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Arlo Page 16

by Arcadia Shield

  Arlo kicked aside a pile of boxes, frustrated that they hadn’t discovered the egg they’d hoped would be here. All they’d found was more pain and misery.

  That misery was reflected in Juniper’s eyes. He hated to see it there. He wanted her to know she was safe and would never have to worry about being at risk from the State ever again. But he knew that was a hollow promise. She would always be at risk while she was fighting against them. From the determined look in her eyes, she would be fighting for a long time.

  “Holy crap!” Heath pulled up short as he rounded the corner in front of them.

  Arlo hurried to join him, Juniper next to him. “What have you got?”

  A smile brightened Heath’s face. “Exactly what we’re looking for.”

  In front of them was a dragon’s egg. It was three feet in height, the shell a pale creamy color. It sat neatly in what looked like a giant eggcup, a bright light positioned overhead.

  Heath hurried forward, pulling an electro scanner from his pocket. He ran the device over the shell of the egg.

  “Is it the real thing?” asked Arlo.

  “The scan results come up positive.” Heath stared at the device in his hand as if he couldn’t believe the readings. “If I’m not mistaken, there’s something inside.”

  Juniper grabbed the scanner from his hand and checked the readings. “You think there’s a dragon in there?”

  “They’re breeding something inside the egg,” said Heath.

  “We can’t leave it here.” Juniper thrust the scanner back at Heath. “They’ll only experiment with it and kill it.”

  “We need to take it,” said Arlo.

  Heath eyed the egg cautiously. “We should be able to carry it. But that takes some of us out of action.”

  “It’s a risk worth taking,” said Arlo. “Heath, we need this.”

  Heath nodded and activated his comm. “Malachi and Brett. We’ve found something we need to get back to base. Come join us.”

  A few seconds later, they appeared. Malachi’s jaw fell open as he spotted the egg. He raced toward it, and his fingers slid down the side of the egg. “Is this real?” His tone was reverential.

  “We believe so,” said Heath. “And we’re taking it back to base with us.”

  Brett stared at the egg, walking around it slowly. “Wow! Our first dragon baby.”

  “I’m not sure what’s inside.” Heath shifted the egg from its holder. “Scanner readings suggest there is something alive in there. There’s no way we’re leaving this for the State to play with.”

  “Agreed,” said Malachi, his fingers already curling under the egg.

  Brett positioned himself on the other side, and they lifted. “This thing is heavy! It’s a sign of a healthy baby.”

  They took a few seconds to adjust their positions and then hurried toward the exit. Heath led the way with Arlo and Juniper behind them.

  “Everyone meet back at the main entrance of the building,” said Heath. “Zane, what’s the situation with the airborne State attack?”

  “You need to hurry,” said Zane. “Their weapons are primed and aimed at the building.”

  “There’s no way they’d destroy this place,” said Arlo. “This egg and all the research must be too important to them.”

  “Maybe destroying us is more important than this egg,” said Brett.

  “It’s a good idea if we don’t wait around to find out what they’re willing to sacrifice,” said Heath.

  Arlo spotted the rest of the group as they approached the way out.

  Jamil and Romesh stared at the egg, shock clear on their faces.

  “You found it!” Moira ran alongside them, her gaze fixed on the egg.

  “We found something,” said Heath. “Is there any sign of the remaining guards?”

  Moira dragged her gaze from the egg. “It’s been quiet.”

  “It won’t be for long,” said Heath.

  The group slowed as they reached the main entrance.

  Arlo’s senses crackled with anticipation. There was no way the State would let them go with this egg. The look of worry on Juniper’s face was enough to convince him to fight to the death to save it.

  The green emergency glow from the lighting overhead died, sweeping a dense blackness along the corridor.

  “Get ready,” said Heath.

  Arlo flicked on his night vision and moved with Heath toward the door. In his hands were a flash bomb and a limpet bomb. They were his speciality. The limpet bombs had sucker-like devices that clung to the target. Once one attached to you, there was no way to escape.

