The Last Days

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The Last Days Page 2

by Gary Chesla

  The guard inside greeted him. “Sir, please wait here. The Captain will see you in a minute.”

  Lieutenant Paulson stepped inside as the guard closed the door behind him.

  The control center was bristling with activity. Paulson looked around at the scenes that played out in front of him on the ships monitors.

  The Captain was studying the monitor in front of him as he listened to his XO on his right.

  “Sir! We have two ships approaching our perimeter in area 35.” The XO was saying.

  “Does the AWAC show any activity anywhere else?” The Captain asked.

  “No Sir! Nothing we can pick up anywhere.”

  The Captain studied the monitor. “They look like a couple of fishing boats.”

  “That’s my read Sir!” The XO replied. “They seem to be moving in an erratic course sir. Damn unusual. It could be a distraction. The Chinese have never tried to breach our defensive perimeter before, but they could be testing our reactions to see how far they can penetrate using non-military ships.”

  “An unofficial electronic intelligence gathering platform?” The Captain added.

  “Very possible sir!” the XO stated. “Orders Sir!”

  “Let’s put an F-18 over them and have the Cumberland intercept and turn them back. Have the Cumberland drop some extra sonar buoys. They could be trying to lure one of our destroyers in range of one of their subs. It wouldn’t be the first time they tried that.” The captain smiled.

  “The Indiana (One of the two attack subs that accompanied the battle group whose job was to detect and discourage any enemy subs that tried to see how close to the carrier they could get.) swept that area thirty minutes ago and reported the area clear. But will do Sir.” The XO replied as he instructed the attending officers to put the Captain’s orders into action.

  After the Captain studied all the monitors and was satisfied with the response to the situation, he looked over at Lieutenant Paulson and smiled as he walked over.

  “Bob, I’m surprised to see you here. Things slow down in sick bay so you came up here to get close to the action?” The Captain smiled.

  “No Sir!” Paulson replied. “Just the opposite. I think we might have a problem. Could I speak to you in private for a minute Sir?”

  The smile faded from the Captain’s face. The doctor was a frequent visitor to the Captain. Usually it was to remind him that his regular physical or psych evaluation was overdue. Reminder was often not the right word, threat or harassment was more accurate. The Captain had completed all of his required evaluations less than a month ago so he knew the doctor’s visit didn’t concern him today until he saw the worried look on his face.

  “XO, the bridge is yours.” The Captain barked.

  The Captain motioned for the doctor to follow him outside.

  They walked out the door as the sound of “Captain off the bridge.” was announced.

  Paulson followed the Captain out into the corridor and away from the guard. He followed the Captain into an empty briefing room and stood at attention as the Captain closed the door and took a seat.

  “What’s up Bob?”

  “Tom, I have six guys down in my sick bay with something I have never seen before. I don’t think they are going to make it.” Paulson said.

  The Captain studied the doctor. “Any ideas? What do you need from me?”

  “I need to ask you a question. I’m sure what I need to ask is above my pay grade, but if I am going to be able to help them I need some information. I have six men dying. One of them is one of my lab techs. The other five men I assume were together on the Poseidon Mini Sub. My lab tech caught whatever it is from that sub’s crew.” The doctor said but was interrupted by the Captain.

  “You know I can’t discuss anything that is classified.”

  The Captain looked at his watch as the sound of a Super Hornet rumbled down the runway as it was catapulted off the deck of the Ronald Regan.

  “So I am right, all of those men were on the Poseidon last night?” The doctor stared at the Captain.

  “Yes you’re right, but that is all I can say.” The Captain responded.

  “If I am to figure out how to help them, I need to know what the hell they were doing!” Paulson replied more forcefully.

  “I don’t know.” The Captain responded.

  “From what I can tell at this point, what they have is highly contagious. There is over six thousand men jammed on this carrier, if you get where I am going with this. At this point all I know is what they have is going to kill them. I also know there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it or about the fact that it could spread throughout the entire ship in an hour unless I have an idea what it is so I can figure out what the hell will stop it.” Paulson practically shouted.

  The Captain tapped his fingers on the table in front of him as he looked at the doctor.

  “Tom I’m serious about this. If I have to call CDC and have this entire ship quarantined.” Paulson threatened.

  “Bob, I’m not refusing to answer your question. I honestly don’t know what they came into contact with.” The Captain replied.

  Paulson sat back and took a deep breath and exhaled. “What do you mean you don’t know? What were they doing in that sub? Where did they go?”

  The Captain thought for a moment. “This doesn’t leave this room. I got a call from Washington. There has been some crazy shit going on in Eastern China. Satellite photos show that Eastern China is going crazy. From what I was told it is like a war zone. There are bodies everywhere. The Chinese Army has been pouring into the area, but it still seems to be spreading west. Calls to the Chinese embassy resulted in the U.S. being told there is nothing going on and for us to mind our own business. I was instructed to send a seal team in last night to get a firsthand look and to report back.”

  “China wouldn’t be happy about that. They would consider it an act of war. Why would we do something stupid like that? Who cares if they are killing themselves? I don’t see that as something we should risk war over just to confirm they have an internal problem.” Paulson looked at the Captain in disbelief.

