Tracker (Outcasts Book 3)

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Tracker (Outcasts Book 3) Page 12

by Cyndi Friberg

  “We need a safe way to sedate a battle cat cub if and when we lose control of her,” Sara explained.

  “How large is this cub?”

  “Between fifteen and twenty pounds,” Sara said.

  “It needs to be a dart or something similar,” Xorran warned. “If the cub goes off, it won’t be safe to be near her.”

  “Understood.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, then rubbed his eyes. “I have several medications that are used on Earth’s big cats. I’ve never treated a karron before, but I’ve acquired quite a sampling of other animals from this planet and most are very similar to Earth’s fauna. Anything we try will be experimental. However, my primary choice is frequently used by veterinarians on multiple worlds because it’s tolerated well by a wide variety of animals.”

  Sara looked at Xorran, concern clear in her gaze. “Maybe we should just—”

  “We’re not even going to attempt this unless we have a way to interrupt a temper tantrum. She’s scared and still very young. That’s a dangerous combination.”

  “I know, but he said experimental. I don’t want to do anything that could hurt her.”

  Dr. Foran reached out and carefully patted her hand. “I’ll do everything in my power to minimize the risk, but I agree with Xorran. Karrons are predators. They’re unpredictable. You cannot expect them to behave well all the time.”

  With a heavy sigh, Sara gave in. “I guess I don’t have a choice but to trust you. How long will it take to synthesize?”

  “I have the drug in stock. The problem is delivery. Prisoners are sometimes darted, but I don’t think we have anything like that aboard any of the ships in the Wheel. Let me make some coms. If I can’t locate a dart gun, I’ll have my programmer print one.” Foran scratched his chin and sighed. “This could take some time.”

  “Are you talking hours or days?” Xorran asked.

  “Hopefully hours. Worst case scenario, tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Thank you,” Sara said, though she was clearly disappointed with the outcome.

  Dr. Foran just nodded, then returned to the chaos that was main medical.

  “Two or three hours,” Xorran muttered as they left the clinic. “However will we kill that much time?” He looked at her and allowed desire to ignite in his gaze.

  “Actually, I’m kind of hungry.” She batted her eyes in mock innocence.

  He chuckled as he threaded his fingers through hers. “My thoughts exactly.”

  Chapter Six

  They were already in each other’s arms when the door to Xorran’s cabin slid closed.

  “We shouldn’t do this,” Sara whispered in between feverish kisses. Her doubts were still real, but her body didn’t seem to care. All their teasing touches and hungry stares—not to mention the close call in the storeroom—had made this almost inevitable. And she was as guilty as he. She was finished pretending she didn’t want him. It was pointless and dishonest. Still... “I’m not ready to be claimed.” She pushed on his chest hard enough to get his attention.

  He loosened his grip and eased back without letting her go. “I won’t claim you until you want this as much as I do.” His phitons glowed with amethyst fire and need hardened his features. “Let me show you what I’m offering. How can you choose if you don’t really understand?”

  That made sense. Or was it just an excuse for having sex with him? “I thought the link was permanent.”

  “A soul bond is. I’m talking about a transfer link. We could share emotions, even memories, but the connection can be dissolved.”

  He was easily the most attractive male she’d ever encountered, and it wasn’t just his looks. He was strong and protective, without being a possessive jerk. They’d talked for hours without feeling awkward. If what he told her was true, he was everything she’d hoped for in a mate and then some. So why were they still talking? “This isn’t a trick, a way to—”

  “I would never take advantage of you like that.” He tensed, lowering his arms. “Even to wonder about it questions my honor. I will protect you with my life. I will do nothing to cause you harm, ever!”

  Rather than apologize for insulting him, she rolled up onto her toes and drew his head down to hers. Their mouths fit together, lips caressing as they gradually parted. He swept her up into his arms, then he took control of the kiss. She looped her arms around his neck, happily following his lead. He took a step then stopped, apparently lost in the kiss. Their lips clung while their tongues slid and curled, moving from her mouth to his and back.

