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Languish for you (My soulmate)

Page 8

by Daniel, Serafina

  “Yes,” he confirmed. “She was freaked when I got there.”

  “But that...”

  “I know. That can't be. But she was shivering, her eyes were running to every side like a scared animal's.”

  She lowered her head down. Christopher didn't need to be a mind reader to know what she was pondering on in her head right now. He was thinking about the same thing; maybe someone did a mistake. Maybe Tobias wasn't her soulmate. But then again, the bodiless had never made a mistake before.

  “Okay,” she said after some minutes. “She is not our average soul. She reminds who she is, what she likes and hates. Maybe Tobias's behavior wasn't appropriate for her. So, she got scared and her mind didn't care what else she was feeling. So, we need to help her to get rid that fear. Then that all soulmates' thing could take its place.”

  Christopher pressed his lips tightly. He would like to see how this plan will misfire with pleasure. But also he knew that he shouldn't have had thoughts like this. So, why did he have one?

  “Next week she will go to university. There she will meet him again,” Avery continued. Her eyes were staring at one spot on the wall.

  “We need to find out why her soul remembers her life,” Christopher said coldly.

  “Yea, we do,” she snapped and stood up. “Maybe that will explain a lot to us. We need to ask her questions if she remembers something while she was dead. Maybe something during that process happened.”

  “You will do that or I will have that pleasure?”

  She shot a dirty look at him. He met her eyes with courage.

  “I will do that. You have already done enough. Try to be aloof and concentrate only on her safety. For some reason I have a feeling that soon we will have some extra troubles”

  He had those suspicions too, but he always tried to kill them. He tried to imagine that nothing bad could happen, because if he didn't do that, he could never close his eyes and have a peaceful sleep.

  “Okay,” he said and stood up, intending to walk out from the room before Avery could ask him something else or she could understand something else. He liked her. She was smart and friendly...most of the times. Only now she acted strangely and he knew why; because he also wasn't in his shoes.

  Christopher didn't even want to guest how this special case could end.

  Chapter ten

  I didn't hurry to open my eyes and get out from my bed. Something in my mind told me that I should stay in the bed. And what did you know, I decided to listen to that something and didn't hurry to start a new day.

  I heard weak voices coming from the corridor. After some minutes they died. I opened my eyes and lifted my head up when I heard the door creaking. Avery was in my room and was sitting calmly on the chair, waiting for me to declare a new day's start.

  I noticed that she was holding a black leather book with a string around it. It seemed strangely familiar to me. Where had I seen it? Oh yea, I used to have one. My parents gave me one as a present for my eighteen birthday, which I asked them to give me. Although I had my computer where I could make my notes, my ideas for new stories or just remarks about society I wrote only on paper, believing that it had priority to know what was going on in my mind.

  “Good morning,” Avery said, smiling widely. Her eyes immediately became warm and friendly.

  “Hi,” I said, hesitating. Although I tried not to look at that book in her hands, I still somehow managed to find myself staring at it, wondering, what she will do with that thing.

  Avery noticed where my eyes were drifting from time to time. That made her smile even grew on her face.

  “This is yours,” she said, lifting the black leather book up. ”It's new and made by order. I know how much you like to write your ideas on the paper. Your parents have thousands of notes where you have written your remarks or extracts from your stories,” she stood up and slowly walked to me. “I would like to give you your parents' gift, but... it's your new life,” she sat on my bed, putting the book on my hands which were only waiting for it, like a small child for that moment when he could open his gifts and see what his relatives had brought to him.

  “Thank you,” I said, staring at the book, remembering that in my previous book were only two words written; my name. I didn't have time to write my ideas or remarks in it.

  Sadness touched me at first gently and innocently. But soon it started growing in me, extruding my others emotions until the only thing I could feel, was nostalgia and emptiness. I felt how tears threatened to travel my cheeks down.

  “I also want to talk with you about that time when you were dead,” she said, hesitating if she should start this conversation.

  I lifted my eyes at her, not sure what she really wanted to find out.

  “I don't remember much. I was walking down the street when the car hit me. Then I have some memories when I was in the hospital. The first one was when I was still in my body. A woman told me that I won't survive. Another one, I heard how a doctor told my parents that I was dead.”

  “What else?” she asked.

  I took a deep breath and shook my head a little.

  “Why do you need to know?” I asked her, trying to find something on her face what could tell me her real reason to be here.

  “It's my job,” she said in plain Saxon. “I need to know everything that any kind of mistakes could be prevented.”

  I nodded and lowered down my head. I really appreciate that she didn't lie to me. At least I hoped she was telling me the truth, because her face looked sincere and honest. And plus, I tried to imagine what I would do if I were in her place. And yes, I would definitely try to know everything.

  “Okay,” I sighed. “I also remember darkness around me and a voice, asking me to come. Then, he said to follow the star. But I didn't go. And then many whispers surrounded me, telling me things I didn't understand. Even now I don't understand.”

  “What were they saying?” Avery suddenly seemed really interested. Was I telling her something not usual to soul's transit? I didn't know and I didn't event want to find out. It was her job to do things in the right order and be concerned, not mine.

