The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero]

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The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero] Page 14

by Daniel Smith

  “You can't stay here.”

  Dan looked at the man thinking for a moment before replying calmly.


  He could see the small man's face break into surprise that turned into anger as he turned to Manny, speaking in loud, and what to he thought was angry Spanish. Manny quietly listen then spoke in a calm tone that sought to soothe the man. Before he turned his attention to Dan.

  “We have a problem,” Manny started as an opener. Dan just raised his eyebrows as if in surprise.

  “The gentleman here and his group. Think you are responsible for the plague, zombies and current living conditions,” Manny went on calmly. Pausing a second to look among the faces in the group before returning his attention to Dan.

  “They want you to pay for all of that,” Manny said looking at Dan carefully.

  Dan was about to respond with a sarcastic answer but stopped as he read Manny's body language that screamed at him there is trouble here.

  “And how do they propose I do that,” he said slowly trying to keep a calm tone in his voice and the panic out.

  The small man fired off some quick rapid-fire Spanish. Dan not sure for whom Manny tensing as the crowd broke out into laughter. Manny looked at the small man calmly and spoke to him for a moment before turning his attention back to Dan.

  “He wants to settle this like men,” Manny barely held the sarcasm out of his voice.

  Dan looked up at him with a slightly puzzled look.

  “He wants to fight you,” he asked

  Manny kept his face and voice passive as he responded.

  “Partially right he wants to fight but not me but with you,” Dan knew a look of concern crossed his face.

  However, before he could voice any response Manny turned to the small man speaking quickly in Spanish. Causing a laugh from the man and group behind him as the group started forward fanning out in a half circle around them. Manny turned to Dan and he could read the tension on his face.

  “I need to talk quick so listen,” he said softly.

  “They have handguns I cannot take all of them out with the shotgun so I need you to create an opening to give me the opportunity to get the drop on them,” Manny spoke rapidly. Dan looked at him.

  “How,” he said angrily.

  Taking a deep breath Manny force the tension out of his voice bringing the calm tone back.

  “He’s not armed all he thinks you have is the sword,” Manny started.

  However, before he could finish the small man spoke up quickly Manny for his part just nodded his head and turned away from Dan.

  “You can take him stay calm and think,” Manny said quietly as he strolled away to stand slightly off to one side of the semi-circle.

  Dan noticed one of the group moving forward to try to take the shotgun from Manny. Who for his part just moved his body to shield it from the person but this stopped as their leader spoke.

  “Nino you're going to pay,” Dan look to the small man but realized it had come from someone in the group.

  The small man had stepped forward slightly removing a flannel shirt and a dirty white T-shirt before motioning with his hand. One woman of the group stepped forward and handed him a black machete.

  Dan heard several more comments from the group several of these he knew not from his Spanish class but words he had learned from the street the ones not to use. His mind was racing as the now shirtless man turned to the group. Saying something while swinging the machete causing them to break out into laughter. He figured it was a joke about him probably. Dan looked again as the man turned to face him taking a deep breath. Trying to calm his mind he reached up and unzipped the tan windbreaker then turned slightly so the katana sword on his left hip face more towards the man.

  The small man for his part broke into a smile and was laughing as he tossed the machete from hand-to-hand and made some whirling motions around him with it. Dan felt as if he was going to be sick but he knew he did not have the time. Doing his best to calm the nervousness in his stomach and tried his best to soothe his racing thoughts.

  “Manny said something about the man not armed?”

  He suddenly became aware of the weight made by the forty-five autoloader carried in the small of his back he thought for sure everyone could see it. Dan watched as the shirtless man got into a slightly leaning forward crouch moving the machete slightly with one hand as he started wiggling his fingers on the other. Dan ignored the wiggling figures on the outstretched hand Manny had taught him that people naturally look to something that is moving and it causes a distraction.

  Distraction that is what he needed he thought. He suddenly remembered the scene from a movie he had once watched so with a determined look on his face. Slowly he lowered his left hand to the scabbard of the katana. Using his thumb to cause the katana to pop up several inches in a theatrical gesture. Bringing a mock look of fear to the shirtless man who turned to show the crowd before he said something that caused the crowd to burst into laughter once again. What Dan hope was they did not notice was his right hand reaching between the windbreaker and his back to grip the Brown checkered hardwood grips of the autoloader. He risked a look at Manny. Manny caught Dan’s eye and nodded his head slightly as he readied himself for Dan to make his move. Shirtless man swung the machete jumping forward about four feet.

  Dan shifted his position turning slightly as he drew the forty-five autoloader from his holster. Felling like he was in slow-motion as he used his thumb to pull back on the black Parkerized hammer before dropping his thumb to release the safety. It felt smooth and easy because of all the hours of practice Manny had made him do. The forty-five cleared his windbreaker with a fluid movement. Bringing the pistol on line to point squarely at the man's chest not even realizing his finger had moved onto the trigger taking up the slack. Everything felt like it had gone into slow motion as the crack of the 240-grain full metal jacket bullet erupted from the barrel. Causing the slide to fly back throwing the spent brass cartridge from the breach as a tongue of flame and smoke bellowed forth following the bullet. Allowing the black slide to surge forward ripping another round from the magazine chambering it for firing. He saw the man's chest explode in a red mist as his hands flew out to the side throwing the black machete to one side as he fell backwards to the ground.

