Connors' Devils (Devil's Riot MC Book 5)

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Connors' Devils (Devil's Riot MC Book 5) Page 10

by E. C. Land

  Well this is a good turn of events.



  How is it not even a week later and my mind is still reeling from the scene my brothers and I walked in on? Connors definitely put those bitches in their place. They never should have spoken to her the way they did, but our woman took care of it without our help. I wouldn’t say I was afraid at least one of the clubwhores would try some shit with her and I wasn’t surprised it was Nikki or Susie Cue.

  They’re the only two clubwhores Dragon and I haven’t fucked, although Nikki has given us blow jobs. Susie Cue is newer and by the time she came in, we’d decided to stop fucking the clubwhores, wanting something more than a simple lazy fuck where these bitches simply lay there like a cum-bucket.

  What really struck me dumb was how she blatantly informed them without hesitation that we were both hers when she informed them she had two men to please. My heart soared at hearing her finally put her own claim on us. It took both Dragon and myself a minute to let her words sink in before I grabbed her up, putting her over my shoulder to let her do just that, please her men. And fuckin’ hell if she didn’t blow both our minds as she took turns suckin’ us off then taking the both of us for the remainder of the day. She was damn near insatiable and I for one couldn’t get enough of her.

  Since that day, Dragon has been helping me as I get all the new security features up and running. I designed a new camera that not only has night vision that’s clear as day but can detect heat signatures up to three miles away. Pretty badass, if I say so myself. This is a design I’d been working to perfect for years and I think I finally got it right, but I’m not stupid to rely on just them. I’ve got all sorts of shit hooked up, even devices hooked up throughout a five-mile radius of the clubhouse to warn me of anything coming our way. I refuse to have yet another fuck-up happen here. No, not on my watch.

  It’s probably why, when I haven’t been spending time with Connors and our son, I’ve been tense. I just don’t want another repeat of the shit that happened with Cleo. We lost Ace due to my incompetence and not having the right security measures up and Cleo was taken. I’m not ashamed to admit my fear of it happening to either Connors or Logan. Luckily, Hydro seems to have been sticking to his club.

  With Thanksgiving in a few days, I wouldn’t be surprised if the motherfucker didn’t try something, thinking we’ve let our guard down. Thankfully, none of the women fought us when we say they’d be on lockdown. Shit they were already ahead of us and decided to stay at the clubhouse for a few days wanting to do this Thanksgiving together. Make a new tradition, they’d stated as one. None of the brothers opened their mouth to object or say a word about what they were gonna be allowed to do and what not. Not if they wanted a meal that wasn’t filled with laxatives. As sweet as every single one of the women are in their own way, you don’t cross them, or they will seek revenge on your ass. For instance, the first Christmas Kenny was with us, she demanded we all go to the children’s hospital forty minutes away dressed as Santa’s biker elves and give presents. Now, none of us minded going, however, we weren’t going dressed like elves. Let’s just say she got what she wanted in the end when she masterminded each one of us in a game of poker.

  Shaking my head, I scan the screen I’ve got in front of me, not liking it one bit. The last few hours my ass has been glued to my computer system going through the Dragons Fire MC database I’d hacked back when we had shit going down with Izzy. Small fuckin’ world, that’s for sure, when we found out her own mother was trying to sell her with the help of Ratchet, who was also Izzy’s uncle.

  Scanning from one screen to another, I’m sickened at the images they have. There are pictures of Connors from far away to close up. Most of them are old, though some are more recent. Seems they’ve been keeping tabs on her longer than we realized. Hydro has known where she was this entire time and those fuckers have been giving her a false sense of security, waiting for the right time to hit.

  It’s hard waiting for Hydro to make a move since I don’t know what he or the Dragons Fire MC are planning. We’re pretty much sitting ducks lying in wait for Hydro and his dumbass club to make their move. My question is, when? And that right there pisses me the fuck off. I want this shit over so Connors can move on with her life with us.

