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KW- The Krinar's Obsession

Page 2

by Melody Dawn

  As if sensing his mood, Nika leaned forward and kissed him once more, this time gently on the cheek. “Goodbye, Ralen. Stay safe.”

  “Thank you, Nika, you as well.”

  On the surface, their goodbye sounded like so many others they had in the past except this one was final; their time together had come to an end.

  Ralen refused to pinpoint Jessie as the reason he and Nika were through. Just a mere coincidence.

  With nothing left to say, he turned and headed back down the path, not looking back.

  Resolving to clear his mind of both women, he made his way to the boarding station, searching for Tarek.

  Tarek found him first. “I was wondering if you were going to show. The transport is about to depart.”

  “I had some things to take care of.”

  A smirk crossed Tarek’s face. “I’m sure you did. So, how was the lovely Nika?”

  “I went to see my parents, asshole, and I had to tie up loose ends before I left.”

  “Again, how was Nika?”

  This was the trouble with having a best friend. Tarek knew way too much about him and loved making sure he knew it.

  Knowing he wouldn’t let it go, Ralen muttered, “She was fine. We said goodbye.”

  Tarek’s broke into laughter, thinking Ralen’s farewell to Nika was of the physical kind.

  Ralen chose to let him believe it and followed his buddy onto the ship.

  Later, after finding his quarters, Ralen was at a loss with what to do with himself. In the past, he would have familiarized himself with the upcoming mission.

  He scowled at the idea. No need for familiarizing this time. The human was fully committed to memory.

  Not wanting to sit in his room and fight with himself over what he wanted versus what he needed, Ralen left for the dining facility. Surely, someone would be there to take his mind off his conflict.

  An hour later, seated with others on their way to Earth, Ralen sat, largely uncommunicative. His plan to be distracted wasn’t working.

  “What’s on your mind, my friend?”

  Tarek sat down next to Ralen, looking much too happy. Why couldn’t he have been the one assigned to Jessie? The idea made his blood boil with jealousy, which was completely fucked because hadn’t he just wished for them to have an exchange in assignments?

  Ralen barely grunted in reply, hoping Tarek would get the hint he didn’t want to talk.

  His mind was consumed of getting to New York and seeing Jessie Lin in the flesh. He had come to the conclusion once this happened, his obsession would end as quickly as it began.

  Seemingly unconcerned with Ralen’s churlishness, Tarek kept up a steady stream of conversation until Ralen had no choice but to respond.

  “One of the other Guardians is getting everyone together for a poker game. I think we should join in.”

  Ralen knew Tarek was obsessed with the human card game and wouldn’t stop pestering him until he agreed to play.

  “Fine, let’s go. Let’s see how much of your Earth money I can win before we land.”

  The two continued toward the aforementioned game, and by the end of the night, Ralen had won several hands, improving his mood quite a bit.

  Not wanting to squander his winnings, he decided to quit while he was ahead.

  “I’m out,” he said over a midst of catcalls and laughter.

  Leaning over to Tarek, he glanced at his cards.

  “I’m done for the night, and from the looks of that hand, you should be too,” he muttered quietly.

  Tarek nodded and called out, “I fold.”

  As they walked away from the game, Tarek punched him in the shoulder, adding, “I’m glad to see you’re in a much better mood.”

  “There was nothing wrong with my mood before. I was simply thinking about our upcoming mission.”

  “Yes, I know exactly what you were thinking about.”

  Another one of Tarek’s cocky smirks appeared as he nudged Ralen’s shoulder with his own.

  “Why am I even friends with you?” Ralen asked in an aggrieved tone.

  “Ignoring the obvious will not make it go away, Ralen.”

  Tarek was suddenly serious, making him uncomfortable.

  “You’re reading way too much into a minor reaction, Tarek. I don’t wish to discuss it further.”

  Lowering his voice, Tarek reminded him. “You grabbed me when I mentioned her beauty. I also saw your reaction to her in Jakar’s office. I know you, Ralen, better than you know yourself. You won’t rest until you have her.”

