A Soul Mate's Promise

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A Soul Mate's Promise Page 11

by Soprano, Robin H

  “Well, you are so welcome, Princess. I am at your service.” He bows playfully. “Now go back to bed.”

  I can’t bear the idea that the dream will come back. “Sal? Do you mind staying until I fall back to sleep?”

  “I can, but only if Toby doesn’t mind.”

  Sal walks around to the other side of the bed, plops himself on top of the blanket and fixes the pillows behind him. I hand him the T.V. remote and get comfortable. Toby scoots up higher and closer to me so he’s lying between us.

  Sal looks at Toby, then at me and shakes his head. “Okay, I get the hint, buddy.”

  I giggle and turn off the light. I snuggle with Toby and feel the smile on my face linger a little longer. Sal reaches over, gives Toby a scratch, then takes my hand and holds it. I close my eyes.

  I feel good. I feel safe. I feel happy.

  * * *

  The sun is up when I wake and I hurry through my morning routine, anxious to find out where Sal and Toby have gotten to.

  I can smell bacon and coffee as I make my way down the stairs. Since Toby doesn’t cook, I know it’s got to be Sal and before I get to the kitchen, I’m wearing a grin that hurts.

  I stop just a ways back to peek at Sal cooking in my kitchen. Except for my grumbling stomach, I stand in silence watching him fry bacon and slice fruit and cheeses. He’s shirtless and his black sweat pants are slung low on his narrow hips. The muscles in his arms and chest are well defined and from here I can see scars across his back and my stomach knots.

  As he slices he’s tossing a piece of cheese at Toby every now and again and when Toby snags it, Sal says, touch down, good boy. I have to put my hand over my mouth to muffle my laughter.

  “Good morning, Princess. You going to stand there and stare at me or you gonna come here and kiss me hello? Coffee is ready, come get some. He points with the busy spatula at the coffee maker.

  “How did you know I was standing there? I was quiet and behind a wall. Is that a spy thing?” I ask as I shuffle into the kitchen.

  He laughs and I realize how I love that sound. “Let’s just say I am very observant of my surroundings, especially when they are as beautiful as you.” He kisses me, two quick ones on the mouth.

  “I over slept,” I mutter as I reach for a coffee mug. “I have to take Toby for his walk.”

  “Nope,” Sal says, “I already did that. And I borrowed your car–we went up to the grocery and got a few extra things for breakfast–hope you’re hungry. I didn’t want to wake you, you were out cold. You needed to sleep.”

  “We went to the grocery?” I ask as I fix my coffee.

  “Toby and I.” He turns to flash me a smile.

  “Toby went in the car with you?” Wow. “Really?”

  “Yeah, I guess he’s coming around to me. Maybe he trusts me now.”

  “You took my car?”

  “Yeah, that was okay right? I hope. I didn’t think Toby would like the Beast much. I found your keys in your closet next to your purse. I put air in your tires by the way–you’re going to need new ones in the front–they’re a little bald. And I checked your oil–needs a change, so I’ll do that after breakfast.

  I stand there holding my mug of coffee, just totally amazed. Whose life did I wake up in? Because mine doesn’t look like this!

  Sal laughs. “Earth to Gracie – you okay? Come back, look at me.”

  I move my eyes in his direction.

  “Ah good, she’s back. You kind of went away there on me. You okay?”

  I nod. “Umm, yeah, I’m just---speechless! You did a lot already wow.”

  “It’s a nice day out,” he says, “go outside and sit at the table with your coffee. Pop is out there waiting for you to get up.”

  While I’m not sure yet that I’m awake and in the real world, I pad my way out to the lanai where I find Antonio with coffee and the newspaper. I stop short when I see the table is set with dishes, flatware and glasses filled with juice.

  “Good morning, mio caro. I hear you sleep-a-well?”

  “Morning, Tony,” I say, still trying to wrap my head around the wonderful things going on in my house.

  “You feel okay today? I hear you had a nightmare last-a-night.”

  I nod. “I did, but, Sal helped me through it. Did I get elves visit here last night?” I ask as I motion with my hand at the wonder of the set breakfast table.

