KW- The Krinar's Obsession

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KW- The Krinar's Obsession Page 5

by Melody Dawn

  Seeing Jessie in Edgar’s embrace had sent a red haze over his vision. He had barely kept from losing control. Had he given in to his true self, he would have ripped Edgar’s throat out and carted Jessie off to fuck her until they couldn’t move.

  The only thing that stopped him from committing what Jessie would have viewed as murder was her sweet voice, shaking with anxiety. Somehow, she knew what Ralen was capable of, and for all intents and purposes, she stepped into harm’s way to diffuse the situation.

  When she introduced them, he knew it was expected of him to greet the interloper. Pulling the word, “hello,” from his throat felt like he had swallowed razor blades and was trying to speak around the damage.

  A bitter smile crossed Ralen’s face. The boy was scared of him and apparently had a brain since the device he left in Jessie’s apartment recorded him turning her down for sex.

  Had the fucker touched her, Ralen would have found him and killed him after he made him suffer.

  He had to get himself back in check. At the time the order from Jakar came through, Ralen had been listening to the recordings from Jessie’s date. He had placed a recording device in her apartment when he hugged her the first night he’d been in her apartment.

  The memory of how he had accomplished the task came back to him. Ralen had pulled her to him, reveling in their bodies touching for the first time while her citrus scent wafted around them.

  Pulling himself back to the present, he turned on the device and listened yet again to Jessie trying to get Edgar to have sex with her or as she called it, “taking their relationship to the next level.” Edgar had not been perceptive, and the date ended quickly with him saying he had to get home.

  Ralen had a feeling he might have been the cause for the human’s reticence. It seemed Edgar possessed some sense of self-preservation. If he knew what was good for him, he would stay away from Jessie Lin.

  Needing to hear Edgar deny her again to soothe his ravaged mind, Ralen played the recording back once more. This time he let it go further, and the last bit of noise was the slamming of her door.

  Where was she going? Ralen threw his shirt on and pulled on his boots, getting ready to run after her. Grabbing his keys, he yanked the door open to find Jessie standing there in a hot black dress and…fuzzy red slippers.

  Anger sparked in her dark eyes as she pushed him back into his apartment. Any other time and she wouldn’t have been able to move him, but Ralen was so taken back at her appearance, he was off his game.

  Slamming the door behind her, she jammed her finger into his chest.

  “You, asshole! How dare you try and ruin my date by threatening Edgar?”

  Ralen kept his face devoid of emotion.

  “Exactly how did I threaten him? I said, ‘hello.’”

  Jessie sputtered in reply. “You did a lot more than that. I saw how you glared him into submission!”

  This time Ralen couldn’t stop his grin from appearing.

  “I glared him into submission? And here, I thought I was friendly.”

  “Fuck you, Ralen!”

  His primitive urges threatened to take over again.

  Dragging her against him, he cupped her ass and lifted, lining their bodies up so she could feel his hardness. Burying his face in her neck, he breathed in, her usual scent of citrus calming him.

  Looking into her eyes, he commented, “That’s the first logical thing you’ve said all night.”

  Jessie’s pupils dilated with arousal, and he knew he had her. Ralen leaned down, intent on kissing her until he felt a hard shove in the center of his chest.


  The one word was uttered with conviction, and he knew it would not be wise to push her, just yet.

  “I. have. a. boyfriend, Ralen. You cannot kiss me or try to scare my boyfriend away. You are my protection although I highly doubt it’s needed. I mean, we can be friends or acquaintances, but that’s where the relationship stops. I am not yours.”

  “You’re so much more mine than his, Jessie Lin. Even he knows it…”

  Ralen stopped himself just in time. He was about to say Edgar turned her down because he knew Jessie belonged to him. Saying so would have clued her into the recording device hidden in her apartment.

  “You guys are freaking delusional. First, Korum sees Mia once and decides she’s his for the taking and now, here you are, trying to pull the same thing.”

