From Best Friend to Bride

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by Jules Bennett

  Marrying His/Her Best Friend?

  Therapist Megan Richards provides her patients with expert counsel...but she can’t remedy her lifelong love for her best friend. Police chief Cameron St. John is the perfect man—kind, thoughtful and oh-so-sexy. Megan doesn’t want to confess her feelings and risk their closeness...even if it means finding the happiness she’s always longed for.

  Cameron keeps citizens safe for a living, but even he can’t protect his own heart from Megan. He’s always steadfastly been by her side, but as a buddy. Until he realizes that his feelings for her are anything but friendly—and that by declaring himself, he might lose her friendship, but gain so much more.

  Cameron couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t form a damn thought with Megan’s curvy body pressed against his.

  This was his best friend, yet with the way she was all but spilling out of her barely there black dress, his thoughts weren’t very friend-like at the moment.

  Hadn’t he just pep-talked himself into trying to keep his thoughts out of the gutter?

  “Wh-what are you doing here?” she asked.

  Why was her voice all breathy and sultry?

  Cameron dropped his hands, took a step back, but that didn’t help his hormones settle down. Now he was able to see just how hot she looked wearing that second-skin dress that hit her upper thigh at a very indecent level.

  Jealousy ripped through him. “Where the hell are you going like that?”

  THE ST. JOHNS OF STONEROCK: Three rebellious brothers come home to stay

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you’ve enjoyed the intriguing St. John brothers as much as I have. You’ve met Eli (Dr. Daddy’s Perfect Christmas) and Drake (The Fireman’s Ready-Made Family); now it’s time for Cameron to get his story, and he’s just as demanding and powerful as the others. This hardworking, mysterious brother isn’t going to fall in love with just anyone...he’s falling hard and fast for his best friend.

  I admit, best friends falling in love is one of my favorite tropes. The connection and chemistry is already there just waiting to cross into passion and love. Megan has loved Cam for years, but she’s afraid to risk their solid friendship, and he’s never given her a sign he’s interested in her “that way.” What’s a girl to do?

  I love how Cameron is this great big protector where Megan is concerned. He’s halfway in love with her, but vows to put her needs ahead of his own...a true hero. Circumstances change for both of them and each seeks comfort in the other. Outside forces push them together, really pulling out their inner emotions. Even with Cam’s secrets to protect Megan, she knows he loves if she could just get him to admit it.

  Cam will risk it all for the woman he loves. His career and his family have always been top priority in his life, but he soon finds out his world is empty without his best friend by his side—permanently.

  Sit back and enjoy this last installment of my St. John brothers and watch as Cam finds himself venturing into territory he’d sworn

  Happy reading!

  Jules Bennett

  From Best Friend to Bride

  Jules Bennett

  Award-winning author Jules Bennett is no stranger to romance—she met her husband when she was only fourteen. After dating through high school, the two married. He encouraged her to chase her dream of becoming an author. Jules has now published nearly thirty novels. She and her husband are living their own happily-ever-after while raising two girls. Jules loves to hear from readers through her website,, her Facebook fan page or on Twitter.

  Books by Jules Bennett

  Harlequin Special Edition

  The St. Johns of Stonerock

  The Fireman’s Ready-Made Family

  Dr. Daddy’s Perfect Christmas

  Harlequin Desire

  The Barrington Trilogy

  When Opposites Attract...

  Single Man Meets Single Mom

  Carrying the Lost Heir’s Child

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

  There’s nothing like spending all of your days with your best friend. This book is dedicated to not only my best friend, but my real-life hero. Love you, Michael, and I love our very own happily ever after.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen



  Chapter One

  “You know how to please a man.”

  Megan Richards desperately wished those words coming from her best friend’s kissable lips had been said in a different context. Alas, Cameron St. John was only referring to the medium-well steak she had grilled, and not a bedroom romp.

  One day she would shock them both when she declared her desire, her need for the man she’d known since kindergarten, when he’d pulled her pigtails and she’d retaliated by taking her safety scissors to his mullet. A mutual respect was instantly born, and they’d been friends since—sans pigtails and mullet.

  “I figured you’d been eating enough take-out junk and needed some real food,” she told him, watching in admiration as he picked up their dinner plates and started loading her dishwasher.

  Oh, yeah. His mama had raised him right, and Megan didn’t think there was a sexier sight than a domestic man...especially one with muscles that flexed so beautifully with each movement.

  Since his back was turned, she soaked up the view. The man came by his rippled beauty honestly, with hours dedicated to rigorous workouts. She worked out, too—just last night she’d exercised with a box of cookies—which would be the main reason his body was so perfectly toned while hers was so perfectly dimpled and shapely.

