[The Pattern Universe 01.0] The Pattern Ship

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[The Pattern Universe 01.0] The Pattern Ship Page 14

by Tobias Roote

  “No, Maker. However, a codebot might be a better solution in such an instance.”

  Zirkos explained to Zeke what Ship was proposing.

  “A codebot is a nanobot that is given an exclusive task, if ‘X’ happens then release code ‘Y’ else remain dormant. It would simply wait until the codes were applied, then submit its own override code to negate it. The first code would activate, but the reboot built into the codebot would force it to re-establish itself almost immediately.”

  Zeke was impressed, it seemed like a better solution than no solution at all. In a single individual’s case, the Police, or whoever needed to, could gain access quickly while it was rebooting, whereas crowd control would be totally ineffective, as once rebooted, the initial disarm code would be neutralised.

  They both agreed the solution was a good one. Zirkos gave Ship the command.

  “In that case, Ship, design code and test for mass upgrade. Add the function : All override codes inserted into existing and future technology to be reset with reboot and ignore. All attempts to force further overrides to be notified to Zeke, or myself. Make sure the code is protected and transparent. When tests confirm reliability is at one hundred percent, broadcast upgrade and replace all units that fail.”

  “Confirmed, Maker.”

  “Ship, advise when upgrade operation is completed.”


  Zirkos looked at Zeke, “What are you thinking ?”

  “I’m thinking we have one sneaky sonovabitch, who might just have been working on a power play and still might be.” Zeke chewed his lip while he thought about the possibilities.

  “I’m also thinking that if we make it ineffective immediately, the opportunity to catch them out will be lost. Can we not insert an ignore or a reactivate code that only operates on a broadcast from Ship or Pod. That way we won’t interfere with genuine law enforcement issues.”

  “Ship, can you delay implementation of that code until roll-out of the products to the public domain ?”

  “Affirmative, Zeke.”

  Zeke had more to say. Something was disturbing him about all this.

  “We also need to monitor General Ferris. I suspect there is more to this than just a simple matter of maintaining justice.” Zeke finished his thinking out loud and sat back pensively, his good mood from the porthole lost now as he worried about Ferris and his activities.

  “Ship ?”

  “Understood, Maker. You want all communications from and to the human, Ferris, monitored and all links leading from him for indications of conspiracy to overthrow present authority.”

  “Ship ?”

  “Yes, Maker ?”

  “You are getting to think like an ‘eight’. Do I need to reclassify you ?”

  “Negative, Maker. This AI has learned that it is important to follow the train of discussion between the Maker and the human, Zeke, as it usually follows that further instructions will be passed to it during such exchanges.”

  “Thank you, Ship.” Zirkos grinned at Zeke, a silent signal of approval slipping between them.

  They were both pleased at how the AI had shifted its perspective to both of them and now considered Zeke to be part of the hierarchical set-up.

  “So, these shields are tuned to just the two of us. So, one will reinforce the other giving us added density when in close proximity ?” Zeke queried as they both slipped them into their grey jackets.

  Zirkos nodded. “Ship, locate the Premier of China and advise.”

  “Pod advises Premier is with the President, discussing matters pertaining to the US,” Ship responded.

  “Ready ?” Zirkos asked Zeke, who took one last look around before nodding.

  “Ship, transfer us please.”

  - 18 -

  When they arrived at the President of China’s office, they were immediately taken by the grandeur of the palace. High ceilings decorated in expensive drapes and gold leaf adorning many of the surfaces. A large desk stood at the end of a room that could have handled at least forty of the same and still not looked crowded. The Premier and President were by the far window looking down onto a large military-style square. They were discussing the US evidently, for the rhetoric was bordering on the ridiculous. Ship’s real-time translation in their earbuds was enlightening, if a little under interpreted, Zeke thought.

  The two had not yet been noticed, but that was about to change as they walked confidently towards the two men. Both were entering old age, but with the added advantage of a good living behind them. They would not put up a fight or pose a personal threat, but the new shields would cope with anything that was set against them.

