Kings of Denver

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Kings of Denver Page 7

by Sheridan Anne

  I swallow back a lump in my throat. Shit, he is so very clearly onto me and is so very clearly pissed off about it. Though, I’m sure that’s because he knows I don’t fail. “It could have been anyone,” I say, as his muscle men both start creeping forward.

  My eyes flick between them. Shit, this isn’t good. I’m in a room with someone who is most likely a murderer, or maybe he got these guys to do it. He knows I know and now he needs to tie up loose ends.

  Shit. Where is Dani?

  Christian lets out a booming laugh. “You don’t think my surveillance has facial recognition software?” he says as he gets to his feet.

  My heart is pounding as these guys continue getting closer. I start back up. “You need to leave,” I demand.

  “In due time,” he says with a sick smirk.


  I take off like a bat out of hell. I just need to make it to the door and I’ll be able to call for help.

  My hands curl around my stomach as I fear for my baby’s life. I can see the door down the long hallway but a hand latches around my forearm and yanks me backward with an incredible amount of strength.

  I scream as my body tumbles down to the floor and I’m dragged back up the hallway before being yanked to my feet.

  Christian Baxter stands in front of me with his two henchmen at either of my sides. “Consider this your one and final warning,” he says before turning his back and walking away.

  His men turn on me with sick smirks and I see the decision in their eyes as they back me into a corner. A fist comes pummelling forward and before I know it, I’m curled in a ball on the ground, my arms protectively wrapped around my stomach as I scream for help.

  I feel the sharp agony of bones breaking, the warm oozing liquid seeping from the cuts and gashes on my skin and then finally, the sweet, sweet feeling of unconsciousness taking over.

  Chapter 9


  Today has been one hell of a long fucking day and it’s not even lunchtime yet. I’ve been a jittery mess of nerves waiting for this damn meeting. I shouldn’t be though and that pisses me off. I should be confident. I’m the best damn player on this team, I’ve been here for four years, working my ass off to get to this point. I deserve it and everyone knows it yet there is this tiny seed of doubt in my mind. The fucking ‘what if’ bug.

  It shouldn’t be there but it is.

  Pretty much all the boys have shown up for this morning’s training session, taking advantage of the ice as we all have to be present for this compulsory meeting. It’s just after 12.30 when the boys and I start getting off the ice. I head into the locker room, strip off my training gear and head to the showers.

  I get myself dressed afterward and put in a little extra effort, after all, if this is going to be my big shot, then at the risk of sounding like a pansy-ass mother fucker, I want it to be special.

  I’m just finishing up when Miller comes and joins me. “You ready for this?” he asks as he collects his phone from his locker.

  “Fucking born ready, man,” I tell him.

  He gives me a goofy-ass grin and I have to look away to avoid grinning back at him like a moron.

  I jam my phone, keys, and wallet into my pockets just as Coach Larsden comes into the locker room. “Conference room. Now,” he demands before turning away and stalking back out of the room without another word.

  “You heard the man,” Miller murmurs as we all start making our way out.

  As one, we all make our way into the conference room and I’m pleasantly surprised to see the place decked out with all sorts of lunch arrangements. Apparently, the rest of the guys are as well as we all beeline straight for the food.

  With plates piled high, we take our seats and let Coach get the meeting underway.

  He starts off with the usual; how things are going to work, who our biggest competition is this year, the general plan for how we are going to succeed. Then, half-an-hour in, he finally gets to the good stuff.

  “Alright guys,” he starts, “I’ve kept you long enough so we’ll get right down to what you really want to know.”

  The boys all holler and cheer just as I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I slide my hand into my pocket and quickly pull it out before coach gets started. I see Dani’s name flash across the screen and I quickly look to Miller who looks non-the-wiser. Maybe she’s been trying to get a hold of him and thought she’d try me. Either way, she’s going to have to wait. Now really isn’t a great time.