  “No caro,”, says Antonio with a laugh. My Marie taught-a-the boys well and how to take care of their woman. You like?”

  “Oh, I like.” I really, really like.

  Antonio lifts a finger and winks. “Real men Gracie, take care of-a-the one they love. Capisce?”

  I nod in agreement. Does Sal love me already? Just as that thought sends me spinning, Sal appears with a tray of food.

  “Here we go; we got bacon, scrambled eggs, fruit, cheese, and some whole wheat toast. Gracie? What do you want?” he asks grinning ear to ear.

  “I want it all Sal,” I say as I stand up from my chair, wrap my arms around him and gave him a big hug.

  “You know, I think I’m going to make you breakfast more often!” He kisses the top of my head.

  When we are almost done eating, Sal’s cell phone chirps.

  “The locksmith is here. I’m gonna go let him in.” I start to get up and Sal tells me to finish eating–he’ll handle it. I have to admit, I’m not used to being pampered, but holy hell, I sure could get used to it.

  I look over at Antonio. “What do you think happened here yesterday while we were out?” I asked him.

  “I don’t know caro, but I have-a-some ideas.”

  “Like?” I ask, waving my hands for him to continue.

  “Okay, first,” he begins, “they didn’t have a key or did they? The doorknob is busted but-a-the way it is broken, seems like it was an after-thought to make it look like they broke in. Some of the grooves that-a-don’t make sense to me, they are on-a-the inside of the door.”

  “Oh, really? I would have never realized that.”

  Antonio nods. All his years of security work are paying off for me, too. “Yes, and-a-they knew the house, or at least they knew where to go. They knew where the safe was too, right to that cabinet, nothing else in-a-the house was disturbed.”

  “That’s true. I just wish I knew what they thought they were gonna find.”

  “When did Richard take-a-the stuff out of the safe?” he asked.

  “Shortly after his mom died. He said he put it all in safety deposit boxes.

  “Does he have all of it there?” Antonio asked.

  “Well, everything that was his. His mother left me one of her diamond necklaces. It’s a simple necklace, but, the diamonds are pristine. She lent it to me on our wedding day–when I gave it back to her, she told me that since I loved it so much, one day I would have it. It was really very sweet.”

  “Gracie, where is that necklace now?

  “I keep it in a safety deposit box at the bank. I got one just for that necklace. I don’t really have expensive jewelry lying around since it’s not really my thing anyway, but, that necklace is worth at least $5,000. And it has special meaning for me so I wanted to keep it safe.

  “Who else but-a-you or Richard would know these things?”

  “That’s a good question, Tony. Back then we had help in the house. And Rich brought home the clients for dinner parties that he and Camille were trying to win over.”

  I can see Tony’s mental wheels spinning.

  “Alright, Gracie, I’m-a-gonna think about what-a-you say, maybe something click.”

  I get up to start clearing the table. As I enter the kitchen, Sal is standing there talking with a man who’s holding a clipboard. I can hear the buzz of a drill and some banging coming from the foyer.

  “Gracie, this is Pete from the Alarm Company. He is going to change your alarm system and upgrade it. Give you a new code–one that no has, including Richard.”

  “Wait, is that going to be more money? Maybe we should tell Ri

  “Not at all, ma’am,” Pete says. “The upgrade has been over due and it’s in your contract, so there will be no extra charge.”

  “Oh, okay! Great! Carry on.” I tell him with a chuckle.

  I walk over to the front door and spot a short stocky man with black hair and glasses working on my new doorknob and lock. He has tattoos up and down his arms, and the way he is talking to a young boy who is helping him, I hear a distinct New York accent. I smile and say hello.

  “How ya doin.” he replies in a deep voice.

  Sal comes up from behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders. “Gracie, this is Louie Locks. Louie, this is my girlfriend, Gracie.”

  Hearing Sal introduce me as his girlfriend sends a butterfly brigade through my body. “I hear you had some trouble yesterday,” Lou says. Don’t worry ‘bout a ‘ting Gracie, were gonna hook ya up real good. Those bastards won’t be able tah get in here again, I can god dam guarantee ya that!”

