Heart's Conquest; A Viking Romance

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Heart's Conquest; A Viking Romance Page 8

by Andromeda -

  As he turned around and left the forest, Rashida dropped to her knees. Her body was shaken, there was a tingling between her legs, but she felt…happy. What he did wasn’t bad; he didn’t do it against her will at all. Life with Alrik Henriksson was going to be very interesting.


  She tried to avoid him after that, but Alrik was crafty. He knew what times she went out to the forest to gather herbs, he knew which houses she went to to tend to the sick, and he even knew what time she would go to bed. When he found her, he pounced like a mountain lion, pressing her against whatever wall, tree or even table was near. His lips would attack and he would kiss her as if he was a starving man. His hand would go up her skirt to touch her sacred temple. When the passionate moments were over, it left her dizzy, her head spinning, her lips bruised and love bites on her neck.

  Alrik was proud of his work and he told her after every time she was his. He told her that this was only a taste of what he would give her should she come to his bed. He never did anything against her will, as Rashida didn’t exactly tell him to stop, and she’d be lying if she said that she didn’t want it. She’d be lying if she said that she didn’t secretly hope to see him.

  Kaya later explained to her that Alrik was only doing what their people were known for. When a man found a woman that he desired and wished to claim her as his wife, he would pursue her with unbridled passion. He was respective of her virginity, of course, as it was forbidden for them to go that far unless they were married, but that left a lot more for them to do.

  “I’m just surprised that you haven’t given in yet,” Kaya said one morning as they were drying meat.

  “I’m not going to give in at all,” Rashida said firmly.

  “Why?” Kaya asked with a laugh. “If I weren’t already claimed, I would give him a try.”

  For some reason, that irritated Rashida, and before she knew it, an invisible force yanked at Kaya’s hair, making the young woman yelp in pain.

  “Ow!” Kaya cried. “That hurt!”

  “Sorry,” Rashida apologized. “I didn’t mean it.”

  “No, you meant it,” Kaya chuckled as she rubbed her scalp. “You were upset when I mentioned taking Alrik from you.”

  “He’s not mine,” Rashida said. “So…So I don’t care what he does.”

  Kaya laughed. “Keep telling yourself that, my friend. Stop fighting your feelings. That man has loved you since he was a boy, and you have loved him since you were a girl. You two will share a bed together.”

  “You are dreaming,” Rashida said as she stood up.

  She walked to the river to clean her hands, but a splash made her look up. Alrik stood not far from her with several other young male warriors. They were play fighting, and Alrik’s pants were dangerously low on his hips. As he turned around, their eyes met and he smirked, while heat bloomed in her cheeks and she averted her gaze as quickly as she could. He walked over to her as she stood up to dry her hands on the front of her dress.

  “Like what you see?” he asked her smugly.

  Rashida forced herself to look him in the eyes. “Depends on what you are asking.”

  “You know what I’m asking,” he said, stepping closer.

  The water made his hair cling to his neck, and Rashida saw that he had tattoos on his neck that stretched out onto his back and circled his arms.

  “I’ve seen better,” she said with a smirk. She knew that those words would upset him, and they had the desired effect.

  Alrik frowned, a growl rumbled in his chest as he stepped close and grabbed her arms, holding her tight. “Whose body have you seen?” he demanded. “Tell me, and I will tear his eyes out and feed them to him!”

  “Acting jealous, are we?” she taunted him.

  “I am protecting what is mine!” he said firmly. “How many times must I tell you that you belong to me!”

  Anger flashed in Rashida’s eyes. “I belong to no man.”

  He smirked and cupped her chin. “You do to me.”

  He kissed her angrily, passionately, before he swept her into his arms and began to carry her into the river. Rashida, when she realized what he was doing, began to kick and wiggle. Anything to break his hold, but Alrik’s grip was iron tight. With a wicked smirk, he tossed her in.

  Rashida screamed as she felt nothing but air, then water that roared in her ears. She kicked her feet to swim to the surface, and when she got there, she was none too happy.

