Love's Dangerous Territory

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Love's Dangerous Territory Page 18

by Love's Dangerous Territory [Whispers] (mobi)

  “Damn!” Wolf swore softly.

  The dark-haired man chuckled. “What's the matter, don't you want to hear the pitter patter of little Wolf paws?”

  No, Wolf thought. I sure don't, I hope Lando does. “She's just too injured to be having a baby,” Wolf muttered instead, seeming to be the doting boyfriend.

  “Well hell, buddy, just because you claim you're a wolf doesn't mean she'll whelp in just two months. Considering how tiny she is, she's looking at quite a few, I would imagine. I don't even remember you mentioning her before,” the dark-haired man said.

  Wolf knew he was again fishing for information. If Christy was indeed pregnant the baby could only be a month or so along, if that. Wolf considered the idea. It would have to mean Christy had gotten over her initial fear of Lando quickly. Although on reflection he surmised there were other greater factors involved. When you think you're about to die you seek comfort from the closest available person. Wolf had seen a dying woman climb into the arms of a man who had lethally shot her, seeking comfort from another so as not to die alone.

  “Wolf,” Christy said, stirring slightly. “I need a bed.”

  “It's all right, sweetheart, we're here. I'll find you a place to lie down,” Wolf told her.

  Wolf looked up at the huge chalet before them. It was beautiful. The entire structure was made from fitted logs interlocking and stained a soft honey color. There were beautiful bay windows on the first and second floor of the huge place. On the second story, two of the great logs on either side were carved into the heads of bears. A massive wraparound porch sported chairs and a huge barbecue. The view of the large lake was impressive. Very few other cottages dotted the distance. ‘No trespassing’ signs were posted everywhere, along with attack dog warnings.

  Christy was trying to hang back as the three men made their way to the chalet. Wolf's nudging was gentle, but persistent upon the small of her back. He would have liked to take Christy into his arms, feeling her need and sensing her absolute exhaustion, but he wanted at least one hand free.

  The moment of truth was upon them. They could very well be walking into a trap, although Wolf was doubtful about that. Luke, the dark-haired man, had casually mentioned a family man could always use more extended family. Someone to take care of the wolf den when he needed to hunt. As if Wolf would ever allow this merciless man to be left caring for anyone he loved. He certainly didn't want Christy to end up alone with him. She would most likely die of fright if he so much as scowled at her.

  Unfortunately, after that thought crossed his mind Christy slumped before him. Wolf grabbed her up before she could hit the ground.

  Damn! Now he didn't even have a hand free.

  “Fainting is definitely a sure sign of pregnancy,” Luke mentioned casually, then laughed when Wolf swore again.

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  Chapter Eighteen

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  Christy woke slowly; Wolf had thrown his jacket over her to help keep her warm, as she still remained in another woman's T-shirt. She was lying on a couch with Wolf perched protectively in front of her. He reached to help her sit up immediately and ran a hand kindly over her tired face, wanting to calm her. He didn't want her to become hysterical.

  There were six other men in the room with them. They were all well armed and exceedingly dangerous looking, and they were concentrating on her. Christy moved closer, obviously welcoming Wolf's embrace, and she hid against him. Wolf could feel her erratic heartbeat through the thin material of their clothing.

  “Wolf, I'm so exhausted. I feel so tired and dizzy.” Her small voice was unsteady.

  “Keep quiet, kitten, reserve your strength,” Wolf soothed. He hoped Christy heard the unveiled warning.

  “Perhaps she would be more comfortable in another room where she can rest quietly,” an older man suggested. He was tall with a good solid build for a man of forty-nine. His dark hair was thinning, but Wolf suspected he could still turn a few heads. Perhaps he could if his eyes did not now appear so soulless after the tragic death of his wife and teenage daughter.

  “I would prefer she remain close to me. But I appreciate the offer, Mr. Mahoney,” Wolf said with hesitancy, but also with respect.

  “You don't trust me or my boys?” Mr. Mahoney questioned casually. He sipped slowly from a glass containing whiskey. He was resting casually back against a large, overstuffed chair with his legs crossed, looking content.

