by L. A. Miller
Ethan grinned. “While I don’t approve of his actions he was right. You shouldn’t be going by yourself.”
“Because of how it looks?”
“No, you shouldn’t go because of what may happen. You had one day of training with us and while I do believe you could hold your own in a fair fight, men like Ashton don’t fight fair. If he can’t seduce you with his charms he won’t try to force you, he might get his pretty face damaged. He’s more the type to slip you something in your drink.”
“But Tristan and Alexis would be with me; surely he wouldn’t try something so devious with them present.”
“Possibly….but then children can easily be diverted. Bailey if you are insistent on going then let me or one of my brothers go with you.”
Chapter 38
Beckett waited at the terminal for Macy’s plane to taxi in. She had already sent him several texts outlining what she planned to do the moment they were alone together. There had been a time in his life when he would have waited for her eagerly pulling her into the first empty closet they found so he could enjoy what she promised. Now he found himself repulsed by the very thought of her. As the passengers began to disembark he wondered when things had changed between him and Macy. As she approached him with her perfect smile he noticed the way men’s heads turned. At one time he found pleasure in their envy knowing she would be going home with him. Now as she walked towards him he noticed, the smile wasn’t real, it didn’t reach her eyes. Her makeup was carefully applied to hide the first signs of aging. Her clothes perfectly tailored to enhance her assets also covered the signs of her bulimia. Suddenly he saw what the make-up artists and airbrushing covered. For the price of her vanity she was slowly killing herself.
As Macy approached she seemed to notice something different in the way he looked at her. Removing her sunglasses she narrowed her eyes as she studied him. Beckett had no intention of having their conversation in the middle of the airport so when she leaned up to kiss him he responded. Macy pulled back again to study his face and a frown appeared.
“You’re not happy to see me.” She said as she stepped back.
“Of course I am.” He said taking her arm and leading her away for the throng of people hugging and kissing the new arrivals. “How was your flight?”
“Lonely.” She said seductively as she looked up at him.
Beckett noticed the way her eyes were only half open and she pouted like a small child who hadn’t gotten their way yet. The more he looked at her the more he began to wonder what he ever saw in her. When he led her down the escalator to baggage claim instead of looking for an empty office she turned to face him.
“So your little fiancé seems to have gotten under your skin.”
Beckett frowned as he looked at her. “What are you talking about?”
“I know you remember. You’re distant as if you want to be somewhere else, far away from me.” She said reading his expression. Then she laughed. “You’re falling for this girl!”
“My relationship with Bailey is not up for discussion.” He said narrowing his eyes.
“All our relationships are up for discussion remember. You and I are alike, we stray to those we find interesting but once the newness wares off we come back to each other.”
“This is different.” He said.
“No it’s not.” She smiled as if she knew something he didn’t. “The only difference is this girl is a challenge because unlike you other conquests she isn’t pursuing you. You think I didn’t do my homework? The minute I was offered that job in Europe I got suspicious, had a friend look into a few things. Tell me Beckett, why would her grandmother pull strings to get me that job?” When Beckett looked at her surprised she laughed. “You didn’t know did you? Regina Montgomery is trying to keep me away so you will fall for her granddaughter’s charms. I have to say the little innocent game was a nice touch. Oh and the attacks on her bringing out your protective side was good.”
“Macy…you don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said but in the back of his mind a doubt began to form. Was this who thing a set up. Why? To get him to break the contract?
“Really.” She smiled seeing his doubt. “Why is it than that both of the men that attacked her are now sitting comfortably in one of Montgomery homes in Virginia.”
