Loup Garou

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Loup Garou Page 17

by Mandy M. Roth

  My eyes widened. “No. Xavs, you wouldn’t do that. Would you?”

  “No, baby. I would never hurt you. The evil I carry in me would if it was set free.”

  “Evil within you?” I let out a nervous laugh. “No part of you is evil, Exavier.”

  “Think about it, Linds. I’m powerful enough to control all breeds of evil. It takes evil to do that. I have just enough to make me more powerful than them and that’s it. If something is trying to remove the portion of me that you know, the human portion, then nothing stands in the way of the evil I carry. It’s part of being the prince of darkness, baby.”

  “They can’t force you out. You were a man, a normal man before you came into your powers.”

  He nodded. “I know. I think that’s why I’m not sensing the attack. I have a good deal of control over my darkness. In fact, it’s never been an issue for me. So, I’m not expecting them to attack me that way. You’re sensitive to evil. You felt the attack the second they launched it. Your screaming woke me from a sleep so deep, I actually staggered out of bed.”

  “But why could I wake you here when in my dream, I couldn’t?”

  “I don’t know. But I’ll be damned if I ever hurt you. I need to get away from you. I love you too much to let anything happen to you. Go to your father. He’ll be able to protect you from me. Tell him that I can be killed. It’s hard, so they tell me, but it can be done. Tiennot carries a darkness in him as well. If anyone could kill me, it would be him. He’ll protect you.”

  “No. I’m not leaving you.” Everything I’d ever learned about the Fae, demons and supernatural creatures came flooding to me. I searched frantically for a spell, something that would protect him. My eyes widened as it hit me. “Exavier Wesley Kondrashchenko or Kedmen, if you prefer now, I claim thee. I offer my soul, my heart, my love and my body to you for all eternity. Take this gift and make it yours.”

  Exavier tripped over nothing and hit the wall with his shoulder. “Lindsay, don’t do this. Don’t tie yourself to me because of this.”

  Putting my hand out, I used my power to pluck him from his spot and bring him to me. He wore only his jeans, unbuttoned, showing off a thatch of dark black curls and his amazing obliques. I bit my lower lip as need slammed through me. Exavier clawed at the air in an attempt to keep his distance. “Please stop, Lindsay. If I counter your magik you’ll get hurt. I can’t do that to you.”

  “And I can’t lose you, dumbass, so stop fighting me.”

  “You’re calling me a dumbass in the middle of a shadow demon attack? In the middle of what you’re trying to make our wedding night?”

  I nodded. “Well, you’re attacking like one in the middle of it. Two hours ago, you would have accepted my offer of marriage. Accept it now, Exavier. We’ll get to know each other still. I’ll be fine. I promise. The alternative—losing you—is not acceptable.”

  “No, I’ll get a handle on this and keep my promise to you.”

  “Think about it, Xavs. They’re attacking at an alarming rate. They don’t want us to merge essences. Somehow they know we’re close. They won’t let up. You know it. Do you want them to figure out a way to use me against you or vice versa? Do you want to be left no choice but to kill me?”

  “Gods, no.”

  “If you want me, even the tiniest bit, take me now or I will run as far as I can and when they attack again I won’t fight back.” I looked at the wall, ashamed of myself for what I was about to admit. “At the rec center, the vampire wasn’t lying. I told him to kill me. I begged him to end it. I was tired of fighting. I’m still tired. I can’t do this anymore. Fix it, Exavier. Make it so they can’t keep trying to stop us from being together, or walk away and let me end it.”

  “Lindsay? No. Baby, we’ll get past this.” He moved towards me slowly.

  “Make it official. Pull the rug out from under them, Xavs.”

  “You’ll resent me for it, Lindsay. You’ll blame me and claim I did this to have you.”