  No, thought Wolf, not as far as I could throw a rabid bull elephant. “She's very skittish and shy. Luke has brought it to my attention she could be carrying as well,” Wolf offered in the way of an explanation. Playing his part, he smiled tenderly into Christy's face. He rubbed a gentle thumb across her quivering chin while she gazed wide-eyed around her.

  “We're all friends here, Wolf; call me Tony. If she's already skittish she may not like our conversation. We have a very urgent matter to discuss of a very delicate nature. It really isn't for someone who is not one of us to hear regardless,” Tony replied intensely. His eyes rested on Wolf. The ice in his glass clinked. He took a slow, steady sip, his eyes never leaving Wolf's.

  Wolf could see Tony was ready to press the issue. He was outnumbered. He had no choice, though the idea caused great frustration. Sighing, he looked at Christy. He could see she sensed his intent. She clung more tightly to him, her face buried against his chest, and he felt her shudder. Wolf rubbed her back in a soothing fashion and ran a soft hand over her tangled hair, feeling a great deal of pity for the frightened woman. She must be so terrified.

  “She needs to soak in a hot bath, Tony. I would be very appreciative if she could be given clean clothing and some hot chocolate. She seems to be able to tolerate crackers, but perhaps some dry toast or a banana?” Wolf said thoughtfully. He had emphasized the word ‘appreciative', hoping Tony might be swayed into believing perhaps they might have hope with him if his woman was well cared for.

  Nodding, Tony gave Wolf a calculating glance. Wolf could almost hear his thoughts. The man had been around a long time; he knew deception, even from one so skilled at it, and he knew also both Wolf and Christy were at his mercy. Tony never cared how loyalty was obtained as long as it was obtained. As long as Christy remained near him, Tony would have the hold he desired. Wolf suspected he was as good as Lando. He knew Tony was in the market for a replacement, perhaps a replacement who would be encouraged to remove his predecessor.

  Wolf did not have the same idiosyncrasies Lando possessed. Though Wolf had never once killed an innocent, he now had his own innocent to protect. He sensed Tony was intrigued.

  Wolf watched with apprehension, trying to maintain a calm demeanor, as Christy was led away.

  Christy lay back in the tub full of hot, soapy water. She resisted the urge to close her eyes, hearing Wolf's warning as she was led from the room, away from him. He had once more seemed the doting boyfriend as he told her not to fall asleep in the bath again, it was too dangerous. Though he had offered an endearing smile for the benefit of the other men, she could see the stern double meaning in his eyes. Christy shuddered softly; she was surrounded by maniacs!

  Lando, her mind screamed.

  I'm coming, sweetheart, she thought she heard in reply.

  Rising with a sigh and heavy heart half an hour later, Christy headed from the bath to the bedroom. She was surprised to find a long, spaghetti strap, satin, white nightgown draped across the bed and a tray covered over with a silver lid.

  Christy lovingly fingered the satin gown. It had been so long since she had worn real bed clothes. Glancing about, she noticed the clothes she had been wearing were gone. Christy sighed, realizing it was either the gown or the bath towel. She opted for the gown.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, she gingerly lifted the lid to the tray. She picked up and sniffed delicately at the single rose lying beside her plate. These people certainly move fast, she mused. There couldn't have been roses in the house before her arrival, at least not with
a whole houseful of men.

  Christy lathered a small amount of honey onto her buttered toast. She ate slowly, thinking about what Wolf had said. Could she be pregnant already? It was certainly a possibility. The only use Lando had for the condom had been to carry water. She had stopped taking birth control after her separation with Chad. She had felt at the time it would be a long while before she ever trusted a man to let him get that close.

  Perhaps a baby would explain the odd feelings and sudden distaste of things. Emotionally she was overwrought, yet she had been through and was still going through an ordeal. But the longer Christy pondered, the more convinced she became.

  Christy put down her toast and peeled the small banana. After taking a bite, she nibbled a cracker. It seemed every suggestion Wolf had made was honored. Even a steaming mug of hot chocolate had been provided.

