A Soul Mate's Promise

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A Soul Mate's Promise Page 35

by Soprano, Robin H

  The doctor looks around at everyone then back to me, his brows knit over serious gray eyes. “Gracie, what is the last thing you remember?”

  “Ummm, the storm. Home…I was home. Sal… was gone.” I look up at him. “You’re back! You came back!”

  Sal smiles and nods.

  “Is that all you remember? The doctor prods.

  “Camille… Something’s wrong with Camille..” I say curiously.

  “That’s puttin’ it nicely,” Celine mutters.

  “Okay,” Dr. Rosaro says, “I’m going to schedule another CT scan and run some tests. Give her a few hours to let everything sink in. I know this is great and we’re all excited to have her back, but let’s not overload her right now.” He looks at me.

  “Give us a little time and we’ll get you something for that headache, young lady.”

  Maggie and Celine take a seat on the small sofa. I glance at Pop, he blows me a kiss, “Welcome back caro.” Sal takes me in his arms, pulls me close and kisses the top of my head, then my cheek.

  “Gracie, I missed you. I was so scared I lost you!”

  I wrap my arms around him. “I’m just so happy that you’re home. But, what happened? It’s all so foggy.”

  “Well,” he says, glancing at Celine and Maggie, “we’ll figure it out. Just tell us what you do remember.”

  “I remember I was somewhere…a long time ago. I was poisoned by this girl who I felt like I knew her, a sister.. but, she was mad at me….OH! A baby!” As I remember, I touch my stomach. “There was a baby!”

  Everyone’s eyes get big and the ladies look at Sal.

  “Shhh… Gracie, it’s all right. You dreamt there was a baby?”

  “Yeah, it’s fuzzy though. I’m getting bits and fragments. A puzzle with missing pieces.”

  “Gracie,” Sal says. “Don’t try to remember anything right now–let your mind rest. In time it will come to you. Just rest, Princess. Just relax.”

  “Princess!” I blurt.

  “What?” Sal says.

  “I remember something about being a princess…”

  * * *

  When I return from my CT scan, only Sal is waiting in the room.

  “Where did everyone go?” I ask him.

  “Back to your house,” he says as he comes over to sit with me on the bed. “They wanted to give us some time.”

  I sigh. I’m tired and my head still hurts, but it’s so good to have him back, scruffy beard and all. I don’t want to stay here another minute. “Okay…. what’s happened? Please tell me,” I plead. “I want to know.”

  He inhales sharply and lets it out, then scratches at his scruffy chiseled chin and gives me a smile.

  “Gracie, I have so much to tell you, but the first thing I need for you to know, is that I love you more than my own life. I’m sorry I left on that mission and I will never leave you alone again. As soon as you are well enough, we’re going to get married.”

  “Sal, there’s no rush. You’re here now–we’ll plan a nice day and..”

  “Gracie,” he interrupts. “Things have changed a bit and I want to marry you as soon as possible.”

  I pull away from him–just a little–and see his half smile. I furrow my eyebrows. “What has changed?”

  “Gracie,” he says calmly, taking my face in his hands and centering his eyes on mine. “Gracie, you’re pregnant.”

  In a flash of a second a million thoughts race through my mind. Am I still dreaming? Is this a joke? They’ve made a mistake. That one! I’ll pick that one! “They made a mistake–that can’t be possi…bl..?”

  Sal shoves a black and white photo of an ultrasound in my face. My eyes go wide and my head pounds. “That’s in me? Are they sure?”

  “Yes, you’re about three months along. And Gracie, I could not be happier!”

  I take the picture and study it. “It’s healthy? It’s all okay? Even with the coma? Is it a boy or a girl?”

  Sal laughs and my heart seems to fly.

  “Yes, the baby is fine. They don’t know the sex yet– but even if they did I didn’t want to know until we found out together. You must have gotten pregnant around Christmas time. They tell me you went into a deep depression after I left so you probably didn’t recognize the symptoms. You don’t remember skipping your period?”