  Dan did not hesitate as he raised the gun up online pointing at the crowd. Watching Manny fluidly pull the shotgun up into a firing stance pointing it at several of the nearest figures and yelling at them in Spanish.

  “Todo el mundo se da la mano,” Manny yelled.

  Watched he waited to see most of the group put their hands above their head one man instead made a movement with his hands to grab something. The shotgun exploded sending pellets out into the man and several others around him as they fell screaming to the ground as Manny rack the slide chambering another round.

  “Quien mas quiere morir hoy,” he once again spoke rapid Spanish as several people seemed confused.

  Should they go for weapons or help the fallen. Dan watched as Manny kept speaking in Spanish the people put their hands on top of their heads and turned to face away from them leaving the fallen on the ground.

  “Get running to the van and get the rifle out and cover me as I come,” Manny spoke quickly without taking his eyes off the group.

  Dan stood frozen for some reason he could not respond to what Manny said. Manny repeated the command again before Dan started moving. Slowing to look at the man he shot lying in the street he turned his head not wanting to see him as he moved around the body and took off running. Dan's mind was racing faster than he was as he ran. Images of the man falling backwards as his chest started tearing open when the bullet hit him sending blood flying everywhere. He had just killed someone. These thoughts and others rolled around in his head as his breathing came in gasps as he stopped in front of the van. Pulling the door open removing the Ruger 7736 rifle from the case on the seat. He pulled the rifle into his shoulder dropping the safety pointing it
down the street the way he came pressing his eye inside the optical scope.

  Through the scope, Dan saw Manny moving at a slightly odd angle backwards as he tried to keep an eye on the group and the street as he made the best possible speed. He could see the majority the group was slowly following Manny at a safe distance. Manny was close enough to the van when he turned running full out for the driver door. Dan moved the rifle to point at a tall man with a scrubby beard seeing this caused the group to stop where they were. Dan heard the van start up.

  “Get in and let's go,” he heard Manny called.

  He barely sat down in the passenger seat not even fully closing the door as the van took off. Dan holding the rifle pointing towards the ceiling between his feet turning his head to see what the group was doing. Most of them broke off running back the way they came while several more of the group ran forward as if to try to catch the van by foot.

  “I know there are trying to follow us,” Manny said seemingly unconcerned making his way down the road looking at the GPS screen before stopping slightly past a road called Church.

  When he grabbed the paper map, he had sitting by the driver seat.

  “It will be a bumpy rough ride but I think we will take the railroad bridge across the river. I do not think if they are following us, they will go that way. In fact I do not think they will even consider us doing it. They will think to make the best possible time to the only known river crossing for a car,” Manny said determinately.

  As he put the van back in drive heading back towards the street they had just passed under the railroad bridge as he made a quick turn onto the street. Then started paralleling the railroad tracks he had not gone far when he pulled onto a gravel driveway and drove up a slight incline. Stopping the van, he looked down the railroad tracks towards the rust cover bridge that stretched out over the tree line bank into the river he took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “Here goes nothing,” he said determinedly as he moved the van onto the tracks.

  Dan sat surprised the van fit between the tracks. The van’s wheelbase was not that big as Manny started driving down the railroad tracks as slow as he dared. Dan felt the constant jarring in his seat as they approached the metal bridge and slowly pulled out onto it. Fighting the noise of the constant thumping of the tires on the railroad ties. Manny made a comment as the approached the center of the river.

  “I hope the train is not running right now,” he said with a sly smile looking at Dan.

  “Snap out of it,” Dan jerked to look at Manny as he heard this.

  He saw Manny stealing worried glances at him as he tried to keep his eye on the bridge and the van going. The constant jarring and thumping the van made moving across the darkish waters of the river seemingly took forever. The tree line bank approached rapidly once again moving on to solid ground Manny jerked the steering wheel hard as the van jumped over the train tracks. Managing this with only a slight sliding of the wheels emerging onto an overgrown grassy slope. Heading down towards a dirt road. Manny finding a break in a rickety metal fence driving onto the dirt road proper.

  Over the sound of crunching gravel. Dan could hear a slightly different noise coming from the van he looked up worried. Manny notice the sound and looked over at him as he nursed the van down the road.

  “I hear it; we did something we need to see if we can find someplace to stop and see what's wrong.” Manny said sounding uneasy.

  They continued past what look like an electric substation no buildings for shelter in it to follow the road down the thumping sound growing louder the farther they went. The nervous tension in Dan’s stomach refusing to go away. Manny pulled up at a fenced off area holding some equipment. Pulling the van slowly onto the grass up to a gate stopping.