  Talking to Dragon last night after we exhausted her to the point she passed out, we decided for Christmas we’d ask her to be our wife and to let us adopt Logan. And hopefully, we have this shit taken care of soon so we can have Christmas at home. That’s another thing Dragon and I discussed— soon as Hydro is taken out, we’re moving in with her.

  My phone ringing draws my attention from the screens. Glancing at the number, I see Emerson callin’. Weird. Usually, she calls Connors.

  “Hey, Emerson, you okay?” I ask, furrowing my brows at the silence on the other end. “Emerson,” I call out her name again. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. With the phone to my ear, I turn back to my computers and begin pulling up the security cameras at the salon.

  “Gadget,” she finally speaks up. I can barely hear her.

  “Em, what’s going on?” I demand.

  “Help, please. I can’t say any more. They’re coming,” she whispers right before screaming out.

  “Thought you could hide from me, bitch, think again,” the male voice yells right before the call is disconnected.


  Getting to the cameras, the blood in my veins freezes at the sight of Emerson being dragged out of the back room of the salon and backhanded hard enough she falls to the floor.

  I call Hades, who was supposed to be with her, only to get his voicemail. Fuck, where the hell is he? Shoving myself up from my desk, I run out of the room and head for Twister’s office.

  This shit just got a hell of a lot worse.



  When Twister called emergency church, I just knew something bad was up. I felt it before he even called through the bond with my brother. Gadget’s emotions went into overdrive. I never expected it to be fuckin’ disastrous.

  Emerson has been taken and no one can find Hades. And we don’t know who did it. When Gadget pulled up the camera recording from the time she was taken, none of us recognize the men who took her. As much as we want to storm the Dragons Fire MC over this, we’re not a hundred percent sure it was them. The men on the camera didn’t wear vests or have any markings we could see, but from the fear showing in Em’s eyes, she knew who they were.

  After church, several of us went to the salon to check it out. Gadget stayed behind to keep an eye on Connors. No one has said anything yet, not wanting to freak her out, but unfortunately, we can’t keep this from her. She might know something. Searching the area of the salon, I found Hades’s phone on the ground with blood near it.

  Fuck. Where the fuck is he?

  There’s not even a sign of any struggle to give us a hint of where to go from here. This shit doesn’t even make any sense to me.

  “Let’s lock the place up and get back to the clubhouse. Gadget might have something by now,” Twister calls out.

  “Yeah,” I mutter, and without another word I move back toward my bike. Roaring her to life, I follow my brothers back to the clubhouse. I really hate to admit it, but the only one who might even come close to finding Hades or Emerson is gonna be our woman. It’s her sister we’re talking about and they wouldn’t keep anything from each other. I’m sure of it.

  Doesn’t take us long to get back to the clubhouse as we all speed through town. Cops here seem to have decided not to fuck with us since we try to help the community out.

  Parking my bike, I shut my bike off and make my way into the building. My hands are inching to hold Connors in my arms. Soon as I walk into the main room, I find her sitting at a table with Logan. They have their heads leaned in close and seem to be coloring. Making my way across the room, I place a hand on her shoulder. When she looks up smiling, I can’t stop from leaning down to take her mouth in
a demanding kiss.

  “E-Ew-Ewww r-ros-ross,” Logan yells out.

  Laughing, Connors pulls back and tilts her face up to mine. My heart clenches at the fact I’m about to take that smile from her face.

  When Connors notices my expression, her smile drops as she furrows her brow, glancing in Logan’s direction before turning back to me. “What’s wrong?” she whispers.

  “Hey Lo-man, why don’t you go find Shadow for me,” I suggest, not wanting him anywhere near us when I tell her.

  Nodding his head, he goes in search of Shadow, who I know will keep an eye on him while we all handle this here.

  “Come with me, baby, we need to talk to you,” I say, holding my hand out to her.

  She silently takes my hand and follows me to church. When I sit down, I pull her into my lap. Gadget looks up from his computer to giving her a kiss before we start.

