From Best Friend to Bride

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From Best Friend to Bride Page 11

by Jules Bennett

  That heavy ball of guilt was something he’d have to live with. If there had ever been any doubt before, tonight just proved that he would choose his job first every single time. He hated himself for it, but that’s how he was made up.

  “They’re just bruises,” she whispered, her eyes still on his.

  Goose bumps raised beneath his fingertips as he continued to stroke her skin. “I don’t like them.”

  Megan placed a hand over his, halting his movement. Her lids closed as she whispered, “Please, Cam. I just...”

  Bowing her head, Megan sighed.

  “You what, baby?”

  “I wanted you to come,” she muttered beneath the curtain of her hair that had cascaded around her face. “I wanted you here because I knew I’d feel safe. But now that you’re here, I can’t let you touch me.” Slowly lifting her head, she brought her eyes up to lock on to his. “It makes me want things. Want you.”

  Damn it. There went that last thread he’d been holding on to.

  Cameron stepped into her, trapping their hands between their bodies. The tip of his nose brushed against hers, leaving their mouths barely a whisper apart.

  “You are always safe with me,” he told her, slowly moving his lips across hers with the lightest of touches. “And tonight you’re mine.”

  “Just tonight,” she agreed. “We don’t need to put a label on it, and I don’t want to think beyond now.”

  Cameron captured her mouth, completely ignoring all the warnings pounding through his head. Totally shoving aside all the reasons this was a terrible idea: the investigation, the risk of losing his best friend and the fact he’d just admitted to himself that his job would always come first. All that mattered was Megan and this ache he’d had for her for years. It wasn’t going away no matter how noble he tried to be. His hormones didn’t give a damn about his morals or standards.

  Megan’s mouth opened beneath his as she tried to pull her hands free. Cameron was quicker, holding them firm as he broke from the kiss.

  “You’re mine,” he repeated, nipping her lips, her chin, trailing a line down to her collarbone. “I don’t know why you have on this dress with these boots, but it’s driving me crazy. Tell me you weren’t on a date earlier.”

  Tipping her head back, arching into him, Megan let out one of those sweet moans he was starting to love. “No, no date,” she panted. “I was out with Nora and Marly.”

  The fact she was out with his sisters-in-law thrilled him because if she’d been out with a guy, Cameron would’ve had to admit jealousy.

  Cameron released her hands and slid his palms over her curvy hips. He gripped her and pulled her pelvis flush with his as he continued to rain kisses along her exposed skin just above the dip in her dress. Just above the perfect swell of her breasts.

  Megan wrapped her delicate fingers around his biceps and squeezed as he yanked down the top of her dress. Material tore, but he didn’t care. He’d buy her a new one.


  He froze at her plea. “Meg, I’m sorry. After what you went through tonight, I wasn’t thinking.”

  Her lips curved into a smile. “I wasn’t complaining. I know you’d never hurt me.”

  Seeing her lips swollen from his kisses, her neck and the tops of her breasts pink from arousal, an instant flood of possessiveness filled him. The only mark he ever wanted on her was from him, from passion.

  “If you keep this up, I don’t know how much longer I can stand.” Her arms slid around his neck as she rubbed her body against his. “You make my knees weak and we’re still fully clothed.”

  “I’m about to fix that problem.”

  He unbuckled her belt and let it drop with a clatter to the wood floor. He gripped the hem of her dress, yanked it up and over her head, then tossed the unwanted garment aside.

  The sight of her standing before him wearing a pale pink bra and matching panties along with those cowgirl boots was enough to make his own knees weak.

  Megan reached for his shirt, but he pulled it off before she could touch him. In record time their clothes were mere puddles on the floor. From the way her eyes kept sampling him, Cameron knew if he didn’t try to keep some sort of control, this night would be over before he could truly enjoy it.

  “I’ve waited to see you look at me like that,” Megan told him, rising up on her toes to kiss his jawline. “Like you really want me.”