  The Captain’s expression didn’t change.

  Paulson stared at the Captain. “OK Tom. There has to be more to this than you are telling me. What is the part you’re not telling me?”

  “A few years back we were experimenting with a virus. We weaponized the virus as a possible way to release on a limited area and take down the enemy without exposing any of our troops.”

  The Captain paused.

  Paulson shook his head.

  “We never did anything with the virus. They managed to get the virus to do what they wanted, it would have been a weapon more devastating than the A Bomb, but because they couldn’t develop a vaccine against it, it was considered too dangerous to ever use.” The Captain added.

  “That’s good, but what does that have to do with our problem?” Paulson asked.

  “About six months ago we discovered there was a breach of our computer system. It was traced back to China. The Pentagon thinks the Chinese stole the information on the project, just like everything their hackers have been taking. We think they were trying to reproduce the virus and test it in Eastern China. I was ordered to send in a seal team to bring out air and soil samples to confirm our suspicions.” The Captain said.

  “Did your men bring back the samples?” Paulson asked.

  “Yes, they were able to complete their mission. The Chinese have their hands full and it was fairly easy to get by their defenses.” The Captain replied.

  “I need to see those samples.” Paulson said excitedly. “That will tell me what I’m up against.”

  The Captain shook his head. “The samples flew out of here an hour ago. My orders were to fly them to San Diego as soon as the sub returned. “Besides, if it is what they think it is, there is nothing you could do. There is nothing anyone can do. There is no known antidote.”

  “Shit!” Paulson sighed. “Then we have a big probl

  “For now, I want your area sealed off. No one in or out. If what you have down there is related to this virus, our main concern is to keep it there so it doesn’t spread throughout the ship.” The Captain said. “I will notify the Pentagon about our situation and ask them to notify us as soon as they have analyzed the samples. If it is the virus, even if it isn’t, we need to contain it.”

  “What about China? It sounds like it is spreading across their country. This thing could spread around the world with no way to stop it.” Paulson said as the concern he felt clearly showed on his face.

  “If it is the virus, the only way to stop it is to kill it.” The Captain added.

  “The guys in the lab said they tried to kill it. One of my techs even tried rat poison on it. It can’t be killed. That shit will kill anything.” Paulson said.

  “The only known way to kill it is to nuke it.” The Captain said as he looked at Paulson.

  “What, are we going to nuke China?” Paulson said sarcastically.

  “Once we confirm that it is the virus, Washington intends to confront them. Either they do it or we will. It was their reckless actions that caused this. At least they can possibly save the western part of their country.” The Captain said seriously.

  “I guess the world is in for a big adjustment, one way or another.” Paulson sighed. “God help us all.”

  “Bob, go back and contain this thing. The shit is going to hit the fan very soon. It would be nice if we all could find a way to live through this.” The Captain said. The weary look and the wrinkles on his face showed he clearly understood what they were facing.

  Lieutenant Paulson slowly stood and pushed his chair under the conference table. The gravity of the situation clearly weighing on his mind.

  Before walking out the door he turned and looked back at the Captain. “Tom, could you send me down some uranium or some nuclear waste water from the sub?”

  “That’s dangerous shit Bob. What are you going to do with it?” The Captain eyed Paulson.

  “I don’t know for sure. Nothing else seems to have any effect on this thing. Maybe I can figure a way to nuke this thing in another way. As I see it, we are running out of options and time.” Paulson replied.

  “I’ll send it down within the hour.” Tom replied. “Good luck!”

  “We ran out of that an hour ago.” Bob said as he walked out of the room.

  Chapter 3

  The Cumberland eased off the throttles as the two Chinese fishing boats came into view.

  “Battle stations sounded throughout the ship. Sailors rushed to their assigned posts. Weapons were brought to bear on the two dilapidated fishing boats as the F-18 circled above guarding the airspace.

  Men in the command center scrutinized their screens looking for any hidden threats that might be lurking in the area, waiting to ambush the ship while it was occupied with the fishing boats.

  “Sit Rep!” commanded the Captain.

  “All clear Sir!” came the reply. “Nothing moving anywhere, those two boats are all that is in the area.”

  “Confirmed Sir!” another voice sounded. “Area is clear.”

  “Jamison, front and center.” The Captain barked. “You’re our Chinses interpreter. Tell those people to turn those shit for boats around and go back towards the mainland.”

  “Yes Sir!” Jamison responded as he picked up the mic that would broadcast his voice over the ships outside speakers. He started talking in Chinese.

  The Captain held his binoculars up to his face as he studied the boats off the port side of the ship.

  “They aren’t leaving Jamison. Are you sure you are using the correct dialect. Try something else, Mandarin or something.” The Captain said without lowering the binoculars.

  Jamison spoke into the mic again as the Captain watched the boats.

  “Jamison, are you sure you are speaking Chinese? “ The Captain laughed.

  “Yes Sir! I’ve tried a couple different dialects. No matter what dialect they speak, they had to have gotten the message.” Jamison replied.