  “Things like I am special, like I have a gift of God. Also, they mentioned that they don't have time, that they were forced to do that.”

  Avery knitted her brows and leaned back a bit. Her hands crossed against her chest soon.

  “Interesting,” she said in the end. “What else do you remember?”

  “I followed the star,” I said openly as I lifted her eyes to meet her stare. “I touch the baby and could see through her eyes. But something happened and I lost consciousness, and when I finally could open my eyes again, I was in the coffin.”

  She lifted her hand to her chin and started stroking it.

  “Nothing else?”

  I shook my head.

  “Well, that doesn't tell a lot,” she stood up, avoiding my eyes. It seemed that she wanted to hear something else, but that was really everything what I remembered.

  “Do you have idea what they meant by saying the gift of God?” I asked, bringing her back from her thoughts.

  “Well, the gift of God means that you are special, that you have something what others don't have. Usually it is writing,” she explained. “Many people have this gift, but only few of them uses it.”

  “So that would be the reason why you ordered me to write. A lot.”

  She grinned and then nodded.

  “Everyone should use their talents, little one. And talking about what else you should do, is to talk with Tobias.”

  I frowned, totally not understanding why I should talk with that stalking creep.

  “I don't think it should be kept as a secret. After all, your mission is to find him, love him... brings babies into this world and so on.”

  “I don't understand,” my hands squeezed the book tighter, like trying to give me more courageous to heart her words.

  “Well, your soulmate is Tobias. The same Tobias we saw yesterday.” />
  I had my heart in my boots. Was she mocking at me or talking seriously? Tobias was that person why I was brought back to life? If so, why I didn't felt anything warm and nice towards him. Why I did feel only fear? Should I be instantly drawn to him?

  Avery studied me for a minute, giving me some time to understand everything.

  “Tobias,” I said after some long minutes. The name sounded so familiar and I suddenly found myself wanting to repeat it over and over.

  “Yes,” Avery said slowly. “I think he soon will come to see you how you are doing or he will send that girl to ask. But never mind, I also want to tell you that on Monday you will start your studies.”

  “On Monday? Which day is today?” she tried to change the topic, I had to say, she was doing a great job, because Tobias was out of my mind now. At least for some seconds. I soon remembered Agnes's words about her friend, who will study the same thing as I will. Tobias.

  “Saturday,” she said casually. “So, you have two days to get use to that idea.”

  “Why did you decided to tell me, who my soulmate is?” all that soulmates' thing sounded stupid and not real to me, but I couldn't tell it didn't exist. After all, I was alive again and only because I didn't transit into other body. Why? After all, I remembered a baby.

  “Because it will speed up everything a little and I with Christopher could do other jobs, help other soulmates to find each other.”

  “You mean leave me?” the sadness visited me again.

  Avery took some steps away from me, turning her back in front of me.

  “Vanessa,” she started. This time I decided not to correct her. “We can't be with you forever. We have rules and duties. The longer we stay with you, the longer someone is living in pain, sadness and in emptiness.”

  I knew deep inside me that my new friends will leave me one day, but so soon...No. I didn't expect that.

  “But you said I am special. That hunters...”

  She looked at me. Her eyes were serious and spreading only coldness. I hugged myself unconsciously.

  “You are in danger only when your soulmate is not with you. When you kiss Tobias, when you be with will be the most important thing to him and that will protect you from hunters.”

  “I don't understand.”

  “Love is a great weapon, little one. The hunters need souls who are not protected by anyone. They will seduce those souls to do what they want. But you won't do anything what they desire, when Tobias be with you, because the only thing you really will care, will be to make him happy and his wish will be the same. And, what the hunters do, can't make you or him happy. “

  It sounded so simple and at the same time so difficult. I really imagined those hunters to be really bad people, wanting something really big from me. Also, I thought that they were powerful, but now, when Avery said things like that, I felt better, because I knew now that all those things, which my imagination created in my head, were unreal.

  “Tobias,” I said his name again.

  Avery smirked and nodded.

  “Come when you are ready. Breakfast is waiting for you.”

  I nodded, avoiding her eyes. All my attention was directed on my book. The only thing which maybe will be the reminded that I was dead once and there were two people who had saved me from darkness.

  Avery took a deep breath and walked out from my room.

  I put my head on the pillow, pulling my sheets on me. I didn't want to go from bed. I wasn't even ready to leave it. I closed my eyes and Tobias appeared in front of me. Strange how words could affect you, because really, I doubted if I would think about that little stalker if not Avery's declared fact that I was his soulmate.

  “Soulmates,” I whispered. This word had a power. I always was afraid that love, which was deep and true, existed only in the books or dreams. And now, knowing that a person to whom I could give myself all, was here...

  I had desire to meet him now, talk with him and even kiss him, although it sounded stupidly. After all, he was a total stranger to me right now.

  I smirked and curled up in a ball on my bed like a small kitty. But I didn't spend much time in my room. Soon I was in the dining room, eating the salads again, but I didn't care this time, because my mind was far away from my food.

