The Deeper Game (Taken Hostage by Hunky Bank Robbers Book 3)

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The Deeper Game (Taken Hostage by Hunky Bank Robbers Book 3) Page 3

by Annika Martin

  As soon as I hit the sidewalk, the vibrations started—the nipple clamps and the unit between my legs—both at once. It was a crazy-intense hit of pleasure. I wanted so badly to come, and briefly I considered stopping at the bus stop bench and just letting it happen. I was out of the bank now; the test was over. But I strolled on down to our stakeout SUV. Because I was in control!

  When I got to the sidewalk side, I could see tough-ass Matteo in the front seat with Odin, talking animatedly.


  I’d die if he knew I had little vibrating implements all over me. The back door cracked open. Thor. He slid over and I got in with the stuff still vibrating.

  “Hi Matteo,” I said in a surprisingly relaxed tone.

  “Hey, Ice.” He twisted around in the seat. “How’s it look in there?”

  “Same as yesterday,” I said, proud to manage a semi-normal voice. “Relaxed. The plainclothes who guards the side is struggling with bad allergies right now, too, and he’s very unaware. I hope they don’t improve for a while. Not to be a bitch.”

  Thor snorted.

  “I’m liking that,” Matteo said. “Liking it.” He had dark hair and a wide face and lots of tattoos on his arms, and he was very much a guy’s guy.

  His eyes fell to my breasts. I couldn’t blame him—it looked like I was wearing some very serious nipple jewelry. I quickly began to dig inside my bag in a way that obscured them, hoping he hadn’t noticed the vibrations because let’s face it, that would look really unprofessional.

  Odin asked him about some small aspect of timing, and Matteo turned back.

  I smiled. Did my dusky bank robber not like Matteo looking at my breasts? Yeah, maybe he should have thought about that before he put vibrating clamp contraptions on them.

  The vibrations ceased, and I relaxed just a bit.

  I was hoping Matteo would leave after he answered the question—he was stationed in the park today, but he rambled on. He had extensive opinions about pretty much everything; the man was just as brilliant as my guys, but very opinionated.

  The plan was that Zeus would stay behind in the ducts after the bank closed on the day of the robbery and let the three guys in. I had the big outside support role. It was a large and complicated operation.

  “We’re gonna get hungry in there,” Matteo said. “Two words: beef jerky.”

  “That shit’s full of nitrates,” Thor said.

  “Don’t worry, doc. Not the place I get it from,” Matteo said. “All natural.”

  I smiled. Opinionated Matteo knew where to get the best of everything. I could see the Gigis getting pissed at him and kicking him out. But he had a good heart, too.

  Odin caught my eye as he and Matteo went over the list of tools Zeus was bringing in to conceal in the workspace—one or two a day.

  I stiffened, hoping he didn’t get it in his head to start up the vibrations. I finally felt normal, or at least I was out of the I-have-to-come-right-now-or-I’ll-die zone.

  Odin smiled.

  I narrowed my eyes and shook my head.

  They continued their discussion.

  “What is it, goddess?” Thor asked. I didn’t have to look at him to see he was grinning.

  “Nothing,” I said, leaning back.

  Surely they didn’t want Matteo to know. Matteo would want things professional.

  While Zeus mainly liked the idea of robbing the Prime Royale because it was the biggest fuck you possible, just one rung below hitting Fort Knox, Matteo wanted a specific set of diamond jewelry, known as the Liz Taylor diamonds, to give to the Gigis. Odin had originally wanted the Liz Taylor diamonds, too—he’d wanted to wear them to taunt the Gigis because they’d pissed him off on a certain occasion. Finally it had been agreed that Odin would wear the Princess Harrod sapphires to taunt the Gigis, who would then know we’d hit the Prime Royale, at which point Matteo would be free to give them the Liz Taylor diamonds, which Odin would not be permitted to wear as a taunt.


  Thor just wanted the money. He’d been crossing the border into Mexico recently to volunteer at a free clinic just south of Tijuana, and they needed equipment badly there. He wasn’t able to work as a doctor in the States, but he wasn’t being bothered so far in Mexico. It was risky as hell, him crossing the border.

  Everything in our lives was risky as hell.

