Arrogant Coach : A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

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Arrogant Coach : A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance Page 1

by Cara Chance





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8



  Other Books by Cara Chance

  Pretty Mobster

  Arrogant Coach © 2017 By Cara Chance

  Cover Design by RBA Design/ Letitia Hasser.

  Book design and production by Brothers Chance Publication.

  Editing By Brothers Chance

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, places, events and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Chapter One

  My eyes stare as the sweat on his chest gleams in the most captivating way. It’s not like his chest alone isn’t enough to make my mouth water, but today the humidity is outrageously high for New Hampshire. Seeing the beads of moisture trailing down his pecs makes me want to lick them all up. I’m practically drooling just thinking about it. In fact, I nonchalantly touch the side of my mouth to make sure there isn't any stray saliva. I give a soft sigh when my hand comes back dry. At this moment, it’s the only thing on me that is. Although I wouldn't blame anything from trying to escape to get even a milimeter closer to him.

  He wipes himself with a towel and slips his shirt back on. Darn it. Way to ruin my fantasy. He didn't even have the decency to towel down slowly, reminiscent of a Magic Mike show.

  Jordan Knox is hot. Hell, he is scorching and he knows it. We all know it. But what I also know is it’s wrong for me to think of him that way. He’s the son of my dad’s wife and he’d be horrified if he knew I was thinking of him in a sexual way. I am after all daddy's little girl, or at least I used to be until he got married. But I'm sure my thoughts about Jordan would be forbidden per my dad. Well according to everyone in society for that matter.

  It doesn't make it any better that Jordon's also my track coach at the exclusive private boarding school my dad’s been sending me to for the past four years. He got hired before the beginning of the school year as the coach for the track and soccer teams. All of us girls thought we hit the jackpot when Jordan introduced himself. It was just my luck he was way off limits to me.

  The other girls at least get to talk about the dirty things they want to do to Jordan. I don't even get the chance to do that. It's not like any of the girls would act on their desires. This school is very prestigious and the tuition is astronomical. They pay their staff well and I’m sure Jordan’s no exception. Because of that the faculty and students are required to uphold the school standards.

  In addition to his salary, they provide him with a free house to live in and use of all the amenities. It's hard not to think about how close he is when I'm laying in my dorm room. How easy it would be to slip out and crawl into his bed. I try to stop the thoughts but sometimes they’re too strong

  “Brooklyn.” My name being called breaks me from my woolgathering. I seem to be spending way too much time in a Jordan fog lately. I really need to do something about this. And fast.

  “Brooklyn.” The louder tone has my head turning toward him.

  Jordan stands with his arms crossed over his bulging pecs, his legs braced apart like he’s balancing on a boat. He reminds me of a pirate, standing at the helm of his ship about to capture some booty. I’d let him capture my booty. My head falls forward as I giggle to myself.

  “Brooklyn!” he shouts my name and my head snaps up, my eyes lock on his. Or they would if he didn’t have aviators covering his gorgeous brown eyes. As it is now, I can only see my own reflection and it gets bigger and bigger as he stalks toward me. The frown turning down his full lips shouldn't be as sexy as it is. I’m sitting on the ground, and I’m supposed to be stretching, but I got distracted by Jordan’s buff body and my dirty thoughts.

  “What’s going on with you today?” he asks as he stops in front of me. I lean back on my hands and tip my head up. He blocks out the sun and for the first time in twenty minutes I’m not squinting my eyes.

  “What do you mean?” I ask feigning ignorance, even though I’m well aware he noticed me lost in my daydreams of him.

  “Are you feeling okay today? You’ve just been sitting there. It's not like you” He squats down, sitting on his heels, his hands dangling between his legs. His leg muscles become more defined in his basketball shorts as they hold him in front of me.

  “Pfft, I’m fine,” I answer, playing it off to the best of my ability.

  He pushes his sunglasses up on top of his head and stares into my eyes. Those brown eyes that I have been dreaming about since the first time I saw him bore into me. He looks concerned and I feel horrible, because there’s no reason for him to be. What he thinks is some illness is nothing more than me mooning over him like some pathetic teenager...which I am. He should be more concerned about staying away from me so I don't ruin both of our reputations.

  “What’s going on with you? Are you sure you’re okay?” He sounds like he actually cares and my hopes jump at the thought that he could possibly think of me as more than a little sister. Those are dangerours thoughts I know but it doesn't stop me from having them.

  “Do I need to call mom and dad?” There it is...the sound of my hopes deflating like an air-filled balloon being released.

  I look down at the ground and order myself to face reality. My shoulders slump and I force myself to hold back the tears trying to appear. He’s never going to think of me as more than a sister. What was I thinking?

  I could be sitting here stark naked right now and he’d never even notice. He’d just blow the whistle hanging around his neck and order everyone to line up on the track.

  “No, I’m fine. Chill out Jordan.”

