Silver Shark

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Silver Shark Page 19

by Ilona Andrews

Page 19


  They fol owed her to the elevator. She brought them to fifteenth floor and led them to the conference room only a few feet from hal way leading to Venturo's office. It was the same room she'd sat in six weeks ago, waiting for her interview. The irony.

  "Please rest here," Claire told them. "Bathroom is on your left. Wait for me. Don't go anywhere and don't speak to anyone. Refer anyone who asks why you are here to me. "

  Charles and Edu gently lowered Doreem on the couch.

  Claire turned and strode down the hal way.

  Ven's office wal s were transparent. She saw him behind her desk, watching her as she walked.

  She had no idea what she would say.

  Claire stopped before the door and rapped her knuckles on it. The glass slid aside and she entered the office.

  "Sit down," Ven said.

  She saw the set line of his jaw. His face was grim, but whether it was anger or determination, she couldn't tel .

  "I need help," she said.

  He leaned back. "I'm listening. "

  "A young man from my building on Uley is in trouble. "

  "How bad?"

  "He logged into the bionet where he was bitten by an AI defensive protocol. The protocol belonged to a security forces instal ation. He has been arrested. If he is deported, he will be kil ed on arrival to Uley. "

  "Would they real y kil him?" Ven asked.

  "Yes. They informed us that anyone who returned to the planet would be terminated. " She leaned forward. "He is a child, Ven. Barely eighteen. He has his whole life ahead of him. "

  "And this is important to you?"

  "Yes. His grandfather made sure that my mother didn't die alone in poverty. "

  Venturo's eyes were stil dark. "I can't cal to the security forces and demand they let him go. I need a reason. Can you claim that the boy is your relative?"

  She was an orphan, and Doreem would do anything to save his grandson. "Yes. "

  "Then there is a way we can quash the deportation.

  You would have to become a client of the Escana family. "

  She blinked.

  "As a client, you become an honorary kinsman and can't be deported. Neither can your family. As your patron, I would be expected to make the cal to security forces and demand the boy's release. " Venturo leaned forward, his arms on the desk. "The relationship between patron and client is complicated. The client serves the patron's family with devotion and loyalty. If the patron gives an order to the client, that order can't be refused, even if it costs the client his life. However, the patron, in turn, is obligated to use his influence and resources to take care of his client and assumes responsibility for the client's actions. Being a client is an honor. You're worth it. "

  He fell silent.

  Claire waited. There was more coming, she could feel it.

  "I dreamed about you last night," he said. "When I woke up, I had a moment of clarity. I realized why I've been trying to include you in things I like and hoping you might like them as well. I need to know where we stand. As a client, you can't be fired. You're not real y an employee - you receive a stipend from the family. You can't be deported. It would make certain things a lot easier. For example, if you want to reject an invitation from me, you could do so without. . . "

  "Venturo," she said softly.


  "What do I have to do to become a client?"

  "You would have to swear an oath linking you to the Escana family. And, of course, there is a mind link. "

  A wave of ice-cold fear washed over her. "A mind link?"

  "Becoming a client requires a demonstration of absolute trust and submission," Ven said. "A sacrifice must be made. If you were a fighter with combat enhancements becoming a member of a warrior family, you would submit to a thorough background check and then you would walk up to your patron, hand him a blade, and all ow him to stab you. You would do so without any move to defend yourself.

  We're psychers. We don't stab and we don't need background checks. We enter your mind and read it like an open book. "

  He would see. He would see everything.

  Claire sat stil , paralyzed.

  She had to act. Kosta could be loaded on a spaceship by now. He would not betray her. He would trust her to stand by him. She was his officer. She had taken him on that mission. She had a duty to him.

  "I understand that it's a huge commitment," Venturo said.

  "I want immunity. "

  "I'm sorry?" His eyes narrowed.

  "I want immunity," she repeated, her voice hoarse. "I don't want to be prosecuted for things you may see in my mind. "

  He grimaced. "In light of your exemplary service, I'm sure we can overlook the occasional theft of tea and cookies from the office. Everyone steals office supplies now and then. "


  He looked at her.

  "I want immunity. "

  Ven growled under his breath. "You drive me crazy, Claire. I take you to the house of my best friend, and you get upset. I offer you the highest honor a kinsman family can bestow on an outsider and you haggle with me like I'm trying to sel you apples at the market. Just what is it you're hiding in your mind?"