  I looked out the window at the beautifully dressed people leading their normal lives, climbing in and out of sleek cars.

  Maybe I looked bored because it was then that I felt the clamps on my nipples begin to vibrate softly.

  It was a surprise at first—so unexpected, so out of my control.

  I looked down, sure you would be able to see them going, but they looked the same as before…like I was wearing chunky nipple jewelry.

  Only now, that nipple jewelry was sending waves of pleasure clear into the pit of my belly.

  I stiffened and glanced at Odin in the front seat. He was messing around on his phone, continuing to go over logistics with Matteo. Of course he’d have made an app for his little contraption.

  “What?” Thor asked quietly.

  It was then that the pulsing on my clit started.

  I turned to him, shifting my legs, closing them together. That only intensified the good feeling.

  Thor had only to take one look at my face to get it. “Did I ever tell you how hot you look in that outfit?”

  “Thank you,” I rasped.

  Desire built in my belly. Dimly I tried to remember why I shouldn’t have an orgasm with Matteo in the car.

  Thor looked at me warningly and clamped a hand down on my knee. He shook his head, pulled at my leg.

  Reluctantly I parted my legs, which lessened the intensity, but only slightly.

  “This is going to go like clockwork,” Matteo said from up front.

  “Good things come to those who wait,” Thor said.

  “Fucking-g right about that,” Odin agreed, with a sly glance at me. He’d grown up in Morocco, except for some years in Egypt and an Algerian prison, but we didn’t know much more than that. He was very private about his history. “The best things come to those who wait.”

  Okay, I got the game. If I held out, things would be good.

  “Going in too hasty would be such a mistake,” Thor said.

  “Abso-fucking-lutely,” Matteo said. “It’s all in the planning. It’s in knowing how to take advantage of the luck that you spot.”

  The pleasure of the vibrations was incredibly intense. This thing between my legs was absolutely diabolical. The thumb part pressed perfectly at my clit.

  Damn! I lifted my pelvis slightly off the seat, which made the vibrations seem less intense. But it also changed the spot, which made things newly pleasurable. And the leg muscles I was now using wouldn’t support me long.

  I could see the steely outline of Thor’s cock beneath his slacks. I wished I could grab his cock and give him a taste of his own medicine.

  Up front, Matteo was talking sound absorbers. He had a special lunchbox for Zeus.

  I tried to follow along. Every day Zeus came out to eat his lunch in the park, and one of us switched lunchboxes with him. The new lunchbox would contain a new piece of equipment to smuggle into the bank.

  “You’re the one meeting him in the park today?” I asked Matteo hopefully.

  He looked at his watch. “Fifteen minutes.”

  Crap! My legs gave out and I had to sit back down again.

  The vibrations seemed to redouble, creating an electric feeling that flowed all over my skin.

  Oh, my resolve really was weakening. I tried to concentrate on the danger of the job. How frightened I was for my guys.

  It helped…marginally.

  Thor and Odin were going to be in so much trouble after this.

  “I should leave to pick up his sandwich now, though,” Matteo said. “Does he want turkey again?”

  “Yes, but it won’t take fifteen minutes to get his sandwich,” Odin said wickedl

  I rested my head back against the headrest and looked out the window. I was going for a look that could be described as bored…as opposed to, say, wildly turned-on sex slave to hot bank robbers.

  “We’re done here, though,” Matteo said. “You guys good?”

  “I’m good,” I said.

  Matteo looked at me funny. Maybe it was my tone. “You two need to have a backup vehicle stashed,” he said.

  “We’re already on it,” Thor said, hand still on my leg. “We’ll have two of them.” He squeezed my thigh. Excitement winged through me.

  Matteo leveled a glance at me. “You’re good to drive if it comes to that?” Drive, in that sentence, meant worlds more than simply operating a motor vehicle. It meant, did I have the guts and focus to do it?

  “She’s more than good to drive,” Odin said. “Ice is one of the best.”

  One of the best. I smiled. “I’m ready for anything.” And just then, I was cool with being so wildly pleasurized without release.

  “Okay.” Matteo pushed on his sunglasses. Finally! Then he turned back. “How many banks have you all hit this year?”