  Tarek’s words struck much too close to home.

  Tiredly, he answered, “I don’t know what to do. I’ve fought against the idea of her all day. Just when I’ve relegated her to another mission, I remember her image and I’m right back to wanting to possess her.”

  To his credit, Tarek didn’t look shocked at his confession.

  Placing his hand on Ralen’s shoulder, he did what best friends always do. “Try not to worry so much about it. You may not want her once you meet her, and if you don’t, send the beautiful Jessie my way, I’ll take care of her.”

  Tarek quickly moved out of punching distance, while laughing, and left Ralen to a long night of tossing and turning.

  By the next morning, he was exhausted, having slept fitfully to dreams of he and Jessie in every sex position imaginable along with having to relieve himself three times, so his aching dick didn’t fall off due to overstimulation.

  Needless to say, his previous decision to leave her alone had been crushed in the dust, just like his career was going to be.

  He only hoped he would be able to pick up the pieces.


  Ralen took a moment to inspect his surroundings and suffice it to say he was not impressed. Jessie lived in an apartment near NYU, and the entire building appeared to have been overlooked by the management, or whomever was supposed to ensure necessary living conditions were upheld. There was peeling paint, lack of hot water, no safety features, and to his disgust, a variety of pests seemed to have taken up residence. Although it was well below his standards, Ralen took an apartment in the building one floor below Jessie to keep her close to him.

  He wasn’t thrilled with his living quarters, a fact reinforced by the sight of a cockroach, which scuttled quickly by his boot. Ralen scowled in response and then told himself he had slept in worse places on other missions.

  Putting his feelings toward his accommodations aside, Ralen gingerly settled himself on a human styled sofa, hoping the cockroach had no other family members living in the cushions. When none made their appearance, he breathed a sigh of relief and prepared for his meeting.

  Placing a white dot on his temple, he was able to enter a virtual reality setting. Closing his eyes, he waited momentarily, then opened them to find himself standing in Korum’s home in Lenkarda. To his right, Tarek stood beside him. He nodded to his comrade and then turned to the powerful Councilor for their instructions.

  Korum stood before the Guardians without speaking. His golden eyes studied them, and Ralen wondered if they would be found wanting. Holding his position, he studied the Councilor in return, never looking away. A hint of humor appeared in Korum’s eyes as he tracked Ralen’s actions. Finally, he began to speak.

  “Take a seat, please.”

  Once they all took their places on the 21st-century American furniture decorating the room, Korum noticed the men looking around his home in question. “Mia, my charl, is very important to me. I wanted her to feel comfortable, so I recreated my apartment in New York where she is used to being with me.”

  Both Ralen and Tarek acknowledged his words and Korum moved on to the main reason for the meeting. “After speaking with Commander Jakar, I’m aware he apprised you of the situation regarding Mia and the safety of her family and friend.”

  A hard look came over his face that would have chilled anyone, and the Guardians were not exempt.

  “Mia was recruited by the Resistance with false inform
ation. They played upon her fears and tried to have her eliminate me, but due to our intense connection, she was unable to do so. Because she let me live, the Resistance will see her as a traitor to their cause. I felt it was safer for us to move to Lenkarda rather than stay in New York.”

  Korum’s eyes softened as he continued. “Mia has a very gentle heart, and she is quite concerned about the safety of her family and Jessie, her best friend. I promised her they would be safe, which is where your assignments come in.”

  Now, back to business, Korum addressed Tarek first.

  “Tarek, as you’ve already been told, you will be protecting Mia’s family. I am entrusting their security to you. Be aware of any remaining Resistance fighters still at large; they may see her family as a way to get to me and Mia. Stay cognizant of the family’s surroundings and anyone who seems suspicious. Other than that, do not interfere in the family’s lifestyle and keep contact to a minimum. I would like a weekly report unless something occurs, then you are to contact me immediately.”