  Christopher joined me over the table, while Avery informed us that she was leaving home because of some kind of meeting in the city. I didn't ask, although I should. I didn't like secrets and right now she and Christopher had them a lot.

  “Are you in this world?” I head him asking me.

  I pushed my plate with salads away from me.

  “Not really,” I answered. “I am just thinking about Tobias.”

  Christopher frowned, giving me a clear sign that he didn't want to hear more about things which I was pondering on. That was a strange thing for me, although it was justifiable. I had a soulmate and he didn't.

  “That reminds me, you are not allowed to leave the flat or open the door to anyone,” he sounded irritated.

  “Are going somewhere?” I put my elbows on the table's surface.

  “Actually, yes. Anna will leave soon, too. You will be left alone. Now, please repeat what I have just told you,” he asked.

  I frowned. Why did he want me to repeat his command?

  “Why?” I didn't hide from him my annoyance.

  “Because you are one cunning rebel. Please, tell me what you have to do,” he asked me again. This time he controlled his feelings.

  I smirked. It was really funny. He thought I was a rebel. Really? I was a rebel? Okay. Who did I try to fool? I was a rebel if I couldn't see any kind of benefit for me not being one. Right now I didn't understand his motivation to imprison me here. After all, Avery mentioned that maybe Tobias will show up. If so, I wanted... to make myself sure that he was that one, who was destined to be with me forever.

  “Stay at home and pretend to be a statue,” I said annoyed.

  He rolled his eyes and stood up. He didn't comment my words, although I wanted to hear his reply, his voice. Strange how quickly I got used to him and wanted to spend more time with this unstable Christopher.

  “Bye,” I said, crossing my hands against my chest, when he walked out from the room. I heard him mumbling something under his nose. That maybe was my goodbye.

  And then I heard the door creaking and the lock clicking. Yea, he locked me in the flat. But will that help? After all, Anna was still working in the kitchen and I had my own keys in my purse. But the strangest thing was, that he forbid me to leave home or open door to someone. Why? Avery had told me that maybe Tobias will come... Christopher didn't want me to see my soulmate? Why?

  I hugged myself and glanced at my plate with salads. I didn't have an appetite for that kind of food. I wanted something else. Maybe pasta. But I instead of walking into the kitchen, I found myself in my room, staring on my bar of chocolate. I rolled my eyes and started eating it, letting my fantasy loose.

  “Soulmates,” I said after some minutes. I was always a romantic person and knowing, that soulmates actually existed... I smirked. Maybe I could find a purpose for which I could live?

  Chapter eleven

  He didn't come as Avery had predicted. Also, Agnes didn't touch the door bell. That really cast a damp over me. I really believed in Avery's words. I waited and they didn't show up. But maybe it is for the best, I said in my mind, staring at the laptop's screen which was blank.

  I rolled on my back and looked through the window.

  Yea, it really is for the best, I sighed. I didn't say I wanted to be a good girl and do what Christopher had ordered me, but I just needed some more time with Tobias and understand if Avery had told the truth. For that reason I would even become a nasty little girl.

  But another day started and still no news from Agnes or Tobias. Even Christopher and Avery didn't tell me anything about them. That didn't surprise me. They didn't want me to know about their jobs or themselves, although I tried to find out more details about them b
y giving them various questions, but those two cunning foxes knew, what I was trying to find out, and didn't give me a word. That was frustrating.

  I also tried to leave the flat, but they told me to write. What a surprise!

  And there came Monday, my big day at university which I dreaded. Avery was standing behind me when I was staring at my reflection in the mirror. I seemed so... I didn't even know how to describe myself. My hair was straight like someone had used an iron. My eyes seemed tired and empty. Face? If not the make-up, I would definitely be consider me being awaken from the death. And my clothes? They were the nicest thing on me; white shirt, red and huge belt and then a skirt. Of course, shoes were here.

  “You look stunningly,” Avery said as he put her arm on my shoulder.

  I nodded reluctantly. I had never thought about myself as a beautiful person, but being a quite a character, gink... always. I didn't care what others thought about me and I didn't trouble myself to fit in their created frames, although sometimes I caught myself wondering what would be if I be just average, just...empty... Would my life be easier? More interesting?

  “Beauty is over-valued,” I said before I could control my tongue.

  She didn't say anything, just sighed. I looked to my fingers. Avery had done a fantastic manicure. She really had talent for that... and practice.

  “How long will I live?” suddenly I asked.

  Avery removed her hand and took a small step back from me.

  “Why do you think I know that?” she asked, studying me.

  I shrugged.

  “Maybe because you brought me back to life, I guess.”

  She lowered her face. A silence spread around us for some minutes, before she finally created a proper answer to kill my curiosity.

  “I... I and Christopher didn't bring you back. It was the bodiless and we don't give people time. Everyone has a body and its own owner decides how long it should live.”

  “I don't understand,” I said honestly.

  “Your body carries some kind of deceases, but it doesn't mean you will die because of them,” she started explaining. Her eyes pointed to the ground.” The food, the atmosphere and other people will be those ones, what will kill you.”


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