Lottie Dolls

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by Lucie Braveheart

  ‘Your paw is hurt!’ said Lottie. ‘It’s OK. I’ve got you now.’

  Carefully, she put Pandora in the front of her coat and made her way back down to the ground.

  Biscuit jumped up to greet them and barked. Pandora purred inside Lottie’s coat.

  Lottie ran back to the house with the torch, took off her wellies and locked the back door behind her. She put Pandora down next to Biscuit’s bowls and filled them with water and dog food. Pandora ate it all up! And Biscuit didn’t seem to mind sharing.

  Lottie took both animals up to her bedroom. The three of them all snuggled up together. Within minutes they were fast asleep.


  A Surprise for Mia

  Lottie’s parents were shocked when she came down to breakfast with Biscuit and Pandora.

  ‘Where on earth did she come from?’ asked Mum.

  Lottie hugged the cat tightly. ‘I found her last night … in a tree at the bottom of the garden.’

  ‘Lottie!’ Her dad frowned. ‘We told you not to go out again.’

  ‘I’m sorry. I was just so worried about Pandora! And look, her paw is hurt, and she was stuck up the tree!’

  Mum shook her head. ‘It’s good that you found Pandora, but you should have asked us for help. Don’t go out on your own at night again.’

  ‘I’m really sorry. I won’t do it again, I promise,’ said Lottie.

  Dad took Pandora from Lottie and gave the cat a hug. ‘You’ll have to apologize to Cassie for leaving the cattery door open, too. I’ll ask her to come and check on Pandora now. Perhaps she can even bring the kittens.’

  Lottie wolfed down her toast and got dressed in record time. She came downstairs again as Cassie was coming in with Finn and the kittens.

  In their kitchen, Cassie bandaged Pandora’s hurt paw.

  ‘I was so rushed off my feet, I didn’t have time to examine her when she came in. I would have noticed she was pregnant! Luckily the kittens are all fine and Pandora’s paw will heal well, too,’ Cassie said. ‘Pandora’s owners arrived on the ferry this morning. They’re on their way here now.’

  The doorbell rang and Mia and her mum arrived.

  ‘Are the kittens here?’ said Mia. ‘I can’t wait to see them again!’

  Mia, Finn, Lottie and Sophia all had a last cuddle with the kittens.

  The doorbell rang once more and a kind-looking elderly couple introduced themselves. ‘I’m Camilla and this is George,’ said the lady. ‘Thank you so much for finding our precious Pandora!’

  Pandora saw Camilla and purred happily. Lottie was thrilled that Pandora was back with her owners and that everyone was happy – but there was something she needed to say.

  Lottie took a deep breath and turned to Cassie. ‘I’m so sorry for leaving the door open and letting Pandora escape. I should have said something to Jill straight away. How can I make it up to you?’

  Cassie looked serious. ‘Thanks for saying sorry, Lottie. If you really want to make it up to us, you could come and help clean the cattery next weekend.’

  ‘Of course!’ said Lottie. ‘Thank you. I really am sorry.’

  Then George said, ‘Well, Lottie, you did lose Pandora, but you found her, too – twice!’

  Now everyone laughed.

  Lottie sighed with relief. She felt much better for telling the truth.

  ‘I don’t know what we’ll do with the kittens,’ George said. ‘We didn’t even know Pandora was expecting.’

  ‘They’re beautiful. I’ll be sorry to see them go,’ said Cassie.

  ‘Me too,’ said Lottie.

  ‘Me three!’ said Mia.

  Camilla stroked a kitten. ‘Would you all like to keep one, as a thank-you for finding Pandora?’

  Finn replied first. ‘Thank you, but I have enough animals at home, on the farm.’

  ‘And we already have a pet,’ said Lottie, cuddling Biscuit.

  Mia’s eyes were open wide. ‘Could I have one, please?’ She turned to her mum. ‘Can I?’

  Mia’s mum smiled. ‘You can have one as an early birthday present,’ she said.

  Mia squealed in delight. Then she paused. ‘I can’t take it yet, though. Kittens need to stay with their mothers for at least eight weeks after they are born.’

  Cassie was impressed. ‘That’s right, Mia! You obviously know how to look after cats.’

  ‘We’re coming back to the island in a couple of months,’ said Camilla. ‘Why don’t we bring a kitten back for you then?’ Mia was so happy that she gave Camilla a hug. Then she hugged her mum. Then everyone was hugging, and cuddling the kittens, too!

  When everyone had gone, Lottie carefully packed Gam’s ghungroo bells back in the suitcase in the attic. Then she pulled out her Adventure Journal, and started to write.

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  First published 2017

  Written by Rebecca Lewis-Oakes

  With thanks to Liss Norton

  Illustrated by Helen Smith

  Cover illustration by Faye Yong

  Text and illustrations copyright © Arklu Limited, 2017

  © 2012 Arklu Limited. Lottie is a trademark of Arklu Limited.

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 978–0–141–38902–8

  All correspondence to:

  Puffin Books

  Penguin Random House Children’s

  80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL



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