  I give him a guilty look. “I kinda do but I thought because I was so upset and couldn’t eat anything that it didn’t come. Truly never in a million years did I think I could ever get pregnant. It didn’t work before.”

  “Maggie says it worked now because this,” he points from me to him, “this was meant to be.”

  A chill runs over my body after he says those words. “I believe it too!” I cry.

  “Are you okay? He chuckles, raising his eyebrows at me.

  “I’m more than okay…” I tilt my head slowly to the side. “Soooo, Christmas, huh?” I whisper with a big smile. I got pregnant around Christmas… I glance at him from the corner of my eye. “Hmmm…must have been that plane ride.”


  Sal spent the next week at Gracie’s side, bringing her up to speed on that stormy night, and helping her gain her strength to go home.

  “How’s the fear, Princess? Is it gone?

  “Completely gone!” She nodded and reached out to wrap her arms around his neck. “Looks like this time, we made it,” she chirped.

  Celine and Maggie went on home to take care of their own families, clear that Gracie would make a full recovery and the baby was doing great, too.

  Tony made himself scarce, too, only visiting in the evening for a little time.

  “I no-a want to leave Toby too long,” he told them, always with a warm smile.

  On discharge day, Sal walked beside Gracie as she was wheeled out of the hospital to the waiting Viper, this time with the top in place.

  * * *

  We pull into the driveway and I see an array of vehicles.

  “Who belongs to all these car’s?” I ask.

  Sal smiles big and turns off the car. “You’ll see.” He helps me out of the car, but I’m doing really well on my own, now.

  As we enter my front door, I’m bombarded with family and friends. My brother Steve, Maggie and her husband Mike with their two girls.

  I look around and spot Celine and Mimi, my boss Veronica, and of course, Pop. Out of nowhere, Toby ambushes me. Even with a limp he tries to jump up on me. I get down on the floor and Toby whines and squeaks and licks my face.

  “He missed you so bad, Gracie,” Veronica said. “I’m hoping he’ll start to eat better now that his momma is home!”

  I fight back tears. “Awww, I missed you too, big guy,” I say as I continue to get a dog bath. “You gotta booboo? Lemme see the booboo.”

  Toby lays down and rolls on his back. I scratch him and tell him what a good boy he is and everybody laughs.

  The house is alive with bright flowers and balloons and what looks to be enough food for one of Celine’s parties. A welcome home I will never forget.

  “Is everything okay with Mary and Joe?” I ask Sal. “I wouldn’t expect them here, but for some reason, they popped into my mind.”

  Sal kisses the tip of my nose. “Right you are, Princess. They’re at the hospital now. Mary went into labor a few hours ago. Little Anthony will be here any time now.”

  As the day turns to night and my welcome home party is winding down, the doorbell rings. My brother Steve gets up to answer it and soon Richard is standing in the living room.

  I look up at him from the couch and he actually smiles at me–a sight I haven’t seen in years.

  “I’m glad you’re better,” he says. “I came to check on you and to talk to you, if I could.”

  I get up from my seat. “Would you like to go into the study?”

  “That would be fine he answers.

  While I can’t imagine what he could want to say to me, Sal’s encouraging smile and small nod take away my fears.

  We enter the stu
dy and I sit down on a winged-back chair with Richard sitting in the one in front of me.

  “Gracie, I don’t know really where to start, so I’m just going to say first off I am beyond sorry about Camille. I am sorry I let her make the wedge in our marriage bigger. I know we grew apart. I really did love you in the beginning, that was no lie, but after a while we were just too different. I suppose I could have been at the very least your friend. I thought I was doing the best I could at the time.

  “As of lately I found out things about my parents that I never knew. And, I know just saying sorry about everything is too small a gesture, but, I am. I’m so sorry for how I treated you–I’m sorry about it all.”

  I sit there with my mouth hanging open. I wonder where the real Richard has gone and who this is sitting here with me. “Are you really apologizing to me?” I ask.

  “I am. I know it isn’t worth much, but I am sorry for all your pain. Before and after Camille.”