  “Exactly.” He nodded his head firmly while confirming her suspicions.

  Rolling her eyes at him, she stabbed him in the chest once more. “Friends, Ralen. I’m serious!”

  Ralen grinned in response, making Jessie throw her hands in the air.

  “I’m going before you give me an aneurysm.”

  “Goodbye, Ralen. I’m sure you won’t be around much so see you when I see you.”

  Jessie stormed out, leaving Ralen grinning at her sassiness. This evening had turned out much better than he envisioned when he overheard the plan for her and Edgar’s date earlier in the day.

  Completely at peace with everything, Ralen sat about fixing a bowl of vegetable stew while looking over a list of K Centers where he could take Jessie.

  Hawaii was wonderful this time of year.


  Jessie woke the next morning, determined to get her and Edgar back on track. She needed to go over to NYU and hoped he would want to go along.

  Reaching for her phone, she tapped on Edgar’s contact information and listened to the phone ring. To her disappointment, the call went to voicemail.

  “Hi, sweetie. I’ve got to go to the NYU bookstore today. If you want to join me, give me a call or text. I’ll be leaving around eleven. Maybe we could stop and grab some lunch on the way there.”

  Thoughts from last night crept in, and she said softly, “Please call me, Edgar.”

  Ending the call, Jessie sighed, wondering if he would even call her back. Last night was so awkward between them, no thanks to the giant delusional alien who helped ruin it.

  Speaking of Ralen, she was thinking of going down the fire escape to keep him from following her.

  Jessie’s cell phone rang, interrupting her plan to elude Ralen, and she dove for it, hoping it was Edgar.

  Seeing his face on her screen, she answered it, the smile clear in her voice, “Hey, you! How are you this morning?”

  “I’m good. I was on the other line with Peter when you called.”

  Oh god, she could just imagine what they talked about. Probably something like, “Hey, dude, remember that crazy K who almost choked you out, well, I met one of his buddies last night at Jessie’s apartment.”

  “Oh, ok.”

  Jessie had no idea what to say, so she waited for him to continue.

  Edgar didn’t elaborate on the conversation with his friend.

  “I’m up for going to NYU with you. I also could eat, especially if it's at Italiano’s. Their vegetable lasagna is calling my name.”

  “I think we could do that. Do you want to eat first or go to the university?”

  Just like a guy, he quickly answered, “I vote we eat first.”

  “Ok, it’s a date. Whoever gets to Italiano’s first gets a table.”

  Edgar and Jessie talked a little while longer, the tension from last night no longer between them.

  Upon hanging up, Jessie gave an elated little cheer and ran to get ready. Knowing it was going to be a hot summer day, she threw on some shorts and a t-shirt along with a pair of Chucks, brushed her teeth, and threw her hair up into a messy bun.

  Deciding to forego makeup since she would only sweat it off, she did a simpler morning routine of moisturizer and lip gloss, finishing it off with the citrus body spray she loved so much.

  Checking out her appearance one more time, Jessie felt satisfied, but more than that, she was happy. Today she and Edgar would have a great time and last night would be forgotten. And if all went as well as expected, she would invite him to go home with her on her next trip to Utica.
  Butterflies flew around in Jessie’s stomach. Bringing a guy to meet her parents was a big step. Her parents were great, but very old-fashioned, one of the reasons she chose to come to NYU for college. She couldn’t imagine staying in Utica where she would have been expected to live at home.

  Pulling the door closed behind her, Jessie used her key to lock up. The deadbolt turned, then to her surprise, it flipped back over. Thinking she must have done something wrong, she tried again. Still, no luck; the lock wouldn’t stay in place.

  “What is wrong with this flipping thing? It worked last night.”

  After a few more tries, she glared at it thinking rude thoughts of the sweaty repairmen who did a crappy job of installing the new doorknob and lock kit.

  The building super finally decides to make repairs, which still baffled her as he never wanted to before, and when he does, the work is subpar.