  Christy once more returned the lid over the tray, keeping out the flower and her steaming mug. She sniffed delicately at the rose. She understood why Wolf had done what he did. She knew absolutely if these men knew she was Lando's she would no doubt be locked in a cold dark room with cockroaches, left to starve until they could use her to get to Lando.

  Christy also knew in her heart if Lando found out she was here, he would come. He would be killed. There were too many of them. She didn't even need to assume they were armed; they had kept their arsenal in plain view. The dark-haired man, Luke, looked like he could rip someone's head off with his bare hands.

  She shuddered at the image and her tummy protested. She ran a soft hand around her midriff, wondering. She hoped Lando would be happy if she were carrying his baby. Although not yet; he might be even more distressed knowing he needed to save two lives.

  Christy crawled under the silk sheets. There was nothing she could do against these men. She would just have to trust Wolf would honor his promise. Vaguely she wondered if she were pregnant would he charge Lando double. Again grateful she was wealthy, Christy closed her eyes. She was once more too tired to stay awake.

  Christy jumped, frightened, as the bed dipped behind her, awakening her immediately. A quick hand went over her mouth, cutting off her reflexive scream.

  “Careful, kitten. How would it look if you were to howl in terror of your lover?” Wolf cautioned in warning.

  Christy turned in his arms, distressed as she saw he only wore tight fitting boxers defining a well rounded, huge bulge. The rest of his powerfully built body still glistened from the shower he had just come from.

  Carefully, Wolf removed his hand from her mouth.

  “We can't sleep like this together,” Christy said hesitantly. What was he up to? Her hand lifted automatically to push at his hard chest.

  “We can and we will. Listen, kitten, I know for a fact they will be keeping a very close eye on the two of us. What would they think if they peeked in the door and saw me crashed on a chair?” Wolf reasoned. He easily stilled her hand.

  “They would think you were graciously letting your poor girlfriend get some much needed rest,” Christy countered.

  “Sorry, kitten, they know I'm not gracious. I'm overprotective, domineering, and demanding,” Wolf told her.

  “Which also seems to be a prerequisite of your profession. You're just like Lando,” Christy snapped.

  “I'm not just like Lando, and you're lucky I'm not another man here or you wouldn't be arguing, you would be moaning and thrashing, begging from underneath me,” Wolf replied as if in warning.

  Christy's eyes widened. Terrified, shrinking from him, she tried to pull from his grasp at the fearful insinuation. She felt a moment of surprise at his cruelty after what she had been through. She could see Wolf realized he had gone too far when his heated expression softened.

  “Relax, kitten, I'm so tired even a voluptuous, eager hooker wouldn't interest me right now. I promise to be a good boy. So roll over; I'm just going to drape my arm around you so it will look good,” Wolf said gently.

  Christy did as he commanded, but kept her eyes open, unable to sleep. It was not long before she heard Wolf's even breathing. Christy tried to relax and calm her own erratic heartbeat, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth. Very slowly, she calmed and became accepting of Wolf's close proximity as he kept quiet and unmoving, and non-threatening. Her eyes drooped from exhaustion.

  An ominous creek from across the bedroom had her gaze shifting. Christy's breath almost stopped as she caught sight of their door opening slightly. A large silhouette darkened their door. The light from the hallway settled over their apparently slumbering forms.

  Christy's body stiffened and she felt Wolf grip her to him more tightly, an almost inaudible shushing sound reached her ears. Quickly, Christy closed her eyes and steadied her breathing again. Only seconds passed before she couldn't help herself and, turning, reached for Wolf fearfully, pulling him tighter.

  Wolf tucked her securely into his side. His large body shifted, moving to cover over half of her. He trailed a lazy hand over her breast and kissed the hollow of her neck.

  “You were wonderful, kitten, but it's time to sleep now,” Wolf said suggestively, his throaty words deeply seductive.

  Christy felt herself blush crimson from head to toe at the insinuation. She thought she heard a small, guttural laugh as the door creaked closed once more.