  I silence the call, slip my phone back in my pocket and pay full attention to Coach Larsden. “Alright, we’ll start with Vice Captain,” Coach says as my phone starts up again. I silence it once again, hoping no one else can hear the sound of the vibration. Not that anyone would care but seriously, it looks kind of bad. “Congratulations, Cameron. The role is all yours.”

  The boys all cheer for Cameron who looks to Coach with a proud smile and nod.

  “Ok, now for our Captain,” Coach says. My eyes flick to Miller who I know has been waiting for this moment just as much as I have when I feel my phone start up again. For fuck's sake, Dani. Not now.

  I concentrate on Coach as I silence the call again. “Your new Captain has shown incredible dedication over the four years he has been a part of this team and is long overdue for the position. Congratulations Tank. You’re our new captain for the coming season.”

  I am fucking elated. I don’t even know how to describe the feeling within me. Pride? Excitement? Happiness? I don’t fucking know but what I do know is that this day will forever be right up there with the day I meet Sophie and our wedding day. It’s everything I have worked for since I was a kid learning how to skate and here it is. All the hard work has paid off.

  Or, well I guess, now the hard work is just getting started. Now I have to prove I belong here each and every day. I need to be the best damn Captain these boys have ever seen and I’ll be damned if I don’t lead this team to victory.

  Fuck. The only thing missing right now is Sophie. What I wouldn’t give to have her in my arms right now. I can’t fucking wait to get out of his meeting and give her a call. I can just imagine what she is going to say, but hell, she probably has something extra special for tonight and I’m sure it’s going to blow my mind.

  The boys give their congratulations in the form of whoops and hollers. Miller jumps out of his chair with a massive ‘yes’ followed up by a fist pump while I grin like a fucking idiot. Coach catches my eye and gives me a proud smile. He comes forward and holds out his hand. I take it quickly and give it a firm shake. “You deserve it, kid,” he says.

  “Thanks, boss, I won’t let you down,” I say, knowing just how much he hates being thanked but fuck it, I’m thanking the bastard whether he likes it or not.

  The boys finally settle down and Coach calls us to attention. “Ok, now that’s over, you may as well eat the rest of this shit. I don’t want it going to waste. Give yourselves a quick break then I want you in the gym,” he is just wrapping up his dismissal when his own phone comes screeching to life on the table before him.

  He looks down at the caller ID before giving Miller a strange look. A strange feeling settles within me, if that’s Dani, it must be damn important for her to call Coach, especially when she knows we’re in a meeting. Coach hits answer and holds the phone up to his ear while his eyes remain locked on Miller who I notice is looking back at him in confusion, clearly wondering why Coach has him in his sights.

  “Dani? What’s up?” he asks.

  “Dani? Miller questions with a grunt but my attention is on the squawking that is heard through the line.

  “Where’s Tank? It’s Sophie, she’s been hurt.”

  What? Coach Larsden’s eyes instantly land on mine but I’m already out of my chair reaching for his phone. He hands it over and I instantly start questioning her.

  “Dani? What’s wrong with Sophie?” I ask in a rushed tone as Miller comes to stand right by my side.

  “I called an ambulance. She’
s been beaten,” she starts.

  “What?” I cut in as I take off out of the room.

  “I think it’s a home invasion,” she cries. “You need to hurry, she’s lost a lot of blood.”


  I hang up the call and find myself already in my truck with Miller right beside me. I kick over the engine and peel out of the car park. “Head to the hospital,” Miller says as he sees me about to take the turn off for home. “She said she called an ambulance.”

  Shit, of course.

  I break pretty much every traffic law as I try to get to my wife as fast as possible. What the hell did Dani mean she had been beaten? And how much blood had she lost? Was she conscious? Talking? Breathing? What about my son?

  Question after question fills my mind and has me pushing my truck to its absolute limits, desperate for the answers.

  I pull up outside the emergency ward and leave my truck in the ambulance bay with the keys still in it. They can move it themselves if they need to, fuck, they can tow it for all I care. I just need to get to my wife.