  I smile at him. “I know we did love each other and I don’t regret marring you. I am starting to understand now that things happen for a reason. Richard, did they tell you I’m pregnant?”

  Richard’s eyes open wide. “No–how? And you’re fine? Is it healthy?”

  I laugh at his expression. “Yes, I’m three months along and everything is perfect. This was meant to be. Richard, I was meant to be with Sal. I have gotten signs that he is my soul mate. I wouldn’t have found him if I wasn’t here–if YOU hadn’t brought me here. I accept your apology, Richard. I know you would never want to see me get hurt. You may have behaved like an ass, but you’re not evil.”

  For a moment he frowns, then lets it go. “Thanks–I think,” he says laughing lightly.

  “Thank you Richard, I needed to hear this. It means a lot to me.”

  He stands and looks a little uncomfortable. “Well, I’m gonna head out. I’m glad you’re better and doing well and I’m happy to hear your good news.” He started for the doorway and stopped, turned. “You know, I don’t have any use for the house. Probably put it up for sale. So you guys can stay as long as you like. I’m not sure what your plans are–and it’s none of my business–but just let me know if and when you decide to leave.”

  “Thank you,” I say. “I, umm… not sure. Sal wants to get married very soon. But I will let you know.”

  I walk him to the door and without another look, he crosses the threshold and is gone. I feel warm eyes on me and turn to see Sal watching from across the foyer. I smile up at him as he makes his way over to me and takes me in his arms. He kisses me and it’s fire. Our kisses always are.

  His velvet brown eyes look lovingly at my face. “Everything all right?” he asks.

  “Yeah, as a matter of fact it is. Not sure what prompted it all, but his apology made me feel good. He’s just a mess. I don’t wish him anything bad.”

  “Did you tell him about the baby?”

  “Yep. He seemed shocked but happy for me.”

  “Good, Princess. I’m glad he came and talked to you.”

  “Ahem… and you wouldn’t have had anything to with that would you?”

  “Who me?”

  He leans in for another kiss. I taste the heat and dive in deeper. He breaks the kiss and his dark eyes burn into mine.

  “Tonight, Princess, you’re all mine. If you’re up to it, we’ve got some catching up to do.”

  “I thought you were never going to ask.”

  * * *

  Later that night I was relaxing with Celine and Maggie, while Steve, Sal and Mike cleaned up. Pop sits by a small fire burning in the fireplace with Toby by his side.

  “Gracie”, Maggie asks. “You said something when you woke up. Something about being somewhere a long time ago–do you remember anything?”

  I look at my friends. “I do–I remember a lot–and it scares the hell out of me. I think while I was in the coma I dreamt of a past life. And it was so vivid!”

  “Do you feel like you can share it with us baby?” Celine asks. Or do you need some time?”

  “No, no, I’m fine as a matter of fact. I couldn’t wait to tell all of you.”

  “Gracie,” my brother yells from the kitchen, “do you want anything? We’re done in here, but I’ll bring you something if you need it.”

  “No, I’m good, thanks!” I yell back.

  The guys come to join us and ask what we are talking about.

  “Gracie is going to tell us what she remembered from her coma,” Maggie tells him.

  Sal gives me a thoughtful look. “It’s fine–come sit down–I want you all to hear this.”

  “Well at first I didn’t remember much just a few bits and pieces. But I know with all my heart this was a past life I revisited. Sal, your name was Marsilio, a Knights Templar just home from a battle–I think it was Malta.

  My brother Steve jumps up and grabs his laptop. “Wait a minute Gracie, let’s see if we can match any of this up.”

  He powers it up and starts typing away. “Okay, we have a battle of Malta–it was medieval times; mid 1500’s.”

  “Go on, Gracie!” Maggie urges.

  “There was a Queen–Celine, she reminded me of you.”

  “How ‘bout that!” she laughs. “Finally I’m in my element!” Everyone laughs with her.

  “I had sister’s–we were the Queen’s daughters. Anne and Caterina– my name was Sophia.”

  Sal looks at me. “Princess Sophia?”