  The ruthlessness Korum was known for made its appearance.

  “If the Stalis family is in imminent danger, you have my permission to capture the criminals if possible.” Shrugging, he continued, “If you must kill them, then do so without causing a stir among the other humans.”

  Tarek nodded in response, following it with the words, “It will be done.”

  Korum waved his hand, dismissing Tarek leaving he and Ralen alone.

  “Ralen, I spoke with Tarek first ensuring we wouldn’t have an audience when discussing your assignment of protecting Jessie Lin.”

  Nodding in response, Ralen kept his features impassive, determined not to let his desires for the little human show. To do so would make him vulnerable to either friend or foe and he wasn’t entirely certain Korum didn’t fall into the latter category.

  “She’s a lovely woman, one both Krinar and human would find delectable.”

  The Councilor sounded bored. However, the steely undertone of his words communicated an unspoken warning.

  Warning bells rang in Ralen’s mind, yet he pushed it aside, keeping his attention on the mission at hand. Even if Korum suspected he wanted to take Jessie away and make her body his personal playground, all he had was supposition.

  Seemingly oblivious to Ralen’s internal conflict, he continued. “I’ve met Jessie on a few occasions, and let’s just say she does not approve of Mia’s and my relationship although lately, she seems to be softening a bit toward the idea. She does not completely trust us, and you will most likely receive some opposition to your presence.”

  Korum waited for Ralen to take in his words.

  When he was satisfied Ralen was aware of the weight of the situation, he continued.

  “I do not believe that Jessie is in danger or even that the Resistance would consider her a viable source of information. Still, Mia insists her friend must be protected. As I directed Tarek, do not interfere in her life unless she is in danger. If the Resistance does place her in their sights, do what you must to keep her safe. To keep Mia’s mind at ease, I would also like a weekly report from you. However, I’m aware you and Tarek are master Guardians and know what must be done to keep your charges safe.”

  Ralen felt his cheeks darken slightly at the rare compliment from the Councilor.

  “Mia will be here soon, so I will end the meeting at this juncture.”

  Korum’s eyes bore into him, making Ralen wonder if had mastered mind reading. “Should you develop an attraction for Jessie, you may act on it only if she reciprocates. Am I clear?”

  Attraction? His mind running wild, Ralen thought attraction was not an accurate description. He was beginning to feel like obsession was the only word worthy of his feelings. His previous idea that her humanity would be a detriment was a colossal joke. He wanted her. Who cares if she was human? It didn’t matter he hadn’t actually seen her in person and all these feelings were occurring from an image.

  Wanting to remain truthful to Korum, he hesitated in answering. “I will not interfere with her unless I feel she needs my guidance.”

  It was the closest he could get to not lying to one of the most powerful beings in the Krinar race.

  A slight smile crossed Korum’s face. “I will hold you to it. My Mia would be very angry if Jessie is coerced in any way.”

  Ralen didn’t answer. Coercion or not, Jessie would be his. By the time, Mia and Korum knew anything about them being together, there would be no issue with Jessie wanting him.

  Apparently done with the meeting, Korum waved at Ralen as well. Ralen closed his eyes, and upon opening them, he was sitting on the sofa in his disgusting apartment. The first thing Ralen planned to do was to get him and Jessie out of here and into better quarters.

  Ralen remembered Korum’s words about not forcing her. If the chemistry between them was as strong as Ralen’s response to only an image of Jessie, he knew he wouldn’t have to coerce her; he would have her begging him to take her.

  The idea had him palming the thickness in his pants. Rather than relieve himself, Ralen decided he would employ delayed gratification. As far as he was concerned, his only pleasure would be from Jessie Lin’s mouth or pussy.

  And if either of those actions were going to occur, he needed to find his prey and begin the hunt.


  While waiting for Jessie to arrive home, Ralen decided he would have a talk with the building superintendent.

  He found the man’s apartment and pounded angrily on the door, letting the occupant know of his displeasure.