  "You will find out if you give me immunity. "

  He stared at her. Silence stretched.

  "Fuck it. I have to know now. You have your immunity. "

  She rose. "Come with me. "

  He fol owed her. They almost col ided with Lienne, as she opened the door of the office. Perfect.

  "Fol ow me, please," Claire said.

  Lienne arched her eyebrows. "What's going on?"

  "I have no clue," Ven said. "Just play along. "

  Claire led them down the hal way to the conference room. Charles and Tonya scrambled up at their approach.

  Doreem struggled to rise. Claire crouched by him. "Do you want to save your grandson?"

  "Yes," the old man breathed.

  "Then you must adopt me. Write me into the building rol . Right now. "

  Charles lifted Doreem to his feet. The Building Manager took his scrol -tablet from his bag and handed it to Tonya. She held it up. Claire knelt. Doreem placed his hand onto Claire's hair. "By the power invested in my by War Council, I formal y adopt Claire Shannon, Rank Captain, birth date of. . . "

  ". . . Two thousand seven hundred and twenty six standard," Claire murmured.

  ". . . two thousand seven hundred and twenty six standard into Nagi family as witnessed by these five witnesses. "

  Doreem pul ed the stylus out and careful y wrote her name into the Nagi family and passed the tablet to Charles.

  Charles signed, gave it to Tonya, then the tablet made the rounds to Lienne, Venturo, and final y Edu.

  Doreem examined signatures. "So witnessed. Rise, my daughter. "

  "Thank you. " Claire rose and faced Ven. "Kosta is my nephew. Please make the cal , patron. "

  Lienne's eyes widened. "Patron. . . Patron? "

  "I will explain later. " Ven took Claire by the hand.

  "Come on. You four go down to the security forces station to col ect the boy. "

  "Venturo!" Lienne yelled.

  "Later. " Ven kept a firm grip on her fingers and led her to his office. They stepped inside. He touched his desk.

  The glass wal s turned opaque, and the faint whoosh announced the activation of the sound barrier.

  Ven dialed the number on the digital projection on his desk. "Captain Alvarra. "

  A long moment dripped by.

  "Kinsman Escana," a male voice said. "What may I do for you?"

  "You've apprehended a boy, Kosta Nagi. He is a

  "You've apprehended a boy, Kosta Nagi. He is a nephew of my client, Claire Shannon Nagi. "

  "My apologies, kinsman. The boy bears our AI mark. "

  "He was playing on the bionet and stumbled into the wrong sector. I will be happy to pay t
he fine. "

  A number ignited in the corner of the screen. Fourteen thousand credits. More than a quarter of her yearly salary.

  Venturo flicked a stylus.

  "Thank you, kinsman. Shal I deliver the boy to his home address?"

  "No need. His grandfather is coming to pick him up.

  Thank you for your assistance. You have been most helpful. "

  "My honor, kinsman. "

  The screen went dark.

  So easy. It was so easy for him.

  Venturo looked at her. "Feel better?"

  "Yes. "

  "Rank Captain," he said.

  "Everyone must have a rank of some sort. " Claire desperately wanted to run away. The door was locked. She wouldn't get far in any case. Besides, she gave her word.

  "I will initiate the mind link now," he said. "I'll do all of the work. all you have to is relax. "

  "Can I have a minute?" She began dismantling the shel from the inside.

  "I'm afraid not. " His mind enveloped hers, slicing through her surface thoughts.

  Venturo's eyes widened. "What is this?"

  She put more pressure on the shel .

  "Open your mind, Claire. "

  "I'm trying. It takes time. "

  "I'm afraid I must insist. "

  His mind smashed into her shel . It cracked, caught between the pressure of their two minds. He pushed harder. The shel broke. Her mind soared free and she felt him surge through it, finding all of her secrets. He felt the raw grief of her team's death and the pain of the PPP. He saw the bionet, he saw the red cat, he saw himself as the beast on fire. He saw everything. She desperately tried to hide one tiny secret bit of self, the one fil ed with fantasies of him, with images of both of them, touching, kissing, making love, but he found it in a fraction of a second.

  They sat across from each other, her mind glowing, completely revealed.

  His jaw tightened. His mind was like a supernova, churning with anger and surprise.

  Venturo rose from behind his desk and walked out.

  Chapter Eight

  Claire went home. There was nothing else left to do.

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