  “ALRIK!” she screamed. “I’M SOAKING WET!”

  Alrik smirked. “You are, are you? Maybe I can come and…help you dry off.”

  “Stay away from me!” she yelled and then smirked herself. “You want to play dirty? Fine then, let’s play.”

  She summoned her power. The water around her began to bubble and slowly, a geyser shot up. It molded itself to the shape of her hand. She laughed when she saw his dumbfounded face.

  “Are you alright, Alrik?” she laughed. “You seem a bit…out of it.”

  “How in the gods…” he began, but was cut off by the blasting of a horn.

  The watery-hand dropped to the ground as Rashida tilted her head to the side as if to listen to the wind.

  “Jarl Henrik is back,” she said. “And from the sound of all the shouting, victorious.”

  She began to walk back to the shore, though it was a bit hard because of her wet and soggy dress. The fabric was heavy, as she was a slave and couldn’t afford the finer fabrics that were lighter. Alrik followed and grabbed his shirt to pull over his head.

  “Let me help you,” he offered as he held out his hand.

  She didn’t want his help, but she had begun to slightly tire in her efforts to get out of the river. So, she took his hand, and he helped her out of the water. Her foot hit a rock and she gasped as she stumbled and fell into his arms. Alrik held her tightly, though when she lifted her head, they locked eyes. For a moment, they just looked at each other, not moving and hardly even breathing.

  “If you wanted to be in my arms, all you had to do is ask,” he chuckled.

  Heat burned in her cheeks and she pushed him away, trying to block out his laughter. “I have done no such thing!” she snapped.

  “Of course, you didn’t, Min kjæreste kattunge,” he chuckled.

  She blushed again. She knew what he had called her—a very strong word of endearment. One that only husbands and wives normally would use.

  “Do not…” she said slowly, “call me that.”

  “Why not?” he asked with a smirk. “Does that make you feel…uncomfortable?”

  “Very,” she said sharply.

  Alrik watched as she hurried away, a smile on his lips that was a mile long. He was wearing her down, he knew that. Though he knew that she wasn’t at her breaking point yet, he knew that she was almost there. Soon, she would be in his bed. Soon, she would be carrying his children. Soon, she would be his wife.


  Rashida, now freshly dried, stood in line with the other servants on the docks as they watched Henrik’s ship sail into the harbor. They stood in silence as the Jarl jumped out of his ship and walked to Gala. As he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the lips, the people around them cheered and clapped their hands in joy.

  “Our raid was successful!” he declared to those around him. “Look at the treasures we have brought back!”

  The ships began to be unloaded, and everyone watched with wide eyes as crates upon crates were brought to shore. Henrik wrapped his arm around Gala’s shoulders as they walked back into the home as the other servants followed. As she looked up at the crowd, Rashida caught a glance of Alrik’s face, but she quickly lowered her eyes.

  The servants in the kitchen were put to work as a great feast was to be prepared, and it all had to be done by the time the sun fell. A great number of chickens, goose, sheep, goats, boar and oxen were slaughtered to feed all who were going to attend the feast. The scent of blood grew so strong that Rashida had to step outs
ide to get some fresh air before she went back inside.

  They had to open many barrels of wine, mead and cider and pour it into smaller containers to make serving easier. They had to bake many kinds of breads and pies, pick fresh vegetables and fix several different kinds of desserts. Though she knew that she wasn’t supposed to, Rashida used her special abilities over fire, water, earth and air to help speed up the process. Thus, they could get everything done in half of the normal time it would have taken.

  They laid everything out on the table and then rushed to get themselves ready. They had to put on their best clothes, and as Rashida pulled on her gown, she found out that the strings were in the back. She always hated the gowns that were like this, and she struggled to reach behind her to get it. Strong hands suddenly gripped her shoulders, and when she turned around, she was shocked to see Alrik.

  “What are you doing here?” she hissed.