  “Okay, now, what’s going on? I’m kinda getting freaked out right now.” I can tell she’s nervous with the way she’s fidgeting in my lap while everyone comes to sit at their place around the room. Normally, Twister would start church, but he simply nods in my direction when I look to him.

  “Mo chroí, I’m sorry to have to say this and I wish there were another way, but there isn’t. We need your help in finding Emerson and Hades. Someone took them and we don’t think it’s the Dragons Fire MC,” Gadget says, taking her hand in his. I’m sure he needs to feel a connection with her the same way I do.

  “What?” tears stream down her cheeks as she takes in Gadget’s words.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” my voice rasps.

  “Babe, we need you to look at some pictures to see if you can tell me who these people are.” Gadget places some images on the table in front of her. With a shaky hand, she picks one up, scanning it before placing it back down and lifting another one. She gasps, throws the picture down, and rushes out of the room, covering her mouth.

  Jumping out of our seats, Gadget and I follow right behind. At the way she reacted, I think we have our answer as to if she knows or not.



  I never knew I could feel fear worse than I did with Nick but I was wrong, the thought of losing my sister tops it. Especially to a monster like the man in the image. I hadn’t seen that face since I was a little girl and he would come to our house threatening my mom and dad.

  I barely make it to the bathroom before I’m puking my guts up.

  “You okay, baby,” Casey asks, crouching down behind me. A cool cloth is pressed to the back of my neck as I hover over the trash can.

  Groaning, I sit back, leaning into Casey as Dagen moves in front of me and maneuvers the can out of the way. Reaching up, he grabs the cloth from my neck and uses it to clean my face.

  Ugh, this should probably be embarrassing, the fact Dagen’s cleaning my face after I’ve just puked my guts out. But I couldn’t care less. If these two men are mine like they say they are, they can simply deal with it.

  “You wanna tell me what about that picture made you this upset you had to puke?” Dagen orders. His voice is rougher than it normally is. I’m sure it’s killing him to speak, but he refuses to sign when it comes to serious things.

  “Umm, can we not do this in here? We can go back in there and I’ll tell everyone at one time,” I whisper.

  “Only if you’re sure, baby. We can go somewhere else to talk if want,” Casey suggests.

  “No, your brothers deserve to hear this from me as well.” Shaking my head, I take a deep breath and grab a hold of each one of their hands. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Silently, the three of us head back to the room where the guys hold church and I sit down in Dagen’s lap while keeping hold of Casey’s hand.

  “Sorry about that, guys,” I whisper, not looking at anyone in the room.

  “Nothing to be sorry about, Connors. I’m sorry we have to bring you into this, but we need your help,” Twister says from my right. Glancing in his direction, I can see he really means it.

  Nodding, I close my eyes. “What I’m about to say isn’t gonna be easy for me.”

  “Just do what you can,” Twister says gently.

  “Okay, are any of you aware of what a satanic cult is?” I ask.

  Curses fill the room as my answer.

  “Well, I’ll take that as a yes. So a quick summary of this is Timothy Rogers was promised Emerson by our grandfather, who is the head of a satanic cult just inside South Carolina. You can literally walk to North Carolina within ten minutes. But anyway, with Grandfather being the leader, he had a say in who could belong to who when it came to the woman. My mother was promised to my dad, who thankfully after marrying my mom took her and ran, disappearing into the night. That’s what my mom and dad always said. After my parents died, Grandfather tried to get custody of us, but mom and dad already had everything in place as a precaution. We went to live with a friend of theirs until we graduated from high school. After that, we moved here. Now Timothy has found Emerson. I wish I could be of more help by telling you where he would take her, but honestly I don’t even know the name of the town it is in,” I say, taking a deep breath as I lean into Dagen, taking in his strength.

  “You did good,” Casey says, leaning toward me and kissing the side of my head. “I might be able to find it.”

  “Baby, do you mind going in the other room while we figure out what needs to be done next?” Dagen asks, squeezing me to him.