  I pushed to my feet and rushed towards him faster than I ever thought I could move. Pulling my hand back, I slapped him hard across the face. “Did that knock sense into you yet? I love you, you idiot! I loved you when you were clumsy and nervous around me. I loved you when you spent every free minute you had with me. I loved you when you broke down and gave in to the doll request. I loved you as I cried every night, thinking about you. I continued to love you, thinking about you daily, wondering if you were okay, if you were happy, if I’d ever be happy without you. I fell fast for you when you showed back up in my life and I didn’t even know it was you, dumbass. Do you want to know why I walked out of the room when you were holding Lucy? Something inside me clicked, it felt perfect, you me, babies—all of it. My body knew who you are to me. It just took a minute for my head to catch up. It has. I love you. Now, step up to the plate, make this official or wish me the best against the creatures that keep coming for me—coming for us.”

  Something passed over his face. He nodded. “Lindsay Marie Willows, I claim thee. I offer my soul, my heart, my love and my body to you for all eternity. Take this gift and make it yours.”

  The room was instantly bathed in bright, blinding white light. My eyes stung. Tears filled them as the quarter vampire blood I carried in me screeched out madly as the light seemed to sear right through me. Exavier was suddenly there, pressing his body over mine, shielding me from the light as a wind began to circle around us. It ripped at my T-shirt and bottoms. Knowing it wouldn’t stop until we were both nude, I waited without fear, letting Exavier protect me.

  Exavier’s body was suddenly lifted from me enough that, except for his hands on my eyes, I could no longer feel him there. I reached out, frantic to find the rest of him. “I’m here, baby. Right here. I won’t leave you. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want this to be our first time.”

  The unseen force pushed me backwards on my bed and spread my legs wide. Exavier’s body settled between my legs. The feel of his naked, firm body pressing me to the bed made cream flood me instantly. I ached to be filled by him. To feel his muscles move as his body artfully pumped in and out of me. I wanted it all. I wanted him.

  I felt him stiffening, trying to fight it. “I don’t want to hurt you, Linds. This isn’t how I wanted this to be. I’m sorry…”

  “I know.”

  The power circling us aligned our bodies perfectly, setting the stage for the act that had to be performed to complete the bonding. The second I felt the head of Exavier’s cock pressed to my entrance, I readied myself for him as best I could. Instantly, his body slammed down into mine, ramming his shaft to the hilt. His girth spread me to the brink. Hot, searing pain ran through me as he stretched me fully and struck my cervix with the head of his penis. Each spearing movement left me panting, clawing at the bedding, doing anything to separate myself from the pain of it all.

  Crying out, I grabbed hold of Exavier’s shoulders and held on tight, doing my best to relax for him. Without thought, my body clenched around his. He cried out then.

  “Ah, baby, you’re killing me.”

  Letting go of my eyes, he dropped his head down and captured my lips with his. As his tongue ran over mine, my body loosened a bit, allowing Exavier some play to continue to move. And move he did. It took only a second before he was hammering into me, impaling me with his ridged cock. Our tongues danced around one another as my entire body lit with need. My nipples hardened into tiny pebbles and my sex continued to produce the much needed lubrication for the event.

  Soon, we’d struck a rhythm, a comforting counter partnership that left my body climbing, seeking that pinnacle point. The one where we would forever be locked to one another—our souls intertwined and our fates sealed.

  Exavier ran a hand down my side and cupped my ass cheek as he continued to drill into me. His lower abdomen rubbed against my clit as he worked me towards new heights. Moaning, I clawed at his shoulders as he filled me so full, so right, and continued to stake his claim on me.

ds, you’re so tight.”

  Tiny animal noises came from me as Exavier fucked me so thoroughly that he ground my body into the mattress and still kept going as if he would never tire. I prayed that was true. Wrapping my legs around his waist tight, I allowed him to take and fill me even deeper than he’d been. He no longer hurt me. Each thrust left him rubbing my swollen bud, filling my sex and leaving indescribable amounts of pleasure branching throughout me.


  Hot magic moved through my lower abdomen rapidly and seemed to stay there, pulsing, teasing, elevating me. My inner thighs tightened.. A tingling began in my toes and worked its way up me slowly, taking care to caress every inch of me. Arching my back I clawed at him. “I’m coming. Fill me now.”

  “Ahh, uhh, I claim you,” he stammered as he slammed down into me. “Mine.” His eyes shifted a second before his mouth did. I’d seen Jay shift into wolf form enough not to scream. Though Jay had never done even this small of a shift while on me.