  He risked a glance out the door into the pitch black of night. There was no sign of anyone, but he wasn’t fooled. The enemy was closing in; he could feel it.

  “Lincoln, get the copter ready,” said Heath. “Malachi, go with him and provide covering fire if needed.”

  Malachi released his hold on the egg and Moira took his place, cradling her hands around its base as if it was the most precious thing in the world. It quite possibly was.

  “We’re on it,” said Lincoln.

  “Jude, how long have we got?” asked Heath.

  “Less than two minutes,” said Jude. “You need to be in the copter.”

  “We’re almost there,” said Heath. “Arlo, any sign of militia out there?”

  Arlo scanned the surroundings carefully. “I’m picking up movement to our left.”

  “They know we’re here,” said Heath. “Let’s liven things up and get the hell out of here.”

  Arlo tugged a flare from his pocket, activated it, and then tossed it out into the night. A volley of pulse laser blasts met it.

  Arlo immediately opened fire, aiming in the direction of the laser blasts.

  Juniper joined him. They stood shoulder to shoulder, firing at militia.

  A shout rang out. Arlo swung his weapon around to see Lincoln, Moira, and Malachi fighting with half a dozen militia, the egg abandoned on the ground.

  “We need to take out the militia hiding in the bushes before we can get the egg to the copter,” yelled Heath. “Get closer to the shooters and take them out. We’ll protect the egg.”

  Arlo grabbed Juniper, and they raced for cover behind a metal storage unit to the side of the building. Heath and the others went in the opposite direction, drawing laser fire away.

  “Check the sky,” said Jude over the comms. “Their fighter craft is within firing range.”

  Just as he finished talking, a hail of laser fire rained down across the clearing.

  Arlo ducked his head, the laser blast dazzling him. When he looked up, Juniper had vanished. Where the hell had she gone? He looked around but couldn’t see any sign of her. A sense of worry crawled up his spine. What was she up to?

  He fired at approaching militia before ducking down again. The enemy plane circled overhead, firing again and making the clearing spark with light.

  Arlo heard yelling, but through the chaos, couldn’t see who it was. He had to hope no one in his group had been hurt. They were all aces at what they did. They knew how to take care of themselves.

  He looked back toward the main building and saw the egg still sitting on the ground. Beside it, Juniper was crouched down. Fuck! She was defending the egg.

  JUNIPER’S HEAD TWISTED as she heard Arlo yelling at her. She ignored him, remaining by the egg, one hand resting on it. Although she couldn’t see what was inside, she knew something was alive in there and would not abandon it.

  Arlo could yell all he wanted. Juniper had an overwhelming urge to keep this egg safe and protect it at all cost. They couldn’t let the State get their hands on it, and there was no way she’d let them destroy it.

  She shouldered the egg closer to the building. It was heavier than she’d expected. She was panting by the time she’d pushed it behind a low stone wall.

  Laser fire skimmed over Juniper’s head, and she ducked. The fighter plane kept circling overhead, its aim getting worryingly accurate each time it turned for ano
ther attack.

  “Juniper! Get your butt back here,” yelled Arlo over the comms.

  “I’m not going anywhere without this egg. When I saw it had been abandoned, I had to protect it.”

  “You’ll get yourself killed.”

  Juniper sucked in a deep breath. “If I do, you must keep your promise.”

  There was silence. “Which is?”

  “To destroy this place. Make sure you stop the State from conducting these experiments. They cannot get their hands on any more eggs.”

  “We can do that together,” said Arlo. “You’re putting yourself at risk by staying with the egg.”

  “It had been abandoned!”

  “No, we hadn’t abandoned it.” Heath spoke over the comms. “We were under attack and had to retreat. I haven’t forgotten about the egg, but the squad comes first. Get somewhere safe and await my orders.”

  “I am somewhere safe,” growled Juniper.

  “You’re on your own,” said Arlo. “I can’t get to you. Every time I make a move that damn fighter starts shooting.”

  “Then don’t come to me,” said Juniper. “Stay where you are and stay safe.”

  “Dammit, Juniper. Why do you have to make things so difficult?”