  I run straight in and instantly find Dani, balling her eyes out with a distressed Mia curled in her arms. “Where is she?” I demand.

  Dani gets up instantly and rushes towards me. “They’ve taken her straight in for emergency surgery,” she cries.

  “Surgery?” I question with panic.

  Dani lets out a sob. “There was too much blood.”


  I bypass Dani and head straight for the lady at the check-in spot. “My wife, Sophie Meyers, she was brought in not long ago. I need to see her.”

  The lady quickly scans her computer before looking up at me. “I’m sorry, sir. Sophie has been taken into surgery for extensive injuries. You will need to take a seat in the waiting area. We will update you when we have any news.”

  “Fuck,” I grunt as I start pacing in front of her desk then suddenly stop to look at the woman. “Just tell me she’s ok,” I beg.

  “Sir, I’m sorry. I do not have that information. She came straight through the doors and into surgery. I should not make any assumptions but I would assume she is in a serious way,” she says being straightforward with me which I know eventually I would probably appreciate.

  “And my son?” I ask.

  “Son?” she questions as she looks furiously at her screen. “I’m sorry,” she says, shaking her head ever so slightly as a panic settles over her features. “Only one patient was brought in. There is no mention of a child.”

  “My son. Sophie’s pregnant,” I confirm.

  She double checks her screen. “There is no mention here of a pregnancy,” she tells me.

  “What?” I shout. “She’s five months pregnant. How could they not know? You’re telling me my wife is in surgery and the doctors don’t know she is pregnant?” My voice gets louder and louder by the second and suddenly Dani is standing at my side with a hand on my forearm.

  “It’s ok,” she murmurs in a soothing voice. “I told the paramedics. They said it was obvious and I heard them mention it when they called it in.”

  I nod my head and let out a deep breath. I turn my back and take a seat in the waiting area with nothing but my own torturous thoughts streaming through my mind.

  Dani takes a seat next to me with a bunch of papers. “The lady asked if you could fill this out,” she says, not bothering to hand it to me, already knowing what my answer is going to be.

  “What happened?” I ask softly.

  She lets out a breath as silent tears slide down her face. “I got to your place just after one. The front gate was open and the door was left cracked like as if someone had left in a hurry. I found Sophie on the floor, she was in the corner of the lounge room in a heap of blood,” she whispers as the images start flashing in my mind. “Her face was badly bruised and cut up, she had a broken arm and there was a lot of blood staining her jeans. I don’t know if she was hurt there or if she was bleeding internally,” she tells me.

  I hang my head.

  I refuse to believe that. Sophie is strong and so is our son. They will both pull through. They’ll be ok. Sophie is just in there getting a few stitches and a cast for a broken arm. Everything is going to be ok.

  I repeat the thoughts over and over again.

  The next few hours drag by but when that doctor comes through the door and calls out Sophie’s name, I have never been so quick to get to my feet. I dash towards the doctor in absolute desperation. “Sophie’s my wife,” I confirm so he can get started on the details.

  The doctor’s eyes bulge out in surprise and I realise he’s a fan but now isn’t the time. He lets out a small cringe before he schools his features. “Sophie is out of surgery, she is doing ok considering, however, she will be asleep for a while longer,” he tells me. “She will be taken to the recovery wing within the next half-an-hour where you’ll be able to sit with her.”

  I nod my head, while he has told me all good things, he hasn’t said a damn thing about her injuries. “How is she?” I prompt.

  He lets out a sigh. “I’m not going to sugar coat it. She is in a bad way. Whoever did this, set out with the intention to harm. You’ll have to prepare yourself before you see her. There are a lot of cuts and swelling to her face. Her arm was broken in two places and is currently held with pins, she also has three broken ribs,” he explains. “Internally, there was a lot of bleeding,” he adds with a different tone of voice as he places a comforting hand on my shoulder. “There was not a lot we could do for the baby, unfortunately, the trauma Sophie suffered was just far too great.”


