The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero]

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The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero] Page 25

by Daniel Smith

  “What do you think should we check out those wrecks for anything useful or head home,” Manny said tiredly looking at Dan.

  Dan stopped his response as he looked at Manny as he broke into a coughing fit he felt that this was a test for him.

  “Let’s see what’s there we will still be home by night fall,” Dan said in the way of a response. Manny stopped coughing smiling weakly.

  “Good maybe it’s full of cough medicine,” Manny said weakly as he moved off.

  Dan looked at him concerned before following. They moved up the tree-lined road towards the wrecked trucks scanning the roadway and tree line for movement. The passenger cars in the wreck sat smashed almost in half from one truck. The other car smashed from front to back between two of the big rigs neither car holding anything of value in them. The first big rig carried a flatbed trailer now twisted on its side the load of metal piping now scattered across the road. The second big rig sat jackknifed the cab a smashed mess the sitting trailer intact.

  “They don’t lock empty trailers, Manny said eyeing the lock as he pulled a black crowbar from his belt.

  Dan stood guard scanning the highway looking for anything as Manny pried the lock off the door with a minimum of coughing. Throwing the latch, he swung the door open to see pallets of boxes in shrink-wrap. Manny climb up into the trailer and used his tomahawk to cut the plastic wrap on the pallets.

  “Where in luck,” he called down to Dan.

  “Why,” Dan called back looking from the road.

  “Its loaded with bicycles.” Manny called down.

  Dan awoke in the barn to the sound of a hacking cough pulling himself upright from his sleep to see Manny slightly bent over coughing again, trying to hack up something.

  “Are you okay,” Dan asked concern in his voice Manny turn to look at him with a paleface and sweating heavily.

  “I am not feeling well and getting slowly worse,” Manny said wearily.

  Dan looked at him with concern then checked his stainless steel watch.

  “I am up you get some rest. I will cover the rest of your watch and you will feel better tomorrow,” Dan said trying to sound unconcerned as he got up to pull on his shoes.

  Concerned that Manny did not argue with him but instead moved to his sleeping bag crawling in falling asleep almost immediately. Dan spent the rest of the night worrying when he was not watching Manny sleep his mind racing if Manny was sick what could he do. When the sun came up some time later Dan was still watching him sleep tossing and turning in a distressing restless sleep. The sun greeted a sleepy eyed Dan as Manny slowly started coughing again overtaking him before turning to Dan.

  “I'm sick and its bad I think I may have pneumonia,” Manny said wearily as he coughed again.

  “He did not look well not well at all,” Dan thought.

  Manny finally getting up for water causing him to cough some more.

  “We do not have any antibiotics left and that is what I'm going to need,” Manny said coughing again. “What I want you to do is go into town and check the hospital find any medicine you can. If it is empty I need you to find a store or pet shop. Go to the fish section and in there you will find next to the fish food fish antibiotics,” Manny said coughing.

  “What good are those,” Dan started but Manny cut him off with a wave of his hand.

  “It is the same antibiotics that we use just a different dosage. Take all you can find,” Manny said interrupted by a coughing fit that lasted several seconds. Manny raised a tired looking face to look at him.

  “I have done my best to teach you what I can. But I cannot go with you this time. I need you to do this for me,” Manny said looking tired.

  Dan looked into his brown eyes seeing the weariness there as the sense of urgency Manny was trying to convey washed over him. If he failed, he would be alone something he did not want to think about. Dan at a weary looking Manny’s urging emptied his daypack and bicycle packs he only took the camouflaged poncho liner. Fifty rounds of ammunition for his autoloader, a couple protein bars and two 1 L bottles of water with him. The saddlebags that set next to the front and back wheels collapsed and empty ready to fill as he prepared to ride off.

  “I should be back by tonight,” Dan said concerned.

  “I left several bottles of water and a package of soup near your sleeping bag I will secure the door before I leave,” Dan started. Manny cut him off trying to sound positively.

  “You've taken care of everything the sooner you leave the sooner you will be back,” Manny said tiredly as he started towards the door with him.

  Dan watched as the door of the barn close listening as the bolt moved locking the doors. With a feeling of concern he started peddling down the dirt road with his mind racing as he headed towards town. He made the turn on to the 61 riding along the two-lane highway constantly looking in all directions. His mind racing as he thought what in the world was he going to do if he could not find medicine for Manny. Coming to the closest entrance to the town a one-way street, riding on it going the wrong way on the road. To his left was the slight hill with the brick church with the boarded up windows and a funny looking platform near the steeple. He swerved his bike around a couple of zombies as they stumbled across the road going more towards the church than him.

  As he rode down the road into town, he knew the hospital was further along his breath feeling heavy in the cool air. He heard the roar of engines coming through the silence of the day. Cursing silently as he quickly moved off the road, into the tree line before dismounting the bike, forcing himself and the bicycle into the underbrush sitting around the trees. He just managed to take cover when a motley collection of cars and trucks. Heavily changed with metal plates around the windows with holes cut in the roof for people to stand out and shoot. Metal spikes welded on them and bumpers looking like something that came out of a science fiction movie. Dan's heart sank as he recognized them.

