered the T-shirt. Mercedes helped to pull it over her head. He brought her soft breasts to his mouth, kissing everywhere but the tender peaks. Mercedes’s fingers dove into his hair, trying to steer him into giving her what she wanted. Alec denied her, enjoying the feel of her tight body squirming against him.

  “Alec, please.”

  He relented, taking her nipple into his mouth. Mercedes threw her head back and moaned. Alec laved at one, then the other, sucking gently, her back arching for more.

  “I need to see all of you,” he rasped, turning to set her on the bed. Slipping his hands under the elastic band of her shorts, he tugged them off.

  When her clothes had been stripped away, Alec drank her in. “Christ,” he said. “Look at you.”

  Mercedes bit her lip in a shy smile, reaching for his belt. Alec’s pulse thundered in his ears as she deftly maneuvered the buckle and zipper of his trousers. Once they were loosened, she brought the waistband down, freeing his length. He stepped out of them and held his breath, fists clenched at his side.

  Mercedes’s hands slid along his abdomen, tracing the curves of him. Her gaze followed the caresses of her fingers. Then her eyes flickered to his.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she breathed, her fingers wrapped around him.

  A pulse of energy coursed through his body, forcing a cry from his lips. Each flawless stroke left him gasping. He pushed himself into her fist, need vibrating through him.

  Mercedes parted her lips to take him into her mouth. He drew away.

  “Jesus, Sadie,” he panted, lifting her chin. “I’ll only last seconds if you do that. We only have one night.”

  “Fair enough.” She smiled, moving onto the bed.

  A feeling of surrealism hit. Alec had wanted her so much for so long. Here she was, lying naked against the pillows, dark hair spilling over the white linen. He’d fantasized about this moment so many times.

  Alec covered her body with his, pulling her legs around his waist. He ground himself against her, the warmth of her skin on his making him crazy. Their kiss was deep, tongues moving together in a steady rhythm. He was desperate for more of her. For all of her.

  Sliding his hand between their bodies, he kneaded the soft heat between her thighs. She broke away from the kiss, letting out a groan.

  Alec watched her, mesmerized by the beauty of her face as he enticed whimpers from her. A craving for more burned in him. Shifting his weight to the side, he dipped two fingers inside her, his thumb searching for the slippery edge of her clit. Mercedes closed her eyes, gasping as he sank deeper into her. Increasing the pressure, he worked her, letting her every response guide his movements. When her hips bucked, he gave her more.

  “Alec,” she breathed. “God, Alec, yes.”

  She was everything he’d ever imagined she’d be and more.

  The hum of electricity radiating from her body as he pleasured her was intoxicating.

  And he wanted to be drunk on her.

  So fucking wasted he couldn’t think straight.

  Mercedes’s hand grabbed his hard shaft, stroking him. Alec moaned, the thrill of her tight fist around him spurring him even more. He fingered deep into her until she alternated between moaning and holding her breath.

  Alec moved to her breasts, pulling her nipple into his mouth. He sucked her gently in time with his fingers. When he felt her hit the edge of her orgasm, he returned to her mouth.

  “Tonight, you’re mine, Sadie. I want to feel you come,” Alec coaxed. “Come for me.”


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