  When they were both breathless and needy, he started walking again. He broke away briefly and she looked around, noticing her surroundings for the first time. His cabin was at least twice the size of hers, and she had to share the space with others. His bedroom was separate from the main living area, and there was only one bunk, though it was wide enough for two.

  “Officer perks?” she asked with an upraised brow.

  He smiled. “There are no ‘officers’ among the Outcasts. The overlord assigned me this cabin because of my need for meditation and my ability to assist others.”

  “You meditate? When and why?” She knew so little about him. Everything he shared was another piece to the Xorran puzzle. She was eager to know more.

  “Most mornings and any time I can’t afford to be distracted. Tracking requires enormous concentration.” He set her down beside the bed and reached immediately for the seam release tucked inside her collar.

  She pushed his hand away and motioned toward his uniform. “You’ve already seen me. I want to see you.”

  He started to protest, then shrugged. “As my lady commands,” he grumbled, bending to tug off his boots.

  Following his example, she toed off her shoes as she asked, “Have you ever tracked down someone who was in real trouble?”

  “Like Heather?” Shame and frustration sparked within his dark gaze.

  “She doesn’t count because elves are involved. I’m convinced they can do magic.”

  “Advanced technology is often mistaken for magic,” he reminded as he took off his shirt. “We have shields that render our ships undetectable. Some can even appear to be other ships. I think the Sarronti are using a similar technology to mask the entrances to their lair.”

  She wiggled out of her pants and opened the front of her uniform top, but didn’t take it off. “Can you track objects or just people?”

  “I’m much more accurate with people, but I can do both.” He stepped out of his pants and stood before her naked, clearly unashamed of his body. But then why would he be? He was lean and muscular from head to toe. “Why all the questions?”

  Her appreciative gaze swept the length of his impressive form, lingering on the most interesting areas before returning to his face. “I want to know you before I sleep with you.”

  He moved closer, his gaze intense and bright. “Forming a transfer link will reveal me more completely than all the conversation in the universe. My answers could be lies, or exaggerations. The link will allow you to find the answers for yourself.”

  “And you’ll be able to look into my mind too?” Did she want that? She didn’t have any deep, dark secrets, but he’d feel how close she was to giving in. Could she trust him not to exploit the fact? “I’m not sure I’m ready for that.”

  He sighed, but his voice remained patient. “I can scan your mind whenever I like. I choose not to because I want to earn your trust. If you don’t want me in your mind, that’s all you need to say.”

  She would never know if she could trust him until she gave him a chance to prove himself. He’d been nothing but helpful and protective so far. Besides, what did she have to lose?

  After a quick pause, she decided, “I have nothing to hide. I already told you my concerns.” To make sure he understood, she shrugged out of the shirt and placed her hands on his chest. All she’d meant to do was demonstrate her surrender, but an electric pulse arced between them. Her fingers tingled and heat cascaded through her body, magnifying th
e ache between her thighs. She slid her hands up to his shoulders, then slowly ran them down his arms, pausing to explore the dramatically contoured muscles along the way. “Your body is sinful,” she whispered.

  His only response was a throaty chuckle as he tried to pull her closer.

  “Not yet.” She looked at him and added, “Please. Last night was your turn. Now it’s mine.”

  He raised his hands in surrender, then lowered his arms and just stood there, letting her touch him.

  She ran her hands eagerly over every inch of his well-toned body, avoiding his sex until she’d explored everywhere else. She knew all the Outcasts were like this, muscular and tall. They were mercenaries, and war required strength and endurance. But Xorran was hers, hers to touch however she liked, hers to bond with and love. If she could ever decide being mated was what she wanted. The temptation had never been so inviting.

  She swallowed hard and finally wrapped her fingers around his cock. Like the rest of him, his shaft was long and hard. She stroked him from base to tip, fascinated by the contrast of soft skin over rock-hard flesh. “I want to taste you.” Without waiting for his reply, she sank to her knees and guided him to her mouth.

