Center Stage (The Keller Family Series)

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Center Stage (The Keller Family Series) Page 5

by Marie, Bernadette

  John stepped into Zach’s office and shut the door behind him. It was bad enough he was nervous. He didn’t need Mary Ellen hearing what he’d come for.

  Zach was on the phone. When he saw John, he looked down at his watch and then back up at him. Yeah, he’d thrown everyone for a loop by being two hours early.

  He sat down on the couch until Zach finished his phone conversation and then stood when Zach hung up.

  “You’re early.”

  “So I was told.”

  “Everything okay? You don’t even have your files.”

  John looked down at his empty hands and realized he’d had no intentions of bringing them. Dear God, he was losing his mind over a woman.

  “I’ll come back for the meeting later.” He stood from the couch and walked toward Zach’s desk. “I had something else to talk to you about.”

  “Sit down. What’s up?”

  John took a seat. He wasn’t comfortable. This was what sleeping with Arianna had done to him. Now he wasn’t comfortable in Zach’s presence.

  “Rockwell Theater.”

  “Slated for demolition for an office building.”

  John nodded. “But it’s still for sale. The owner wants someone to renovate it. He doesn’t want to sell so he hasn’t committed yet.”

  “You know an awful lot about this.” Zach leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Arianna mentioned something about moving home and having a community theater. She’d like to teach or something like that.”

  “And you’re thinking it would be a good place for her?”

  “It was a thought.”

  Zach moved in and rested his arms on his desk and clasped his hands together. It was a move John was familiar with. It meant he was thinking business.

  “Can she afford property like that?”

  John shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t even told her about it. I thought you should look at it. I’d be willing to invest in it and see what she could do with it.”

  “You’d invest?”

  “I live in a basement and drive a truck with two hundred thousand miles on it. I have some money stashed away.”

  The business look changed and the corners of Zach’s lips curled into a tight smile. “You’d do this for her.”

  “It’s an investment.”

  “It sure is.”

  John stood up. “Listen, if you think it’s a bad idea…”

  “No.” Zach stood and walked around the desk. “I think it’s a wonderful idea. I just want to make sure that you’re sure about this.”


  “And you’re sure?”

  No, he wasn’t sure. His chest hurt, his palms were sweaty, and he felt as though Zach had socked him in the gut. But he was crazy about the woman who had made it very clear that marriage was not an option. However, maybe an investment in her livelihood was.

  “I think it would be an awesome opportunity for some renovating the area. She’d do the rest.”

  Zach nodded slowly. “I’ll look into it.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be back with my files.”

  “How about I pick you up at lunch, and we’ll head out to Steve’s. Since you mentioned it, I’ve had a hankering for it.”

  “Sure.” John walked out of the office.

  For a man who didn’t like commitment, he’d sure made one, and now Regan would start asking questions—that part he was sure about.

  Arianna had successfully found the coffeemaker. Why she’d packed it with the bathroom items she wasn’t sure, except those were all of the last items she’d packed.

  The house was beginning to look more like a home.

  She’d gone to the store and bought groceries. There was, in fact, a Starbucks at the end of the street so she stopped. And because she couldn’t help herself, she picked up some of that imported beer John drank.

  Now she looked around and thought how barren it all was. She’d felt more at home in John’s basement earlier when she’d gone through the door, which they’d left unlocked, and placed the beer and replacement Hungry Man dinners in his refrigerator.

  It wasn’t something she needed to get worked up over. She’d given him her word that she wasn’t one to sleep around either, and she wasn’t. They’d kidded that they were boyfriend and girlfriend. She’d been very candid about never wanting to be married or have babies. But as she sat down on her own couch and turned on her own TV, she missed him.

  New relationships were the hardest, and she’d had her share. When they started, you missed the person. You wanted to sleep at their place always. Phone calls and text messages could get you through the day, but it was never enough. Then there was the need to move in together and talk about futures. That was when it usually went wrong.

  So where did they go now? They already lived together. Neither of them wanted marriage. Was this all there was to them?

  She rested her head back against the couch.

  She needed her sister. Regan would know what to do. It had only been two days, and she knew she was about to spill it all. All she could hope was that John wouldn’t be upset.

  Arianna sat on Regan’s couch and held Spencer as he slept. One thing was for sure, the Kellers made beautiful babies.

  She’d played with Tyler after lunch until Regan had put him down for a nap. Now the house seemed quiet. She wondered how her mother ever managed with four kids who were all within four years in age.

  Regan strolled back into the living room and sat down on the opposite end of the couch. “I think he already likes you.”

  “What’s not to like? I’m here to spoil them rotten.”

  “Yes, you do that well.”

  Spencer stretched in her arms. “Thanks for letting me come out.”

  “Are you kidding me? I’m so happy you’re here for good. That once every few months thing was okay, but I’m glad to have my sister back in town.”

  “I will try not to intrude.”

  “As you can see, my daily conversations need some adult interaction.”