  “Yeah, I think I might grab Logan and see if he wants to watch a movie with me. Umm, can we maybe order pizza tonight?”

  “How about you order enough pizzas for the club?” Twister suggests.

  “Okay, I can do that. What would everyone want?” I ask, looking toward Gadget to see if he has a pen and paper among the mess surrounding his laptop.

  “Here you go, baby,” he says, handing me what I need. Smiling, I look around the table to find out what they like on their pizzas. I figure these guys can probably eat a whole pizza by themselves. By the time I have everyone’s order, I now know I won’t be sharing my pizza with anyone else in this room. Fine by me, they don’t know what they're missing out on.

  “Okay, so I’m going to just order each one of you your own pizza and get two extra cheese pizzas for anyone else who might want some,” I announce, standing from Dagen’s lap I move to the door. “If I think of anything else, I’ll let you know,” I say.

  The room fills with murmurs of thanks as I leave the room. Going in search of Logan I find him in the main room sitting at the same table him and I were sitting but this time he’s sitting with Shadow. I swear those two are thick as thieves together.

  Moving to the table, I smile at Logan when he looks up at me. “Hey buddy, want to help me order pizza for dinner?”

  Can I finish coloring with Shadow, please? Like I said, thick as thieves. Glancing at Shadow, I see him nod.

  “Fine, but don’t bother Shadow too much, okay,” I say, leaning down to kiss his forehead.

  Okay, Momma, smiling as he signs.

  Leaving them alone, I decide I could use a drink so I walk behind the bar and grab a beer. Taking a sip, I sit at another table and put the order in for the pizzas.

  Once that’s done, I can’t help but think of my sister. She’s gone and I don’t know when we’ll get her back or if we will. On top of that, I still have to worry about Nick out there and what he has planned.

  Anything else want to pop up and join the shitstorm brewing around me?



  “Do you think this is the same satanic cult that fucked with Hades’s family?” Thorn asks through clenched teeth the moment Connors is out of the room. I don’t blame him for being pissed about this. His ol’ lady, Lynsdey, went through hell, along with Cleo, Rage’s ol’ lady, at the hands of a fuckin’ psychopath who was a part of the cult.

  “Gotta be. It’s not like there’s a shit-ton of them around,” Horse grits out.

  Ignoring everyone, I focus on t
he task at hand, trying to find our brother and Emerson. They couldn’t have gotten far. With a name I’m hoping to find them soon.

  “Thorn, you gotta tell them, I know you’ve been putting it off, but it’s time,” Rage’s voice draws my attention from the screen to Thorn’s face as he nods his head. He’s gonna finally tell them, the rest of the club, what we found out about his ol’ lady. I hadn’t said anything, figuring it was best coming from him and that he would tell everyone when it was the right time. I shouldn’t be surprised he told Rage. They’re best friends and have been through hell together.

  Sighing, he takes a deep breath. “Hades is related to Lynsdey,” he says.

  “What?” my brothers ask, dumbfounded by the news.

  “Yeah, I know, blew my mind too. After the shit went down with Lynsdey and Cleo, Bishop’s dad gave Lynsdey this album of old photos of her parents. One night, we were going through it and I came across this picture. At first, I didn’t know who it was but something was familiar about the man in it. Gadget, can you pull up the picture I sent you?” Nodding, I do as Thorn asks. “Looking at the photo, I knew who one of the couples were instantly. It was the other couple, the man in particular. For some reason, I recognized him but couldn’t put a finger on who he was, not at first. Gadget ran the image and found out a name and I haven’t been able to get my mind to wrap around how fuckin’ small this world really is. I haven’t told Lynsdey yet.”

  “So how is Hades and your ol’ lady related?” Twister asks, his brows drawn up.

  “Hades’s mom was related to Lynsdey’s and that bat shit crazy aunt of hers.” Thorn’s lip lifts into a sneer when he mentions his woman’s aunt.

  “Does Bishop know any of this?” Horse asks.


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