  “Captain, look at this.” One of the men at the console said as he zoomed the ships cameras in on the closest boat.

  The boat grew larger on the screen.

  “There is blood everywhere. Something happened on that boat. There are about a dozen people lying on the deck. They look like they are dead or at least unconscious. I think they might need help. They may not be able to turn the boat around on their own.”

  “Davis, take six armed men, take Jamison and board that boat and see what the hell is going on. The rest of you keep alert. This could be a set up. Be ready to unleash all hell if they try anything.” The Captain ordered. “Helm, hold us here. Jamison, take the skimmer out to that boat. I don’t want to get any closer to those things until I know what they are up to.”

  Jamison followed Davis out to the armed men waiting in the skimmer. As soon as Jamison was in the skimmer, it was lowered down into the water. After unhooking the cables, the engines started and the skimmer made its way out towards the fishing boat that floated aimlessly in the rising and falling swells.

  Jamison turned and looked at Davis. “Keep alert. I don’t like this. Something about this isn’t right.”

  Davis laughed. “Just stay behind me until we clear the deck. If there is something not right, we have enough firepower to handle it.”

  Jamison laughed. “There is also something about all these men with large guns and sharp objects in a rubber boat that doesn’t make me feel too confident. We could be in trouble if anyone in that fishing boat drops a fishing hook in here.”

  Davis laughed. “It would take more than a few fishing hooks to sink the skimmer.”

  Jamison pushed his finger into the side of the boat and watched as rubber pushed inward. “If you say so?”

  Davis smiled. “You can swim? Right?”

  Jamison ignored Davis as he studied the fishing boat they were rapidly approaching.

  The skimmer bumped against the side of the fishing boat as the sailor guiding the skimmer cut the engines.

  Davis tossed a boarding net up over the sides and three men quickly climbed up to the deck of the fishing boat and secured the deck for the rest of the boarding party.

  When Davis and Jamison climbed on board, the other members of their party were standing in a semicircle on the deck with their weapons out in front of them as they scanned the boat for threats.

  The boat was small, only about forty feet long. One small cabin area rose up out of the center of the boat. The deck was covered with smeared blood. Ten mangled bloody bodies laid motionless across the deck. The sound of movement could be heard below deck.

  “What the hell happened here?” Jamison said as he looked at the condition of the bloody boat.

  Davis shouted. “Roberts starboard, Tomson Port. The rest of you with me. We are going to clear the cabin to see what is below. Jamison, stay behind us. We might need you to talk to any survivors down there.”

  Davis moved slowly towards the cabin door and the sounds coming from below. Two men flanked his left and the other two men flanked his right side. Jamison followed in the center of the formation and listened, trying to make sense of the sounds coming from below.

  Davis approached the cabin door. He made eye contact with the men on both side of him.

  They all nodded at him as he reached for the door.

  Davis threw the door open. It gave off a loud banging sound as it swung open and slammed into the side of the cabin.

  In the dark cabin below, dimly lit by the light coming in through the open door, they could see a dozen dark faces in the shadows tilted up looking out at them.

  A chorus of guttural sounds started to rise up out of the cabin.

  “Jamison?” Davis shouted over his shoulder. “What the hell are these people saying?”

  “Damn if I know.” Jamison replied. “It doesn’t sound like any Chinese dialect I’ve ever heard before.”

  “Well tell
them we are here to help them before they shit themselves!” Davis shouted.

  Jamison started talking.

  “I don’t think they understood a word you said.” Davis yelled. “Let’s get them out of there. Maybe they aren’t even Chinese. You know sign language Jamison?”

  Davis moved closer to the open doorway. Suddenly one of the staring dark faces jumped out at him and clamped its teeth onto his arm.

  “God damn it!” Davis yelled as he slammed his rifle barrel into the person’s head, then knocked him back down into the cabin. “That son of a bitch bit me!”

  Davis shook his arm, trying to shake away the pain.

  “What the hell are you laughing at Carlson?”

  Seaman Carlson looked at Davis. “I have spent the better part of the year watching for the Chinese to shoot at me, drop a bomb on me or fire a missile at me. It never crossed my mind I needed to worry about them biting me.” Carlson laughed.

  “If one of these bastards bites you, let’s see how funny you think it is.” Davis grumbled as he tried to stop the bleeding by pulling his sleeve over the wound.

  “Did you see what that guy looked like?” Jamison asked as the others stared at him. “The poor bastard looked half dead. His eyes looked like he was half out of his mind.”

  “I think the son of a bitch was totally out of his mind!” Davis grumbled.

  Carlson laughed again, but quickly stopped and started swearing as another person lunged out of the cabin and sunk his teeth into his shoulder.

  Davis grabbed the man, jerking him away from Carlson and pushed him back down into the cabin. He grabbed the door and slammed it shut.

  “Not so funny now is it Carlson.” Davis shouted as he watched the blood flow from Carlson’s wound, spreading across his back and down his arm.

  “What the hell is it with these people?” Carlson said as he strained to twist his body so he could get a better look at his shoulder.

  Davis grabbed the mic attached to his collar. “Scout to mother. Come in mother.”


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