  “We are stopping something is wrong with the van, least the fence will provide us some protection,” Manny said as he got out with the pair of bolt cutters to cut the lock. Manny had just finished securing the gate with a piece of twisted wire. Coming over to the passenger door seeing Dan sitting blank faced in the seat.

  “How are you doing,” he said looking into Dan's eyes.

  “Fine,” Dan said faintly.

  “You are far from fine,” Manny's tone had a hard-edge to it. “You just had to kill someone and you need to understand you did it because they,” Manny stressed this word. “Left you with no choice. I tried talking us out but they wanted none of it. You are going to find out the living pose far greater threat to us than the dead do. From the soldier that day high on his power killing those bikers because he could. To those idiots on the bridge trying to extract a toll they have no right to collect. To that group of people who essentially just wanted to see someone die. But we will run into people who are good and will help us and who we will help,” Manny said pausing before speaking again in a slightly calmer tone.

  “You are not fine but you will be I will see to that,” Manny finished looking at him with concern.

  Dan sat on a metal drum his mind whirling as he alternated his gaze from the growing number of angry color clouds in the sky. To the surrounding area jumping at any noise, making him think the group of people they had just fled had found them. Back watching Manny work under the rear of the van now jacked up and propped on several cinder blocks that he had found. Listening to the sounds of tools banging on the van mixing with the soft curses Manny gave off. After what Dan thought was forever. Manny climbed out from under the van holding a long cylinder with a broken end clearly visible.

  “We broke the strut and didn't do the others any good either,” Manny said tossing the damage piece aside.

  Dan's downcast eyes looked at him sadly as Manny studied him for a moment before speaking.

  “The good news is we can repair it,” he started to speak but Dan cut him off.

  “And the bad news,” he said a little tremor of irritability in his voice.

  Manny paused looking at him for a moment then spoke.

  “The good and bad news we can fix the van once we have the parts that we will be walking to find.”

  The next morning Dan knew he slept when he was off guard duty feeling he only tossed and turn thinking about the events from yesterday. Spending the night in the van because of the rain starting falling. He woke up stretching climbing from the passenger seat before moving over to a pile of debris to relieve himself. When he returned Manny handed him a protein bar Dan just brushing it off.

  “Not hungry,” he stated.

  Manny motion for him to take the bar.

  “Hungry or not eat I don't need you passing out on me because of lack of food.”

  Dan stopping a rude remark thinking better of it as he took the bar.

  “I want your opinion on something,” Manny started calmly. “I have studied the map we have,” he started as if everything was great.

  “Five miles away is a small-town called Kortz Springs on the other side of the river. The other place we can go is a twenty mile walk one-way. So which one do you think we should try for the parts we need,” Manny said looking at him expectantly.

  Dan looked at Manny as he opened the wrapper of the protein bar and took a bite.

  “Five miles beats twenty but how would we cross the river,” he asked chewing. Manny smiled at him.

  “Don't talk with your mouth full,” he said good-naturedly. “But to answer your question there are two bridges that lead into the town.”

  Dan looked at him as he chewed and swallowed.

  “If someone is guarding the bridge like the last one,” he asked. Manny nodded his head approvingly.

  “One bridge for cars another for trains we scout both but most people do not think about using a railroad bridge or a pipeline bridge to cross a river or canyon. If someone is guarding both bridges we can build a raft or find someway to float across the river.”

  Dan looked at Manny. “That makes sense,” he thought.

  “However, before we go we need to prepare,” he said.

  Dan finished the p
rotein bar and followed Manny as they got to work breaking their gear down into small piles. Manny had him empty his old blue schoolbag. Having him pack it with an extra set of clothing, ammunition, black pry bar and food. After that, they took the half-empty plastic bucket of food. Placing several ammunition packages for their guns with a few water bottles into it before sealing the lid. Looking around the small maintenance yard Manny found a couple more old empty buckets and some plastic tarpaulins continuing to do the same with these dividing their gear into them. Manny started sealing the top of them with a piece of plastic and duct tape before looking at his handy work satisfied.

  “Grab those two and follow me,” Manny said to Dan pointing out the plastic buckets.

  Dan grabbed them they were heavier than they looked as he followed. Manny to the gate going out and heading for the scrub trees line that sat a few hundred feet from the fence he was looking around for something,.

  “See that gnarled stump there,” Manny said pointing to what looked like a lightning struck stub of a tree.

  He nodded his head Manny walked over looking inside the hollowed out stump in place the first bucket inside grabbing some lose leaves and debris to place over it. Dan looked puzzled at what they were doing before asking.

  “What are you doing.” Manny looked at him and smiled.

  “Making caches if someone finds the van sitting on cinder blocks and broken. They will leave it alone if they look inside seeing our gear, it will be gone when we get back. By breaking the gear down storing it in several locations. We stand a better chance of getting it back if someone is lucky and finds one site they get a small portion of our supplies,” he finished.


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