  “I’m making it easy for you.” Her hand rested on the egg as she looked across the gloomy clearing toward Arlo. She could barely make him out in the darkness. Every now and again, she saw a flash of his laser weapon. She didn’t want to leave him, and she didn’t want to die. This egg was important. It was the reason they were here.

  “This is killing me,” said Arlo, his tone desperate. “Why did you have to go back?”

  “To save something that can’t defend itself,” said Juniper. “Isn’t that what we’re meant to do?”

  Arlo cursed just as the enemy fighter plane returned and shot randomly across the clearing. The craft was so low it smashed into the tops of nearby trees.

  The heat radiating off the plane slammed into Juniper’s face in a hot draft.

  She didn’t want to die. Not now that she’d found something to live for. It felt too cruel to lose everything so soon after finding it. But there was something about this egg, something that made her dragon side take over and insist on protecting it. She usually had a handle on her dragon instincts. Not this time. This time, they were in full control. She could sense pain and panic inside the egg every time she touched it. Whatever this creature was, it was hurting. She had to help it.

  “Heath, is there anything you can do about this damn fighter plane?” asked Arlo. “A few fireballs might help to bring it down, or at least distract it and let me get to Juniper.”

  “I can help. I’m on my way,” said Moira. “My fireball should reach it on its next approach if it comes in low again.”

  “Moira?” Arlo had only just spoken her name when a huge ball of flame shot into the night sky and slammed into the side of the enemy plane.

  Juniper let out a whoop of delight as the plane ignited. It hovered in the air before jerking downwards and skimming dangerously close to the ground.

  Moira wasted no time in slamming a second fireball into it.

  “That’s good enough,” said Arlo. “I can take it from here.”

  Juniper watched, her eyes wide, as Arlo raced out of the darkness. Her heart slammed in her chest as she saw him run toward her. He grabbed hold of her and roughly kissed her lips.

  “Don’t you dare move. I’ll be right back.”

  “Wait! What are you going to do?”

  He was already gone before she’d finished speaking, heading toward the plane that was now shuddering closer to the ground, the pilot seeming to have lost control.

  “Arlo, wait!” Juniper took a few steps away from the egg, unable to breathe as she saw what he was about to do.

  He launched himself toward the plane. In his hand was a bomb.

  Her heart froze as she saw Arlo disappear among the flames.

  Chapter 17

  With a bone-jarring thud, Arlo hit the ground. His limpet bombs were attached to the side of the damaged fighter plane. They’d detonate in thirty seconds. He couldn’t wait to see his work in action. In the middle of the clearing, he was exposed.

  “Everybody take cover,” he yelled. But his thoughts were on Juniper, willing her to stay safe. She couldn’t take any more risks. He couldn’t bear to think of her getting injured because of what he’d just done.

  He’d heard her call his name as he’d raced toward the plane, heard the panic in her voice, but he’d had to do this. Arlo had to keep everyone safe.

  As he ran from the plane, Arlo counted down under his breath, knowing he would be too close to the explosion when it went off. For a second, he thought he’d reach safety as the outbuilding loomed into sight. Then flames and heat slammed into his back as the plane exploded.

  Arlo rolled and ducked. He saw fragments of the plane spinning out of control. Its weapons were still firing. It was like a dangerous light show as spirals of red blasted around the clearing, slamming into the building and the ground. Flaming hunks of metal shot through the air, risking decapitating anyone who got too close.

  He slammed to the ground as a second blast launched him from his feet. Arlo covered his head before blinking through the dazzle of the flames to locate Juniper. But his eyes were full of bright sparks from the explosion, and his ears were ringing. He couldn’t figure out which direction to go to get back to Juniper. He felt helpless. He couldn’t help her.

  Arlo rolled onto his knees, feeling a warm trickle of blood run down his arm. His fingers probed the flesh. He winced as he felt a sharp piece of shrapnel embedded in his bicep.

  The remains of the plane slammed into the ground and exploded in a fiery ball, lighting up the building and the trees before billowing thick black smoke into the air.