  Cameron closed the dishwasher door and gave the countertop a swift swipe with the cloth before turning to face her. With his hands resting on either side of his narrow hips, he might have looked all laid-back and casual, but the man positively reeked of alpha sexiness. His impressive height and broad shoulders never failed to send a sucker punch straight to her active hormones.

  Too bad he was married to his job as chief of police in Stonerock, Tennessee. Besides, she was too afraid to lose him as a friend to really open up and let years of emotions come pouring out. Well, that and Cameron and his family had been the only true stability she’d known since her parents were killed in a car accident during a snowstorm when they’d been traveling up north to visit friends. Megan couldn’t risk damaging the bond she had with Cam.

  Oh, and he’d made it perfectly clear on more than one occasion that he wouldn’t get into a committed relationship. Not as long as he was in law enforcement, thanks to an incident involving his partner when they’d been rookies.

  Yup, he didn’t do relationships; just like he didn’t do healthy food.

  “I don’t eat junk,” he defended himself.

  Megan tipped her head, quirking a brow.

  “I’ll have you know that Burger-rama is real food, and they know my order without me even repeating it.” Cameron crossed his arms over his wide chest and offered her that lady-killer smile.

  Laughing, Megan came to her feet. “I rest my case.”

  With a quick glance at his watch, Cameron pushed off the counter and sighed. “I better get going. I need to rest befor
e heading out tonight.”

  She had no clue what he was working on; she rarely did. He was pretty adamant about keeping his work absent from their conversations. He’d tell the occasional funny drunken-fight story, but when it came to a serious investigative case, he was pretty tight-lipped.

  Whatever he was working on must be major, seeing as how he’d been heading out to work at midnight several nights a week—not something a chief normally did. The new lines between his brows and the dark circles beneath his eyes spoke volumes about his new schedule.

  “You’re working yourself to death. You know that, right? Between all the crazy hours and the junk food. You can’t be getting enough sleep.”

  One corner of his mouth tipped up in a smile. That cocky, charming grin always had the same heart-gripping impact. How many women had been mesmerized by that beautiful, sexy smile?

  “I’ll be fine,” he assured her, pulling her into a friendly hug. “This case should wrap up soon, and I’ll be back to somewhat normal hours, complete with sleep. The junk food remains, though.”

  Two out of three wasn’t too bad. Besides, normal for him meant ten-hour days instead of twelve or fourteen. Reminding him of his father’s bypass surgery last year would do no good. The St. John men were a stubborn bunch. She should know; she’d been the family sidekick since grade school.

  Megan kept her mouth shut and wrapped her arms around his waist as she slowly inhaled his familiar scent. Closing her eyes, she wished for so much. She wished Cam would wake up and see how deeply she cared for him, she wished her brother would straighten his life out and she wished she knew what to do about the out-of-town job offer she’d just received.

  None of those things were going to happen right now, so she held on tight and enjoyed the moment of being enveloped by the man she’d loved for years. If friendship was all they were destined for, then she’d treasure what she had and not dwell on the unattainable.

  Cameron eased back, resting his firm hands on her shoulders. “You okay? You seem tense.”

  Really? Because she’d pretty much melted into his embrace. The cop in him always managed to pick up every little detail around him, yet the man in him was totally oblivious to the vibes she sent out. It would be so much easier if he just magically knew how she felt and took that giant first step so she didn’t have to. The passive-aggressive thing was never her style, but in this instance she really wished he’d just read her mind.

  “I’m fine,” she assured him, offering a grin. “Just a lot on my mind lately.”

  Wasn’t that an understatement?

  His dark brows drew together as those signature bright blue St. John eyes studied her. “What can I do to help?”

  Oh, if he only knew. One day.

  “Nothing.” She reached up, patted his stubbled jaw and stepped back to avoid further temptation. “Go rest so you can head out and save Stonerock from all the bad guys.”

  The muscle in his jaw jumped. “I’m working on it.”

  “I hope you’re careful,” she added, always worried she’d get a phone call from one of his brothers or his parents telling her the worst. Because Cameron would put his life on the line for anybody. He just wouldn’t put his heart on the line.

  He laughed. “Yes, Mom, I’m careful.”

  Swatting him on his hard pec, Megan narrowed her eyes. “I have to ask. You make me worry.”

  “Nothing to worry about,” he assured her, with a friendly kiss on her forehead. “I’m good at my job.”

  “You’re so humble, too.”

  With a shrug, he pulled his keys from his pocket. “Eli and Nora’s baby is being christened tomorrow. You’re still planning on coming, right?”

  “Are you going to make it?”

  Cameron nodded and headed toward the back door. He always came and went via her back door. He never knocked, just used a key when it was locked and made himself at home.

  “I’ll make it,” he told her, his hand resting on the antique knob. “I may even have time to run home and nap and shower for the occasion.”

  “How about I pick you up?” she offered.