  They were the ones they found earlier in town the one’s Manny had dubbed ghouls. They were the ones they had to run from wrecking their van the ones Manny had said had been eating people. His hand going to the checkered grip of his autoloader as several cars stopped. A group of eleven people getting out. Dan thought frantically.

  “Was I seen,” as he pulled the autoloader from his holster.

  Stopping as several of them started to relieve their bladders on the road. Dan sat cursing the group, decided to make camp in the middle of the intersection. Cutting Dan off from the direction, he needed to go. Dan thought about the trips into town trying to think of another way to go. Thinking if he backup some more into the trees he could follow the tree line south coming out down the road. He silently thanked Manny for taking the time to drive around the town. Doing this he hesitated in the tree line looking out at an open patch of land in front of a large single story-building complex and an empty road. He watched several shambling figures moving up the road as if taking a stroll. Before taking off over the dirty and grass field pedaling hard to make good speed.

  Staying off the road he made good time passing the building on a side street that sat in front of a grove of trees. These he moved towards as he approached the road the group had camped on further north. The road having a slight bend blocking the intersection. Across the road was an open field then trees slightly south was another road. Dan opted for the road it would provide him the best speed to get to cover. Taking off peddling hard he barely notice the street sign stating correction road. Large buildings surrounded by a tall chain-link fence with razor wire.

  “He would have to tell Manny about this,” he thought.

  Overcome by a sense of urgency at that thought he looked at his watch upset at the time this was taking. Ridding fast over the open grass field around the fence line to come to the trees cutting through if he had guessed right would bring him out behind an industrial building. Threw the thinning trees he saw open field and a dirt road pausing to survey the area only to find himself slightly off course Northwest of where he wa
nted to be. Looking at the back of a strip mall blocking him from the intersection holding the ghouls. Weighing his chances, he broke from the tree line and took to his bike riding as fast as he could over the uneven ground. Passing a pile of wood and debris moving for the building he needed and the dirt road sitting in front of it. He had just looked behind him when he saw and heard the trucks barrel around the corner of the strip mall heading towards him. Dan felt panic realizing he was stuck in the open and could not get back undercover in the trees. Peddling for his life, he raced to the building dumping his bike on the ground as he ran for the door. He felt luck was with him as he found the door partially open before running inside the poorly lit building to the sound of racing engines and squealing of brakes following him.

  The building was fifty feet wide by two hundred feet long as he moved along machines and benches past closed doors on a wall as he looked for cover. He heard the door crash open as a voice announced.

  “I told you I saw a live one,” to the sounds of ruckus laughter from others. Before another voice yelled.

  “Why don’t you show yourself all we want to do is invite you to lunch.”

  Dan froze at this and the evil sounding laughter that followed. He was almost panicking what was he going to do taking a deep breath before forcing himself to calm down remembering what Manny had taught him about facing and mastering your fear. They were trying to keep him off balanced to stop thinking and just react. Dan let out his deep breath and slowly let the bow come off his shoulder as he removed an arrow from his quiver.

  “I will show them off balance,” He thought as he crouched down looking under a row of benches.

  He could see several people in the door starting to fan out to the sides of the building. As they spread out Dan took aim as best he could as he pulled back on the bowstring holding the bow parallel with the ground. The arrow took off with a hiss before striking and impaling itself into the man at the doors pelvis area near his right leg. The man fell screaming as Dan shifted positions. As he moved, he heard running feet and muffled words.

  “So you want to play rough. We will show you rough,” a voice yelled out.

  Dan did not care what they said he saw what he wanted there was an exit door in the wall. Removing another arrow he notched it taking aim down the hallway towards the people. He moved to open the door slightly before putting his back to it. He used his foot to kick open the door suddenly as he saw a figure appear at the end of the hallway, The woman had just enough time to yell.

  “He is over here,” before she screamed as the arrow punched into her chest.

  Dan kicked the door open fully but instead of going out, he jumped for cover behind some machinery. Putting his bow on the floor out of sight, he pulled the black blade from his sheath as the sounds of voices and running feet approached. He readied himself as a momentary flash of daylight flared, as the door was opened.

  “The bastard made the trees, let’s get him,” a voice commanded.

  “What about Karen and Fred,” a voice question.

  “If they are still here when we get back will take them with us,” the commanding voice said.

  Dan heard them go out the door looking for him. He waited a few minutes before moving to a new location deeper into the building. Dan waited almost two hours before moving cautiously to the open door he had entered. He did not see the two people he had shot with arrows and had not heard anyone come back for them. From the shadow of the building, he peeked out the open door to see his bike sitting on the ground where he dumped it with two figures in the road near it. One was a woman with the feathered shaft sticking out of her chest and another of a long hair dirty man with the broken end of an arrow jutting out of his right hip. Along dark patch of bloodstained his blue jeans. They stood motionless swaying slightly he saw no trucks. This time Dan did not feel bad he knew they were dead and he had killed them. This time they had come after him and if he fails so does Manny.

