A Soul Mate's Promise

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A Soul Mate's Promise Page 2

by Soprano, Robin H

  Antonio shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. “After that he went into Special Ops. We couldn’t hear from him much because he was Secret Service. But he had plenty of time to know his mother was-a sick. He kept saying he would come, then never did. Just like now.”

  “He’s just late, Tony.” I try to sooth him. I can tell he is getting aggravated because there is no word from Sal yet and he is saying things like, “See how he is? He don’t call to tell-a- me if he is okay.”

  I grab his hand. “Don’t worry, he’ll be here!”

  After dinner, Antonio goes outside on the deck to have a cigar. He takes Toby with him. I clean up and can still hear thunder in the distance.

  I pack up the trash and get ready to take it out to the garbage. I hear the click clack of dog paws on the wood floors. Toby’s back and circling me, waiting to see if he is going get any leftovers. Suddenly he stops, his hackles go up and a low thunderous growl roars out of him. He is standing close enough for me to feel his whole body vibrate.

  “What is it Toby?”

  He trots to the front window and cocks his head to the left and then right.

  “What’s a matter with Toby?”

  “I don’t know?” I shrug. “I was picking up a garbage bag to take out side, he must hear a deer or something, I’ll be right back. You want some coffee Tony? I made your favorite cookies too, chocolate chip biscotti’s!”

  “Si, caro, but let me make it, you did enough.”

  It’s just getting dark as I make my way out the side door to go to the garage. Toby comes running up behind me.

  “Slow down, boy!” I call to him. I round the side of the house where the garbage cans are. And Toby is in front of me growling at something.

  I look up and there is a shadow of someone. Bigger and taller than me, standing there like a marble statue. I suck in my breath and it gets stuck in my throat.

  A calm and smooth voice says, “Can you please tell your dog I’m not an ax murderer?”

  I try to speak, but stutter instead. “I ..I.. how do I know you’re not?”

  “Because I don’t have an ax in my hand?” he answers.

  Toby continues to growl as he moves closer to the stranger.

  “Can you please call your dog off?” he asks again.

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m Sal, Antonio’s son.”

  Toby gets closer to Sal and is about zipper level to his jeans.

  “Please, the dog!”

  “Oh my God! Sorry!” I yell.

  “Toby, it’s okay shhh.. it’s okay.”

  Toby takes a few whiffs but stays alert. I squint in the darkness. “You’re late!” I scold him. “Your father’s been very worried. Why didn’t you call instead of sneaking around?”

  “I didn’t know I needed to.” Who the hell are you?” he demands.

  “First of all,” I start, “You should have called your father when you landed. Second, my name is Gracie. I live next door. I’m a friend of your father’s.”

  He looked over his shoulder at the mansion, then back to me.

  “Oh. okay, Princess,” he says putting his hands up in surrender, “you and the mutt gonna let me pass?”

  “Yeah, sure. Let’s go inside.” I motion toward the house. “He’s not a mutt by the way. He’s a full-bred German Shepherd. His name is Toby.” We round the corner of the garage when I decide to set things straight. “And for the record, I’m not a Princess, far from it.”

  I yank open the door and Toby leads the way. Sal follows me inside and through to the kitchen where Antonio is making coffee.

  “Look who I found?” I chime. “He says he belongs to you.”

  Antonio looks up at his son and they stare at each other for a minute.

  Sal lifts his chin. “Hey, Pop.”

  Antonio examines his son for another moment. “Okay let-a-me see what they do. Gotta you in the shoulder, huh?”

  “Yeah Pop, it’s really nothing, I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay, okay. Come sit down.” Antonio spoke softly, “What happen you’re late? This-a-lovely gal made us a wonderful meal, you missed it. Where were you?”

  Sal put down his duffle bag. “We couldn’t land because of the storms. They had us circling. I thought I’d never land!” he said, shaking his head.

  As the two men are getting acquainted, Toby is still sniffing Sal and his duffle bag thoroughly. I sit down at the counter stool and take in the sight that is, Salvatore Petroni.