  Oh, my God.

  Odin frowned, thinking.

  Nooo! I slid down in my seat.

  “Calendar year or since last September?” Thor asked lazily.

  “Jesus,” Matteo said. “Since last September. Whatever.”

  “A lot,” I said.

  “How many is that?” he asked.

  Odin and Thor exchanged glances.

  Pick a number, any number, I thought as the intensity built.

  “Fifteen,” Thor finally said.

  “Hmm,” Odin said. “I was going to go a dozen, but we average more than one a month, I guess. So, yeah, about fifteen.”

  Matteo snorted. “You don’t even count. You guys work too hard.”

  “That’s what I’ve been telling them,” I said. “They need relief. They really do.”

  “A few hours a month? That’s too hard?” Thor said.

  “You know what I mean,” Matteo said.

  “Vengeance never sleeps,” Odin said.

  “Yeah…” Matteo inched open the door, “but maybe vengeance deserves to chill sometimes.”

  “Those motherfuckers wish we were dead,” Thor said.

  “Okay.” Matteo finally got out.

  I swallowed, trying to keep my eyes steady on the seam of the seat back, trying not to pant. It didn’t help that the vibrations on my nipples and my clit had changed in character to a soft pulsing.

  “Well then…” Matteo seemed like he was about to close the door. Leaving.

  Then he leaned back in. “Did you guys get that on your tattoo yet?”

  “We’ve started it,” Odin said. “You WISH we were dead, Motherfuckers. On a scroll that an angel holds.” Months earlier, we’d gotten a cloud with four lightning bolts, symbolizing the four of us, on our ankles. We’d meant to do the Motherfuckers one above the original tattoo, but we’d decided it would be better on the biceps due to the hairiness of Zeus’s calves.

  “We were thinking of having it partly in Latin,” Thor added. “But then who the fuck could read it?”

  Matteo chuckled.

  Odin had already started on the addition to our tattoos. After sitting out there all these days and feeling unhappy about the robbery, and their total refusal to retire or even take a long break, I was starting to hate the idea of that motto. You WISH we were dead, Motherfuckers. Who gets a motto tattooed on their skin about how much their enemies hate them and wish they were dead? It seemed negative—even a little dangerous on a new-age/positive visualization level—to put such a wish on your skin.

  This thought damped my libido enough for me to pay attention to the conversation again.

  “Isis has the tattoo that is furthest along. I already did her angel and part of the scrollwork. You want to see it?” Odin asked him suddenly.

  I swallowed. Say no. Go! I pleaded in my mind, wishing I could blast my thoughts right into Matteo’s brain. Go! Go!

  “You guys...” Matteo shook his head. “I’ll see them when they’re done.”

  “I want you to see it,” Odin said. “I insist. Isis.” He put down the armrest between the front seats and patted it, then gazed back at me, evil eyes glittering. “Come on. Show Matteo.”

  I slid forward and displayed my arm. Even that much shifting intensified the vibrations wildly. Odin pulled me forward further so that my arm was under the slash of sunshine on the seat. I could feel the waves building in the pit of my stomach. Nearing lift-off.

  “Nice,” Matteo said. “Okay, gotta get on this here.” He finally got all the way out and shut the door. We watched him walk off.

  The vibrations ceased.

  I hissed out a breath and flopped back into my seat. “You are both pure evil.”

  Thor turned to me and began to unbutton my shirt. “You have been a very patient goddess.”

  “The evilest of evil.”

  “You know that’s not true,” Thor said. “Come here.” He shifted sideways in the backseat and pulled me up against his chest. His cock was like concrete at the small of my back. I snuggled into it, just to tease him. “But there was that matter of backtalk earlier,” he whispered in my ear.

  Odin got out the driver’s side door and shut it. The next thing I knew, he was opening the back door. A shaft of sunlight and heat fell across my bare torso.

  I whipped my dress over myself.

  He gave me a smug look and got in, closing the door behind him. “As if you don’t like an audience.”

  “Not all the time,” I said.

  “And not Matteo,” Odin said, pulling off my panties.

  “I have been so good,” I said.

  Thor ran his hand over my belly. “I’m going to undo these clips,” he whispered. “Are you ready?”

