The Wolf with the Silver Smile
By Samantha Bates
COPYRIGHT Samantha Bates2011
Amazon Edition
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I would like to thank all of those people who brought Silvers Alpha, I hope you enjoy reading 'The Wolf With the Silver Smile" as much as I enjoyed writing it.
My husband and children continue to support my endeavors and for that I will be eternally thankful, it doesn't faze them when mum decides to do something different. My parents and sister Natasha were initially surprised at Silvers Alpha, but really supportive and offered good advice so thank you, love you lots and maybe one day I will write a romance containing no sex scenes just for my mum (although I doubt it)!!!
Books in reading order -
Silvers Alpha
The Wolf with the Silver Smile
Chapter 1
As Nicky lifted his head and looked around the room. He saw the clothes strewn across the floor, the empty bottles of beer on the dresser and floor. With a groan his dropped his head back to the pillow.
Well at least there was a reason that his head was pounding. Lying back he closed his eyes and stretched out mmm… It had certainly been a pleasant night; his foot stretched touching a breast halfway down the bed. Hearing a murmur from the other side of the bed he turned his head. The brunette looking at him was certainly a stunner with her high cheek bones and large brown eyes. Flexing his foot again he met…mmm another breast; he slid the cover off slightly and saw, hot damn… Twins!
Last night must have been good. He sighed wishing that he could remember exactly how good. "Hey sexy wanna play?"
Did he want to play, he always wanted to play and his cock was already set to go? What was that noise? Shit his cell, Nicky grabbed it from the floor toppling the sleeping brunette out of bed. Looking at the time he groaned, shit he was late for the pack meeting, Ben was going to flip. He answered prepared as always with an excuse, but his brother Ben beat him to it.
"Nicky you had better be on the way here; I don't want to know why you are absent AGAIN, but tell me that you are nearly here."
"Hey big brother calm down, I am stuck in traffic on the freeway but I am heading to you as we speak. How are my little men?" His location to pack was a slight exaggeration but who would know he was scrambling to put on his clothes.
"They're great you wouldn't believe…. Fuck Nicky, stop trying to distract me and get your ass here now!"
Nicky was now dressed and running out the door. "Sorry ladies I gotta go, let yourself out and drop the…" Looking around he took stock of his surroundings. "Oh it's your place not mine. Anyway thanks for a good night, you were great bye."
Where the hell was he? Nicky had run down the stairs and was now outside an apartment block somewhere in New York. He hailed a cab and was already giving the driver instructions before he'd even shut the door. It was hard being the brother of an alpha, although he conceded that being the alpha was probably slightly harder. Ben had always liked hard work and had a brain for business, yet now that he had his mate he wanted Nicky to take more responsibility so he could spend time with her and the kids.
This was where the problem lay, Nicky wasn’t sure he wanted anymore responsibility. Thinking of the kids made Nicky smile and his heart surged, Lucky already had four wonderful girls when she met Ben and they were pretty great then they added to that. Beth was the oldest and completely feminine; she was always immaculately dressed in designer clothes when she could get Lucky or Ben to buy them. The thing with Beth was that she didn't act like a spoiled brat, and that in itself was a surprise considering she was not only spoiled, but was also a particularly attractive girl.
At eighteen years old, Ben was already panicking about how to keep men away from Beth; he had already put a total ban on any of the pups making a play for her. Nicky knew that Beth and her friends had started going to parties, if he knew about said party he and his friends would always frequent the bar closest to them. They would just happen to be wandering around the area and would make sure Beth and her friends got home safely. He just had to remember not to drink so much that he couldn't remember the previous night.
When he was around Beth and her friends, he tried to curb the drinking, Ben would kill him if he bedded one of Beth's friends, hell he would kill himself, there were some boundaries you didn't cross.
After Beth, there was Claire who had been in a Goth phase since he had met her, her hair periodically changed from blue, to red, then black before starting again or mixing the colors. She didn't get involved in that Emo crap of cutting herself although she did listen to some seriously horrendous music, which she blared from her room so loud that the ground vibrated. Claire had been trying to convince Ben to hold a teen Goth night in the Silver Club once a week, so far he had managed to refuse, a blessing from Nicky's perspective.
After Claire, there was Ellie and May, twins in looks but polar opposite in disposition. Although they were only thirteen both had made a considerable mark on the family. Ellie had her mom's physical strength which was unique for a human; she was even showing up some of the pups during training. She also had a sharp analytical mind and Ben was always giving her challenges regarding the pack security, Ellie had proven that she could mark out the best zones for breaching security and the best ways to cover the breach.