  I roll my eyes at him and press the souls of my feet together in front of me. I drop my head down, leaning forward to stretch out my thighs, hoping by the time I raise back up he’ll be gone. I slowly count to sixty and straighten up. When I open my eyes he’s still there. The concern pouring out of him. Shoot.

  “What?” I question, feeling uncomfortable under his watchful gaze. He can’t ever know about my schoolgirl crush. I would absolutely die! It’s bad enough to feel this way, but if he were to ever humiliation. I couldn't imagine the pity or even worse amusement he would feel if he ever found out.

  His hand drops to my bent knee. I can't stop my nipples from puckering against my sports bra. Luckily, his eyes are locked on mine and don't drift to the obvious lust I feel.

  “If something is ever bothering you, please know you can come to me. You do know that, right? I know I’m your coach here, but first and foremost, I’m always your brother.” His thumb rubs over my skin sending unbrotherly tingles to my nether regions.

  I’ve tried to resist this attraction I have for him, but I can’t. I forbid myself to think about him and I do on most days. I try my best to avoid looking at him. It doesn’t really matter though, because I dream about him almost every single night. I can’t even get away from him in my sleep.

  In fact, it’s worse because my dreams of him are naughty dreams...dreams that have me blushing when I recall them. Dreams that make my thighs tingle like they did when his large calloused hand landed on my knee. They make me wish we weren’t brother and sister, that I was just some unknown girl to him and then maybe I’d have more than a snowball’s chance in hell of him wanting

  I straighten my legs and he removes his hand, lifting it to his hair, brushing the thick dark brown strands back. I aim an overly enthusiastic smile at him. “I’m great, Jordan. Nothing to worry about here.”

  I stand and wipe the seat of my shorts clean of grass. I begin to stretch my arms out, pulling one across my chest and looking in the opposite direction of where he stands. This is also the only stretch where I can hide my tightened nipples just in case his eyes dip down from my face.

  He doesn’t move, he’s still as a statue, hands on hips, watching my every move. When I stretch my other arm and I still don’t look at him he finally gives up on continuing our conversation, walking away.

  Chapter Two

  I breathe a huge sigh of relief. I tip my head back, close my eyes and enjoy the sun on my face. I only have two more weeks of school left and then I graduate. I should have finished last year, but I had to repeat sixth grade. My mother passed away that year and I fell apart. I couldn’t concentrate, my school work suffered and I ended up being held back. And now at age nineteen, I’m the oldest student in my graduating class. I'm just winning at life in all directions.

  I love running and I’m good at it. Being on the track team is important to me. It's my only solace being a nineteen-year-old senior pining for my step brother. When I’m training it’s the only time I can usually shut my brain off and just enjoy the beauty of nature all around me. It's the only time Jordan isn't invading my thoughts.

  The campus here at Estabrook Academy is breathtaking. Which like I said before with the tuition my father is shelling out it should be. There’s green all around us, the trees are so plentiful and off in the distance you can see the White Mountains. There’s a lake within walking distance we can swim at, although the water is too cold most of the time. To anyone else this place would be paradise. But they don't have dirty thoughts about their step brother either.

  Now that I’m a senior there aren’t a lot of restrictions on what we can and can’t do. We do have a curfew during the school week and must be in our rooms with the lights out by ten o’clock. On the weekends, it’s midnight, but some of the students here live close enough to go home and see their families. They only have to sign out for the amount of time they’ll be gone.

  I never go home, except for holidays. My dad is very busy with his new wife Sally and having me around is an inconvenience. I understand, but it makes me sad to think about. I used to be his little angel and now it's like he doesn't have time for me. He’d been lonely for a long time and now he has Sally to be with. There’s no real reason for me to be there cheering him up anymore. That's Sally's job now.

  I’m not sure where I fit into the family anymore, but it doesn’t really matter. I’ll be going to college in upstate New York at the end of August, escaping my father and his new family.

  By the end of our training session, I’m soaked with sweat and feeling dehydrated. I’d pushed myself harder than I normally do, trying to escape thoughts of Jordan. My tank top is drenched and my face is red like a beet. I collapse down on the grass to stretch out my legs, but I just lie there instead. As a runner, I know this is a deadly game I'm playing not cooling down the way I should be, but right now I don't care.

  I close my eyes and focus on my breathing. I’m halfway to sleep when I feel water sprinkle on my face. My eyes open in a flash and I see my classmate Oscar standing above me, a bottle of water in his hands. I’m guessing by the smirk on his cute face he’s the culprit.

  “Hey! That’s not nice.” I sit up and scowl at him.

  I wanted to say something harsher, but Estabrook Academy does not allow cursing. He drops down beside me with a big grin on his tanned face. His blonde hair is disheveled from running his hand through it as he just did. His blue eyes sparkle with humor and I forgive him immediately.

  “You looked hot. I was just trying to help out.” He comes toward me, “but you always look hot.”

  He winks and I giggle nervously. He’s been flirting with me a lot lately and I’m not used to it. When other girls were brushing up on their flirting skills, I was mourning the loss of my mother, and then later getting pushed aside for my step mother. I guess I never caught up.