Beckett felt the rug pull out from beneath him. He kept the mask up to prevent Macy from seeing her words had stunned him. Was it possible both attacks were staged? He thought about the bruises on Bailey’s body and the fear in her eyes. The beatings both men took when they were caught. Was all of it an elaborate charade to get Beckett to fall for Bailey and succumb to his desire? As the carriage began moving and the suitcases started coming out he thought about the time Bailey had tried to seduce him. They barely knew each other and for someone who supposedly had put her personal life on hold for her family she seemed to be only too willing to jump into his bed. She had said she had taken acting in school. The more he thought about it, given the history of the family themselves the more Macys story made sense. He was too deep in thought to see the Macy smile at her success. When he did look up at her the smile had been replaced with sympathy and understanding.
“Beckett….they wanted to play you for a fool….you have been manipulated since the moment you met with Regina Montgomery.”
Beckett didn’t want to believe it. Images of Bailey and the moments they shared filled his memory. Now though with Macy’s words he looked at them in a new light. No one could be that innocent, that unselfish. He had played right into their hands from the moment he walked into Regina’s home. Suddenly a new determination overtook him as he began to formulate a plan. Macy’s bags appeared and stepping forward he pulled them from the carousel then turned to her.
“Look Macy….I need to go to the office before we go to your hotel, do you mind?” He asked.
“No, of course not, I’d like to see it.” She said smiling satisfied she had succeeded.
Beckett held both her bags as she slid her arm through his and allowed him to lead her out of the terminal. After loading her bags in the trunk he pulled her into his arms taking attacking her mouth with his. She leaned into him, her familiar hands roaming his body as her tongue spared with his. He frowned tasting the mint on her tongue, a reminder she had probably purged her last meal on the plane. When her body molded to his he felt the sharp angles of her hip and rib bones beneath his hands. He longed for Baileys taste and the feel of her soft curves instead. Angry now at his presumed betrayal he plundered Macys mouth trying to drive the memory of Bailey from his mind. When he pulled back Macy was breathless from the kiss. He was frustrated because he hadn’t succeeded.
“Wow.” Macy said smiling. “I’m not sure I can wait till we get back to the hotel.”
Beckett looked around searching for a place to relieve his pent up anger. Seeing an open janitor’s room he grabbed Macys hand and pulled her towards it. Once inside he pulled the door shut and turned to her. He pinned her against the wall and as his mouth took hers his hands roamed her body. Macy’s hands expertly moved to remove his jacket. Instead of undoing the buttons on his shirt she ripped it open sending buttons flying around the room. Beckett’s mouth moved to her neck and she moaned in pleasure as his hand slid up her skirt to find the soft patch between her legs. She wore no underwear and had already pleased herself once on the plane with the man who had been seated next to her. Her fingers now fumbled with his pants as he drove his fingers inside her. Beckett felt her juices drip as he thrust first one than two fingers inside her. Despite her efforts to free him he ignored his needs now added a third finger to his action. He pumped in and out harder and deeper as he went. Macy dug her nails into his bare shoulders as the pleasure inside her began to build. She was ready, primed to accept his full length insider her. He lifted her then and closing his eyes he hesitated. The feel of her hip bones in his hand, the wanton pain as she dug her nails into his back drawing blood in frustration, the sound of her voice as
she begged him.
“Fuck me Beckett.” She called out. “Ride me like the stallion you are.”
This wasn’t what he wanted. He put her down and she looked up at him first confused then angry. Her anger was then replaced by determination as she took his length in her hand kneeling now intent on taking him into her mouth.
“No.” He said pushing her away.
Macy ignored his request and still holding him she began to stroke the length of his shaft. She leaned in and took him in her mouth expertly licking the length. When she pulled back she licked the tip and smiled satisfied as it jumped in response. She was about to take him in her mouth again when Beckett grabbed her shoulders pulling her to her feet. She smiled satisfied for a moment till he pushed her back again. The look on his face and the rejection in his eyes brought her anger to the surface. Beckett grabbed his shirt and jacket from the floor. He put his shirt on but he was unable to button it do to the damage done when she ripped it. He pulled up his pants tucking the shirt and his member away then slid into the jacket. Macy had just stood there staring at him as if he was insane. Suddenly her anger erupted.