  As the men turned to see who it was that approached them unannounced, Zeke could see the expression of the Premier turn to apprehension, then fear, as he realised that two foreigners had freely walked into the Prsident’s suite.

  “Laowai !” He spat, warning the President, who himself had belatedly realised their predicament.

  ‘Foreigner’, Ship translated for Zeke. Zirkos already fluent in Chinese, wouldn’t speak it here out of respect for Zeke.

  “Good morning, Zhao Wei, Chen Li,” he bowed to each and Zeke did likewise, staying silent for the moment.

  The Chinese pair immediately delivered a broadside of eloquent language which was accompanied by grim, aggressive facial expressions. Chen Li, the Premier, shouted out loudly towards the door at which point it burst open and two armed guards promptly entered and began running towards the group at the far end. Unravelling their rifles as they ran, they were verging on panicking themselves as they came close and saw the ‘foreigners’ in the Presidential offices.

  Ship simply said, ‘They were not expecting you, you have no appointment and as you have been so rude as to not properly arrange for a visit, and that you have addressed them personally without proper respect, you are to be executed immediately. Except that the President is concerned about blood on the floor staining the delicate marquetry and is insisting that sentence be carried out in the square.’

  Zeke knew the pair spoke perfect English so decided not to encourage further ranting and spoke directly to the listening AI.

  “Ship, please remove the guards before they shoot us, hold their patterns until we're finished. If any further interruptions occur, please repeat the procedure. Out of interest, Ship, how many soldiers could you hold, if necessary ?”

  'Not too many, Zeke. A hundred probably depending on size of individual,' Ship responded.

  Zeke smiled. More than adequate, he decided. He watched out of the corner of his eye as the two guards, probably more ceremonial than active duty, disappeared in a flash of swirling stars.

  Zhao Wei's eyes popped out of his fleshy face as he first heard Zeke speaking to nobody, then the guards vanishing as ordered by the infuriating Lauwei who had the temerity to approach him uninvited.

  “You will pay for this breach of manners, Gweilos,” he muttered in plain English. Zeke knew what that meant so didn’t bother Ship who was probably monitoring the outside corridor. The doors remained open, but there was little that Zeke could do about that without losing face.

  Zirkos smiled and quietly addressed both of the high-ranking officials of the Chinese government.

  “Gentleman, please excuse our poor manners in arriving here unannounced. As you can see our mode of transport is such that it is incredibly difficult to negotiate the normal procedures for meeting with important persons, such as yourselves.”

  Zeke looked at Zirkos who hadn’t previously shown any ability to charm the socks off anyone, while Zirkos actually turned his face to Zeke and winked.

  “It is of no importance, foreigners. You will be escorted out of these chambers just as soon as my guards arrive. Did you think we just had the two ?,” Chen Li laughed nervously.

  Zeke replied. “Actually Premier, I don’t think any of them are around at the moment. So, shall we bypass the threats and rhetoric and get down to some straight talking ?�

  Zirkos nodded his approval and suggested,

  “Gentlemen, why don’t we sit down over there and have some tea while we talk about your intention to deal with the USA and their recent satellite redirection.”

  Both of the Chinese were aghast. The very idea of sitting down with these ‘gweilo’ was abhorrent, but it seemed that there were no reinforcements on their way to rescue them. Zeke watched as Chen Li nodded subtly to Zhao Wei and the pair shifted awkwardly towards the lounge area in front of Zhao’s desk.

  As they seated opposite each other it was evident that the two Chinese were fighting the urge to ask questions. Etiquette dictated their lives in Peking, especially so in the higher echelon of the government. It was probably the only thing that kept them from killing each outright on sight. Chinese politics was often deadly, so Zeke had learned. Still, there was a bubbling exciterment beneath the exterior visage they both protrayed. They would play to that, he decided.

