The One That Matters

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The One That Matters Page 19

by Elle Linder

  Marie wrapped her arms around her. “You’re the very best friend a girl can have.” Marie smiled at Parker, watching from the pool. The devilish look in his eyes and bare chest made her want to run upstairs with him for a repeat of their first time.

  “Well, shit. You just might make me tear up, seeing you so happy because you won the ‘I get to fuck’ lottery.”

  “See, I’m so happy, your filthy mouth doesn’t bother me. That F-word is growing on me.”

  Ann’s mouth gaped open, and the giggles followed.

  “What’s going on over here?” Parker came up behind her, snaking his hands around her waist. She leaned against him and looked up; she definitely had won the lottery.

  “Ann has offered to stay with Jackson tonight, so I can stay here…if you want?”

  “I want.” He kissed the side of her head. “Thanks, Ann. Name your price and it’s yours.”

  “It’s a gift.” She raised her glass of wine to him. “Nothing makes me happier than to see her grinning like a fool. So, don’t fuck it up,” she said sternly.

  “Okay…got it.”

  Nine o’clock rolled around, and Jackson had collapsed from a full day of fun in the sun. He kept saying he wasn’t tired, but as soon as he got in the car and buckled into his seat, he drifted off to dreamland.

  Marie and Parker waved goodbye and watched the car leave the estate. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her long and passionately under the stars. When they went inside he grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses, then he followed Marie up to his bedroom. They had some making up to do, not to mention the two weeks’ worth of lovemaking to catch up on.

  The peace and contentment Marie felt in Parker’s arms was perfect. As she lay on his chest, he stroked her back gently, and she never wanted to leave him.

  “Marie, we need to talk about what happened while I was in Budapest.”

  She had suspected he’d wanted to resolve their issues as soon as possible so they could move forward. It wasn’t a conversation she looked forward to. “Now, when we’re both happy?”

  “Baby, I want us to be happy forever, not just immediately after making love. What can I do to reassure you? I don’t want you insecure. I’m not going anywhere, and I don’t want anyone else, but you can’t shut me out like that, especially not when I’m in another country. It was torture. And then there was Seth.”

  “I’m sorry. You don’t have to worry about Seth. But I do have to protect myself. Craig was awful to me, and the very woman he left me for was once your girlfriend.” She shook in disgust in his arms.

  He held her tighter. “I know. And believe me, I’m not fond of Craig being with you either.”

  “It’s not even the same. You’re a million times better lover than him. But, Sasha, she’s a swimsuit model and twenty-nine.”

  “No, your body is amazing. I love it. Your breasts are larger than hers, and they fit perfectly in my mouth.” He groaned. “The way you come alive for me, nothing turns me on more and I never want to be apart from you.”


  He rolled her onto her back and stared into her eyes. “Really. Promise me you won’t shut me out again. If any problems arise, we’ll work through them together. Let’s make us official, you know, a committed relationship.”

  “Okay…I promise.” Parker looked at her with so much love, and it was at that moment Marie fully opened herself up to him. This was the happiest she had been in the last two years, and quite possibly in her entire adult life.

  Chapter 16

  Growing Stronger

  Following her reunion with Parker, Marie and Jackson spent most of their free time at Parker’s estate, lounging by the pool. At Parker’s suggestion, she invited Ricky, Jackson’s best friend, to join them a few times. It was a genius idea. Having Ricky with Jackson gave them free time to be together while the boys swam in the pool, watched movies, and played video games in Parker’s state-of-the-art movie room. They took the boys to Disneyland, San Diego Zoo, and the Santa Monica Pier. It was turning out to be the best summer for all of them.

  During their outings, Parker stayed incognito with a baseball cap and sunglasses. It bummed the boys that they didn’t get mobbed by fans or the paparazzi. They wanted their pictures floating around on all the social media outlets with celebrity Parker Nichols. But Marie loved having a typical day with Parker the man, not the actor. To please the boys, Parker took pictures with them to post on their Snapchat and Instagram. The two no-name kids suddenly became the “cool kids” among their peers, and of course, they were thrilled.