  “I knew you hadn’t moved chambers,” he said smugly. “So, I came to see you before the feast.”

  “Get out of my chambers!” she demanded. “Now!”

  He held up his hands. “I’m just here to help.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. Kaya wasn’t there, which was strange, and truthfully, she didn’t exactly want him to leave.

  “Fine,” she said sharply as she turned around.

  Alrik’s warm hands gently touched her back as he tied the strings of her gown.

  “You seem surprisingly good at this,” she said. “Have you practiced with other girls whom you’ve brought to your bed?”

  “Any fool can tie a knot,” he said, his breath hot on her neck. “And as for your statement, yes, I have brought women to my bed, but it was only in practice.”

  “Practice?” she repeated. “What were you practicing for?”

  “For you,” he said, his hand reached down and cupped one of her breasts. “I have learned so much about the female body…every kiss, every touch, every tease has all been from my lessons. I will share all that I’ve learned when you come to my bed.”

  “Don’t you mean if?” she asked, her throat dry.

  Alrik chuckled. “No, I mean when. You will come to my bed Rashida. And I swear to you now and before the gods, once you do, I am never, ever letting you out.”

  He let her go, grateful to see that he had rattled her.

  Good, he thought. So very…very good…


  Drunken laughter and bawdy jokes filled the Great Hall as the celebration feast carried well into the late hours of the night. Rashida and the other slave girls had to keep everyone’s drinking horns filled with whatever they wished, though she secretly wished they would switch to water soon as they all were going to wake up with terrible headaches in the morning.

  Alrik, though he talked and laughed with some of his old friends, kept a firm eye on her. Every now and then a man, too deep in his cup, would reach out and try and grope her, only to be punched in the face by Alrik himself. By the fourth and fifth time of this happening, Henrik, who had seen it all, summoned his eldest son to his side to talk.

  “You leave and come back a man,” Henrik said in approval. “Though why is my son attacking everyone who is giving that Egyptian slave girl attention?”

  “Her name is Rashida,” Alrik said. “And she is mine.”

  “Yours?” Henrik said in a mocking tone. “I did not know a man could place a claim upon a Seiðr.”

  Alrik mentally rolled his eyes. “Seiðr or not, she is mine, and I have been meaning to ask you something.”

  “Yes?” Henrik asked as he reached for a chicken quarter.

  “I want to buy her,” Alrik said. “How much do you want for her?”

  Henrik munched on the soft flesh of the bird, light grease covering parts of his beard. “I didn’t buy her, so I do not know.”

  “Then I shall ask Gala,” Alrik said, though the moment he said it, he almost knew the answer.

  There was no way that Gala was going to give her to him. Gala would keep Rashida only to spite him and his mother. She was an evil and wicked woman, but she held all the legal rights over Rashida, unless…

  “Then free her,” Alrik said.

  “Again, I have no control over the girl,” Henrik said. “Did you not listen to me?”

  “She saved your village,” Alrik said as he remembered to tales of what had happened. “She saved your wife and sons from a Jarl who tried to invade while you were gone.”

  Henrik turned to Gala, who was pretending that she wasn’t listening. “Is this true?” he asked.

  Gala turned light pink. “Yes…it is.”

  “Why did you not tell me?” he asked.

  “I…I did not think that it was important…” she stammered.

  “The girl saved our village, you and our sons, and you didn’t think to tell me?” Henrik asked, his bow furrowed in anger. “Did you at least reward her?”

  “Well…” Gala said weakly.

  Henrik stood up and banged his fist on the table to get everyone’s attention. The drunken laughter and loud stories fell silent.

  “It has come to my attention,” he began. “That this village was attacked while I was gone, and because of one person, we are sitting here today.”

  Everyone looked to Rashida, who blushed.

  “And it has also come to my attention,” Henrik continued. “That this person has not been rewarded. That cannot stand, am I right?”

  Everyone yelled in agreeance and banged their fists on the table.