  “Please,” I mumbled. “Anything.”

  He reached around to my front and unclamped one. I gasped at the release of it. Odin leaned in and licked it lightly, melting me with sensation.

  “It’s too much! Lighter.” Nipples were always so insanely sensitive after being clipped, which was both good and bad.

  Odin lightened his licking. I reached up under him and grabbed his cock, winding my legs partly around him.

  “Goddess,” he breathed, blowing on my nipple as Thor released the clip from the other one. “Turn over,” he said.

  I complied, moving to my hands and knees, which put me face to face with Thor.

  Thor grabbed my hair and took my mouth in a hard kiss while Odin ran his hands over my butt cheeks.

  I felt his fingers move down my thighs, spreading tiny shivers, making the sound of skin on skin in the quiet car. Then he slid his hands up again. I felt when he grasped the clit-and-butt-erator. Gently he worked it out, pulling the bulbous portion from my asshole.

  The feeling of emptiness was immediately followed by a stinging slap.

  I gasped. “What was that for?”

  “Unprofessionalism.” He slapped my ass again. I felt the pain and pleasure of it pulse through me.

  “I was unprofessional?” I protested. “I was as professional as James Bond in there. I was the very picture of professional.”

  “Not when you wanted to blow off your 11:00 a.m. deposit.” He slapped me again, and it stung hot and icy, then he set his warm hand on the sting, and I felt his warm lips touch it. I wanted him like a fever. I loved these guys, and I wanted them both in me. Odin spoke, finally. His growl grabbed my belly. “Turn around.”

  I turned back around to find him pulling his pants off, his cock at attention. My pulse raced wildly.

  “Hold her legs apart, Thor.”

  From behind me, Thor grabbed the backs of my knees and pulled up, pulling my knees clear to my shoulders.

  I leaned my head back on his shoulder, feeling wild with need.

  I gasped as Odin stroked his thick, brown cock, hardening himself even more. A warning. A promise. We didn’t have t
o wear condoms anymore—we’d all been tested, and we were monogamous now.

  He touched my clit. “Are you wet for me, goddess?” He began to stroke me gently with his thumb.

  “Yes. I can’t take any more waiting,” I gasped.

  “You’ll take whatever we give you, goddess,” Odin whispered tenderly. “Whatever we please, because you are so fucking-g beautiful.” He came to me, then, kneeling between my legs, stroking me, getting me even more on the verge. I looked into his gorgeous eyes, rimmed with those thick lashes, and in my mind, I gave myself over to him completely—my body, my pleasure, my everything. “So fucking-g beautiful,” he whispered again. He held me with a mischievous gaze as he licked a finger and then touched it to one of my crazy-tender nipples.

  “Please,” I begged, because I was about to spin out of control.

  “Thor,” Odin said.

  Thor pulled my legs wider. Odin pressed the meaty tip of his cock into my hole. “Is this what you want, goddess?”

  “More,” I gasped.

  He was maybe an inch in, but just that inch felt impossibly thick and good inside me. Then he braced one muscular arms on the front seat headrest and the other on the top of the back seat, caging me and Thor. “Goddess,” he said, leaning in for a kiss as he entered me slowly, filling me deliciously.

  “Yes.” I reached out to him, holding him, pulling him.

  He pulled out halfway and thrust in again.

  “Yes,” I gasped, all out of meaningful things to say.

  Thor let my knees go. I wrapped my legs around Odin as Thor shifted behind me, and I could tell he was doing himself. My guys loved when I came almost as much as I loved it. With his other hand he reached around me and fingered a nipple.

  “Come for me, goddess,” Odin said.

  But I was already there—maybe that’s why he said it, because he knew, and had taken pity on me. None of it mattered because I dissolved into a million pieces as Odin fucked me and kissed me. I dissolved into a kaleidoscope of sensation.

  Odin’s fucking movements were becoming increasingly primative, like he was being controlled by something deep and ancient, and Thor panted in my ear. They were both about to come. The ultimate testosterone sandwich.

  “Do me,” I said, which was sort of a joke, considering they could hardly do me any more than they were already. But they were both coming. Out of reception range. “Yes,” I whispered, stroking Odin’s back.


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