The One That Matters

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The One That Matters Page 10

by Elle Linder

  “Eh, maybe.” He shrugged.

  Marie snapped a photo of them sitting close and sent it to Ann.

  Marie: Now leave me alone!

  Ann: I love it. Now get humping!!!!!

  Marie giggled, and her face turned red. Parker looked at her, intrigued, and took the phone. With a steamy gaze, he pulled Marie into another passionate kiss. Against her lips, he said, “Whenever you’re ready.”

  She hummed as she pulled back, keeping her hand on his cheek. “Thank you for all of this.”

  “You matter to me. But, I’m also here to ask you a question.”


  “Do you have plans Saturday night?”

  “Hmm, nothing at this point. Jackson will be with Craig for the weekend if he doesn’t cancel. Why?”

  “My friend Dave, the guy I was at the club with, has four tickets for a show in Vegas and asked if we’d like to go.”

  She frowned at him.

  “What? Not your kinda thing?”

  “He asked if we would like to go? What does he know about me?”

  “Just that you’re an amazing woman. He knew I was interested in you the moment I saw you. And he’s my best friend. We talk. What do you say? Do you want to go?”

  “To Vegas? How would that work?” She tilted her head, pursing her lips.

  “How do you want it to work?”

  She raised her brows.

  “Well, we’ll fly out late in the afternoon and then have dinner before the show. We could stay there overnight or fly back after the show. Whatever you want.”

  She laughed. “There’s that ‘whatever you want.’ So, who is he bringing?”

  “Yeah, when he bought the tickets he was seeing a woman. But they ended it two months ago. He has no one to bring.”

  “Won’t that be awkward, him with us? I don’t even know him. There must be a friend or some other girl he can bring?”

  “No, there’s nobody. Do you want to bring one of your friends?”

  “Bring one of my friends? For Dave, or for me?”

  “For whomever. Dave is a liberal man; he wouldn’t mind being set up.”

  “Huh, you know I think Brooke would love to go. I’ll talk to her after work. And I think we should return Saturday. I shouldn’t be staying in Vegas overnight with you,” she said.

  “Okay, whatever you want.” And he kissed her, rousing her carnal side. Best lunch she’d ever had.

  Marie wasn’t surprised by Brooke’s enthusiastic response to Vegas. She squealed, clapped her hands, and about had a heart attack while on the phone with Marie, who laughed at Brooke’s excitement. Nobody made her giggle as much as Brooke. She was the most animated of the four friends, and her antics were adorable. Marie told her she’d call her back with the details after she spoke to Parker.

  After getting Jackson off to bed, Marie called Parker. It was crazy, calling a man. She had to laugh. Dating, double-date, blind dates, and Vegas were not terms she’s used or thought of in a long time. How her life had changed overnight…or so it felt. She couldn’t help but smile as she dialed Parker, eager to hear his velvety, crooner voice.

  “Hi, beautiful.” He answered the phone the same way every time she called. And each time, she melted. Now, whenever she went to bed, the memory of his voice filled her dreams with his essence.

  “Hi…So I talked to Brooke, and she’d love to go. Not that I’m surprised.”

  “That’s great. I’m looking forward to this weekend.”

  “Me too. What do I need to plan for?”

  “Well, I took a chance and chartered a plane. We’ll pick you and Brooke up at three Saturday afternoon and then we’ll have dinner at five before the show. Unless you want to do some gambling or sightseeing? Whatever you want,” he said.

  “Wow, a chartered plane…fancy. But why?”

  “So, we can leave Vegas when we’re ready and not when the airlines tell us.”

  “Oh, makes sense. I think what you have planned sounds fine.” The truth be told, it was more than fine. Marie was being swept off her feet by the charming and sexy Parker Nichols.

  “One more thing,” he paused.


  “I’d like you to spend the night. We’ll get in late, and I thought it might be nice to have more time together. Dave is staying with me through the fifth; he lives in San Francisco. We could make a weekend of it. Have brunch Sunday morning and whatever afterward. What time will Craig bring Jackson home? I can have you home before he returns.”

  Marie’s stomach knotted up. Spend the night?