  Hoping for the best, she gave it one more try, praying it would magically fix itself so she wouldn’t be late to meet Edgar. The last thing Jessie needed was for him to think she was blowing him off.

  As she was verbally abusing the lock as well as the super and his locksmith, steps sounded on the stairs behind her.

  Looking up, she saw Ralen coming up the steps. When he saw her on the landing, he headed her way, giving her a real smile. Not a smirk or a grin, but a smile so gorgeous, it hurt to look at him.

  Jessie smiled back without even realizing it until she saw Ralen’s eyes take on an ethereal glow. Wow! Death by alien smile. What a funny epitaph that would be on a headstone.

  “Having some trouble?”

  Ralen’s usual husky baritone seemed more profound this morning, pouring over her like smooth honey.

  Unbidden attraction settled into her body, making Jessie turn away quickly.

  Pointing at the door in frustration, she replied, “I can’t get it to lock. Every time I turn the key, it bounces right back. I don’t have time for this. I’ve got plans with Edgar I can’t break.”

  The air chilled as she spoke.

  “Let me see if I can fix it.”

  He spoke woodenly, his smile long gone.

  “I’ll take a look at it, so you can go.”

  Ugh! Guys and tension; it seemed to follow her everywhere she turned.

  Trying to get them back to where they were a few moments ago, she grinned. “Are you going to use your special Krinar powers?”

  Rather than answer her, he opened the door and stepped inside. Kneeling, he inspected the knob and Jessie watched as he gave it a hard twist.

  Stepping back out, Ralen shut the door and said in a hard voice. “Your lock was jammed.”

  Deciding to ignore his change in manner, Jessie reached for Ralen and quickly hugged him. “Thanks so much for fixing it for me.”

  Jessie felt his body relax against hers as he hugged her back, the hug lasting seconds longer than it should.

  He’s your friend, kind of. Stop hanging on him like a spider monkey.

  Dropping her arms, she stepped away. “Thanks again, Ralen, but I have to go. Uh, I’m meeting Edgar so…”

  Ralen nodded, seeming not to care, which confused Jessie. “See you later.”

  Waving carelessly at her, Ralen turned and went back down the way he came. Why was he coming up the stairs? Was it to see her? And why did she care?

  Ok, time to go. Edgar was waiting on her.

  Putting Ralen out of her mind, Jessie raced down the stairs, hoping she could make it in time for the next train.

  Walking into Italiano’s, Jessie looked around for Edgar, spotting him in the back corner when he waved her over.

  “Hi, Edgar!”

  Edgar stood when she reached the table and hugged her.

  “Hey, Jessie, you look great.”

  “Thanks, so do you.”

  “I got us a booth; I hope that’s ok.”

  Smiling widely, she replied, “Yeah, that’s great. Booths are so much more private than sitting out in the middle of everyone. I always feel like people are listening to my conversation.”

  “Well, you are an interesting person, so I can see why they would want to listen.”

  Jessie was thrilled he was flirting with her. The old Edgar was back, and she loved every minute of it.

  “So, are we getting the vegetable lasagna you were lusting over earlier?”

  “You know it.”

  Edgar and Jessie gave their order, then spent their time talking about anything and everything.

  Things were going so well, Jessie felt like it was a good time to bring up meeting her parents.

  Just as she was about to extend the invitation, the waitress dropped their food off, and they dug in, suspending conversation for the time being.

  “This stuff is so good. I’m glad it’s vegetarian, or I would look like a sumo wrestler from eating so much of it.”

  Jessie nodded in agreement. “Yeah, making vegetables our primary food is one of the good things we got from the K’s.”

  Edgar’s face darkened, making Jessie want to shove the words back into her mouth.

  Why did she bring up the Krinar?

  Her nerves took over, and she blurted out, “Edgar, I really like you a lot, and I want to introduce you to my parents. Now, you must understand, they’re very traditional, so we can’t stay in the same room. Actually, I don’t know if you would want to stay with me. Or if you even want me that way. Ok, you know what? Never mind, just forget I mentioned it.”