  She was killing him. With the way the lace from her bra pressed against his bare skin, her raw, honest words and the delicate way her mouth cruised over him, Megan was gradually overpowering him.

  Gliding his hands around her curves, Cameron lifted her until her legs went around his waist. The leather from her cowgirl boots rubbed his back, but the fact he finally had this woman wrapped all over him overrode his discomfort.

  “I’m too heavy for you,” she argued, nipping at his ear.

  Palming her backside, his thumb teased the edge of her lacy panty line. “Baby, you’re the perfect weight for me,” he growled as he headed toward the living room and the L-shaped sofa. “Absolutely perfect.”

  Without easing his hold, Cameron settled her onto the corner of the couch as his lips took hold of hers once again. He could kiss her forever.

  Too bad he couldn’t do forever. Selfishly, he was doing now, tonight, and he’d hate himself later for taking advantage even if she had given him the green light.

  Megan’s legs fell away from his waist, her boots landing on either side of his feet. Cameron eased back, picked up one leg at a time and pried off her cowgirl boots. She watched him beneath heavy lids, her chest rising and falling as she licked her lips in anticipation.

  Coming to his full height, Cameron stared down at this magnificent woman practically laid out for him. His throat grew tight with emotions...emotions he could certainly identify but he couldn’t allow to take over.

  “You’re stunning,” he told her, completely taking in the display.

  Without a word, Megan sat up, reached behind and unfastened her bra. After sliding it down her arms and tossing it to the side, she hooked her thumbs beneath her panties and slid them down, never once taking her eyes off his. The minor striptease was the most erotic moment of his life, and it had lasted all of ten seconds. Megan had a power over him that no other woman could match.

  “Tell me you have protection,” she whispered as she reached for him. Flat palms slid up over his chest and around his neck.

  Cameron allowed her to pull him down, and he loved the feel of her beneath him. He had to remind himself not to get used to this, not to want this ever again.

  “I don’t have anything.” One fingertip slid up and over her breast. “But I’m clean. I have regular physicals for work and I’ve always used protection. It’s your call.”

  * * *

  “I’m clean, too, and I’ve always been protected.” Megan smiled, wrapping her legs around Cameron’s narrow waist once again. “So what are we waiting for?”

  The darkness that had settled into Cameron’s blue eyes revealed so much. Who knew her best friend had a possessive streak when it came to intimacy? The way he held her, spoke to her, dominated her, thrilled Megan in a way she’d never before experienced and she knew without a doubt that this was it for her... He was it for her. No other man would compare with Cameron St. John.

  She wanted to lose herself in him, wanted to forget all the ugliness and worries in her life. She wanted him to show her how beautiful they could be together because her fantasy had already paled in comparison.

  “Tell me what you want,” he murmured against her lips.

  She trembled beneath his touch. No, that wasn’t her. Cameron’s hands were shaking as he slid them over her breasts.

  Framing his face with her hands, she held his gaze. “You’re nervous.” She didn’t ask and she wasn’t making fun of him.

  Cameron closed his eyes, resting his forehead against hers. “Nobody else has ever mattered this much.”

  Megan didn’t know what
to say to that revealing piece of information, so she tucked it in the back of her mind. Stroking his bottom lip with her thumb, she kept her eyes on his.

  “I want anything you’re willing to give,” she said, answering his earlier question. “Anything you want to do.”

  A low groan escaped him. Then, as if some invisible barrier broke, Cameron consumed her. His hands took journeys all over her body, leaving goose bumps in their wake. That talented mouth demanded kisses, demanded passion.

  Cameron settled himself between her legs, gliding one hand down her quivering abdomen to cup her most aching area. Megan tilted her hips, ready to burst for just one simple touch. She was officially at his mercy.

  Easing his hand away, he held on to her waist. “Look at me,” he demanded. “Only me.”

  “Only you.”