  “Let us open this conversation by introducing ourselves properly,” Zeke offered.

  “My name is Zeke Callaghan. I’m, as you probably guessed, an American, but don’t let that little matter put you off. Because I represent an agency much larger and more powerful than even they ‘think’ they are. I’d like to introduce you to my employer, Zirkos of the Jenaari, who is in fact an alien from another planet.”

  Now, Zeke gave them their due, they didn’t quite laugh out loud, but it did serve to lighten the mood of the foursome as of that moment. He smiled at Zirkos who put out his hand for a formal handshake. His silver skin shimmering in the light from the open windows.

  Tentatively, at first, the Premier took his hand and shook it, taking the opportunity to examine the silver skin both visually and by touch. The President ignored the hand, but remained impassively attentive as though expecting something unpalatable to be forthcoming from both these foreigners who had invaded his inner sanctum. Zirkos diplomatically removed his hand without appearing to be slighted, which he wasn’t. He knew these formalities were a human custom, and only did it for their benefit.

  “Now, that we have been formally introduced we would like to outline some issues that are occupying your miltiary and science team,” Zeke offered as an opening gambit.

  “What would you foreigners know of what transpires within the Chinese military headquarters ?” Chen Li replied, a little haughtily.

  “Actually,” Zirkos interceded. “We know a lot about what is happening in China. We could discuss the uprising in the southern province that is currently being put down by butchering every second man in the villages you have personally ordered, Chen Li,” Zirkos pointed at the Premier who went ash grey at the uncovering of a secret ethnic cleansing of his home state.

  “However, that isn’t why we are here, but will obviously reflect on how we proceed,” Zeke added sternly. They weren’t in a position yet to throw these murderous scum out on their ear, but he was looking forward to the day when it was possible.

  “Then why are you here, then, gweilo. As you said let’s get down to straight talk, shall we ?” The President spoke firmly and with the authority of one who had just awoken to the fact that he was dealing with people who knew things about them. He didn’t want any personal examples being quoted so he moved the conversation on swiftly. He would deal wth Chen Li’s little conspiracy later.

  Zirkos nodded. They were where they wanted to be.

  “Gentleman, you are to desist any efforts you are currently making towards undermining the USA while they are currently preoccupied fulfilling obligations to me, and in turn yourselves,” Zirkos began. Noticing their stiff heads, he recognised that he had their attention, but narrowly, because like most Chinese, they don’t take to being told what to do, especially by a foreigner.

  “We are utilising the Americans as a manufacturing base to develop, build and distribute new technology that will be made available to you and the rest of the world as soon as production has built up to a point where it is viable to meet everyone’s needs.”

  “Can we ask what form this new technology takes ? If it is weapons, the Americans will never share with us. If you arm them then you will be by extension, our enemy,” Zhao Wei asked coldly.

  Zirkos responded confidently.

  “No weapons will be manufactured, it is not our objective to wage war. It is Mr Callaghan’s desire to wage a completely different kind of battle, one the whole world is going to be involved in. A war for peace. As a result, we will be producing items that will benefit the security of every single person on this planet, both individually and collectively.”

  “You will no longer be able to kill each other,” Zeke added coldly directing his response to Chen Li. Chen looked angry but held his tongue. Zeke could see that were Zirkos and himself in the hands of this man, they wouldn’t survive the day.

  Zhao Wei spoke to Chen Li briefly in Mandarin and whilst Zirkos could speak it, he continued to pretend otherwise. Ship paraphrased, a trait he had inherited from Zeke and a skill which showed just how intelligent these AIs were.

  ‘Zhao Wei believes that you’re bluffing, but they can’t see how yet. They will put you both under a microscope and find out exactly who and what you are (this in relation to Zirkos). They intend to carry out their plans regardless of your threats and will neutralise any efforts you make to stop them,’

  Zeke interrupted the two conspirators. “Ahem ! I think we need to provide you with an example of our determination to remove the threat of war from the world. Perhaps you would like to contact the Xinyi Huang and ask them how long it will be before they are in position off the west coast of the USA ?”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about. What is this Xinyi Huang, you speak of ? Chen Li responded aggressively.