  Jessie dropped her head, thoroughly embarrassed.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  Unable to explain, she shrugged while still looking away.

  “Look at me, Jessie.”

  Edgar’s words were quiet but authoritative.

  She raised her eyes to his, and he smiled.

  “The answer is yes. I think it would be awesome to meet your parents. I don’t care if they’re traditional or if we can’t stay in the same room. There’ll be time for that later.”

  Realizing the implication of his words, Jessie’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “I, uh I mean I didn’t know because of last night, you…you turned me down.”

  A bright blush covered Edgar’s cheeks as he tried to explain. “I’m sorry about that, Jessie. The Krinar dude got under my skin when he glared at me like he wanted to kill me for hugging you. I kept remembering Peter being strangled for dancing with your friend.”

  Now, it was Jessie’s turn to blush. “I’m so sorry about Ralen. He’s protective of me, that’s all it is. We’re nothing like Mia and her K.”

  Jessie wanted to explain further about Ralen protecting her from the Resistance, only she wasn’t sure what was safe to reveal. Still, she knew she had to say something.”

  “He knows Mia, and when she found out he was coming to New York, she asked him to keep an eye on me.”

  Edgar looked askance at her explanation, but to her relief, didn’t pursue the subject further.

  Wanting to get past his suspicions about Ralen, Jessie made a big show looking at her phone.

  “It’s getting super late. We should get going before the NYU bookstore is overrun with summer students buying their books.”

  “I thought you were off for the summer.”

  “Yeah, I am, but I buy my books for the fall semester as soon as they’re available. I started buying them early a few semesters ago and not only is my textbook bill cut in half, now I always have my books. There were so many times I had to share with a friend or check out an old edition at the library and try to piece together the information I needed until more books became available.”

  “That’s a pretty cool idea, Jessie. Come on, let’s get you to the bookstore.”

  Edgar signed his credit card receipt and took Jessie by the hand.

  As they exited the restaurant, Edgar turned to the left, away from the direction of the subway.

  “Wait, Edgar, we’re going the wrong way.”

  “No, we’re not. I got us an Uber. The drive
r’s waiting over here.”

  Jessie’s heart swelled with affection. Unable to contain herself, she pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I think I’ll keep you around, after all, Edgar.”


  Ralen felt himself losing control of the situation with Jessie. Rather than listening to the recording device in her apartment, he gave in to his desire to see her. Had he done so, maybe there could have been time to stop her from meeting Edgar.

  He was being bested by a weak human male who wasn’t even trying to thwart him.

  Needing to hear Jessie’s plans one more time, he activated the recording device and heard her cheery voice leaving a message for Edgar, asking him to go to lunch and the university she attended.

  His jaw clenched to the point of pain as he listened to Edgar calling her back and accepting her invitation.

  Throwing caution to the wind, Ralen decided to track down the couple. The need to find Jessie clawed at him and he could feel his obsession with her growing.

  Racing to the roof where he had previously built a small pod, he repeated the process, and once it was complete, he climbed in.

  Not wanting to be spotted, he engaged the cloaking device, then programmed the coordinates for NYU.

  Speeding above the city, he arrived at the campus in minutes. Looking around for a place to land, he re-evaluated his plan and decided to land on top of a building near the school.

  Once he found a suitable location, he landed and climbed out.

  Knowing he couldn’t leave it there, Ralen used his fabricator to unbuild his small transport. When he was left standing by himself, he found the door on the rooftop and entered, hoping he could locate the elevator without any interference.

  Finding it quickly, he was in the lobby within seconds, then out the door with one objective in mind: flagging down a New York City cab.

  After a few waves, one stopped for him, and he climbed in.

  “I need to go to the NYC bookstore. Here’s the address.”

  The cabbie took the slip of paper, then started the meter and took off.


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