  “Sorry, you want me to spend the night? Parker, I don’t know.”

  “Don’t worry. You can have your own room. I don’t have expectations, Marie. We can take this as slow or fast as you want. What…”

  “Whatever I want,” she finished his sentence. “Yes, I’m learning that.” She giggled. “How about this—I’ll pack a bag and Brooke will too. Then we’ll see what happens.”

  “Sounds perfect. I’ll let you go so you can call Brooke. Goodnight, beautiful.”

  “Goodnight, Parker.”

  After the call, Marie was on the phone with Brooke, giving her all the details for the weekend. As Marie expected, Brooke didn’t think twice about staying at Parker’s. They talked about what to wear for the show, and the whole call was filled with Brooke’s happy squeals and clapping until Marie said goodnight to her “Brookie.”

  Friday afternoon was busier than usual for Marie. Her morning was jam-packed with meetings, and it was the monthly work lunch. Through it all, thoughts about the weekend preoccupied her. All she kept thinking about was spending the night with Parker. Part of her wanted to be open to taking the next step with him. The way she felt Sunday night was out of this world. Even so, she was afraid of disappointing him with her body and sex. What did she know about sex? Craig had always taken the lead, which wasn’t saying much. As long as he got his, he didn’t give a damn about her. Then she remembered Ann saying, “You just need to get laid, or that man will show you a thing—or ten.” Thankfully it was just lunch, and she could fake her way through the meeting while lost in her thoughts. After she returned to her office, she checked her email. In her inbox was an email from Craig. Her stomach soured.

  Marie below is the summer schedule Sasha and I want with Jackson. Look it over and get back to me by the end of the day. I need to buy his plane ticket to Orlando. I’m making plans and don’t want to be waiting on you. Craig

  7/2-7/10 (WDW), 8/5-8/14 (new house), 8/19-8/28 (Hawaii wedding)

  Marie sat stunned. He wants Jackson for a whole week starting tomorrow? Tomorrow!

  Her heart raced, reading the email for the second time. WDW. New House. Wedding in Hawaii. It was so typical of Craig to be demanding and last minute. She shook her head. Walt Disney World and Hawaii… Her heart sank. She couldn’t even afford Disneyland. What a loser. And Craig, still the winner—the best, the top dog, taking Jackson on two fun trips. Do I agree?

  She called Ann at work.

  “Hey girl, to what do I owe the honor of this mid-afternoon call?”

  “Ann,” her voice cracked.

  “What happened?”

  “Check your email. I don’t know what to do. Do I agree or not? One day’s notice he gives me. He will give Jackson an amazing summer.” She sniffled.

  “That jackass! A dick to the end,” Ann spewed.

  “What do I do? I can’t say no; Jackson will miss out on the fun. Ann…”

  “I’m here babe. Listen, maybe the timing is perfect while you and Parker are developing your relationship. You could spend more time with him during the week while Jackson is with Craig,” Ann suggested.

  “I always do the fireworks with him on the Fourth of July. Parker’s friend Dave will be out until the fifth. Then he’ll be working. It doesn’t matter, I guess. I’ve gotten used to being alone, but now Lexi won’t even be home.” Two large tears rolled down Marie’s face onto the keyboard.r />
  “Oh honey, this is just part of the adjusting. Don’t let this bring you down. You’re going to Vegas with Parker Nichols tomorrow and spending the night with him. Make him give you what you need—oral sex and his big dick.”

  Marie gasped. “You’re unbelievable! Can’t you ever have a serious conversation with me? I think I’ll cancel Vegas. I’ll ruin the trip for everyone.”

  “Like hell you are! You’re not canceling the trip. You need this. You need Parker. Plus, it would crush Brooke. Do you want to crush your Brookie?”


  “That’s it. I’m coming over tomorrow to make sure you leave with Parker.”


  Marie replied to Craig’s email. All she could muster up was, “Okay.”