  One afternoon in August while the boys splashed around in the pool, Marie and Parker sat on the veranda discussing Jackson’s visitation schedule with Craig. The new school year started in a couple of weeks, and they wanted to head off an email from Craig demanding specific dates. After all, Marie had full custody, so she should be the one laying out the plan. With Parker’s support and encouragement, she felt for the first time she was in control. Just knowing someone had her back, like her family did for one another, wiped away her fear of Craig bullying her. The last couple of years Craig would dictate when he wanted Jackson, and she had given in to him every time. The scared, easily intimidated Marie was becoming stronger and more self-assured with Parker in her life, and he wasn’t going to let Craig control her anymore.

  Parker cleared his throat to get Marie’s attention. “I have something I want to discuss.”

  “You do?”

  “I do.” He took Marie’s hand and kissed it.

  She tilted her head toward him with a curious expression.

  “My parents are coming out for a visit in October. I’d like you and the kids to meet them.”

  “They know about me? And the kids?”

  “Of course, they do.” He laughed, kissing her hand again. “They know how much you matter to me—you and your kids.”

  She looked out at the pool. Jackson was having the time of his life. The constant smile on his face the past several weeks was the highlight of her day. In fact, she’d had a ridiculous grin on her face since Parker had returned from Budapest. Jackson was happy, and so was she.

  “Wow, I haven’t even told my parents about you.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged. “So much has happened since we met that I’ve kind of been afraid to mention you. My parents are old-fashioned Latinos. They were disappointed when I got pregnant with Lexi and again when Craig and I divorced. I guess I was waiting to be sure about us.”

  “Okay, but what about now? We’re in a committed relationship.” The tone in his voice was one of firm conviction when he said “committed relationship.” One thing about Parker she’d learned over the last two months was he could be steadfast and resolved when he’d made his mind up, and sometimes even unyielding, but always kind. And he never once tried to control her. Right now, if he said he was committed to her—to them—that meant he was all in. And so was she.

  “You’re right. The next time I talk to my mom, I’ll tell her. The fact that you can salsa dance will instantly win her over.” Marie gazed warmly into his eyes. “So, when in October are your parents coming?”

  “My parents are retired. They picked the month, and now you pick the day. Whatever works for you will work for them.”

  She gripped his face and stared at him. She wanted to tell him I love you, but instead, she said, “You’re the best.” She kissed him deeply until a trail of ‘ews’ echoed from the pool, making her giggle. “One day you’re going to like kissing,” she hollered over to the boys. They made gagging faces, and then went back to playing. “Okay, back to business. How does October 15th sound?”

  “I’m putting it on my calendar now. And what about Thanksgiving and Christmas? How do you usually do the holidays with Craig?”

  “I always have Jackson for Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday.”

  “Is that right? It’s my favorite too. The last few years I’ve hosted my parents, Dav
e, and a few random friends at my lake house in Idaho. I like having everyone around during the holiday to enjoy good food, drinks, laughter, and skiing. Does that sound like something you and the kids would like to do this year?”

  “YES!” Jackson yelled. “Can we Mom? Can we go to Parker’s Idaho house?”

  “Are you eavesdropping on us?” Marie teased. “I think it sounds like a lot of fun.”

  “Awesome! Can I grab two bottles of water for Ricky and me?”

  “Help yourself, buddy, whatever you guys want,” Parker answered.


  “I love seeing him happy.” Marie smiled, watching Jackson. Parker’s hand crept up her leg and into her shorts. “Mmm, I love when you touch me.” She leaned in for a kiss.

  “I love seeing you so happy. It does things to me,” he said against her lips. Just as their kiss started to deepen the ‘ews’ returned, so they stopped. “One day I’m going to do this to him when he’s kissing his girl.” Parker sighed with frustration, his telltale sign that he needed some alone time with her.

  “Aww, you’ll have me for a whole week in six days, handsome. Now, let’s talk Christmas.” She looked down at her calendar.