  “That’s good to know, Lou. Thanks for your help.”

  Don’t mention it. Me and Sal here, we go way back. I would do anything for him.”

  “Great! Well, I leave you to it. Nice to meet you!”

  Sal and I walk back out on the lanai and I elbow him in the side. “Why do I get the feeling the door isn’t going to cost me anything either?”

  “Because it’s not. I’ve known Lou a long time. He’s a good guy. Believe him when he says no one is breaking in that lock again.”

  “Sal, I don’t know what to say. Seriously, I’m overwhelmed with emotion right now. How can I ever re pay you for all this?”

  “Gracie, I don’t know what kind of friends you have, but there is no pay back. He furrows his eyebrows at me. You’re part of my life now. I’m falling in love with you–in case you need me to tell you that. You will never have to pay me back or have to fight for a spot in my life because I want you there. I need you in it. Do you understand?” He wraps those strong arms around me and pulls me into a hug. With my head pressed against his bare chest, a sigh of relief leaves my gut.

  I glance at Antonio who is still sitting at the table with his little black book and cell phone. He looks at us with a smile and a wink.

  * * *

  The next day, after Toby, Sal and I, had our morning walk and breakfast. Sal left on his motorcycle to his therapy appointment. I went home to do some cleaning, pay some bills on the computer, and do some laundry.

  I also decided I should call Celine and Maggie and fill them in on the good and bad news going on around here.

  Maggie was pleased to hear that I am all right and no one got hurt. She told me to keep her posted and she is thrilled Sal and I are making progress with our relationship. “Write down those dreams Gracie, she said. I’m with you, I believe there is something giving you a sign of some sort. Oh and I’m still waiting for a picture of Sal.”

  “Don’t hold your breath Mags.”

  “Seriously? What’s the big secret? Just send me a picture, he can’t be that ugly!”

  “Shut up Mags, I’m hanging up, love you!”

  Laughing, she says “ditto! Chat soon girly.”

  Celine’s take on the break in was more angry, she was ready to line people up, shoot first, and ask questions later.

  “Baby Girl, I hate to say it but I think Richard that dick, is involved some how, weather it’s directly or indirectly, it’s going to stem from him. I know it. Feel it in my bones.”

  She also was pleased to hear about how Sal and I are moving along falling in love.

  “Oh Gracie that’s great darlin! I bet the sex blew your mind am I right?”

  “Well, Celine, here’s the thing.”

  “There’s a thing? Don’t want there to be a thing Gracie.”

  “Celine, listen, we, well he, is taking it real slow with me. I believe he knows I may not be entirely ready at this time for that step in our relationship.”

  “Step? It’s not a step. It’s sex. Say the word Gracie sex sex sex, it’s not gonna hurt you, for god sakes your both grown adults?”

  “Yes Celine, I know, but it’s just not sex for me. I don’t think it is for him either. He knows I have trust issues and I’m a bit broken. I think he is waiting for me to be self assured and healed before he, we, get there. That fact he is willing to wait is such a turn on!”

  “Wow that takes some big balls for a guy, Blue to be exact!”

  “Oh, Celine I yelled, and laughed, you’re terrible. I think it’s sweet, and I think it’s honorable. He is a total gentleman, I’m telling you it’s a turn on.”

  “I think your both nuts! But, listen, joking aside, baby girl, I am very happy for you. You deserve someone who treats you like a, Princess. I hope it all works out and he sweeps you up and away into a happy ever after. Oh and, those dreams you told me about, that’s some freaky shit. I would try and find a psychic, see if they can give you some insight on that. It may be nothin’ but it wouldn’t hurt to check it out?”

  “A psychic? Where the hell would I find a psychic? It’s not really a bad idea Celine, you think it’s true they can see stuff or you think it’s a bunch of mind tricks?”

  Maybe she said, but what could it hurt, I’ll keep my eyes and ears peeled for ya. Now don’t forget, we have that meetin’ tomorrow.”

  “Oh how can I forget all those lovely ladies at the southern woman society.”

  “Sarcasm fits you darlin’, I like it.”