  She was off during her goodnight call with Parker and knew he sensed it after he asked her twice if everything was all right. But she didn’t want to talk about Craig’s email or his demands, or Jackson leaving tomorrow for a whole week. She tried to keep the call short, so she didn’t get emotional on the phone. Most of all, Marie didn’t want to burden Parker with her problems. Dealing with divorce and visitation issues wasn’t something she’d wish on her worst enemy, let alone Parker, who had been wonderful to her. It would be selfish and cruel to bring him into her messy life. The frustration and pain were often too difficult for her most times. She didn’t want that for Parker.

  In the morning, Marie was up at five o’clock. She had slept like shit, waking multiple times during the night. There was no way she could go back to sleep, no matter how tired she was. I need to run, she thought.

  She put on workout clothes, pulled her hair into a ponytail, and headed for the gym. Ten minutes into her run, Seth walked in.

  “Morning, neighbor. I hoped I’d see you here.”

  She nodded and concentrated on her run.

  “Everything all right?”

  “I need to run.”

  “Okay.” Seth shrugged and started his workout routine.

  Marie ran for forty-five minutes at a faster speed than what was normal for her, trying to make the pain disappear, which pushed her to run faster and faster and faster. Her heart pounded, and she felt her pulse beating in her head, ready to explode any second. As she slowed, her labored breathing weakened her ability to hold back the tears that fought to be released. Marie stepped off the treadmill. Her legs wobbled, then buckled, and she collapsed. Seth ran over as her tears broke free. He pulled her into his arms, and she cried right there on the gym floor. Seth didn’t say a word as she sobbed. The five minutes felt like a lifetime to Marie, but as she quieted the realization that Seth’s arms cradled her protectively made her pull back hard.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, trying to compose herself.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m glad I was here. What happened?”

  She shook her head no.

  “Talk, Marie. Let me help you. Is it your ex?”

  She knew she was in a vulnerable position and she hated it. But she needed to talk—she needed a friend. Someone who’d understand. She nodded, with a tear rolling down her face.

  They wound up at the same coffee house as before, and over a cup of coffee, Marie told Seth about Craig’s email. Just getting it off her chest helped. She shared a little more about his controlling nature and how Craig always tried to make her life miserable.

  “Marie, can I take you to dinner tonight?”

  “That’s sweet, but I can’t.”

  “Why not? Jackson won’t be home, and Lexi doesn’t live with you. I don’t see the problem.”

  “Wow, you paid attention.”

  “I’m an engineer. It’s my job to pay attention to details. So how about dinner?”

  “I can’t. I’m going to Vegas with friends later this afternoon.”

  “Oh, so you really can’t have dinner with me? I thought you were giving me the brush off.” He chuckled.

  Marie stared at him. It was easy to see that Seth liked her. And she liked him. He was a nice guy who had also had a difficult marriage, and like her, he tried to make it work for the kids. It wasn’t until his wife Erika had had an affair that Seth was done trying. It was a hard blow, and when he retold the story of finding his wife in their bed with her lover, Marie couldn’t help but feel deep compassion for him. A nervous twinge in her stomach told her to tread with caution so she didn’t hurt Seth.

  “Seth, I think you’re a nice guy,” she began.

  “Uh-oh, here it comes,” he teased.

  “I’m seeing someone, and I don’t want to lead you on.”

  He frowned. “You are? Is it serious?”

  “We’re just starting out. But…”

  “Then I have a chance,” he interrupted. Seth’s icy-blue eyes had hope in them. But, he didn’t stand a chance. Marie didn’t have the same feelings with him as she did with Parker.

  “Seth, I’ll be straight with you. He’s a terrific guy, and I think I want it to work out with him. I’m just nervous after my divorce.”

  “Hey, I understand. We’ll be friends. And if it doesn’t work out with the guy, I’d like a chance,” he said with a sweet sincerity that made her smile.

  “Friends would be great.”

  Ann arrived to help Marie pack and with Jackson. He never liked going with Craig for a whole week, and it killed Marie to force him to go. In classic Craig form, he was running late and wouldn’t be over until three. Marie was out-of-her-mind angry.

  “Dammit. Why does he do this? And Parker will be here at three. I knew I should’ve canceled Vegas.”

  “Stop it. It will be fine,” Ann assured her.