  Arianna nodded. “I just couldn’t sit in that house anymore. I’m all unpacked, but it was too quiet. New York is never quiet.”

  “And I’m sure your tenant doesn’t make much noise either.”

  There was a heaviness in her heart when she thought about it. She hadn’t even heard him get ready and leave for work that morning. She’d awaken in his bed, alone.

  “He’s the quiet type.”

  “Yes, but other than Zach, I’ve never met a better man.”

  Arianna ran her thumb over Spencer’s tiny hand. “He’s been very helpful with the house.”

  “I’ve heard he’s fed you a few times too.”

  She laughed. “Yes. I can’t seem to buy him a meal. But I did get him some groceries when I went to the store, to pay back some groceries he shared.” That was as far as she wanted to go with her admission.

  “I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but I think he has eyes for you.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Because he nearly drove over Carlos to pick you up at the airport the other day. He’s talked about you for months, asking how you were, and what you were doing next.”

  “He did?” Her voice creaked. She’d had no idea.

  “Sure.” Regan shrugged as if it were no big deal. “I think he’s had eyes on you since Zach’s father passed away, but he’s not one to make a move.”

  Arianna adjusted the baby on her lap, more out of nervous energy than necessity. “He’s mentioned he’s not the type to remarry.”

  “Nah, but just think of how perfect that would be for you. You never want to get married either.”

  “Still, a relationship is a relationship.”

  “Yes, and you’re not against relationships. You’re against the whole issue that there is a document that says you belong to someone else.”

  Her sister knew her so well.

  “What would you say if I told you I w
as interested in him?”

  Regan shifted and leaned in closer. “I’d say you have good taste. He’s a very handsome man.”

  That he was. “What if I told you I kissed him?”

  Regan lifted an eyebrow. “I’d say you’re very bold.”

  “That’s no news there.”

  “No, but I would assume it didn’t go too well. John’s worried that all women are too young for him.”

  “He does have an issue with age difference.”

  Regan scooted closer. “He’s only in his early fifties. That’s not too old.”

  And didn’t she know that, too? Damn! She’d never been with a man who had more energy, and she certainly wasn’t going to complain.

  “I like him,” Arianna admitted to her sister as much as to herself.

  “And he likes you, so what’s holding you back?”


  “Nothing as in you’re going to make a move or…” She studied Arianna and then scooted closer. “Oh, my, God!”

  “Shhh,” she warned as Spencer shifted.

  “You had sex,” she whispered.

  “We had sex.”

  Regan’s face was not hiding her emotions. The grin on her face was from ear to ear, and if her son hadn’t been sleeping in Arianna’s arms, she would surely have grabbed her. Of this, she was certain.

  “I can’t believe it.” Regan sat back against the couch and tucked her feet up under her. “How was it?”

  “I didn’t come here to discuss details like that.”

  “Really. Usually you would.”

  “This is different.”

  “Different?” She studied her again. “You’re in love with him.”

  Arianna let out a long sigh. “I think I am.”

  “That’s wonderful.”

  “But we already live in the same house. It’s as if we’ve started a relationship at the end. This can’t go well.”

  “Be a little optimistic.”

  Regan was right. It wasn’t as if he’d offered marriage or any enormous commitment. If all else failed, she’d rent out the house again. Regan had lots of room for the favorite aunt.

  Zach had met John for lunch, and in true Zach style, he already had figures on the theater.

  The price was much more than John could take on himself, but then again, Arianna wouldn’t hear of that anyway. Zach had known that, too. He’d offered up capital from Benson, Benson, and Hart. It was an investment for them all—if she’d see it that way.

  John stopped by the store on his way home and picked up two steaks, a couple potatoes, and salad. There was no snow on the porch, so there was no reason not to cook her dinner. He couldn’t help himself either as he’d checked out. There was a fresh bouquet of flowers, and he bought them. That might have become too domestic, but the thought that they’d bring her some joy made it worthwhile.

  He’d pulled up in back of the house, which was the norm. The house looked dark, all but the one light from her bedroom window.

  He climbed out of his truck and headed toward the house with his groceries in his hand. The debate of whether to go in through the back door or straight down to his apartment jostled in his mind.

  They were in a committed relationship. They’d agreed on that like school children writing notes that said yes or no on them. So why was he so uncomfortable just walking into the house?

  He pushed open the door to his apartment and set the groceries on his kitchen table. The door which led to her kitchen was open. That alone was invitation enough, wasn’t it?

  Maybe he needed his nightly beer to put things into perspective. His routine was just disrupted. He needed one regular moment to make it all fall into place.

  John opened the door to the refrigerator and was more than surprised to find it stocked with beer.

  Out of sheer curiosity, he opened the freezer and his meals had been replaced, too.

  The thought that he should be happy seemed to be clouded by the thought that maybe she was replacing what she felt she owed him. He’d fed her and supplied the beer. He was really going to be pissed if she bought him a new can of coffee.