May on the other hand was truly gifted; with an eidetic memory the girl was literally a walking encyclopedia. Since her mom had met Ben, she had researched everything she could on other species, and had managed to get Nicky and Ben's father to turn his spare room into a make shift laboratory.
Even though they weren't related by blood, Nicky considered them to be his nieces and they were as much a part of the pack as they would have been if were born into it.
Then three years ago Lucky gave birth to triplets. All of them were boys and they were already turning into hell raisers. Ethan was without doubt an Alpha in the making, which was brilliant as he was the first born. He was strong both physically and mentally, dominant without being a bully. Logan was the next in line by less than a minute and although he was boisterous, he was also a little quieter and more affectionate; Logan was the thinker of the three. The youngest Oliver, was the brawn of the bunch, he was already challenging other pups and was constantly eating, if it stood in his way he plowed through it, nothing stood still long if Oliver wanted it down.
The birth of the triplets had been a blessing to the pack, but they were even more special to Nicky. As Alpha, Ben and their father before him ran the Silver Pack which was the largest and most dominant wolf pack in New York. Running it was one hell of a task, running it successfully an even bigger task. Before Ben had the boys, Nicky had been next in line and he wanted none of that, Ben was without a doubt the real Alpha and the brains behind the business. Prior to Lucky, Nicky had enjoyed a pretty easy life, he didn't actually get involved in a lot of pack business but contrary to popular belief he did do his bit, he just did it discreetly.
Silver had built a reputation for being fair but firm, his dad and Ben had built that reputation. Where most packs think nothing of exiling wolves for some
perceived slight towards the Alpha, Silver didn't follow this line of thought. Everyone had a role and in the pack they believed that if everyone is valued as individuals and allowed to make their own mark, then the pack would be stronger and more loyal.
Nicky hadn't made his mark but over the years the pack had faced challenges from fools wanting to take a piece of the action. Nicky had where ever possible accepted these challenges and made sure they did not mess with Silver again. When he could be discreet he had kept these challengers away from Ben not willing to risk Ben getting hurt, and not just because he was Nicky's brother and damn if he didn't love him, not just because he was part of the pack and pack looked out for each other, but also because Ben was Alpha and if anything happened to Ben, Nicky would have to take the reins and that was so not going to happen.
Nicky did consider himself to be some sort of savior and he had never been alone, Julian and Seb had always backed him up when they accepted the challenges, but they knew not to advertise it. As it was, Ben just thought they were idle and got into a lot of alcohol fuelled fights, Julian and Seb were meant to keep Nicky out of trouble but they were just as guilty as him, well maybe not quite as guilty though it was close.
Now that Nicky didn't feel the same pressure, he was able to party harder and longer than he previously had. He just wished everyone would back off and let him keep enjoying the finest things life had to offer. He knew that he was considered gorgeous, with his sandy blond hair that fell just over his blue eyes, he was also tall and well-built which Nicky used to his advantage.
As the cab arrived outside the pack borders, Nicky smiled. He loved his home and couldn't imagine being anywhere else. Looking out across acres of woodland every morning as the sun rose was divine and started the day off in a way that pleased him and his wolf; well it was divine on the few days he managed to drag his ass up before sunrise.
Chapter 2
Morgan was cold, hungry and scared. New York was a long way from home, yet not far enough. As she ran her hand through her now short, red hair, she didn't recognize the person looking back at her in the bathroom mirror which thankfully had been her plan.
She counted what was left of her money with a sigh; she had enough left for a portion of fries and a burger before she was broke, just the thought of food caused a rumbling through her stomach that hurt. She needed to get a job, although it had to be somewhere that didn't ask too many questions, after travelling for two whole days switching buses along the way she was now dog tired.
If she had no luck today, then she was planning on going back to the bus depot later. If they kept the toilets open it might be a safe place to get a little sleep, surely it would be safer than the street. She had met a woman on the bus who said that she could stay with her; Morgan had thought that maybe her luck was changing, until she talked about her boyfriend who may want Morgan to show that she could earn money. She was naïve not stupid and knew that was not the way to go.
Looking up at the cloudy sky, the dark grey of the clouds depressed her, seeming like some sort of omen challenging her risky behavior. Morgan had never travelled alone; actually she had never travelled without her family and community, it was both an exciting, terrifying and exhilarating experience. One that was damn scary and more than once she wanted to turn back, but she knew what awaited her if she did and that was enough to instill absolute fear into her young and tired bones.