  As he slid into her, Megan gasped. Every dream, every waking fantasy she’d ever had about her best friend, didn’t prepare her for the onslaught of emotions, waves of pleasure and such an awakening. They moved together as if they’d been made for each other, as if their bodies automatically knew how to respond to each other.

  Cameron’s arms wrapped around her as he lifted her off the couch. Still connected, he turned and sat, leaving her to straddle him...surrendering all power and control to Megan.

  In that moment, she knew he loved her. He may not say it, he may not want to face the fact, but there was no way this man could look at her, make love to her, as if she were the only woman in the world and not love her.

  Ripples of pleasure began to build, each one stronger than the last. Megan wanted to be fully fused with him when her body flew apart. Gripping his shoulders, she leaned down and claimed his mouth. Seconds later spasms took hold. With one hand firmly against the small of her back and the other cupping the nape of her neck, Cameron held her tight against his body as he stilled and trembled right along with her.

  Moments after they fell over the edge together, Cameron still held on to her, still commanded her lips. The man wasn’t done just because his body had hit the finish line.

  His tongue slid along her bottom lip, his kisses softer, if he didn’t want this moment to end. At least, that’s how she hoped he felt.

  “Stay with me,” she muttered around his kisses. “In my bed. Just for tonight.”

  His darkened, heavy-lidded gaze met hers. She thought for sure he’d deny her—they’d only agreed on this one time—but she had to ask. She wasn’t ready to let him go.

  Circling his arms tighter around her waist, Cameron came to his feet. Megan’s legs instinctively wrapped around him.

  “You seem to like my legs here,” she joked, hoping to break the tension because he still hadn’t answered her.

  He headed out into the hall and toward her bedroom. “I intend to keep them here.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  He’d guaranteed nothing beyond that night. Hadn’t promised pretty words or a happily-ever-after. Megan had known exactly what she was getting into with him. He’d made his intentions perfectly clear before he’d peeled her out of her clothes.

  So why did he feel like a jerk for leaving her before she woke?

  Because he was.

  Cameron sat on his deck, looking out over the pond as the morning sun reflected off the water. He didn’t take time out here anymore, didn’t just relax and enjoy life.

  Last night he’d enjoyed life to the absolute fullest, which only made him want more. But his career didn’t mesh well with a personal life. He couldn’t compartmentalize and keep things separated, neat and orderly anymore. But he wanted Megan in one area, the friend area. He wanted her far away from anything that could harm her, like her useless brother who hadn’t been able to protect her last night.

  Cameron cursed, propping his bare feet up on the rail. He hadn’t been able to protect her, either. Apparently he was no better than Evan at this point.

  Opting to beat himself up over how everything went down last night was better than rehashing all that could have gone wrong in those few seconds. It also kept his mind off what had happened afterward.

  Okay, so that was a lie. Even Cameron couldn’t pretend to be unfazed by what had happened at Megan’s house. How could he forget how perfectly they’d come together? How she’d clung to him? He could practically still feel her breath on his cheek, feel her curvy body beneath his hands. Those sighs of pleasure tickling his ear and the way she called his name on a groan were locked so deep in to his soul, he knew forgetting the intimacy they’d shared was impossible.

  Closing his eyes, Cameron clenched his fists on the arms of his Adirondack chair. He hadn’t given a thought to what would happen after he’d made love to Megan. Hadn’t cared about feelings or excuses after the fact. All Cameron had wanted was to feel her, consume her. The fantasy come to life had been his only focus, and now here he sat with a sated body and a guilty conscience.

  Between his ever-evolving feelings and the worry he’d seen in her eyes when he’d arrived at her house, Cameron had told himself he was there to console her. That was a flat-out lie. He’d needed to comfort himself because he’d been a trembling mess.

  Now his priority was to check in with the station, where some of the FBI agents had set up temporary headquarters until this case was over. He knew if something major had happened, he would have been notified. Still, as the chief, he needed to check in and get an update.