  A movement out of the corner of his eye had him turning. Dread filled his stomach. It was militia. The State would want their egg back. They would not give up on this prize.

  A hand clamped around Arlo’s arm. Heath was suddenly by his side. “I think it’s time we got out of here.” He grinned at his brother, his grin fading as he saw the blood on his arm.

  “Not yet! Where’s Juniper and the egg?”

  “We’ll look for her as we move. But we have to go. Now!” Heath pulled Arlo to his feet. “Are you okay to walk?”

  Arlo wiped his bloody fingers on his pants. “I’m fine. This is nothing. We must find Juniper.”

  They both scanned through the smoke as they hurried back toward the building.

  “I don’t see her,” said Heath.

  “Juniper, where are you?” Arlo asked through the comms.

  There was no response.

  “Lincoln, is Juniper with you at the copter?” asked Heath.

  “There’s no sign of her here.”

  “She can’t have gone back inside,” said Heath,

  “She was right here.” Arlo pointed to the space Juniper had been just a moment ago.

  Heath looked around, concern clear on his face. “Maybe the militia took her.”

  “I hate to break up the party,” said Lincoln, “but everyone else is on board the copter. It’s time for us to go.”

  “That’s good advice,” said Jude. “Another fighter plane has just shown on the radar. You need to get out of there.”

  “We’re still missing Juniper,” said Arlo, his heart pounding so hard it hurt. Where the hell was she? He paused and raised his weapon as he saw movement through the smoke. It was Juniper. She was rolling the damn egg on her own toward the copter. She was blood spattered and dirty. He didn’t think he’d ever seen anything so beautiful. Her face was determined, and even in the darkness, Arlo could see her eyes glowing purple. This woman never gave up fighting.

  “Do you see something?” asked Heath.

  “It’s Juniper. This way.” Arlo hurried toward her, Heath by his side.

  A blast of pulse laser fire shot toward Juniper. Arlo yelled out a warning
and increased his pace.

  Juniper looked around at the sound of his voice, her eyes wide and fear-filled.

  Arlo’s heart stuttered as a second laser blast slammed into the egg and it exploded.

  Juniper dropped to the ground in a shower of egg fragments and laser fire.

  SPITTING OUT DIRT, Juniper rolled onto her side and repressed a scream. A jagged piece of eggshell had speared her arm. She clutched the wound, feeling blood seep out of it in a thick heavy pulse that matched her rapid heartbeat. The sticky, mucous membrane of the egg covered her.

  She reached for her gun with her uninjured arm and cursed. She must have lost it when she’d fallen. Juniper scanned the clearing but couldn’t see any immediate danger from the militia. Whoever was shooting at her had stopped. Maybe they thought she was dead.

  Forcing herself onto her knees, ignoring the sickening pain in her damaged arm, Juniper looked down at the shattered remains of the egg. A sob came out of her. On the ground was a curled-up dragon.

  “No!” Tears spilled from her eyes as she scooped the dragon into her arms. Juniper could feel it struggling to grab air into its tiny lungs. Her heart felt like it shattered as she cuddled the baby to her chest.

  This wasn’t fair. They’d come so close to saving the dragon, and it had all been for nothing. “I’m sorry,” she whispered and held the baby closer. “I should have saved you.”

  The dragon shuddered, and its breath faltered.

  Having no idea if her ability would work on a dragon, Juniper gently placed one hand on the side of its neck, feeling the warm stickiness of its scales. She opened her ability to the dragon.

  “I’m here to help,” said Juniper. “You’ve not even lived a life, but you’ve already been through so much.” She felt her connection strengthen. The familiar pounding behind her eyes began.

  The baby dragon’s eyes fluttered as she held it in her arms.

  “There’s nothing to fear here. You can rest easy now. I’ll protect you from any more pain.” Juniper felt the dragon give a shuddering breath. It was its last.

  Another sob wrenched out of her. This creature had been in so much distress. She’d been able to sense its fear and confusion through the shell of the egg. The pain ate into her as she continued to cuddle the dragon. She could still feel fragments of its distress tracing through her, circulating through her blood.


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