  “Zirkos ?” Zeke asked.

  “The PLAN’s Jin2-class submarine ‘Xinyi Huang’ is currently 42.711 degrees by -151.453, and approximately 2,500 nautical miles from its intended launch point off the coast of California,” Zirkos confirmed.

  Zeke added.“We are tracking this submarine as well as two others off the East coast of the US. If these submarines do not reverse course in the next twelve hours they will be forcibly removed from their locations and deposited here in Tiananmen Square so that the press of the world will be able to see how weak the Chinese military is against the might of our defence systems.”

  A surprised gasp from Chen Li told the two they had hit a bulls-eye and it just needed a nudge in the right direction now to negate the threat until their factories could produce the necessary defences.

  Zeke spoke to Ship. The AI was following every word. “Ship, please advise how many of Chen Li’s troops are currently massed in the kill zone of the Southern province ?”

  ‘There are currently three hundred men, of which twenty-four appear to be officers,’ Ship responded.

  “Ship, please transfer the two-hundred and seventy-six men to Tiananmen square complete with their weapons, leave the officers where they are, but disarm them and drop their weapons in this office.”

  ‘Affirmative, Zeke,’ the AI responded.

  A moment later and the clatter of rifles, pistols and ammunition belts landing on the expensive marquetry floor behind Zeke and Zirkos caused the two Chinese leaders to panic. Their eyes bulged as they saw the small pile of weapons cascade in front of them.

  “Why don’t you look out the window, Chen Li. Please confirm they are your men. The officers are still in the village they were in the middle of massacring. They are unarmed and therefore on an equal footing with the remaining villagers. I would be very interested to hear if they make it out alive,” Zeke smiled maliciously. The coldness of his gaze an echo of the feeling in his heart. Chen Li saw it and paled.

  “Finally, we would like you to understand that despite our show of strength, we mean you no harm. To use the over-rated Hollywood expression, ‘We Come In Peace’ to offer you the same deal we are giving every other country in the world. Free access to manuf
acture and distribute the new technology on the proviso it is used for peace, distributed to all of your people, including those in the southern parts of China, and free of any patent. All useful improvements will be included in upgrades to all countries, so there will never be an advantage to exploit. If you fail to distribute the technology, then we will allow the Americans, Russians, Japanese and all other manufacturing countries to enter China and equip your people with the essential personal defence shields. Your further involvement will then be reviewed accordingly. We hope this is clearly understood because the next time we visit it will be to include you in the peace process that we’re building.” Zeke concluded.

  With that Ship materialised the two guards who fell to the floor in close proximity to the arms that had been recovered.

  Without missing a beat, one of the soldiers picked up a pistol from the floor in front of him and aimed it at Zirkos and Zeke, opening fire immediately without regard to the proximity of the two Chinese leaders behind the two gweilos.

  Three shots rang out at close enough range for Zeke and Zirkos to be hit. When the two men remained standing, apparently unfazed by the actions of the guard, he opened fire again. this time there was no doubt that the shots were accurately targeted.

  Zirkos turned to Zhao Wei totally ignoring the shots that had been fired at them,

  “We would like to thank you for your hospitality.” He gave a shallow bow.

  “We hope one day we can invite you to our own offices, until then. Peace !” He waved as he and Zeke disappeared in the swirling star cloud that formed.

  - 19 -

  For Ferris, progress had been too slow. He wanted to push for more metal to be inserted, but the scientists in charge needed to feel their way with this research and he wasn’t supposed to be anything other than a willing participant.

  In the end, he had sat down with Jannson. Knowing just what made the man tick, and playing heavily on the premise of being his friend and colleague, Ferris told him in confidence that his religious ideals were somewhat juxtaposed to Jannsons.


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