  He’s about six feet tall and has on old jeans, faded in the knees and fraying at the hem of each leg. His sneakers are clean and white. A dark red and blue flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off hugs his big frame.

  Since it’s not buttoned all the way up, I can see a massive chest with just a little bit of hair. He’s sporting a plain, dark blue baseball hat with the bill pointed down low, so I can’t see his eyes.

  For a military guy, he has quite a bit of hair, it seems to me. Medium to dark brown and in waves slightly past his collar. One arm is in a black cloth sling. His other arm, totally defined with muscle.

  He isn’t dark olive skin tone like his dad, so he must take after his mom’s side of the family. He takes off his ball cap and tosses it onto the chair.

  He looks in my direction. He has his father’s eyes—big dark brown, velvet eyes which seem to cut right through me. He steps toward me and offers a crooked half-smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I must have missed a very good meal, but I’ll get to eat the leftover’s, I suppose.”

  “Huh? Oh yeah, that’s fine” My voice comes out sounding like I’m a two-year old with a cold. I clear my throat. “We were just going to have coffee and cookies. Would you like some?”

  “Did you make the cookies too?” he asks.

  “I did, chocolate chip bicotti’s—your dad loves them!”

  “Yeah, I know,” he says, “they are my favorites as well, but I need a shower first.. You two go ahead. I’ll be back in ten!”

  Sal goes off with his bag in hand to the other side of the house where the spare bedrooms are. I stand for a moment staring after him like a lovesick puppy.

  “Gracie!” Antonio calls, snapping me back to the moment.

  “Huh? Wha..what?” I stammer.

  Antonio laughs and cocks an eyebrow at me. “Hey, you like what you see, caro?”

  “Huh? No, no,” I say, giggling to hide my embarrassment. “Let me get dessert out…. and don’t you worry about what I’m looking at!”

  Antonio laughs his hearty Santa laugh, then mumbles something in Italian under his breath.

  * * *

  Salvatore emerges from the guest room wearing black cotton lounging bottoms with a draw string at the waist and a white sleeveless Tee shirt.

  He doesn’t have the sling on and I can see a cluster of stitches where he was shot and patched up again.

  From behind the kitchen counter, I watched him approach us, barefoot, walking around and stretching his arms. His hair is damp and pushed back off his face hanging in loose waves to his neck. A little five o’clock shadow clings to a square jaw line and a handsome cleft chin

  He sits down at the table and I hand him a mug of hot coffee. When he takes it from me, he flashes a big smile that travels to his eyes.


  I almost faint—or is it throw up? I feel a pulling sensation deep down in my chest and stomach like I’ve just done a roller coaster ride. Do I know him from somewhere?

  Does he feel something, too? I feel his eyes on me the whole time we sit there. As if he is trying to get in my head or trying to remember something. It’s unnerving and intriguing at the same time.

  Father and son chit chat for a while until I just know it’s past time for me to go home. I get to my feet so fast, I knock over the kitchen stool, which bangs on the floor like a gunshot. Sal flinches and my stomach lurches again.

  “Listen guys, I think it’s time for us to go. Sal, I’m glad you finally made it. Can I get you
guys anything else before I leave?”

  Sal looks at me with his dark eyes. “So you live next door?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I reply, then turn to rinse my coffee cup at the sink.

  “And you came here and cooked dinner for us?”

  “Yes,” I say, turning back to the counter. “I make lots of stuff and bring it to your father. Your dad has been wonderful and kind to me. I’m lucky he’s in my life.”

  “Oh really?” he asks with that sexy little half-smile playing on his lips., “Tell me.”

  I look right into his warm, chocolate-brown eyes they were hypnotic. “Your father has helped me a lot over the past couple of years. I don’t know what I would have done without him.”

  Antonio gazes up at me. “This gal is a wonderful gal, like a daughter to me. She has a big heart!”

  “Okay,” I say, noting that the heat rising in my face means I’m as red as a boiled lobster right about now. “Thanks, Tony, and that’s my cue. Gotta get going before we get all mushy. Good night, guys!”