  A harsh groan escaped his throat as she took him deeper and deeper. He pushed his fingers into her hair, but didn’t try to control her. She needed to learn his taste, smell and textures, and he seemed to understand. She took her time, caressing him with her tongue while she slid her lips up and down his length. He bumped the back of her mouth and she still couldn’t take all of him. She quickly wrapped her fingers around his base and stroked the portion that didn’t fit inside her mouth.

  She couldn’t wait to join with him. He’d fill her, stretch her like never before. She shivered at the thought and bobbed her head faster, desperate to watch him lose control.

  He only allowed her play for a few minutes before he pulled her to her feet.

  “I wasn’t finished,” she protested breathlessly.

  “Next time,” he dismissed. “I want to come together.”

  It was damn hard to argue with that, so she pulled down the covers and crawled onto the bed. He joined her, moving immediately to kneel between her thighs. He paused for a slow, deep kiss, then found her entrance and pushed inside.

  She was soaking wet and seriously turned on, but the fullness still made her gasp. “Damn,” she whispered, a bit of her arousal receding.

  He didn’t try to move. Instead, he stayed deep inside her and continued their kisses.

  She concentrated on the sensual slide of his tongue and the soft press of his lips. She was tensing and she wasn’t sure why.

  That wasn’t true. She knew why, she just didn’t want to ruin this with insecurities and frustration.

  Wrapping both arms around her, he rolled them to their sides. Then he drew her leg up to his waist, keeping himself deep inside her. “Talk to me, love. What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to share pleasure.”

  “I do. I’m sorry. I just...”

  He gently tilted her face until their gazes met. “You just?”

  “I met you yesterday and already I’m in bed with you. This isn’t like me. It’s happening way too fast.”

  His gaze searched hers, then he started to pull out.

  She gasped and dug in her heel. “Don’t! Please, don’t. I want to share pleasure with you. In fact, that’s why I’m freaking out. I shouldn’t want you this badly.”

  He caressed her back, keeping her snug against his body. “There is no reason for your fear. I would never hurt you. Close your eyes.” He kissed each eyelid, making sure she obeyed. “I’m going to form the transfer link. I’ll try to be quick, but it might sting a little.”

  That was all the warning she got before a sharp sting burst deep inside her brain. The sensation was enough to make her gasp, but it faded quickly. Then feelings and sensations flowed into her mind, expanding reality in a way she’d never experienced before. Warmth and affection surrounded her like a blanket, yet she could sense fierce determination and protectiveness too. She’d heard this described by her friends who had bonded, but no one could really understand until they felt it for themselves.

  Her breasts pressed against his chest. He was warm and solid. Now she also felt her softer body from his point of view. To him, she seemed tiny, fragile. She’d never thought of herself that way. Their legs entwined and her inner walls snugly encased his shaft. It was intoxicating and slightly disorienting to sense everything all at once.

  Slowly tuning out the physical sensations, she concentrated on the emotions curling and twisting through her mind. His arousal was tightly leashed. Despite his body’s urgent demands, he was determined to give her all the time she needed to accept what she was feeling. His selflessness soothed her, melted her inhibitions.

  Xorran wasn’t interested in a few hours of mutual pleasure. He was desperate to claim her. Winning her heart, her trust, was literally the most important thing in his universe.

  Humbled by the realization, she relaxed in his arms. There was no pretending, no way to lie. She literally felt what he felt. “This is amazing.”

  He rewarded her with more soft kisses while desire and tenderness flowed across their link. “How does this work for you?”

  His hips drew back, then he thrust back into her wet core. “Like that.”

  “No. The link. Do I need to do something to let you in?”

  He stilled, his gaze dark and searching. “Do you want me in your mind?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I want this to be interactive.”