The sounds in this monumental city were invigorating; the honks of car horns, the tinkling of shop bells, shouting and laughing, her ears were in overdrive. Around her everyone was rushing about, people so busy that they were running from place to place. She had always been told about the dangers of the big cities, the noise, the predators, the serial killers, drugs, alcohol, you name it and she had heard the sermon warning against it. Consequently, she was terrified but she needed to get a grip on herself. If she was going to make her life here then she would need to pull it together, that however only applied if she managed to live long enough to make a life. She shivered into her little jacket which was not going to keep her warm enough.
New York was enormous, how could anyone find anyone else here? There were so many buildings, houses were everywhere and shops were on nearly every street. Most of which she had been into looking for work, but they took one look at her big rucksack, her cheap clothes and shoes, and turned her away. One shop had even been rude about it, asking 'if she honestly thought she would suit their clientele'. So now she could add utterly disheartened to the list of her current emotions.
As she left the burger shop with a large delicious smelling burger in her hand, she was trying not to tear at it. She hadn't eaten in over twenty four hours; she had been too scared to use the last of her money before she had arrived. Now that she was here, she could eat but she was trying to make it last knowing that it could be a while before she ate again, she needed a job and soon.
As she walked through the crowded streets she bumped straight into a woman coming out of a door way. Damn she didn't see her and now Morgan and her burger were on the floor, fighting back tears Morgan tried to get up but her heavy rucksack was pulling her back down. Now what they hell was she meant to do, how would she eat? Seeing her burger on the floor was the last straw and she felt the tears welling.
The woman stared down at her; Morgan saw that she was tall, with long dark brown hair and large brown eyes, kind eyes.
"Sorry sweetheart I didn't mean to walk into you. Can I help you up?" As the woman pulled her up Morgan managed to blink back the tears, only a few rogue ones were left sliding down her cheeks.
"Oh I am sorry, I have spoiled your dinner; let me make it up to you?"
As she grappled in her purse Morgan couldn't help herself. "No please don't worry, accidents happen."
She needed to shut up, she couldn't afford to turn down money or food but she had been brought up to be polite, experience had taught her that if she wasn't polite, the consequences could be brutal.
The woman started talking. "Really please let me make it up to you. I know, why don't we head next door, I am starving, and if I brought you dinner it would make me feel much better."
"Um okay, if you were going that way anyway I am sure that would be fine, thank you." Morgan didn't like to rely on anyone; she had to be her own person in this huge city. She couldn't risk getting hurt again or even worse, anyone else getting hurt on her account.
"Great shall we go? I'm Lucky by the way."
"I'm Morgan." Dang what was wrong with her, all the way here she had practiced a new name and what happens the first time she is asked her name? Duh! She chastised herself, how on earth was she meant to be discreet when she couldn't even get her new name right? She felt her chest tighten, her breaths shortening.
As they settled into a booth she saw that this Lucky woman was clearly a regular here when she saw the manager waved at her.
"Well Morgan, don't panic it's a pretty common name, and I won't tell if you don't want me to."
"What! Sorry I don't know what you are talking about." How did she know? She had been here three hours and already it was going wrong, now she would have to leave again. As she stood up to leave the woman grabbed her arm.
"Please don't worry sit down, please. You promised to let me buy you dinner."
Morgan sat down she did promise, she could leave straight after she had eaten. They ordered the food; she couldn't believe how much food the woman had ordered. Morgan had just ordered a burger; she couldn't let this woman buy something more than she had dropped, that would be as good as stealing.
"Can I ask why you are in New York?"
Morgan was trying to compose a good enough answer. "No real reason, I just needed a change and thought I would try to find work here." Okay that was good; Morgan was pleased with her quick thinking, maybe she could get this right.
"What type of job are you looking for?"
"Anything." The smells from the kitchen overstimulated her glands, causing saliva to build up in her mouth, h
er stomach enjoyed the sensations but needing the actual food to settle it.
"Well do you have any experience?"
"Why do you want to know, if you're some weirdo who knocks into people to I... I don't know to make them do things; I am not that kind of girl."
She was wrong, she couldn't do this, may be she should go home. Morgan stood up again with a plan of actually leaving this time, but Lucky stopped her.
"Morgan please, I am not some sort of a weirdo. I was asking because my husband and his family own some local businesses, and we have a number of jobs."
"Really?" Morgan looked at this woman and still wasn't sure what to think.
"Really? Do you have any experience?" She did look genuine and right now Morgan didn't have many options. She had been walking around for three hours and she was exhausted.
"Um, I used to help do the accounts and run a small business." That was an understatement, Morgan did do this and then some, she literally ran the business sometimes working fourteen hour days.
The Wolf With The Silver Smile (The Silver Series) Page 1