  “Thanks, I do like the cause we are doing, I was up at the hospital visiting those kids, they need a happy Christmas.”

  “Yes they do, bless their hearts. Okay baby girl I’ll see tomorrow 11am bring your Jersey attitude.”

  “I always try to Celine, by.”

  * * *

  After dinner was done at my house that night, Antonio excused himself to head home. I suspect he was still puzzling over the best suspect for the break in. I hoped it wouldn’t keep him up – he needed his rest, too.

  “Night, Pop, see ya later.” Sal got up and opened the screen door for his Dad, then came back to sit with me.

  “I’ve got something for you,” he says.

  “Oh, I hope you didn’t buy me anything, Sal.”

  “Nooo..but even if I did? You shouldn’t feel uncomfortable accepting my gifts. That would hurt my feelings.”

  “This is going to take me some time to get used to, okay? I will do my best to accept things from you graciously.” I grinned at him and put out my hand, palm up. “What did you get me?”

  He handed me a business card that had a dog and cat silhouette on it. In bold letters it said:

  Beach side veterinarian clinic - Dr. Veronica L. Torcan Vet.

  “What’s this?” He just smiles. “Come on, tell me!” I insist.

  “You have a job interview there if you want it. She’s a new vet in town. She’s on the beach so it’s not far, you can have part time or whatever, and you can bring Toby to work with you, if you want. It’s up to you.

  “Are you serious! How did you find this? Oh my god, Sal!” I can’t even stand still, I’m so elated.

  He laughs at my excitement.

  “I was cruising back home the other day and I passed this small Victorian house that had a sign out front announcing a new veterinarian clinic in two weeks. So I pulled up and knocked on the door. Long story short, I told her about you and she said for me to tell you to stop by anytime. I think she knew Pop when he was on the force in Jacksonville. She said my last name sounded familiar. She's worked on some of the K-9 dogs every now and then.”

  “I don’t know what to say. This would be perfect for me. I have an SWS meeting tomorrow, but maybe Saturday I’ll go over there and introduce myself.”

  “Good, I’m glad this makes you happy.”, he said as he cocks his head and looks at me. “Gracie, what’s SWS?”

  I rolled my eyes. “It stands for the Southern Women’s Society. My mother–in-law got me involved years ago. I don’t get too involved with them, but, around the holida
ys I like to do the fundraisers for the sick kids at the hospital. We have a big formal holiday party, raise money and give a nice Christmas for the children.”

  “See? This is why I’m falling deeply in love with you. You have got a heart of gold, you give more then you take. But, you need to stop feeling guilty about receiving. I think that’s something Richard might have done to you. I intend to fix it.”

  “What do you mean Richard did it?”

  “You wanted him around more right?”

  I nod.

  “You wanted his approval, and his affections, he didn’t give it and made you feel bad for asking. How am I doing so far?”

  I just sit there, staring at Sal as the tears well up in my eyes.

  “Oh…Gracie, don’t cry…Shit, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He comes over to hold me in his arms. “I’m so sorry, Gracie, I never want to say or do anything that makes you cry.”

  “Sal, you didn’t upset me. I’m ashamed that I let Richard walk all over me. But my tears are really because you notice me–you notice everything about me–and it makes me happy.”

  I can feel my soul healing.


  The sunrise on the beach this morning was a magnificent sight. The sky had cast’s of peach and yellow hues, reminding me of a mai tai cocktail. The weather had a brisk feel to it, which was a welcome change to the warm muggy humidity we tolerate all summer. Fall was finally making its way down south.

  “Cold out this morning.” Sal speculated as we sat watching the sky turn to daylight.

  “Yeah I love it, feels good” I answer as a gust of wind rushed through us and I caught a little chill.

  “Come here,” he says sitting down patting a sandy spot in between his legs. I climb in and sit down. Sal wraps his arms and legs gently around me, and I lean in, my back to his chest. He felt warm and I could feel the steady thumps of his heart.

  * * *

  On our way back from the beach, we go up to the deck and Antonio mentions he’s got fresh, hot coffee. “Sounds great,” I say with a wink. “One cup though. I can’t stay too long–I have a SWS meeting today.”


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