  “You know you’re teasing me?”

  She blew him a kiss.

  “Aren’t you cute.” Parker laughed out loud. “Okay, let’s talk Christmas. Whatever you want to do is fine with me. If you want to take a trip or stay home, it’s up to you.”

  “Really? There isn’t anything you want to do?”

  “Nope. I only want to be with you.”

  Again, she wanted to say I love you, but she held back. “Well, my parents usually fly out, and we do Christmas Eve, and then Jackson goes to Craig’s on Christmas Day.”

  “Okay, let’s do Christmas Eve here at my place.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. We can host as many people as you want. I’d love it if you and the kids stayed here. Even your parents or whoever else. You’re all welcome to stay.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. She was happy…and in love.

  With each passing day, Marie’s feelings deepened for Parker. Not only was her relationship with him strengthening, but so was her relationship with Jackson. A unity had developed between the three of them, and Jackson’s attachment to Parker became more than just idol worship. They were bonding. However, his attitude regarding Craig remained the same. He never wanted to go to his dad’s, and Marie would have to coax him into going every time. The second he returned, his attitude would change back, thrilled to see her and Parker. The three of them spent their evenings swimming, watching movies, and playing video games or board games together. They were feeling more and more like a family and Marie was utterly delighted.

  One afternoon Parker surprised them with a tour of the studio where Pierce was filming. Jackson was over-the-moon ecstatic. His little superhero fantasy had just come to life. He met several actors from the show, and Marie was introduced to everyone too. Most knew of her and treated her like family. Later that evening, Jackson posted pictures on Instagram with Parker and other actors with the taglines #professorpierce #bestdayever #meandparker #myheromyfriend

  The month of August was quickly becoming Marie’s favorite month. Her confidence was at an all-time high, along with her vitality and libido. Jackson was on cloud nine, and Parker was in love, though he hadn’t revealed it yet.

  But Marie’s spectacular month soured one day at work when she received an angry email from Craig. She could always count on him to stomp on her joy, and his timing was impeccable, just two days before Jackson was leaving with him to Hawaii. In a numb state, she stared at her computer screen after reading the email.

  Goddamn you Marie! What the fuck is going on with you and that celebrity SOB??? How dare you let him fill my son’s head with promises of ski trips to his lake house in Idaho and going to Budapest!! You’re trying to steal my son away from me by using his superhero against me!! This isn’t happening, Marie. I don’t want my son spending the night at your fucking boyfriend’s mansion and I sure as hell don’t want my son posting pics with him all over Snapchat and Instagram. Who the hell do you think you are?? You’re a nobody, that’s who you are! Parker Nichols is just using you for a piece of ass, a lousy piece at that!!!!! He’ll drop your tan ass as soon as the seasons change. You’re stupider than I thought if you think he takes you seriously. Stop this shit right now, or I’m taking you back to court and suing you for FULL custody, on the grounds of Parental Alienation and Parental Substitution—you pathetic slut.

  Marie read the email half a dozen times. Why did he hate her? Reaching for her cell phone, she paused; who did she call? She always called Ann for everything, but Parker was becoming everything to her. Not that either of them could do anything at the moment. But she needed support, someone she could trust, and she needed someone who would understand. The only person who would understand was Ann, so she called her at work.

  “What happened?” Ann answered in a knowing tone.

  “Check your email,” Marie replied in a quiet voice. She waited while Ann read it.

  “Son-of-a-bitch, don’t let anything he said scare you. Don’t shut down honey. You have support, you have me, and you have Parker. Have you showed him the email?”

  Marie didn’t say anything.

  “Marie… Marie, are you listening to me?”

  “He’ll sue me for custody if I don’t end it with Parker. Ann, I can’t lose Jackson. He’s all I have left. But Parker…” Her voice thickened with emotion.

  “Marie, don’t freak out. Call Parker right now and tell him what’s going on. Let him help you. He knows people. Big, important people. He’s a celebrity with a name in L.A. I’m sure he knows top-notch lawyers.”

  Marie sat silently again.