  Arching my neck back, I offered it to Exavier, knowing he had to mark me to seal the deal. The second his teeth broke my skin, I cried out. It wasn’t painful. No. Whatever he was doing made pleasure strike in bursts.

  “And I accept you, from now until eternity,” I whispered as an orgasm tore through me. I kissed him fast and furious as his hot jet of semen shot into me. Another moment of bliss hit me as I peaked yet again.

  Exavier continued to shoot long waves of come into me. I held tight to him, an ache in my chest wishing with all my might that the seed he’d given me could find a home but knowing it would never be able to.

  He released his hold on my neck and kissed it gently. “I love you so much, Lindsay.”

  “I love you too, Xavs.” As the last bit of his come filled me, the bright light surrounding us faded away and the controlling wind of magik dissipated.

  Exhaustion hit me hard as I cupped Exavier’s head in my hands. He made a move to withdraw from me and I clung to him. “No, stay for a bit.”

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “Mmmhmm, and in the best way possible. You can hurt me again after I get some sleep.”


  “Yes. And if you’re a good boy, I’ll hurt you too.”

  Moaning, he kissed my neck and kept hold of me as he moved us to our sides. Hiking a leg over his hip, I kept our bodies locked. The very idea of falling asleep with his member still resting in me not only excited me, it reassured me that we were now one.

  I clung to him as I traced lazy circles on his upper arm. “They can’t take you from me now, can they?”

  “No,” he said, chuckling. “I almost feel sorry for anyone who tries it. You’re the scariest thing I’ve come up against when your mind is made up.”


  He kissed my forehead. “Yes.”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me you could change into a wolf?”

  Drawing in a deep breath, Exavier kissed me again. “Probably because I didn’t know I could until right before I turned eighteen. Man, Linds, it scared the hell out of me. I had the weirdest dream. It was about you. You weren’t the way I remembered you, you were about fifteen and asleep in your bed. I could see you through your window but I wasn’t me.” He hugged me to him. “When I looked down at myself, I was covered in fur, long claws from my fingertips, the works. The compulsion to break through your window and claim you as my own was so great that I howled out.”

  I kissed his chest and let out a soft laugh. “About that same age, I dreamt that a wolf was trying to get into my room. I woke to find my radio on and that chant, with the monks, the one I played at the rec center, was playing. I wrote it down, verbatim and that’s what Myra sent with the guitar.”

  “Lindsay,” he whispered, as he held me to him. “I think I was really there. I think you sensed my struggle to control my beast and gave me the power I needed over it. I think I went to you to take you as my mate because I’d reached the age to take one. I think the only reason I didn’t burst through and do it was because you weren’t that age yet.”

  I planted a kiss on his pec and cupped his cheek. “I think you’d have scared me to death at that age.”

  “Mmm, I know. Jay told me how many years it took for you to be comfortable with the idea of what he was.”

  “I take it Jay found out you were my mate while the two of you were having a beer.”

  Exavier kissed the top of my head and laughed. “Oh, I’m not even going to give you details. You’ll just get mad at us both. Just know that we came to terms with each other and have an understanding.”

  Arching a brow, I looked up at him. “And that is?”

  “That I’m eternally thankful for all that he’s done for you, keeping you safe and caring for you but that you’re mine. And that I am the only man you will ever be with again.”

  Much to my surprise, I didn’t pick a fight over his comment. “Does that go for you too? Other women?”

  “Lindsay, you are the only woman I will ever be with again.” He shifted slightly and I felt his cock stirring to life. “I think we might have a problem.”

  “What’s that?” I asked, a sly smile on my face.

  Rolling onto his back, he took me with him, leaving me straddling his waist and his cock buried deep within me. My eyes widened as I took him to impossible depths. “Exavier.”

  He ran his hands up my sides and took my breasts in his large hands. “You’re beautiful.”

  Staring down at his dimpled chin and lush lips, I smiled. “You’re not so bad yourself, prince.” As soon as it came out of my mouth, I snorted. “I’m sorry, Xavs, but it feels ridiculous referring to you in that way. You’re just my Xavs.”