  Looking at his bike he considered going for it, he would not have to stop to deal with the zombies if he was fast. Staring at the scene some more, he played several thoughts over in his mind they could be watching the bike waiting for him to do just that. Sighing he moved to the other side of the building looking out a dirty window. Noting the short distance to the trees over a weed-infested field and he could see no one. He slowly studied it for a couple of minutes more before slowing opening the door to go out. After seeing no reaction he let it close gently behind him before sprinting past a large metal shed to the trees. His heart was pounding as he made the tree line he was expecting people to pop out any second to challenge him. Once he was far enough into the tree line he stopped to check his watch noon was fast approaching as the sense of urgency was building in him again as he moved off. Dan stayed inside the tree line as he moved northeast occasionally getting a look of the dirt road then a small greenish looking pond.

  He stayed in the trees until coming to the east side parking lot of the hospital with only a few cars. The hospital was a single story red brick building with a metal type roof. The emergency room entrance sat in front of the building facing the street he was reluctant to use that in case any ghouls where around. This side of the building gave him good cover from the street. Moving from the tree line in a crouch to the first car in the parking lot he stopped. After a quick look around assuring himself he was alone he moved towards a sliding glass door. He looked at the dirty and smeared door still able to make out the words Nursing Home stenciled on the window. Pulling the pry bar from his belt he fitted it between the glass doors as he had seen Manny do. Giving a pulled, a loud crash assaulted him as one of the doors blew apart into small glass cubes. Dan jumped back startled as he looked wildly about. After a few seconds, he calmed down.

  “Damn,” he thought glass doors do not open well that way as he looked around to see if any one heard. Seeing no one, he started into the gloomy interior and stopped at a groaning noise. Peering into the gloom to see several figures starting to move from down a hallway one getting up from a wheelchair one pulling a rolling IV stand by plastic tubes still attached to his arm. Most wore bed clothing or robes and had been old before they died.

  “Damn,” Dan muttered as he pulled back from the door retreating towards the front of the building keeping low between cars.

  Stopping Dan counted thirty people slowly exited the building. Stopping to mill about in the parking lot Dan watched them for several minutes as a plan formed in his mind. Smiling he moved off staying close to the front of the building until he came to the main door of the hospital. Here he went up to the main sliding glass door, gripped the pry bar, and swung hard at the glass. Startled when the pry bar bounced off the glass with a loud thump causing a sharp pain to shoot up his arm. Looking at the window puzzled before he inserted the pry bar between the two doors and pulled sharply. Rewarded with a shower of broken glass cubes and a loud crashing noise. Dan moved quickly to the emergency entrance to repeat the action. Pleased to see the group of zombies turn the corner of the building just as some new zombies started exiting the broken front door.

  Dan moved off to one side of the building hiding between a truck and some trash cans as a few more of the undead started coming out of the broken emergency room door. This started a large mass of undead to mill in front of the hospital. Saved the trouble of figuring out his next move as a high pitch whine grew. He looked up from his hiding place to see a woman on a motorcycle screech to a stop in the road in doing so attracting the zombie’s attention. As she turned to speed off towards what Dan hoped where her friends with the zombies starting to follow. He waited almost an hour for the last zombies to go out of sight and to make sure no other visitors came his way. Making his way to the front entrance of the hospital black katana blade in one had a flashlight in the other and entered the building. His feet crunched over the broken glass as he looked into the dimly lit area. Making out chairs and benches with tables holding out-of-date magazines and some artwork on the walls. In the middle of a
wall between two corridors sat a reception desk with a phone.

  Dan ignored these as he read the nameplate on the wall, X-ray, lab and rooms 100 to 175 was along the left corridor with Maternity, cafeteria and pharmacy on the right. He wanted that one as he turned on the flashlight moving down the ever-darkening corridor. The blade of the katana felt heavy in one hand but he did not want to risk the noise of the autoloader if he needed to defend himself. He paused at an intersection of corridors before turning left following the nameplates. Freezing as he past several closed doors at the sound of movement.

  “More undead in here,” he thought this meant he would half to be extra careful. The corridors became black only broken by the harsh white light of his flashlight beam. After doubling back once he stood in front of a small window with a small opening in it to pass items threw.

  “To small to crawl through,” he thought moving onto the door. Made from medal with a chrome plate bolted over the doorjamb and lock. Dan placed his sword on the small counter next to the window as he tried the pry bar on the door after several minutes of trying he gave up. The door made to prevent what he was trying to do.

  He put the pry bar on the counter next to his sword as he tried to think of what to do next. His thoughts interrupted by a shuffling sound Dan froze before his hand grabbing for the sword but in the semi darkness grabbed the pry bar instead. As he played the flashlight beam around the hallway it stopped on a moving figure in a light blue uniform, Dan stared at the man in the hospital security uniform.

  “How fitting,” Dan muttered as he looked at the pry bar in his hand.

  The former security guard had other ideas as it let out a moan that sounded more like a hiss as it came at him arms raised. Dan lashed out with a vicious kick to the right knee feeling the knee joint snap as he watched the man fall to the ground. The guard struggled to rise Dan swung the pry bar claw side first into the skull of the guard sinking the bar into his head with a dull crunch. The guard went face first on to the floor taking the pry bar with it.


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