  His cell vibrated in his pocket. Dropping his feet to the deck floor, he slid the phone out and read the screen.

  I didn’t take you for a coward

  The harsh words hit right where Megan intended...his heart. Her text couldn’t have been more accurate. He was a coward, and she’d called him out. One of the things he loved about her was her ability to never back down.

  He honestly had no clue how to reply, and this wasn’t a conversation to be had via text. He wouldn’t be that guy and he sure as hell would treat Megan with more respect. The thought was laughable, considering he’d done the walk of shame out her back door, but he would make it up to her. Somehow.

  Ignoring the text wasn’t an option, either. Cameron quickly replied.

  Be at my place at noon

  That would give him time to check in with the station, figure out where the hell Evan was and grab a quick shower. Cameron planned to have a little talk with Evan. Cameron had to play every scenario out in his head because he couldn’t tip off the guy. But he had every intention of making it clear that dragging Megan into his illegal mess was unacceptable and intolerable.

  The phone vibrated in his hand.

  If I have time

  Smiling, Cameron came to his feet. She’d be there. He was sure of it. If she wasn’t, then he’d find her. They weren’t done. Not by a long shot.

  Now he just had to figure out what the hell to do with his feelings and how to eliminate the possibility of hurting hers. Because, damn it, he still wanted her. Wanted Megan with a passion that went beyond all they’d shared last night. How could he tell her that and still try to keep her at a distance? How could he even try to take a chance with her but keep her safe and away from his job?

  Granted, he worked in a small town and the crime rate, for the most part, was low. But there were instances that crept up, and he was the man to take control. He couldn’t have his life both ways, and the decision ate at him because he knew he’d have to give up something—or someone—he loved.

  Cameron headed inside to make a few calls. First things first. Right now he needed to find Evan and have a man-to-man talk. Then he’d deal with Megan.

  * * *

  If Cameron St. John thought he could turn her world inside out with a few orgasms, leave without a word and then have the nerve to summon her to his house, he truly didn’t know her.

  Megan took a deep breath, counted backward from ten and mounted the steps to Mac and Bev’s house. She hadn’t seen Cameron’s truck in the drive or along the street, so she figured now would be a good time to stop and check on Bev. No
doubt the woman was fed up with St. John testosterone ordering her to stay put while they did everything for her.

  Megan didn’t want to go in all angry and frustrated because then she’d have to explain. There was absolutely no way she’d be revealing to Cameron’s parents why she was a bit irritable this morning.

  After ringing the doorbell, Megan stepped back and waited. Mac pulled the door open, sending the fall floral wreath swaying against the glass.

  “Megan.” Mac extended his hand, taking hers and pulling her into the foyer. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  Laughing, Megan allowed herself to be ushered in. “Wow, I’ve never had such a lovely greeting before.”

  “I think Bev hates me,” he whispered. “She just threatened to bash me with her crutch if I asked her one more time if she needed anything.”

  Megan patted Mac’s arm and smiled. “I’m sure the threat was out of love.”

  Glancing toward the living room, Mac shook his head. “I doubt it,” he said, turning back to her. “If you’re going to be a few minutes, would you mind if I ran out to the hardware store? I hate to leave her even though she’s told me to go.”

  Megan nodded. “You go on. We’ll be just fine.”

  Mac seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as his shoulders relaxed. “Thanks, Megan. I’ll only be twenty minutes, at the most.”

  “Take your time.”

  Mac eased around her, grabbed his keys from the table and headed out the door. Still amused at the fear in Mac’s eyes, Megan headed to the living room, where Bev had her feet propped up on the footrest of the recliner. Some cooking channel was muted on the TV.

  “Thank God he’s gone,” Bev said as soon as Megan stepped into the room. “That man needs to stop hovering.”

  Megan sank onto the edge of the old sofa, angling her body to face Bev. “He just loves you.”

  Bev dropped the remote into her lap. “I know. I keep telling myself that, but it’s a broken ankle. I’m not dying.”


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