“You bastard.” She said as she began to fix her clothes. “You could have had me.”
Beckett looked at her and knew no matter what game Bailey was playing he didn’t want Macy. He ignored her now as he opened the door and walked back to his car. He waited till she joined him and the sound of her heels stomping in his direction echoed in the garage. She stood glaring at him across the hood.
“Take me to my hotel.” She demanded before sliding into the passenger side.
Beckett sighed then got in and started the engine. The ride to her hotel was done in silence and when he pulled up he popped the hood as a valet approached to retrieve her bags. She sat there for a moment staring at him.
“Don’t call me.” Was all she said as she climbed out of the car.
When she slammed the door Beckett couldn’t help but turn to watch as she marched up towards the entrance followed by the valet. He hadn’t realized he had been holding his breath and let it out slowly relieved there hadn’t been a bigger scene. Gripping the wheel he pulled away and headed for the office. He wasn’t ready to go back to the estate and face Bailey knowing now what he thought he did. He needed to come up with a plan, one that would beat them at their own game. First order of business was to call up an old friend to do some background work. When he got to the office he was relieved to find it empty. As was his habit he always kept spare clothes in his office, usually another suit and a set of workout clothes. Before changing he fired up his laptop and sat down to send an email off to his old friend from college. Kevin Richardson had majored in criminal law and after graduating took a position with the FBI. They had remained friends over the years and on occasion Beckett had utilized his resources when investigating either a new recruit or the best angle in his business dealings. It had been Kevin who had provided him with the information needed to approach Regina with his deal. He had originally sent Kevin an email to looking into Bailey’s background hoping to find out the location of Jackson McCallin. From what Beckett had learned from Bailey Jackson had once been a threat and he had no intention of allowing him to be one in the future. He has also requested Kevin keep tabs on both Jasper and Rhett’s location. The last time he had checked his email Kevin had located Jackson working at his father’s firm in Los Angeles. There had been several incidents within the office but the females involved had refused to press charges. At that time Jasper had not shown up but with the recent departure of Rhett Kevin had now responded.
Location of your inquiry
From: Kevin Richardson
To: B. Birmingham @
Hey Beck, sorry for delay, got sidetracked on a case. Both Jasper Montgomery and Rhett Langston are currently residing with Jaspers uncle in Charleston, West Virginia. My contact states the aunt is not too pleased so their visit may be short. Will keep tabs on both and if any movement will notify you directly. No changed in Jackson McCallin status. There are rumors inside that his father is considering sending off to a satellite office as punishment but location and time frame at this time unknown.
As for your inquiry regarding Social Services, the complaint came from Judith Pleasanton; her child was in the same class as Alexis and seems the two had a run in when Alexis gave him a black eye in school. Snooty bitch that seems to meddle in everyone else’s affairs. Hope this eases your mind about Regina Montgomery, seems she really was trying to help.
Matt Driscoll owns a cleaning company based out of Orange County. He attended same high school with Bailey and near as I can tell they were an item. She was employed by him part time but they also had a relationship outside the work place. He was a constant companion and on more than one occasion she spent her vacations at his parents place in Aspen. Seems you were right he had planned on marrying her, purchased a ring and recently put a down payment on a five bedroom home near the kid’s school. House is currently in escrow. Seems he went a little crazy with worry when she disappeared but my sources say she has been in contact with him recently. Rumor is he is thinking of relocating so if you’re serious about this girl you may have competition soon, may I suggest roses!
Need anything else let me know.
Beckett thought about what he read for a moment with the doubts from Macy still fresh in his mind. Though Kevin response should have settled his mind he still had a few questions. He needed Kevin to keep him updated now on Matts where about as well. Bailey had admitted feelings for Matt and had told him things might have been different between them if she hadn’t had the pressure of raising Tristan and Alexis. Matt was obviously in love with her and if she had taken the kids to his parent’s house for vacations it was obvious she had considered a future with him. He wondered now just what had been the sleeping arrangements. He needed more information about their relationship. He needed to know if Bailey was who she said she was or was she playing him the fool like Macy insisted. He sent off a reply to Kevin.