  I should also mention that up until the start of this school year I was flat as a board and then suddenly, instant c-cups. I found myself getting attention from guys who wouldn’t have looked twice at me before, like Oscar. And I was not prepared to deal with it. We’ve always been friends, but now he’s constantly saying things with sexual innuendos laced in his words, and most of the time it just makes me uncomfortable.

  He’s had a constant slew of girlfriends over the past four years and I’ve had one boyfriend. Peter Poker was my first and only boy I’ve kissed. Why in God’s name did his parents name him Peter with that last name? Thankfully things didn’t work out with us. I wouldn’t ever want to be Brooklyn Poker.

  “Brooklyn, when are you going to go out with me? Come on, put me out of my misery.”

  He does his best to look sad and pathetic, but he’s still hot. And by the smirk hiding behind his sad mouth he knows it. His blue eyes pop against the tan skin of his face and I know most girls would kill to go out with him.

  Maybe there was something wrong with me? Maybe I should give it a try? It might take my mind off Jordan. He’s never going to see me as anything more than a little sister. I take a deep breath as I stare into his blue eyes wondering if he would be the one to push Jordan out of my head for good.

  “You know you want to,” he continues unaware of my internal battle.

  My eyes search for Jordan and I find him looking in my direction a scowl of disapproval on his face. He doesn’t care for the way Oscar flirts with me, ever the protective older brother. With that in mind I make my decision.

  “Sure, I’d love to go out with you.”

  He smiles and stretches his legs out in front of him. “We can stretch together. We don't want you getting a cramp,” he says with a wink, before leaning his head down toward his knees.

  Ten minutes later I’m ready to head back to my dorm room and crash out on my bed. Oscar waits while I shove my towel and water bottle in my bag and throw it over my shoulder. We begin the walk across the soccer field that will take us back to the building we both reside in.

  “Brooklyn.” I hear Jordan call my name and I ignore him, continuing with Oscar.

  I can’t deal with Jordan right now. I'm nervous enough around Oscar. My nerves couldn't take it.

  “Brooklyn,” he calls again and this time he’s noticeably closer.

  Shoot. It looks like my nerves are going to be tested.

  I glance up at Oscar and put my hand on his arm. “I’m gonna see what he wants. I’ll talk to you later.”

  He takes my hand and gives it a quick squeeze. “I’ll see you at dinner and we can work out the details of where we’re going on our date.”

  He smiles a bright white smile at me. He really is a great looking guy. He just isn't Jordan.

  No! No more thinking of Jordan.

  I nod my head and flash him my most brillant smile. “I’ll see you then.”

  I watch him walk off and then turn to face Jordan as he approaches. His gate is wooden as he makes his way toward me. I don't know what I did, but Jordan is pissed at me.

  “What the hell is your problem?” He spits out, crossing his arms over his chest when he reaches me.

  His legs spread apart as he anchors himself in front of me, letting me know he's not going anywhere until he gets answers.

  I shake my head. “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about, Jordan.”

  “I called your name and you ignored me. Don’t fucking deny it,” he seethes.

  Jeez, what is his problem?

  “Jordan, I ignored you because I was talking to Oscar, and I didn’t feel like dealing with this.” I gesture at him.

  “You didn’t feel like dealing with me?” His voice is deep and he rocks back on his heels before settling
back down.

  “I don’t want to fight with you. Just tell me what’s going on so I can get back to the dorm and shower. I have a lot of studying to do for finals.”

  “What’s going on with you and Oscar?”

  He moves closer to me. I can feel the heat radiating off his muscular body. Normally, him being so near me would have me daydreaming about naked time, but his anger is making me mad.

  “What do you mean, what's going on with me and Oscar?” I ask. My brow furrows as I wait for his answer.

  “Did he ask you out?” He drops his arms and his fists clench at his sides. “And if he did, what was your answer?”

  I hesitate. I don’t want to tell him. My anger burned away in a flash. Now all I want to do is run away.

  He’s going to be angry. He took on big brother role fast, and he always scares away guys that ask me out. Not like there has been a lot. I figure I might as well be honest now. If he finds out I lied after Oscar and I go out, it will only be worse. “Yes he did ask me out and I accepted.”

  “You’re not going out with him. I forbid it.” My mouth drops open in shock at his high handedness. Who the heck does he think he is?

  “Jordan, I’m nineteen years old. You can’t tell me who I can go out with.” I turn my back to him, intending to end the conversation. I move to take a step forward; he grabs my arm and spins me back around to face him.

  “I forbid you to go out with him, Brooklyn. If I find out that you do there will be hell to pay. I’ll spank that little ass of yours so hard you won’t sit down for a week.” His threat comes out in a whisper as he looks around the field to make sure we're alone.

  He runs his hand through his hair. I can tell he’s aggravated with me, but if I give in on this he’ll just keep telling me what I can and cannot do. I’m an adult and in charge of my own destiny. Besides, threatening me with spanking as if I'm a little girl was unacceptable.


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