  Clearly pleased with her decision, he smiled from ear to ear. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  Suddenly, he swept her beneath him and drew her arms over her head, intertwining their fingers. His gaze never broke contact with hers as he drew back until only his tip remained inside her.

  She held her breath, unable to move, barely able to think. There was no need for words. She felt his hunger and the driving urgency of his desire. He controlled his body through sheer force of will, determined to make this good for her. She’d never experienced anything like it, never imagined that she could inspire such feelings in another person.

  Finally, he started moving in earnest, filling her with slow, deep strokes. She drew her legs up along his sides, offering herself completely. His need escalated along with his movements, but tenderness threaded through even his most demanding need. Already he cared for her deeply. It didn’t make sense from a human perspective. She didn’t believe in love at first sight, but it was impossible to ignore what she felt, what he felt for her.

  Sensations coursed through her body, surging like blood through her veins. She was so lost in the pleasure she barely registered his presence in her mind. His movements were light and careful, meticulously controlled. She didn’t resist him, didn’t try to withhold any area of her past. She wanted him to know her as well as she was starting to know him.

  His hips pumped faster as he released her hands. He angled one arm beneath her neck, supporting himself on his forearm and knees. Then he slipped his free hand between their bodies and found her clit with his thumb. She gasped, arching into his next thrust.

  “That’s right, angel. Come for me. I want to feel you come.”

  The whispered command was so damn sexy, it sent a jolt of sensation straight to her core. Her inner muscles tightened rhythmically and suddenly—almost spontaneously—she was coming. Pleasure pulsed through her body, dragging a startled cry from her mouth. He pushed the pleasure higher with his thumb, drawing every last spasm from her before he shifted positions again.

  He rocked back onto his knees, and grasped her hips with both hands, lifting her as he drove forward. She found the mattress with her heels and arched into each of his forceful thrusts. They collided, lost together in the gathering storm. The slap of flesh against flesh echoed in the cabin, a sexual rhythm track, accompanied by their gasps and moans.

  His energy blazed in her mind, consuming reality. All s
he saw was him. All she felt was the pleasure they shared. He took her with possessive fervor, and she reveled in the intensity. One thing became clear in that moment. Xorran was in love with her.

  The end came suddenly, bursting through her like a sonic boom. She arched clear off the bed, crying out sharply as he drove his entire length deep into her core. He shuddered, clutching her hips against his, while his seed released.

  They clung to each other as they drifted back down. He managed to take the majority of his weight on his forearms and knees, but he blanketed her from neck to hips. She panted harshly, too weak to move.

  “You all right?” He brushed the hair back from her face as he searched her gaze.

  “That was...intense.”

  He sighed and a hint of shame trickled into her mind. “I’m sorry. I tried to be gentle, but I—”

  She covered his lips with her fingertips. “Never hold back on me. I want you to be exactly who you are, nothing more, and nothing less.”

  He kissed her fingers before she lowered her hand. “Are you still hungry, or should we just sleep?”

  “I wouldn’t mind a sandwich or something, but I need to get back to Wenny.”

  His brows drew together and he slowly separated their bodies. “The cub is safely contained. There is no reason for you to sleep on the floor again.”

  “This is her first night in her new habitat,” she argued. “There is no way she’s spending it alone.”

  “Gods save us from stubborn females,” he grumbled as he scooted to the edge of the bed. “If you’re going back down there, so am I. There is no way my potential mate is spending the night alone in the forest.”

  “Suit yourself.” She grinned while his back was turned. She’d counted on this exact reaction.

  DR. FORAN DIDN’T COME through with a dart gun until sundown the following night. Xorran and Sara spent the day together, much of the time in Wenny’s enclosure. As Xorran feared, word of the cub soon spread and groups of females, and more than a few males, appeared eager for a glimpse of the adorable baby battle cat. For the most part Wenny tolerated the visitors. She basically ignored the females, yet she was hostile to most of the males. Xorran seemed to be the one exception.


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