  “Marie… Marie?”

  “He said such awful things about me. It’s embarrassing. How can I let Parker read that, or anyone else?” She sniffled as the first tear rolled down her face.

  “Are you joking? Nobody would believe anything Craig says. He’s a moron, a liar, and a bully. Call Parker right now!”

  “He’s working. I don’t want to bother him,” Marie whispered. She felt so small and fragile.

  “He would want you to call him. This will all be okay. I promise.”

  “Okay…bye.” She hung the phone up, dazed, as she stared at the email, unable to move. “I can’t lose Jackson.”

  An hour had passed and Marie hadn’t moved. The email stared at her, still pulled up on her monitor. She had read it over and over again, burning the words into her memory. Her phone buzzed, and she hesitated, looking at it. Her gut told her it was Ann, but it could also be from one of the kids or, Parker. She looked and immediately was filled with dread. “Crap… Ann…”

  Ann: What did Parker say?

  Marie: I haven’t told him.

  Ann: Shit, I knew you wouldn’t. I’m calling him.

  Marie: DON’T!!! I’ll tell him.

  Ann: Then do it now. Or I will call him. And I want proof that you called him.

  Marie: You’re a bossy bitch!

  Ann: Yes.

  Marie took a deep breath. She didn’t have a clue how to tell Parker about the email, but she had promised not to shut him out. He mattered to her, and she loved him.

  Five minutes passed, and she hadn’t dialed his number. What was she afraid of? Did she really think he’d walk away from her, especially now that they were in a committed relationship? Maybe she needed to Google what a committed relationship was. Stop stalling, you big chicken!

  True to form, Marie tried to talk herself out of calling Parker. If she couldn’t call him when she needed him out of fear of, God knows what, then what was the point of being in a relationship with him? Sex? It was so much more than sex, and she knew it. She needed him…needed…him. She nervously pushed the call button and waited for him to answer. It rang—one-two-three…I’m going to voicemail…

bsp; “Hi, beautiful. Is everything okay?”

  “Parker, are you busy? Did I interrupt something important?”

  “Marie, you’re important. What’s going on?”

  “I did interrupt you, I’m so sorry. Just call me tonight.” She ended the call quickly, and he called right back.


  “Why did you hang up on me? I know you’re upset, what happened?”

  She blurted it out, “Craig is threatening to sue me for full custody of Jackson.”

  “What? Did he come to see you?”

  “No, he emailed me. I can’t lose Jackson. I just can’t.”

  “You won’t, I promise. Send me the email.”

  “No…I can’t,” she said, her voice trembling with fear.

  “Why not? I’ve got a friend who’s a lawyer.”

  “It’s awful. Embarrassing. I’m sitting here, stunned. I’m scared.”

  “I’m coming, baby.” The tenderness in his voice was what she needed to hear. She needed him.

  Parker was in her office within the hour. A fire raged inside him while he held a distressed Marie. It astonished him a person could be so ugly and hateful. Marie was a kind and compassionate woman, a fantastic mother and a sweet, friendly person. It didn’t make any sense. Why was Craig doing all this? What kind of man treats his ex-wife this way? It had to be about control. But then he was the one who cheated and left. However, that didn’t mean he wanted to give up his control over Marie. Parker had never hated anyone so much until now.

  Chapter 17

  Finding Peace

  Marie busied herself cleaning the house while she waited for Craig to pick up Jackson. The last two days had been hell. Her head overflowed with horrible thoughts of court battles—of Jackson moving in with Craig—of Parker leaving her because the custody battle was too much, and she would be alone…forever. At the same time as her mind filled with the worst-case scenarios, Parker had remained by her side. After she let him read the email, he was more than angry. He was irate, with a clearer picture of the way Craig had treated her while they were married and how he had continued after the divorce. The same day Marie received the email, Parker had called his lawyer friend and was assured Craig was only harassing her. The email was saved as evidence, should they need it. Of course, Marie wasn’t convinced, no matter how many times Parker tried to reassure her. She believed Craig had the power to take Jackson away from her.


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