  The door opened a crack, revealing a short bald man with beady eyes.

  “What the fuck…”

  Taking in Ralen’s appearance, the super’s demeanor changed, obviously afraid of the 6’4” K with flashing eyes

  Not giving the man a chance to talk, Ralen moved with inhuman speed, pushing the door open and grabbing the man by his shirt collar.

  “You are responsible for this building?”

  Ralen didn’t give him a chance to deny it; he knew he was.

  “I recently moved in on the 4th floor. My accommodations are less than acceptable. I want it cleaned, the locks fixed, and the entire space sprayed for pests. Is that clear, Mr. Castellano?”

  Looking alarmed at the K knowing his name, the super nodded quickly, his jowls flapping as he strove to convince Ralen of his agreement.

  “You will also do the same for Miss Jessie Lin on the 5th floor.”

  Hearing Jessie’s name, the super smirked lasciviously at Ralen’s order. “You must be her boy’s replacement, or maybe she’s keeping you both at the same time.

  Knowing Jessie was dating another man angered Ralen. What pissed him off even further was this bastard thinking he could speak of her in such a manner. Ralen wouldn’t stand for Jessie’s name to be tainted in any way. He decided to teach Mr. Castellano a lesson.

  “Castellano, you’ve no doubt heard that Krinar’s drink blood and have vampiric tendencies.”

  The super gulped and nodded in the affirmative.

  Ralen stared at the man’s neck as if it was his lifeline. “It’s been a while since I’ve fed. “

  Mr. Castellano began to stutter. “Of, of course, I will be happy to take care of Miss Lin’s apartment.”

  Trying to get rid of Ralen, the super opened the door as wide as he could. “I have a lot of work to do. I should get started right away.”

  “Ralen replied, “Yes, you do. Please begin with Miss Lin’s apartment first.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  Much happier, Ralen left the super’s apartment with an uncommonly beautiful grin on his face. Humans! It was amazing to him they really believed the Krinar people were vampires. Ralen wondered what the super would think if he knew K’s now only took their partner’s blood during sex causing mind-blowing orgasms to occur or if they were in a sex club. Ah well, the rumor came in handy when he needed it. With the building super believing he was a bloodthirsty vampire, Jessie’s ap
artment would be cleaned quicker than usual.

  Speaking of Jessie, it was time to introduce himself to the woman who captured him with only a picture and a smile.


  Ralen listened to a parade of repairmen make their way up to the 5th floor along with Jessie indignantly telling the super it was about time he brought the building up to code. Knowing they would be busy for some time, he took care of a couple of in particular; his clothing. He couldn’t go around wearing his uniform or Krinar clothes, and the few American items he brought with him would not last indefinitely.

  With no other options available, Ralen knew he had no choice but to make a very awkward phone call to Korum. Using his wrist computer to contact the Councilor, he hoped he wasn’t interrupting a private moment with his charl.

  The connection went through, and Korum asked quickly, “Is there any news of the Resistance trying to harm Mia’s family or Jessie?”

  Ralen felt heat climb up his neck and cheeks.

  “No, not at all. I apologize for bothering you, sir, but....”

  “What can I help you with?” Korum asked impatiently.

  “What type of clothes should I wear to fit in with the humans? My uniform draws attention, and many people still do not trust us.”

  Korum’s silence made Ralen want to disconnect and never contact him again. What the fuck was he thinking calling him for clothing advice?

  Just as Ralen was about to apologize and disconnect, Korum spoke with a hint of laughter in his voice.

  “Speak to Leeta. She is still in Manhattan and can help you with clothes. She will know what will work to attract Ms. Lin.”

  Ralen’s blood turned to ice. He had to think quickly. “I thought dressing in clothing she’s familiar with would make our limited contact easier for her.”

  In the background, Ralen heard Korum’s charl ask, “Is everything ok?”

  Korum quickly assured her, “Of course, my darling.”


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