Location of your inquiry reply
From: Beckett Birmingham
To: KRichardson @
Thanks for the info. Keep me up to date on whereabouts of all four of our men. Need to you to do more digging into Bailey and Matts relationship. Need also to dig deeper into her personal history, financial status, any contact prior to the last few weeks with any member of her family. Need you also to look into past allegations where Jasper and Rhett are concerned. Want details. I know as always you will be discreet and I appreciate it.
Will keep your advice in mind and keep the holidays open this year. Mother expects you to come with your latest love for Christmas.
He hit the send button then shut down his computer. Standing now he grabbed his workout clothes intent on hitting the gym before he went back to the estate. He needed to mull over everything before he faced Bailey again. Beckett hadn’t heard anyone enter the office and had just removed his shirt when he heard her gasp. Turning he saw Bailey standing in the doorway of his office with Ethan glaring behind him. Her face was pale and there was no mistaking the hurt in her eyes.
“What are you doing here?” He asked grabbing his T-shirt from the chair. He pulled it over his head as he continued with a hint of accusation in his voice. “I thought you were going to Ashton’s home?”
“We are, I just forgot something in my office and Ethan was kind enough to stop.” She said scanning the room as if looking for someone.
Beckett suddenly realized she had seen the fresh scratch marks on his back and by her reaction has assumed the worst. Part of him felt the need to explain but the other half, the one with the fresh doubts Macy had planted was pleased by what she thought. This was the part that allowed her to go to her office and then quietly leave with Ethan. What right did she have to be upset with him when she was going off to another man’s home? He finished dressing, hung his suit back up and gra
bbed the damaged shirt as he left the office. When he reached the parking lot he found it empty and this only fueled his anger as he pictured her with Ashton, laughing at his jokes, enjoying his company and encouraging his attention. He thought about Ethan’s expression just before he turned and his anger increased. What right did his brother have to judge him? Ethan was taking her to spend the afternoon with another man. He hadn’t done anything to deserve any accusations. He had taken Macy to the hotel, ended things as planned. Ok so things got heated in the parking lot but he had stopped it. It hadn’t been easy, she was an expert where his body was concerned and his anger at her revelation cried for satisfaction. He could have easily used her body. She wanted the heated sex they would have had. He would have used her body and it would have been brutal. Leaning against his hood he considered what might have happened. Macy had driven him to anger and doubt. She knew what his reaction would be and as in the past their sex would have been primal. As he thought over the past few years there had never been a gently moment between them when they had sex. It had always been raw and at times almost violent. Macy liked it rough and insisted he take it to a level that made him uncomfortable. As he thought now about Bailey he realized that while their attraction was intense and at times uncontrollable there had also been tenderness to it.
Beckett was confused now more than ever. Was this all part of an elaborate game Regina was orchestrating? Was his doubt in Bailey because he feared his true feelings ran deeper than physical desire? He had seen the hurt expression on her face when she stood in the doorway. Was it an act for the benefit of his brother or was it truly real? What of her relationship with Matt, did she still harbor feelings for him? He needed answers before he could decide his next step.
Chapter 39
When Bailey had seen Beckett’s car in the parking lot she had been surprised. She knew he had gone to the airport to pick up Macy and assuming the worst figured they would go back to her hotel. When she entered the building she remained quiet listening for voices to see if he was alone. Ethan had come with her planning on grabbing a few folders while the kids waited in the car. Movement from his office drew her to his door and when she peered in she froze as the color drained from her face. Beckett stood there with his back to her. Fresh scratch marks ran across both of his shoulder blades evidence of his recent dalliance. She couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her lips as she searched the room fearing a half-naked Macy would suddenly appear. Beckett had turned his eyes narrowed in anger as he looked first at her than his brother who now stood behind her.