  He tweaked my nipples, rolling them between his fingers. I began to ride him slowly. His jaw went slack as we locked gazes. His body gleamed with sweat and I couldn’t help myself. Leaning down, I licked a line up his chest, savoring his salty taste. As I came to his neck, I glanced up and found him staring at me with a shocked look on his face.

  “I like the way you taste.”

  “I like that you weren’t just taking the scenic route,” he said, one eyebrow raised.

  Scenic route?

  It hit me then, Susan’s comments about my leaning down while I ride a man or staying upright. I also thought about her comments regarding my avoidance to kisses. Continuing my leisurely ride on Exavier, I captured his lips with mine and thrust my tongue in.

  His hands went to my ass. He cupped my cheeks and began moving me up and down faster on his cock. A shiver of delight moved through me as Exavier slid a finger dangerously close to my anus. He teased it, rimming it as I took him deep within me.

  The angle that I lay on him left my clit rubbing just right against his body. The sounds of our lovemaking were only slightly masked by my panting. Taking all of Exavier was a feat even I found daunting. I was stretched to the brink, taking him to the hilt while he continued to toy with my anus.

  Increasing my speed, I moved up and down on him, leading with my left side. My pending orgasm built. Exavier seized hold of my hips and stopped my movements. I broke our kiss and gave him a questioning look.

  “I’m going to come. I need a second,” he whispered, the slightest tinge of red to his cheeks. There was no reason for him to be embarrassed by his need for release. It told me that I was doing my job well.

  I tried to move but Exavier held me in my spot. “Xavs, please.”

  “Just a minute, honey. I just need a second. You feel too good. All I want to do is explode the minute you move.”

  A sultry laugh bubbled up from me. “That’s the idea. You’re supposed to want to fill me so full of your come that we lose track of where I stop and you start. You’re supposed to want to fill me to the point you can’t anymore. You’re supposed to want to fuck and be fucked by me as much as possible.”

  His stomach muscles tightened as his jaw dropped. “Lindsay!”

  The second I felt his cock twitch, I knew he was
going to come. Slamming my body down, I took him deep and let my magik out. It ran over us, caressing my nipples and clit, stimulating me to the cusp of culmination.

  Exavier’s hot seed filled me just as I gave in to the pleasure. My pussy tightened around him as my orgasm struck. I collapsed on him, my breathing ragged and my body spent.

  “I love you,” he whispered, running his hands up my back. “My princess ballerina.”


  He chuckled. “Nothing. Sleep, Linds. You’re tired.”

  I went to slide off him but he held me in place. “Xavs?”

  “Stay. I want to fall asleep holding you, while I’m in you.”

  Snuggling up to him, I couldn’t help but laugh. “Exavier, I’m not very good at cuddling.”

  “You’re doing just fine.”

  His earlier words came back to me. “Princess ballerina?” As that realization sank in, my eyelids grew heavy. I yawned and froze. “Ohmygods, you’re the prince of darkness and we’re married.”

  “Rest, Lindsay,” he said, his power dancing over me.

  Sleep consumed me, not allowing me to explore my thoughts anymore.

  Chapter Twelve

  I stood in the back corner of the production studio and waited for any sign of Exavier. He was here to film a video. Every ounce of me wanted to ask him if the mating was real or a dream. I wouldn’t have questioned it but when I’d woken I’d found him cooking breakfast. He was fully dressed, as was I, in clothes I knew had been shredded. My grey Elvis T-shirt was not only on me, it was in one piece.

  There were no signs anything had transpired. Exavier didn’t act any differently. He didn't kiss me or touch me in an intimate way. He merely smiled, told me about the long day we were going to have and then mentioned how happy he was I’d decided to join him.

  I kept a close watch on him, waiting for him to give me anything that would hint he and I were now husband and wife. He offered nothing. I expected to be sore, wet, even slightly sticky after that heated sex session. I was none of the above. We both showered, in the bathroom with a door, allowing us each our privacy, and he helped me pack for the trip.


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