  My whole world comes crashing down around me. My son didn’t make it.

  I don’t hear a damn thing the doctor says following that. I don’t notice when Dani and Miller try to offer their condolences. I don’t even take notice as a car crash victim gets pushed through the double doors and straight through the other side. The only thing I do notice is when I am told I can see my wife.

  Dani and Miller stay behind, despite their numerous objections but I don’t have it in me to fight for it and honestly, I need this time with Sophie. I just need to be alone with my wife.

  The nurse leads me to her room and I am in absolute shock as I take in her broken body. I fall to my knees beside her bed and instantly start sobbing as I take her unconscious hand in mine. “Who the hell did this to you?”

  I could have stayed there for minutes or it could have been hours. I will never know but eventually, my tears dry up and I manage to get off the floor. Without letting go of her hand, I reach for a chair and drag it over. I take a seat and finally give myself a chance to look her over. The doctor was right, I should have prepared myself for this but how could I? It’s not something I ever thought I’d have to see.

  Her skin is a collage of different shades of deep blues and purples, her beautiful blonde hair is mattered with dried blood making me furious that the nurses didn’t spend more time on her. There are cuts covering her body, her arm is… pure devastation and where that swollen belly used to be is nothing… just nothing.

  My heart continues to shatter with every second that passes.

  I never fully understood the pain of losing a child that hadn’t been born into the world but now I know. It’s nothing but absolute agony. A feeling of complete and utter loss, a helplessness that there was literally nothing I could have done to protect him.

  I can’t help but think of all the things in life he will miss. All the experiences and adventures that he won’t be able to take. The life that he won’t be able to live to the fullest.

  I look to my wife and realise all the things that we, as parents, will never be able to experience with our little boy. The fights over who is going to change his dirty nappies, the cuts and bruises Sophie will never get to kiss better, the monsters in his wardrobe that I won’t scare away. The bath times, the tantrums, the good night stories and teaching him to ride a bike.

  The list goes on and on but mostly, the love of being a fam
ily and raising a child, the chance of being a father… ripped away.

  Chapter 10


  I feel a hand twitch against mine and due to size and texture, I instantly know it’s Tank… Mmmm, my loving husband. What a freaking guy. I don’t know why he is still home though, he usually leaves ages before I get up.

  I open my eyes, or at least, I try to but it seems a lot harder than usual. Ouch, why does it hurt so much?

  I let out a pained groan as my eyes register the sudden brightness of the room. Why the hell does Tank have the blinds open at this time of day? And why is it making my head hurt so much?

  Crap I must be getting sick. Perfect. Just what I need. I’ll have to schedule an appointment at the doctors just to make sure there is no harm to my little guy.

  My eyes finally start adjusting to the room when I realise things are off. Way freaking off. The faint beeping in the background is my first giveaway. The clinical hospital room with my husband slouched in the chair beside me, definitely the big ‘shit ain’t right here’ indicator.

  I try to squeeze my hand in his but it feels too heavy. What the hell?

  “Tank,” I say, though it only comes out the smallest whisper. My throat instantly burns but at least it gets the job done.

  Tank flies out of his chair, wide-eyed searching for some kind of threat before his eyes come down on me. Relief instantly washes over his features as he takes me in. “Babe?” he questions. “How are you feeling?” It’s then I notice his beautiful eyes are red-rimmed like he has been crying but that couldn’t be right. Tank doesn’t cry. He is the strongest man I have ever met.

  What’s going on?

  I try to answer but my throat is hurting too much. Tank reaches for a cup of water on the side table, I try to follow his movements but it makes the pain behind my eyes increase. Tank brings the cup up and guides the straw into my mouth.

  I take small sips and the cool water instantly helps the burning in my throat so I can at least talk.

  “I’ll call the doctor,” Tank says as he puts the cup back down.


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