  “Ugh, I don’t want Parker meeting Craig yet. I don’t even know where things are going with him,” she said, exasperated.

  “Hon, just let life happen and let Parker be part of it.”

  Marie stared at Ann. In her mind, it was cruel to bring him into her mess. Why didn’t Ann see that?

  Her stomach twisted into knots while she waited for Parker to arrive. Brooke had come at two and in true form was bouncing off the walls with excitement and totally open to meeting Dave, whom she knew nothing about. Marie envied her and her free-spirited nature.

  The doorbell rang at three and Marie knew it was Parker. Craig was never punctual. She left the living room to answer the door.

  “Hi, beautiful.” He kissed her on the cheek. “This is Dave Sumner.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Dave. Please come in.”

  “Marie, it’s a pleasure.” Dave shook her hand.

  “Parker!!” Jackson came running down the stairs. “I’m so glad I got to see you before I left.”

  “Well, I would have seen you Sunday.”

  “No.” Jackson shook his head. But before he could explain, the door opened and Craig walked in.

  “Hey, Jackson.” Craig acted as if he owned the place. He stopped short, surprised to see two men in the entry. Marie’s heart jumped into her throat.

  “Dad. You’re here,” Jackson said.

  “Yeah, you ready? We’re gonna have a great time,” he said. “Marie, do you have his things ready?”

  “Yes,” she answered, as Ann appeared from the living room.

  “Craig, it’s been a long time,” Ann said.

  “Wow, a full house today, huh?” he said, looking at Marie.

  The hairs on her neck stood like quills on a porcupine. She shot a glance at Parker who looked irritated with a furrowed brow. She could see him sizing up Craig as any competitive man would. Craig was five foot ten, a trim one hundred eighty pounds, semi-muscular, with dark-brown cropped hair, haunting black eyes, and a mustache to make him look “macho.” There was one word everyone seemed to agree upon to describe Craig—douche.

  “Dad, meet Parker Nichols. He’s Professor Pierce on the show, Pierce,” Jackson said.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” Though it was a question, Craig didn’t wait for an answer, turning his attention back to Marie.

  Parker nodded but di
dn’t appear to like Craig. Marie couldn’t blame him. Nobody liked Craig, and most people thought he looked familiar. Like someone on America’s Most Wanted.

  “Are you ready, Jackson?” Craig said firmly.

  “Dad, isn’t it cool? Parker’s Mom’s boyfriend and my friend. All my friends are jealous of me because I’m friends with my favorite superhero.” Jackson grinned at Parker. Craig’s harden gaze bore into Marie’s.

  “Let’s get you on your way.” Marie abruptly handed Jackson his duffle. “Call me if you need anything.”

  “I will. Love you, Mom,” Jackson said, hugging Marie tight around the waist. Her eyes glossed over. Parker smiled at the warm embrace but frowned at Craig, who looked angry.

  “All right, get in the truck,” Craig said.

  “I’ll see you when I get back, Parker.” Jackson waved goodbye.

  “You betcha, buddy. Have a good time.” Parker waved in return.

  “Marie, I need to talk to you.” Craig grabbed her by the wrist and gave it a firm jerk to follow him outside. She tensed, seeing Parker’s eyes darken like he wanted to protect her, but Ann stopped him, shaking her head no.

  “You gonna let him treat her that way?” Marie heard Dave goad Parker, and his teasing appeared to work. Parker looked as if he wanted to pummel Craig.

  “No, I won’t let him treat her that way!” Parker pushed forward, following Marie and Craig, and she was sure hell was about to break loose. But relief washed over her when she heard Ann step in to stop him.

  “Parker, she’ll handle him. It’s no secret he’s a fucking asshole. But you can’t interfere,” Ann said in a commanding voice. “Stay put while I show Dave, the trouble-maker, to the living room.”

  “I’ll try,” he said, watching from the door like he was ready to act in a split second. Marie could see Parker with Craig facing her.

  “What the hell is going on here? Are they your posse? And how in the hell are you dating a celebrity?” His mocking and snarled lip she had experienced a million times. “He’s not really your boyfriend, is he?”


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