  I nod. “Now I realize why when we first met you felt the need to call me ‘Princess’, Centuries ago Sal, I’m pretty sure we were these people.”

  I tell them my story and how each of them in some way was there living it with me. “We are all connected and have been for many years on and off.”

  I told them the details of the castle and the clothes, my blue dress with the long sleeves and the little jeweled tiara I wore.

  “You were so handsome in your white robes of the Knights of Templar,” I tell Sal. “Your horse was magnificent as well, with his white linen cover adorned with the red crosses.”

  “And the pageantry was breathtaking, at least from my position as a noblewoman. The huge tents were gorgeous in the burgundy and gold dyes. Celine–you’d have loved it! The castle yards were crammed with tents and animals and people.”

  Celine turns to Maggie. “Has she seen the..?” she starts to ask Maggie.

  “NO!” Maggie yelps, cutting her off, and jumps up from her chair.

  “What are you two up to now?” I ask. “Where is she going?”

  “I’m not up to anything, but you just wait ‘til you see this!” Celine says.

  Mike agrees. “I’ve seen it., This is gonna get freaky!”

  Maggie returns holding what appears to be a framed painting. “Gracie, I started painting this right after Christmas day. The first picture you sent me of the both of you was the night you went to the children’s benefit. Ask Mike, that picture just haunted me for some reason. Then you sent me another picture of the two of you in Napa in front of that winery that looks like a medieval castle. Again, it was like I was staring at something I’d seen before. Look closely Gracie– you’re in a light blue dress and tiara; I painted Sal in white–in the back ground, tents–look what color they are!”

  My eyes scour her painting and suddenly I’m transported–I feel a rush of energy surge through me. Goose pimples rise all over my body and I can feel the color drain out of my face as the hair on my neck stands to attention.

  Maggie painted a picture from her mind–but with the same exact details from my dream.

  Sal looks at me, then the painting, then back to me. “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “Yes, I am just fine,” I say, smiling from ear to ear. “This,” I gesture to her painting, “is total validation! I knew it!”

  I pass the painting around so everyone can see for themselves. Pop looks up from the painting. “Your souls never die–your love is-a-that strong.”

  My brother is still tapping at his laptop. “I can
’t find too much of your account Gracie, but what I can tell you is the names you’ve mentioned come up–and there is some connection of royalty–scattered through Italy. Now interestingly enough, there was a battle at Malta with the Turks–and Templar knights, I never heard about it, but it happened-

  “For whatever reason, your dreams, this painting, this whole thing–is just beyond us. Let’s not question it. I’m just going to believe this was your destiny–like Mags says–it is meant to be.”

  * * *

  Late that night when everyone had gone to bed, Sal and I curl up in each other’s arms. I have never felt so loved by a person–I can feel his warmth radiate through me like we shared voltage.

  Sal’s so happy and relieved to have me home and safe that he breaks down in heartbreaking sobs and my heart knows exactly how he feels. All the weeks I mourned a loss that never happened and almost lost my life. I understand what he means when he says he didn’t know how he’d go on if he’d lost me and the baby.

  When he settles down, we change the subject to happier talk, making plans for getting married, where we should go to live our lives. Together, we come up with a plan that we will put in motion in a few days, when our guests leave.

  Sal hugs me tight and kisses me. We gently and slowly make love.. After covering every inch of my body with tender kisses, he fills himself within me, taking his time and being so careful as if I might break, I almost cry.

  But as it always does, no matter how tender the intention, or how gentle the beginning, our desire and hunger spins us into a frenzy that ends up with both of us catapulting over the edge of ecstasy together.

  Sal looks into my eyes, and in his I see, my past, present and future in them.

  “I will love you forever,” he whispers, putting his ear to my chest and listening as my heart slows down.

  Placing a kiss over my heart, Sal softly says, “I am right here–always. I promise.”


  Sal and I eloped. We hopped aboard Nick’s private plane to Europe where we went to Italy, visited the Vatican, toured Rome, floated in Venice and saw Pompeii.


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