by Kitty Kelley
TV/DVDS/AUDIO/OTHER: “Remembering Ted Kennedy: Vicki Kennedy’s First TV Interview,” The Oprah Winfrey Show, Nov. 25, 2009; The Oprah Winfrey Show 20th Anniversary Collection (DVD set); “Return of the King,” The Boondocks (viewed at; “All American Tragedy,” The Oprah Winfrey Show, Nov. 3, 2006; “Oprah Fridays Live: Mike Tyson Returns, Plus Evander Holyfield,” The Oprah Winfrey Show, Oct. 16, 2009; “Truth in America,” The Oprah Winfrey Show, Oct. 12, 2006; “Oprah’s Town Hall with Bill O’Reilly,” The Oprah Winfrey Show, Oct. 27, 2006; Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Talk, Aspen Institute, Washington, D.C., Feb. 27, 2007; Oprah Winfrey call in to The Ed Lover Show, WWPR-FM, Nov. 4, 2008 (audio heard at; “Will Smith and Tina Fey,” The Oprah Winfrey Show, Nov. 6, 2008; Oprah speech, Columbia, S.C., Dec. 9, 2007.
INTERVIEWS: Correspondence with Mary Ann Gilbert, ProQuest, Sept. 14, 2009; Marianne Means, Feb. 9, 2007; Katharine Carr Esters, Aug. 1, 2007; Senator Robert Dole, May 23, 2008; correspondence with Eileen Wood, Sept. 19, 2009; Christopher Addison, Nov. 20, 2007; Trudie Munson, 2007; correspondence with Patrick Crowe, June 3, 2008; confidential source, Aug. 10, 2007; confidential source, Oct. 26, 2006; Vernon Winfrey, Apr. 24, 2008; Luvenia Harrison Butler, Apr. 24, 2008; confidential source, June 23, 2008; Alice Walker, Oct. 10, 2008.
ARTICLES: Alessandra Stanley, “The Fine Art of Quitting While She’s Ahead,” New York Times, Nov. 20, 2009; Gail Collins, “Putting the Fond in Farewell,” New York Times, Nov. 21, 2009; Joe Flint and Meg James, “Afternoons Without Oprah,” Los Angeles Times, Nov. 21, 2009; Julia Viatullo-Martin, “What Oprah’s Departure Means for the Windy City,” Wall Street Journal, Nov. 28, 2009; Nikki Finke, “The End of ‘Oprah’ as We Know Her,”, Nov. 5, 2009; Daniel Frankel, “Oprah’s Network Sets Yet Another Launch Date,”, Nov. 20, 2009; Nikki Finke, “Oprah Promises Cable Show ‘Smaller and Different,’ ”, Nov. 20, 2009; Rick Kogan, “City of 1000 Stars: Should Chicago Be Defined by Its Celebrities?” Chicago Tribune, Nov. 29, 2009; Phil Rosenthal, “Say It Ain’t So, O,” Chicago Tribune, Nov. 6, 2009; “Why Is She Ending the Show? Daley Blames the Media,” Chicago Sun-Times, Nov. 19, 2009; Patricia Shipp, “Oprah’s Booze and Drug Binges,” National Enquirer, Nov. 9, 2009; “Late Show Top Ten,”, Nov. 23, 2009; Bill Gorman, “ ‘Christmas Special at the White House: An Oprah Primetime Special’ Draws ABC’s 2nd-Biggest Audience in the Hour This Season,”, Dec. 14, 2009; Claire Atkinson, “Maria Grasso and Nina Wass Exit Cable Channel Before Launch,” Broadcasting and Cable, Aug. 25, 2009; Ken Auletta, “Why Oprah Needs Cable,”, Nov. 20, 2009; Pat Embry, “ ‘Oprah Winfrey’s Father’ Says Her Success Is No Surprise,” Nashville Banner, Jan. 20, 1986.
TV: “Oprah’s Fridays Live,” The Oprah Winfrey Show, aired Nov. 20, 2009; “Oprah’s Season 24 Kickoff Party,” The Oprah Winfrey Show, aired Sept. 10, 2009.
INTERVIEW: Confidential source, Jan. 2, 2008.
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