  “Was that really necessary?” she snapped quietly, as she pushed his weight off herself.

  “No, but it was fun,” Wolf said, chuckling softly. He removed his hand from her breast and once more it was not long before she could hear his steady breathing.

  It took Christy a lot longer to fall asleep, but she eventually realized she was safe with Wolf. Worrying herself to death would not help Lando. Besides, she decided she preferred Wolf close by. Not necessarily this close, she thought, as she repositioned one of his roaming hands, but close nonetheless. She had an uneasy feeling he might expect her get a lot closer if they had to remain there for a while. Only time would tell.

  When Christy woke, she could see Wolf dressing. He had strolled into the room naked from the shower and he began donning his underwear. Christy turned away, blushing.

  “Shy little thing, aren't you?” Wolf said, then laughed.

  “You could have dressed in the bathroom,” Christy remarked, grumbling.

  “I've already seen you nude, I thought I'd return the favor,” Wolf casually mentioned. He cast an appreciative glance down the length of her with a predatory wink.

  Once again blushing, Christy remembered how, like Lando, he watched while she changed. He claimed Lando had demanded he keep a close eye on her, though Christy doubted this was what Lando had in mind.

  “Get washed up, we're expected for breakfast,” Wolf told her.

  “I would be too afraid. Besides, I haven't any clothes to wear. Please let me stay here in the room,” Christy whined up at him.

  Wolf tossed her a bundle of clothing, then sat beside her on the bed, only just having pulled up his pants and not bothering with the zipper. He gripped her chin in a hard clasp and narrowed his eyes at her.

  “You will do as I say. You will come downstairs with me and be the doting lover. You will smile shyly and prettily for all to see. Or I will be very angry with you. Do you understand?”

  Fearfully, Christy nodded. He was the only friend she had here. If he were to abandon her she would be killed. It occurred to Christy he could no doubt leave at any time. He could offer her over on a silver platter and pledge his loyalty, saving himself. Instead, he was keeping her safe at the risk of his own life. Christy bowed her head; it was sobering thought.

  “I will go get dressed,” she said, rising slowly.

  Wolf reached out and grabbed her wrist as she passed him. “I won't let them hurt you,” he promised sincerely.

  Her head still bowed, Christy nodded. “Thank you.”

  Christy entered the large dining room. The view of the lake from the room was spectacular. The beautiful polished oak table situated in the middle of the room coul
d easily seat twelve. She noted it appeared all seats but two were taken. Wolf guided her to the seat next to Tony, who sat at the head of the table. Christy smiled cautiously at him. Tony rose and grandly settled her into her chair. He then shook out her large white napkin and placed it in her lap.

  “Would you care for some juice?” Tony asked her politely.

  “Yes please,” Christy answered quietly. What she really wanted was to cower under the table and throw the napkin over her head. She could feel every set of eyes now focused on her.

  She reached for the tomato juice and, dismayed, pulled the glass closer with a visibly shaky hand. So shaky, in fact, Tony placed his hand over her own to steady her. After Christy had taken a sip, Tony placed her glass on the table.

  “Are you afraid?” Tony inquired.

  “She's just a little...” Wolf began quickly, but Tony lifted a hand to silence him.

  “Let her answer,” Tony said, and encouraged Christy to speak.

  She looked up at him, knowing instinctively he would hear a lie. “Yes, I am frightened. I have never been at a table surrounded by so many large and powerful men. Sometimes Wolf alone is very intimidating.”

  Tony nodded, looking about as though understanding her reasoning; she was, after all, small and defenseless compared to the brutes surrounding her.

  “Being surrounded by powerful men can also be a very safe thing. No one would dare break in here to harm you,” Tony reasoned. He placed a piece of lightly buttered toast on Christy's plate and offered her the choice of an array of spreads. Christy selected honey. She passed on the bacon, but tried the eggs Benedict. Slowly, she ate a few green seedless grapes. She could feel the tension surrounding them; never before had she known a group of men to be so reserved.


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