  Salvatore stands and reached for my hand. I almost jump back, shocked by the shivers his touch shook my spine.

  “It was nice to meet you, Gracie,” he says, his voice smooth as melted butter.

  “Same here,” I answer. “I guess I’ll be seeing you around?” He’s still holding my hand and I’m finding it difficult to focus on chit chat.

  “Do you need me to walk you over to your place?” he asks.

  “Umm, no,” I say with a little shiver, “it’s all right. I’ve got Toby!”

  “Ah, yes, Toby,” he says, looking to his dad while pointing to my dog. “That dog almost ate my junk for dessert. Yes, I’m sure you’ll be safe.”

  Nervous giggles bubble up in my throat. I manage to pull my hand out of his gentle grasp. “Yes, okay…gg- good night!”

  “Good night, Gracie” he replies.

  “Good night, mio caro.”

  Toby and I leave them and trudge back to our lonely, cold mansion.

  Once showered and settled into bed, I can’t help but wonder about Salvatore. Call it intuition, but I feel like I know him—or used to…

  * * *

  The next morning Toby and I are on the beach earlier then normal.

  A cloudy humid day, the heat overwhelms me so we come straight back home without chasing a single gull or wave.

  Sticky from the heat and salt air, I dove into the pool and let the cool water refresh me, then headed up stairs for a quick shower.

  After I dry off, I pull on a flowing loose-fitting sundress that fits comfortably around my body, I’m a little too curvy for today’s waif like magazine models and I always try to hide it. I stroll over to my vanity, roll my eyes, and wrinkle my nose at the sight of my hair. Running a comb through my long unruly mess of a mane, I fight against the humidity frizzies. I dry it the best I can and let the damp ringlets fall around my shoulders. I decide a little bronzer on my cheeks, and liner and mascara around my eyes will be good enough for a muggy day!

  I look around the room for dirty laundry and decide to get some of it done. And, honestly, even though it’s just me and Toby in this mausoleum my soon-to-be-ex called a house, it really can use some cleaning, too.

  The place would do well with a staff, but that’s not happening with me living here alone. But, maybe the Ice Queen Camille will hire some maids to keep it up when she moves in – just real quick with the dust mop all around and I’ll be happy with that. Yeah Thank god for hard wood floors and just a few carpeted areas.

  Done with all that mundane stuff, I get a huge mug of coffee, check the PH of the pool water and settle on a chaise on the lanai.

  After a minute or so I hear a whistle and look over in the direction of Tony’s house, he is on his deck. I wave and Toby whines, so I grab my mug and head over to check on him.

  “Ahh, La Mia ragazza bella… you look very nice-a-this-a morning Gracie, you walk early today yes?”

  “Yes, we had an early start. Thanks for the compliment, Tony. Toby had me up before the crack of dawn today, but it’s so humid I needed to shower as soon as I got back.” I climb the stairs to his deck and look at him. “So…how did last night go?”

  “Thankfully, it was uneventful. Salvatore got up and left already, too. He decided to go check out his new surroundings find the two doctor’s office’s he needs to visit for the next eight weeks of therapy.”

  “Well I’m glad everything so far is calm. You need anything today?”

  “No, Caro, I’m going to wait for Sal to come back and hear what he has to say.”

  “Okay, then. I’ll be around. Shout if you need me!”

  “Gratzi. See you later.”

  I smile at him, call for Toby and head back over the stone path that leads to the mansion.

  When I get back to my lanai, my cell phone is alerting me that I missed a call and two texts from a dear friend, Celine Mathews.


  I hit the call back button. “Hello?” she answered.

  “Hey Celine, what’s up lady?” I chime. She answered in her usual devilish way only Celine can.

  “Not Lance. HA! That’s for sure!”

  She always makes fun of her husband and I chuckle at her joke. Celine is southern born and raised in an upper class, well-to-do southern family. She is older then me by about ten or twelve years, and her husband is about fifteen or more years older than she


  “Oh Celine!” I gasp, “your so bad, poor Lance!”