  When he opened that cupboard only his can remained.

  It was silly, right? He’d bought her flowers and dinner. Why should he think she didn’t want him after the weekend they’d shared?

  He knew why, because after years of marriage, his own wife hadn’t wanted him. Arianna was thirteen years his junior. At some point, she was going to want a man who wasn’t gray or watching his cholesterol.

  The unmistakable sound of Arianna walking down the stairs filled his ears. Then the sound of her walking through the kitchen had his heart beat ramping up.

  It was time to face the music. Worst case scenario, he’d order a pay-per-view movie and drink his beer.

  John gathered his groceries, two of the beers, and the bouquet of flowers and headed up the stairs. As he reached the top, her cell phone rang. He slowed.

  She answered the call and repeated “Hello” over and over before grunting.

  John turned the corner and Arianna jumped, obviously startled by his presence.

  “You scared the hell out of me. I guess we need a bell for your neck.”

  This was going to be rather interesting, he decided. A new woman—a new bad mood to learn.

  “I’m sorry. I thought I’d cook you dinner.”

  Her shoulders dropped and her eyes softened. “Thank you. I’d really appreciate that.”

  “I bought you some flowers too, although they are stuck in my hand. Can you grab them?”

  He laughed easily and she loved that—liked that. His mind was scrambled.

  She took the bag of groceries from around his fingers and the flowers from his hand.

  “This was extremely thoughtful of you.”

  He swallowed hard. “I thought you’d enjoy them.”

  “You were right.”

  She set them on the table with the groceries and turned back to him. She took the beers from his hands and set them on the table, too.

  Arianna moved back to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Before you start getting all domestic on me, I want to kiss you.”

  “You definitely made my purchase worthwhile.”

  Her lips were warm as they pressed against his. His hands came to her hips, and he pulled her closer to him. The way her body molded right to his made him wonder, if two people seemed so right for each other, why had it taken so damn long for them to find one another?

  As Arianna pulled back, she let out a deep long sigh and then opened her eyes.

  “I’ve waited all day for that.”

  John was glad to hear that. Why had he even worried? “So who called?”


  “When I was walking up the stairs. Actually…” He began to realize it wasn’t his business at all. “You don’t have to tell me.”

  “No, that’s fine. I don’t know who it was.” She picked up her phone from the table. “It’s a blocked number, and it has called me nearly ten times in the last two weeks.”

  “And no one is there?”


  “And you don’t know who it is?”

  Her lips turned down. He didn’t like that.

  Arianna shook her head. “No. I don’t know who it is.”

  But he didn’t buy that.

  He’d have to not worry about it. She was allowed her secrets. He sure had his.

  Chapter Eight

  Arianna set the table, but her hands shook. She’d silenced her phone and stuck it in her pocket. It had rung three more times since John had gone out on the porch to grill steaks.

  She could only imagine who it was and that made anger pump through her veins.

  That stupid son of a bitch was playing mind games, but why? What could he gain by messing with her?

  Regan certainly wouldn’t leave her family for him, nor would Arianna ever tell him what she knew about their baby’s whereabouts. Regan had never even looked a
t her baby when she’d had her. She’d forced Curtis to take her away. Besides, that had been four years ago. Why cause problems now?

  Arianna looked out the window. She could see John standing on the porch in his heavy coat. His breath carried on the cold. Would he protect her?

  Of course he would. He personally knew Alexander Hamilton, and he knew what kind of monster the man was. If he cared for her at all, he’d never let the monster near her or her family.

  But that was a lot to ask of the man you were sleeping with.

  Then again, she needed to admit. It was more than that.

  It wasn’t just sex when she had to run and tell her sister about it. It wasn’t just physical when the very thought of his smile made her warm. This went deeper.

  The flowers he’d brought her were now in a vase on the kitchen table. She couldn’t remember the last time a man brought her flowers. Obviously it hadn’t mattered. These flowers mattered.

  She heard the lid of the grill close, and a moment later, the back door opened and John walked through with cold air blowing in behind him.

  “I must have wanted steak really bad. I’m sure my blood is frozen in my veins.”

  “We could have gone out for steak.”

  John shook his head as he set the platter down on the table. “No way. I’ve learned something about you. You spare no expense on things you’ll personally use. Your grill is no exception.”

  She laughed. “Carlos bought the grill when he lived here.”

  “Okay, so your family has good taste.”

  She thought about her siblings and their significant others. Yes, her family had good taste, and she must have it, too. John Forrester was a catch, and not one of her family members would disagree.

  They ate dinner in silence. It seemed to be the way the man worked. It wasn’t until she’d pushed her plate away that John looked up at her to speak.

  “You wouldn’t want to take a drive, would you?”

  Arianna shrugged her shoulders. “If you’d like to.”

  “I have something I want to show you.”

  “It’s almost eight. You want to show me something in the dark?”

  His lips pursed. “Yes.”


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