  “And so,” Henrik said. “I shall reward this young woman, our Seiðr, with the best reward possible. She shall be freed and become one of us! Do you all agree?!”

  “YES!” everyone shouted.

  People clapped Rashida on the back and some women even hugged her. She smiled shyly at them and allowed the pitcher that she had in her hands to be removed, and for her body to be pushed forward to where Henrik and his family were sitting. A chair was brought, and she was placed between Henrik and his wife, something that Rashida knew Gala wasn’t happy about. A plate filled with food was placed before her, but she wasn’t sure if she should touch it.

  “My lord,” she whispered to Henrik. “I thank you for your help, but I was fine as a slave.”

  “No, you were not,” Henrik said. “You are a Seiðr. A slave is not your proper place. Besides, I am honor bound to reward you for saving my family.”

  “I thank you for that, my lord,” she said. “But my family is still enslaved. My brother and sister.”

  “They shall be freed with you,” he said. “And tomorrow morning, you will pack your things and move into a new home.”

  “A…A new home…my lord?” Rashida stammered.

  “Yes, a new home,” Henrik said with a nod. “I know of an abandoned farm that isn’t far from the village. You may have it.”

  “T…Thank you…my lord,” she gasped. “Thank you…thank you so much!”

  “No need to thank me,” Henrik chuckled. “Now eat! And drink!”

  Alrik watched as Rashida nervously lifted her goblet and drank from it before she turned to her food. She was a free woman now, and one that he could marry. He looked down at his hands where he held a mirror. It was made of beaten silver and polished for the owner to see their reflection. The top was carved into the shape of a bird with rubies for eyes and gold inlaid on the feet. It was beautiful, worthy of a queen, and he was going to give it to Rashida.

  Chapter Twelve: Freedom of Choices

  “This is our home?” Auset asked.

  Rashida lifted her head to look at the large building that was given to them by Henrik. “Yes, this is it. Why don’t we go inside?”

  Slowly, she opened the door, and when they stepped inside, their eyes widened. It was already furnished with everything that they might need, even a fire crackled in the hearth. Curiously, they explored their new homestead.

  It was much bigger than the home they had in Egypt; more than twice as big. Everyone had their own
sleeping chamber, with Rashida’s being the largest, a gathering room, a kitchen, a bathing chamber and a guest room. Outside in the barn, there were two oxen with a calf, three chickens, four ducks, five sheep and two goats. The fields, as the home sat on several acres of land, was ripe for planting and Rashida made a mental note to go into town and ask for help to begin the hard work. Also, inside of Rashida’s chamber, there were three large cases, one held gold coins, another held silver and the last one held bronze. There was a note from Henrik to ‘not spend it all at the market’ but to save.

  “What does this mean for us, Shida?” Auset asked her older sister.

  “It first means that we are free,” Rashida said. “And second, we can do virtually anything we want now.”

  “Can we play with the other children?” Auset asked.

  “Yes,” Rashida said with a smile.

  “Can I begin to train with the other warriors?” Nour asked.

  “If that is your wish,” Rashida said with a nod. “But first, let us get settled, then let us see what we can do.”

  Her siblings nodded and rushed inside, exploring more of their new surroundings. Rashida sighed softly at the sight of them and then smiled. This was going to be a new start for them. Egypt…Egypt was long gone, and there wasn’t any way to get back. She had to look to the future now. She had to embrace what was to come.


  The days that followed were surprisingly easy for them. Rashida went to the village to hire people to help with farming, and many men and women came to help. Kaya and Sven came to visit many times whenever they could get away from their duties.

  “This is amazing,” Kaya said as she explored the home with her brother at the guide of Rashida. “And Lord Henrik gave this to you?”

  Rashida nodded. “Yes, he did. As well as the barn and several acres of land. But I don’t know what I’m going to do with all of it.”

  Sven smiled. “You’ll think of something, you’re a very smart woman.”

  Rashida blushed and nervously tucked some hair behind her ear before she turned to Kaya. “How have things been in the Jarl’s home?”


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