  He lived in her neighborhood, and they tended to ride together when they went anywhere. They were pretty much like an old married couple, you know, just without the sex and shared living quarters.

  “Be there at nine.” His finger tapped on the doorknob. “Lock up behind me.”

  Rolling her eyes, she gave him a mock salute as he left. The worry was definitely a two-way street.

  Now that she was alone with her thoughts, she had to face the unknowns that circled around in her mind. This job offer had come out of nowhere.

  Was it a sign that she needed to move on? She’d been in Stonerock nearly her entire life; she was still single and had nothing holding her back.

  Except Cameron.

  After scrubbing her sink and table, Megan was still no closer to making a decision. She loved being a therapist at the local counseling center; she loved her patients and truly felt as if she was making an impact in their lives.

  The new job would be in Memphis, nearly two hours away. The new facility would offer her a chance at helping more people, even taking charity cases, which would allow her to comfort and guide people she never could’ve reached otherwise.

  How could she say no?

  As she sank onto the chair at her kitchen table, she thought of her brother. He was an adult, but he’d never been able to take care of himself. The questionable decisions he made kept snowballing into more bad decisions—each one seemingly worse than the last. He always counted on her as a crutch to fall back on. What would happen to him if she left? Would he finally man up and take control of his life? See just how dependent he’d become and actually want to change?

  More to the point: What would happen with Cameron? Before she made the decision, she would have to seriously consider gathering up the courage to tell him the secret she kept in the pit of her soul.

  This job was a catalyst for pushing her in that direction. She needed to move on one way or another...though she’d rather move on with him. Either way, she’d know if years of wanting and dreaming had been for naught.

  She’d wanted a relationship with him since they’d graduated high school, but the timing to reveal her feelings had never been right. Between her parents’ deaths, his deployment and Megan always putting her life on hold to help her brother, she just had never found an opening.

  Cameron was the only solid foundation in her life. What happened if she told him how much she loved him and it ruined their friendship? Could she take that risk?

  He’d told her he’d never consider being in a committed relationship. He’d shared the story of the night his partner had died and how he’d had to witness the widow’s complete breakdown. Cam had told her he’d never put anyone through that.

  Still, she had to let him know how she felt. She couldn’t go through life playing the what-if game forever, and he deserved to know. By not giving him a chance to make a decision, she could be missing out on the best thing that had ever happened to her.

  Megan folded her arms across the table and rested her head on them. She really had no choice...not if she wanted to live her life without regrets.

  Some risks were worth taking. She knew without a doubt if Cameron wanted to take things beyond friendship, the joy would be totally worth the bundle of nerves that had taken up residence in her stomach.

  * * *

  Cameron had managed about a three-hour nap before the christening. He’d also showered and shaved for the occasion. His mother would be so proud.

  He’d just finished adjusting his navy tie when his front door opened and closed. Heels clicked on the hardwood floor, growing louder as Megan approached the hallway. He assumed the visitor was Megan, unless one of his brothers had opted to don stilettos today.

  He knew of Megan’s love for breakneck shoes when she wasn’t wearing her cowgirl boots. Didn’t matter to him if she was barefoot. Cameron had fought his attraction to
Megan for a few years now. At first he’d thought the temptation would go away. No such luck. Being a cop’s wife, even in a small town, wasn’t something he’d put on anyone he cared about. He couldn’t handle knowing he’d put the worry and stress of being a cop’s wife on Megan, so he pulled up every bit of his self-control to block his true feelings.

  Unfortunately, Cameron had never wanted to avoid his best friend as much as he did right this moment. Dread filled his stomach as he recalled the things he’d witnessed last night while monitoring the drugstore parking lot. The events that had unfolded on his watch put a whole new spin on this case...and quite possibly his relationship with Megan. No, not quite possibly. Without a doubt the new developments would shatter their perfect bond.

  Her brother had gotten involved with the wrong crowd—a crowd Cameron was about to take down.

  She deserved to be happy, deserved to live free from her brother’s illegal activities, and Cameron would do anything and everything to keep Megan safe.

  Although he was torn about whether or not she should find out, he was obligated to his job first, which meant he had to keep every bit of this operation to himself. She would be hurt and angry when she discovered what her brother was doing, and even more so when she realized Cameron had hidden the truth from her.

  “You wearing pants?” she called out.

  With a chuckle, Cameron shoved his wallet and phone into his back pocket. “Pants are a requirement?”

  When he stepped into the hall, he stopped short. Damn. Megan had always been beautiful, and she always presented herself as classy and polished for work, but this morning she looked even more amazing than usual. There went that twist to his heart, the one that confirmed she was the most perfect woman for him. But he couldn’t let her in, wouldn’t subject her to his chaotic schedule, his stress from the job. Because if he was stressed, he knew she’d want to take some on herself to relieve him of any burden. He’d signed up for this career...Megan hadn’t.


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