  She yells back at me, “Oh please baby girl he’s getting as ornery as he is old, and senile too! I’m starting to take over some of the task’s he’s supposed to do as city councilman, our PR guy told me its for the best right now, we don’t need to stir the pot. So, she continued, “I need a break from my crazy life, whatcha doin’ over there on hell island today?”

  “Oh the usual, nothing, then a little later some more nothing.” I crack in a sarcastic tone.

  “Okay then!” she quipped, “I’m headed in your direction with a Cosmo mix, can we sit and talk and get drunk?”

  I laugh and tell her I’d be here waiting on her!

  Celine married within her social status and has two children who are off and doing their own thing.

  As soon as they hit eighteen she told them, “I love you both but my job is done!” and sent them off to colleges far away. She isn’t cold hearted, she just wants her children to become self sufficient human beings. So she cut those apron strings right off. Her kids come and visit on holidays and vacations and she loves it.

  Celine also started a life of her own. Let’s just say she and Lance have a understanding…she has her flings and he understands, He once told her, “Don’t fall in love till I’m gone.” Celine replied, “Funny huh, I’ve never been “in love.”

  I met Celine not too long after I came to Saw Grass Island. My mother-in-law insisted I join the Southern Women’s Society, to meet, as she put it, the “nice elite” -well bred stock of the area.

  They were not very welcoming and I fit in as well with them as a humane society stray does at the Westminster dog show. I tried to be friendly, but they would toss me phony smiles and kept me an arms length away. One night at a SWS function I was getting out numbered in a heated discussion, that’s when a very thin pretty woman with brown hi-lighted short hair grabbed my arm and pulled me to her side, in a very warm southern accent whispered to me, “Watch out, it’s feeding time for those sharks and you’re the bait. I had met Celine and never regretted it.

  She saved me from the sharks and what promised to be a dreadfully stuffy evening and we became good buddies, for which I am tremendously grateful.

  She taught me who to trust and who to watch out for. Taught me not to get too involved in their bullshit politics and religion.

  But she knows I’m no dummy. I have a lot of common sense and street smarts which she tells me is one of the reason why she is drawn to me. What you see is what you get for us both. We don’t put on airs
and we don’t try to impress anyone.

  * * *

  A couple of hours later, Celine pulls up in her red Jaguar XF. I open the door to meet her and Toby trots out to the car to say hello. I hear her tell Toby in her high, twinkley, southern-style baby voice, “Well, hi there, Toby! How’s my big ol’ luuug ..you-a-goood baby arentcha!! Yes you is…”

  “Hey, Celine!” I yell from the doorway, “come on in!”

  “Okay, just let me get more Toby love,” she tells me,. “Okay, boy let’s go inside to Momma. Yesss, you-a-good baby…”..

  Celine enters and hands me a half-gallon of cranberry juice cocktail and a big bottle of Grey Goose vodka.

  “Here, Darlin’, mix’em up and let’s get happy!”

  I giggle and go to the kitchen.

  “What’s shakin’, Sweetie?” she asks. “Any divorce news?”

  “Yep,” I begin, “we are now fighting over money. Rich has it and doesn’t want to give it, which I don’t understand. He seemed amicable about everything in the beginning-it’s like someone else is in charge of his brain these days.”

  Celine looks over at me and raises an eyebrow. “You just getting that now?”

  “No, no, I mean, things were going pretty smooth but now there’s a bump in the road for no reason that I can’t understand.”

  I hand Celine her Cosmo, we clink glasses, and both take long gulping sips. Celine cocks her head to the side.

  “I’ll tell ya what the problem is, Gracie. That cold hearted slut Camille James. She’s suckin’ his dick now, so she’s in charge of his brain. I’ve known that girl since she came here to go to college. Slept her way through all the corporate men who could help her up the social ladder. Nothin’ but a gold diggin’ whore if ya ask me!”

  I take an other sip of my drink, the smooth flavor of vodka warms my throat. “Why should she care what I get or don’t get? It’s none of her business…”


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